Recent content by sunshinegirl

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    new jari love

    I have several of her DVD's but they just collect dust on the shelf.
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    I just started using a heart rate monitor and although I love being about to see the calories burned and the exact duration of my workouts, I'm a little confused on if I should be working in the fat burn zone or the fitness zone. Of course I would like to burn fat but I don't feel like I'm...
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    Cardio Suggestions

    Thank you so much for your replies! Once you start doing high intensity it's hard to go back down to basic step. I've been viewing clips of your suggested videos and now I just need to decide.....I want them all!! LOL
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    Oh's all about the music. I love the music in Imax 2 but don't really care for it in Imax 3......too instrumental. I find myself reaching for the videos that have the best music and the rest just sit on the shelf.
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    Cardio Suggestions

    Hello, I need some new cardio dvd's. I've been doing Imax 2 and 3 for awhile and now I find that all my other dvd's seem too easy....including Rythmic Step. Maybe it's that high intensity rush that I'm hooked on or the fact that they are not add on style, which I get bored with after I...
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    Thanks for the info. I think I need to get a second job to support my exercise equipment habit. Anyone need their windows washed or lawn mowed? :p
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    I was just wondering if anybody has one and if you think it's worth the money? I would love to know how many calories I burn in a day and at a given activity but don't want to spend that much. I can't seem to find a cheaper version without a chest strap, which I find very uncomfortable...
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    Lurker check-ins anyone?

    Hi All! I'm a lurker most of the time because I'm at work and just peek to see if anything new and exciting is going on. Honestly another reason I don't post much is because I have seen other people getting jumped on for posting a repeat question. It made me afraid to ask the wrong thing.
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    Imax 2 - finally!

    I LOVE it too! I have 3 also but I always go back to 2. The music is great and it really keeps you going. Not an easy workout but something I really enjoy doing.
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    ideal image of female beauty...

    Sorry to see a good post go bad LOL. I think the dancer in the picture is beautiful. I take tribal belly dance lessons and I think my full figured instructor is beautiful also. Watching her dance is mesmerizing. She made me realize that having hips can be beautiful. Of course I admire...
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    Tummy Tuck

    One of my friends just had one done yesterday and I'm so jealous. I want one but don't know how I would afford it plus I still have some weight to lose. My children were not kind to my tummy. One of my boys was a c-section so I would think that recovery would be something like that..maybe a...
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    Those darn traps

    Okay, so my shoulders and back are finally getting some great definition but unfortunately so are my traps :mad: How in the world do I avoid working them? When I look in the mirror and extend my arms out to the side they look huge...uggggg!! They are engaged in so many different exercises...
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    Raynaud's sufferers - any advice?

    It really is a drag. For me, it's both fingers and toes. When exercising I'll be sweating but still have no feeling in my toes. During a minor surgery I kept setting off the pulse ox monitor. They finally had to clip it on my ear, wrap towels around my head and blow warm air on me :confused...
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    Shoe help

    I need some shoe advice. I have the Ryka N-Gage studio shoes and they are probably the most comfortable shoes that I've ever owned. The problem is that after just 2 months, they are falling apart. The rubber on the bottom is coming off. I'm really disappointed because they are so...
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    Body Fat Monitor

    I have an older Tanita scale but I'm hoping it's not accurate because it's telling me that I'm 41% body fat! Could this be right? I'm 5'6", 178 pounds, size 12...if that helps. I've been working hard and have gained muscle especially in my shoulders, back, hamstrings, and quads. But could I...