The dvd player I have that will program "across the board" (meaning it is
a 5 disc player that you can access the player's menu and pick disc, title, &
chapter) is a Sony NC-615 which is an older player and I don't think it is
sold any longer unless you can find it on Amazon, Ebay, etc.... I was lucky
(and smart) enough to obtain three of them several years ago and they
still work okay....I just love to program !!!

Anyway, once in a while
I will obtain a dvd that has chapters but the player won't allow me to
program them. I think maybe I have a total of 4 or 5 in all that doesn't
program--even tho' the chapters are there. All of my Cathe's do work
(and I think I have all the dvds) except the 4 day split dvds. Like I said
before, there are two workouts on each disc and one of them on each of
the discs will program thru my player and the other workout on each of
the discs will not....So, I'm not sure what the problem was....I was
hesitant to get STS after that...but like I said they program beautifully...
so maybe the "layering" aspect has something to do with it. Anyway, I
love STS, looking forward to STS cardio (please have a low impact
modifier) and waiting "impatiently" for the tower....