Search results

  1. L

    Favorite Movie Star

    Lately, I've been loving Leonardo DiCaprio. Not only is he handsome, but he's really grown into a mature, excellent actor. Liz
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    Moves you're glad no one else sees you doing!

    The sumo squat move in Imax 2 and Bootcamp. When I get my arms moving and Cathe starts her grunting, I'm always so glad that no one is watching me. Liz
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    No sweets check-in - week of January 1st

    I'm also trying the whole "clean eating" thing. After a few weeks of getting started, however, I always go back to my old ways. I'm determined this time! Liz
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    Christmas Cookies

    Do anyone have a "healthy" Christmas cookied recipe? I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas cookies but I don't want to go totally hog wild this Christmas. Any healthy, yummy options out there? Thanks! Liz
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    Where did everyone go to college?

    Hi all, I don't know if this question has been asked before, but I was wondering where people went to college. I'm a highschool senior and I'm going through the dread "application process." So what are your alma maters? Thanks! Liz
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    Remembering the victims of 9/11

    I just wanted to take a moment to remember those who died 5 years ago today. May God be with them and their families. Also, God Bless our troops who are fighting everday for our country's freedom. I hope you will all take a moment to reflect on the anniversary of September 11th, 2001. God...
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    Where does everyone live???

    I'm here from South Bend, Indiana...Go Irish! Liz
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    Where does everyone live???

    I'm here from South Bend, Indiana...Go Irish! Liz
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    Jeans for fall!

    I really can't say enough about Gap jeans. I love love love their Curvy line. When you find jeans that fit, let me know! Liz
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    Hello! I don't know about good movies, but if you want to be totally grossed out for 90 minutes, then you should check out Snakes on a Plane. I just saw that yesterday and boy was it nasty!! I really don't know what else is out. If you see something worthwhile, let me know! Liz
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    Okay, I finally added a couple fitness pics...

    I agree with Beavs, you do look great. You hard work is paying off. Liz P.S. Your daughter is adorable. I really love the pic of her doing Lomax. Too cute!
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    Well, here's my 10 month post pregnancy pics

    Wendy, YOU LOOK INCREDIBLE!!! Wow, you really had a baby ten months ago? Good for you! Keep up the good work and enjoy P90X! Liz
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    Body Max 2

    Can't Wait!!!!!!!!! Its gonna be one KILLER workout!!! Liz
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    KPC for the first time!

    Good for you, Erin! KPC is one of my favorite workouts and it continues to kick my butt every time I do it. Enjoy! Liz
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    What Cathe workout makes you sweat the most?

    Body Max, MIC, Hardcore Extremes, HSTA Liz
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    Thanks so much for your help, Robyn! Does P90x have an eating plan?
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    Hi all! Can someone please give me the lowdown on P90X? I know its a 90 day plan, but what exactly is involved? Does it really work? What is the eating plan like? How much money are we talking? Sorry for so many questions, but this may be exactly what I need to loose some weight! Thanks so...
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    The foiled terrorist attack...

    I am so shaken by the terrorist attack that was broken up by British police. Can you imagince what would have happened if the terrorists had been able to precede with their plan? I pray everday that a tragedy like September 11th will never happen again but the scary thing is that we never know...
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    Listen to Your Body Check-in/Week 8-7-06

    RE: Listen to Your Body Check-in Heather and Caroline, Thanks so much for the links. I'll definitely look into buying that CD. I am so happy to talk to people who are similiar to me. I'm very excited to have this check in and the support of both of you. Thanks so much. Talk to you soon. Liz
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    Any Golfers?

    Its great to see that there are other woemn who share my passion for golf. Its such a relaxing sport. I love getting out to walk and take some time to myself.