Tummy Tuck

They have websites out there specifically for this sort of thing. I'm not telling you not to ask here cause by all means, feel free. Just saying that if you search the web I bet you should be able to find a plastic surgery site that not only offers factual info on the procedure but one that also has forums where people who've gone through it will be happy to help you.

I had a BA several years ago and found a site exactly like the above. It was a God send! :)
I agree with Fit Mommy.

I would talk with your surgeon. He/she should have a check list of what to expect, what supplements & medications to avoid prior to surgery.
You can find some information on plastic surgery forums, but your best source of information will come for your surgeon.

Everyone handles surgery different and heals at a different rate. It is really difficult to tell you exactly how long it will take for you to heal.
Some women bounce back quickly, and some experience complications that set them back.
A lot depends on what the surgeon has to do to achieve the results you desire. You will need to discuss your expectations with your surgeon.

Here is a link to a plastic surgery forum.
One of my friends just had one done yesterday and I'm so jealous. I want one but don't know how I would afford it plus I still have some weight to lose. My children were not kind to my tummy. One of my boys was a c-section so I would think that recovery would be something like that..maybe a bit worse. My friend got sick on the ride home and vomited and when she got out of the car, the side of her shirt was covered with blood (sorry, hope nobody is squeemish). Today she is having a hard time walking. She can't fully stand up straight and she is hurting pretty bad. She is thinking "why did I do this" right now but I'm sure in a few days she will feel much better.
Tummy Tuck Experience

I know everyone is different. I had mine in July and am so happy with the results. I had one drain, but did have to wear an EXTREMELY tight abdominal binder for 6 weeks...night and day, so that was very uncomfortable. The first two or three days is tough, just trying to get up and down...I was lucky enough to have my drainage tube out after one week...the tube is very awkward and you have to be careful not to pull it...ouch. I am petite and after three babies in five years...my stomach was just pitiful, I looked pregnant, even after six months....the muscles were completely separated. If you have a positive attitude, the recovery is much easier....
If I can answer anything else, please let me know!

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