cardio coach 5,6 & press play


Hi everyone,

I have cc 7 and 8 and love them both... I use a treadmill. I would like to get another, for sure the new one when it comes but in the meantime #5 looks pretty good and I haven't heard anyone comment on what do you all think. Also can someone tell me a little more about press play?

What about one seems to love them as much...I like them, have #13, #19 looking for more (like challenging).

Any help is much appreciated,
Oh my god, I LOVE iTreads! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them! I actually prefer them much more over CC. :eek: Don't tell Michele....

I have tons of iTreads. My favorites are the 40 minute ones since that's about the maximum amount of time I can deal with the treadmill. ;)

My favorites are:

27 (Drills)-35 minutes--I just did this one tonight! :D I *heart* this one!
17-40 minutes
18-40 minutes
9-60 minutes
6-20 minutes
9-40 minutes
15-40 minutes
32 Flat and Fast-40 minutes
23-40 minutes

I actually also have a really wonderful word document of iTread breakdowns that Kathy G emailed me. If you'd like it, just let me know and I can email it to you. It's helped me choose which ones I think I'd like before I buy them. I know Tneah also likes iTreads. She's done the iTri and Tag Team ones and likes them but I haven't bought those since I don't have any other cardio machines except a treadmill.

When I used to go to a gym I would use the elliptical and I have a bunch of iClimbs for that. Those are great too. But, alas, I only have a treadmill at my house so the iClimbs haven't been used in a while. :(

Give the iTreads a shot. I LOVE them!!
I need to give itrain a try!

CC Press Play is one of my all time favorites! It is a little over 1 hour long, has 5 challenges taken from all the other volumes. The workout and motivational messages fill me with the most uplifting feelings. I always feel so empowered after that workout. It's a must have IMO.

5 would be my second favorite.

Honestly, I couldn't live without any of the volumes. My personal picks are 1(great for a short workout),5,8 and Press Play:)
CC 5 and 6 are beyond excellent, you won't go wrong with those two. I don't have Press Play, that's one I'd like to get also.
I LOVE both 5 and 6! You need both of them -- I'm not kidding. I prefer CC to iTrain but don't tell Allie! :p :D

His prices are so low right now you might as well buy 3 to get the quantity discount. I think the price drops to $6.95 apiece if you buy 3 or more downloads. He's practically giving them away!!
I LOVE both 5 and 6! You need both of them -- I'm not kidding. I prefer CC to iTrain but don't tell Allie! :p :D

His prices are so low right now you might as well buy 3 to get the quantity discount. I think the price drops to $6.95 apiece if you buy 3 or more downloads. He's practically giving them away!!

Sheesh, that's right! Omg, you then HAVE to get CC V1 Revised!
I LOVE both 5 and 6! You need both of them -- I'm not kidding. I prefer CC to iTrain but don't tell Allie! :p :D

I think it is too late, Michele, she already knows :p

I LOVE 5 but 6 is my least favorite, it's not that I don't like it, but somehow it's not the one that I gravitate to the most, but all the CCs are great!

I also LOVE 3, it's 45 minutes and if I want a longer workout I just do challenge 2 twice.

I don't like itreads, Grace is not my cup of tea <shrugs shoulders>.

I still have to do PP, I kind of fell of the exercise bandwaggon last week but I will be up and running again tomorrow :cool: Sorry Michele, that's why I didn't post on the CC forum, I was a little embarrassed :eek:
I think it is too late, Michele, she already knows :p

I LOVE 5 but 6 is my least favorite, it's not that I don't like it, but somehow it's not the one that I gravitate to the most, but all the CCs are great!

I also LOVE 3, it's 45 minutes and if I want a longer workout I just do challenge 2 twice.

I don't like itreads, Grace is not my cup of tea <shrugs shoulders>.

I still have to do PP, I kind of fell of the exercise bandwaggon last week but I will be up and running again tomorrow :cool: Sorry Michele, that's why I didn't post on the CC forum, I was a little embarrassed :eek:
Oh Carola!!!! You denied us your sweet self just because you fell off the exercise bandwagon!? OMG, if that's the criteria for posting then somebody better cut my post count down to about 1000! :p :D You need to come play with us PERIOD! We all missed you ;)

I LOVE 5, and 3 was my very favorite for awhile. I recently fell in love with 6. There's something in Sean's voice that draws me to it. He's really pumped up in that one!
Sorry Michele, I won't do it again. I promise!!!

And before I forget 4 is also one of my favorites, especially when I need a little motivation which is why I should be doing it tomorrow.

I hope my motivation that Catherine held hostage last week will be delivered with overnight express mail :D
Hi Allison - I have never understood iTrains. Of course, I didn't really understand CC until I tried it. I have gone to their site and listened to a few, and maybe I should just try some. My main problem is that there are so darned man to choose from. Would you mind sending me that document if you think it would help me at all?? Thanks! If you email me through here, I'll email you back if need be so you can attach it. I don't care if people here have my email address, but since we were invaded a few weeks ago, I don't want to just put it out there for those strangers!:rolleyes:
Did you miss it when those weirdos started posting on here? They registered, made up names, and posted a few times on the open discussion forum. Somebody selling some sort of funky Chinese engineered meat, or something like that, and somebody else selling some service that takes your genes and develops a program that helps you lose weight, or again, something like that. They broke through into our little world here, our safe, little world...:eek:
Boy, you are scaring me. How did you know that that was my question Shana? Are you a mind reader? :D

Yeah, now I remember those guys. Must be that I wanted to forget that stuff. Yuck!!!
Last edited:
That is sooooo weird. I got the email that someone had responded, and it said the following (below). I didn't realize it wasn't there in the thread until I got the response you just posted. I'm good, but not that good ;)
Here is what it said -
Dear meowracer,

hiitdogs has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - cardio coach 5,6 & press play - in the Open Discussion forum of The Cathe Nation.

This thread is located at:

Here is the message that has just been posted:
We were invaded:eek: ???? By who???

There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.

All the best,
The Cathe Nation
Weeeeee oooooooooo, coming to you from outer space...and inside your head...step right up, ladies and gents, and I will read your mind!:eek:
Hi Allison - I have never understood iTrains. Of course, I didn't really understand CC until I tried it. I have gone to their site and listened to a few, and maybe I should just try some. My main problem is that there are so darned man to choose from. Would you mind sending me that document if you think it would help me at all?? Thanks! If you email me through here, I'll email you back if need be so you can attach it. I don't care if people here have my email address, but since we were invaded a few weeks ago, I don't want to just put it out there for those strangers!:rolleyes:

Shana, I like the iTreads, even though once Grace shocked me with a YEOW. The iTreads really help push me and increase my distance. I have a word doc that has the ones I've purchased and I like them all. If you want it I can PM you, let me know.
Shana and Lulubell--
I emailed you both the word document of iTread breakdowns that you asked for. Did you guys get it? :)
Shana, I like the iTreads, even though once Grace shocked me with a YEOW.

HAHA! Yeah, Grace doesn't have the sexy smooth voice that Coach Sean has, that's for sure. ;) She says some of the craziest stuff! (And her voice can be a little nasely--is that a word??--at times). But I just adore her.

I think one of the reasons I prefer iTrains over CC is because Grace talks a little more than Sean does throughout the workout. I tend to get a little *brace yourself*....bored during CC's. :eek: That's just me though. Oh, and I've said it before that I just prefer how Grace gives numbers as guidelines. I suck at going by perceived exertion alone. :confused:

It all depends on the person. Some people only like CC, some only like iTrains, and some love both. To each her own! :)

There's no denying, though, how awesome CCPP is. The music, message and workout in general is/are incredibly inspiring, uplifting and emotional.

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