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  1. J

    Menu Problems in LIS DVDs?

    Menu Problems in LIS DVDs I have the same problem and I raised it on one of the fitness forums, but nobody else seemed to have a problem, which made me feel really weird. It's nice to know it wasn't just me :) ! I don't really think it's worth returning, as once you know what's happening...
  2. J

    Total Body Trisets question

    I think there may be an error in the Trisets disc. Yesterday, I wanted to do the Upper Body Split. Now I workout first thing in the morning, before I am really awake, so it took me to halfway through the second Triset to realize that I was doing lunges and squats, which had to be part of the...
  3. J

    Just a suggestion....

    Just a suggestion I don't think you are alone in finding it tough to get through these workouts, but there was a good suggestion posted on another thread somewhere. If you're finding it tough going, simply slow down. Concentrate on good form in the move, not trying to keep up with Cathe and...
  4. J

    Help for the Burpee-challenged

    Vicki, I never saw a burpee until I got LIS - so that's my problem. Jamaicagirl, that sounds worth trying. Thanks, I'll certainly give it a shot.
  5. J

    Afraid of Slide & Glides

    Afraid of Slide and Glide I've had knee surgery, so I was really nervous when I started, but just go really slow with really small movements, and you'll soon get more confident. I don't think there is a problem as you can always put your heel down to stop. I'd probably also start by just one...
  6. J

    Help for the Burpee-challenged

    Ok, I admit I'm a wimp. I still do push-ups and planks on my knees. So burpees are next to impossible. Does anyone have any ideas for substitutions ? Or is everyone else so fit and athletic they don't have a problem here ?
  7. J

    Low Impact Challenge-Learning Curve?

    LIC Learning Curve When I was starting with Cathe's step routines, someone suggested doing them the first couple of times just on the floor so you don't have to worry about where the step is and falling off. It certainly helps you to get the actual choreography down, and then it's pretty easy...
  8. J

    quick reference card for new LIS series!!!

    LIS Quick Reference Card Anyone have this saved in Word or Pdf? I can't open a WinZip file on my computer? Fitnessforfun, send me a PM and I can send you a Word file. jad
  9. J

    Anyone in Canada still waiting?

    Anyone in Canada still waiting I'm on the West coast and my workouts are not here yet. The last time I ordered anything from Cathe it took two weeks, so I'm hoping Friday will be lucky :)
  10. J

    Intensity ratings for LIS

    I'm patiently waiting for my workouts to arrive, (they are currently stuck in the required purgatory, AKA Canadian customs), and enjoying all the comments from all you lucky guys. Does anyone want to have a go at rating the intensity of the new tapes ? It would help me in planning the order...
  11. J

    Updated Guides

    I've been looking for the same thing. Do you have a link to the Guides, Compendium, and Premix times that you mention. Even pre-2005 would be helpful to me. Many thanks.
  12. J


    I really enjoy doing different rotations, but although I have a large number of Cathe DVDs, there always seem to be some that I don't own. Is there anywhere I can find a list of substitutions ? When I used to do the Firm tapes, somewhere on their site there was a list of all the tapes...