Recent content by bayernbaby

  1. B

    Table "12" check-in :)

    Hello Ladies- Hi guys! Ok so I have totally been slacking it on the check-in. However, to make it up to you I am starting today's check-in all the way from beautiful (cloudy) Germany! lol :)To give a bit of an update...I have finished up the fall semester-thankfully-and just finished...
  2. B

    T-12 Check-in for November 1-3, 2007

    hello T-12 Long time no post i that sounds like a great plan.....i just wanted to say hello to everyone...with school and work and studying its been quite hard...but please know that i miss you all...HI MOM! lol....well i had my 22 birthday getting...
  3. B

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALESIA!! (bayernbaby)

    Thank you everyone starting with my mommy....i did have a wonderfull birthday...i know i have said this before but the cathe-gals are the best group of ladies supportive and loving...thank you:)
  4. B

    T-12 Tuesday

    Hello everyone~ Funny thing I went out of my way to tell you all my mommy said hello and that she still doesn't have connection in their house...and she beat me...go figure....Mommy i miss and love you! To everyone else i miss you all and have just been super busy even more so with the...
  5. B

    Table 12 - Thursday

    Hello everyone.... Lorrie...i am lost in a sea of school and work...but I though it important to check in with everyone and say hello...i didn't want anyone to think that I had forgotten them. My biggest concern as you all know right now is the fact that monday is now only really four...
  6. B

    Bayerngirl Please read

    i knew being dramatic would get you to anser you mom....
  7. B

    Bayerngirl Please read

    Mommy, I would really like to express how much you mean to me and how much I love you. You are my strengh, my teacher, and my bestfriend. Without you I would be nothing. I know sometimes we have our differences, but true friends and a strong family can with stand anything. Bitte sei...
  8. B

    bayerngirl and bayernbaby...

    allison... hey girls how are you...when do you guys start tapping...its so exciting and i wish you and tracey the best...both of you are amazing and I am so glad we got to meet you said I wish we lived closer because I know we'd be great friends...but you better keep in touch...
  9. B

    bayerngirl and bayernbaby...

    Hey kim.... I am so sorry I am just now responding but I have worked everyday since we got back...:( plus iv been working on my online course that has to be finished in two weeks...regular classes start in two weeks as well...I am so glad we met you on our two and half hour lay over on the...
  10. B

    T-12 Check In - Monday

    Hey everyone.... Gayle sounds like you had a blast last night...i swear you are so fully of energy...stay up late...get up work out...and then paint a go girl...I have a question where can I buy the edamame and roasted soy having the hardest time finding them here:(...
  11. B

    Cathe, just got back from Germany!

    Hello... I am sorry that all you did was experience Germany for its beer and sausage. In fact I am shocked that you spend 10 days there and that is all you my opinion it is a bit cliche. I too am from Germany born and raised...and I myself am a vegetarian which I started...
  12. B

    Table 12 Checkin 8/13/07

    Hello my fellow Table 12ers~ my mother and I finally made it home...shockingly we made it threw philly without one fight...however the day did not come to an end without the ghetto, a few crackheads, and really bad service at lunch. We definitly expierenced philly's finest...
  13. B

    I would just like to introduce myself

    Hello Debbie....htank you and I look forward to meeting you too. I have my last set of finals 2morrow....and may be taking a quick to week may mester after that...the roadtrip will be a nice break for me... Babyernbaby
  14. B

    I would just like to introduce myself

    lol Hey Robin....I am a Corporate Communications Major...with an aim towards PR! Bayernbaby
  15. B

    ~~Happy Birthday Bayerngirl
