T-12 Tuesday


Good morning ladies,

Sorry, I haven't checked in! I don't have internet yet! No, I am not settled in yet! We had my mom's funeral Friday! It will take me a while to get settled!! We had a lot of running around to do the last few day's! My car will not arrive until Oktober 30! That means lots of walking!

My workout for yesterday was Step Fit and today I did C & W!!

I will try to check in later! Miss you all! I talk to Alesia and Darieus every day, I miss my kids!

BELINDA!!!! We've missed you SOOOOOOOOOOO much. I hope that all is settling down for you, but don't worry about the car! Walking is a GREAT exercise, right? lol OH..........I hope you settle in SOON! I can't wait for you to join us regularly again!!!!!

Sorry to be so quick....I've got to get the kids going.

Up early...B&G standing glutes & abs premix. Headed out for a 3 mile run after the bus comes, then Stretch Max 2 or 3.

BBL sometime.

Belinda, you darling, your mother's funeral on top of all the stress of the move... I feel for you. It is soooo good to hear from you!! We've all been wondering how you have been.

Gayle, great workout!

One hour run this morning. Had to burn off the calories from all of yesterday's birthday-ing. It was worth it - but now it's done :+ :+ :+

Have a great day, everyone!

BELINDA SWEETIE!!! You made it safe and sound! Yay. The other things will fall into place I'm sure. Did you feel all of our energy soaring with you as you made the trip - you KNOW we were all with you. Walking is definitely a good thing - also makes you appreciate a car a bit more. I am so glad you get to talk to your kids everyday - I'm sure you miss them terribly. When will you see them next?

Good workouts today ladies. I did Cardio Kicks as I needed a bit of cardio in the midst of my functional fitness regroup week. (That and I loaned my TLT Susan Harris to DH's cousin and have yet to see it back! Will do the Tracie's again this week - but could have used that other DVD - now I remember why I began hyperventilating when she asked to barrow B&G. HA) Also tacked on some freestyling leg work.

Gayle and Cheryl - good job on your workouts. I prefer mornings because you do get them out of the way. Plus - my energy is zapped later in the day!

Heather - keep going!

Jean - hugs to you in this time of difficulty. Keep up your strength.

Pennie - good luck at work today and tomorrow. Hey - can I get my ACE certification vicariously through you!? I wish!

Amy - come on GF - want the skinny on that day shift!

Alesia - pop in when you can. Hope school is going well.


BELINDA!!!!! I am so glad that you were able to let us know that you got there safely. I am very sorry to hear about your mother!!! Hugs to you lady!!!

Okay, here's the final tally on the V-Diet

Weight- down 11.5 lbs!!!
Measurement- down 9.75 inches!!!

Yes, I would do it again in the future if I need another kick in the pants!!! Oh, Lorrie, yes I did purchase the package deal and I found that it was an integral part because of the quality of the protein/casein combination. I already had the fat-burner and the fish oil tablets that this company sells. I find that they are super high quality for the price.

I did get a lot of funny looks because most people knew I was night shift, but couldn't figure out why I was there during the day!!! One girl even asked me if I were ready to switch to day shift. I said, "Sure, I'll be happy to......right after I cut off my right arm!!!" It was such a "dog and pony" show with trying to keep up with all the extraneous people involved with ICU patient care.....physical therapy, speech therapy, palliative care, dietician, yada, yada, yada.....!!! Not to mention the 59 doctors that see each patient and run away with my charts!!! OY!!!(to quote Cheryl!) It's not something that I would do on a regular basis, but for a switch, it wasn't bad. Heck, they were so desperate for help that my manager even agreed to pay me my shift differential for night shift despite
working the day!!!! Can't beat that!

Off to the grocery store!!!:7
Hello everyone~

Funny thing I went out of my way to tell you all my mommy said hello and that she still doesn't have connection in their house...and she beat me...go figure....Mommy i miss and love you!

To everyone else i miss you all and have just been super busy even more so with the "move." But all is well no worries...im going to try and make it a point to check in more often.

I am extremely soar from doing butts and gutts! always a clasic...lol :) i love it...have a great day everyone
Thanks guys!:) You guys are the best!

Alesia and Darieus are coming to Germany on Christmas:D
Aleisa I love and miss you both !!!! Call me!!

HI BELINDA!!!!! I was so excited to see you had posted this morning as I was headed out the door! I have been thinking about you everyday and wondering how things were going. I hope you get settled in soon, especially your internet! Yes, all that walking is sooo good for you. How wonderful that you are back to working out everyday too! I'm glad you get to talk to the kids every day. I know you miss them and are counting the days until Christmas! We miss you and can't wait until you are checking in daily!

Great workouts everyone - I still need to get mine done and time is running short!

Alesia, hi honey! Thanks for taking the time to check-in, you know we love hearing from you. I was going to send out an SOS on your mom if we hadn't heard from you by today LOL!

Amy, oh my gosh - GREAT RESULTS! I am so proud of you! Did you have fun at the grocery store today? Oh, and glad you survived your day shift!

Hugs and love to you all, Pennie

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