Moves you're glad no one else sees you doing!

My husband always gives me a funny look if he sees me doing a bow and arrow. He thinks it looks kind of goofy, and I think I agree. Whenever a new video arrives, he says to me, "does that one have that bow and arrow thing in it?"
Kathryn - AWESOME topic!

My two that I think I would hate for people to see me doing - tuck jumps (for some reason I am scared it will hurt my knees) and the Pump Repeater ... it just looks so weird!!
There are too many to name! I can be a bit spazy.

I don't remember what move it was, but a while ago I decided to try an 8" step for a workout (I'm a 6" gal, myself!), and, within minutes I had tripped over the step, and, while trying to correct myself hit the darn thing hard with my foot. All of a sudden I hear my huband from downstairs yell up,very concerned, "Is everything alright up there, honey!" That was kind of embarrassing, because, for some reason, I didn't think he'd hear me, even though I'm sure it sounded like an elephant!!!
Mine would be the football run and straddle around the step in drill max. For some reason it is my favorite though!:)
Hey Christine-

LOL!!! I'm only 5'3" so I'm alot closer to the ground than you are but my squat thrusts look more like "squat--what the hell are you doing nows?"

My dog and cat usually watch me workout and the dog looks at me like "I love you even though you are completely insane." The cat looks at me like "If you weren't feeding me, I would soooooo not put up with this."

My husband just shakes his head and says "well, at least it get results."
>My dog and cat usually watch me workout and the dog looks at
>me like "I love you even though you are completely insane."
>The cat looks at me like "If you weren't feeding me, I would
>soooooo not put up with this."

LOL!!!! I have two dogs and I cat and I'm sure they "think" the exact same way. :7
How about the move in Step, Jump, & Pump hi-low section where you have one hand on hip, your leg kicking out, and the other arm swinging up and down as you move to one side? I feel kind of like a silly vaudeville act! LOL But at leasts it makes me smile while I'm doing it! And the "hand shake" thing in LIC I have added to other triple step moves just to give my hands something to do! :)
TK, i'm with you on the forward bounding in drill max. I'm sure I don't look too swift doing air jacks either. I wish I had a mirror sometimes so I could see - or maybe not! I may not ever do them again if I knew what I lookd like.

The sumo squat move in Imax 2 and Bootcamp. When I get my arms moving and Cathe starts her grunting, I'm always so glad that no one is watching me.

I agree with a few others on flying angels - I never feel graceful on that. I always think the downward dog stretch must look pretty strange to an outsider. And many moves on the stability ball such as my attempts at pikes which sort of collapse half way through......
I don't particularly like the hand shake thingy in LIC but it is the only way I can keep the count with that move so I use the hand shake when doing it in Cathe's other videos now.
I'm in the "too numerous to count" camp on this topic!!! Of course, the famous Flying Angels get me every time...I feel like a 'drunk' angel instead!!!

Can't do tuck jumps, air jack or plie jacks of any kind and look stupid if I even try!!! I also have a hard time with the squat-thrusts, but got over the embarassment of them when I had to do hundreds of them in group exercising when I was active duty and in training!!! I was comforted in the fact that no one else in the group could do them either!!!
Josie, I just read your post and laughed so hard, I spat coffee all over the computer screen. (Really)

Thanks for the laugh.

Off to get a napkin now...:p
I had to laugh at Josie's too - and what's worse is every time I do them now, I will HAVE to say "Ta Da!" Fortunately, only the dogs will hear me.
I did Low Max today and....Ta-da!!! There they were!!! The Ta-da slam-its!!! Actually, I found that saying ta-da makes the exercise more fun...I sure that was Cathe's intention all along:7
PS: Sorry about the computer screen :)
Oh I discovered one of these moves today during the PP LowerBody premix... That move where you lay on you back with the stability ball between your thighs and squeeze? Yeah, was I ever glad that no one saw that one. Cathe and the crew looked like wacko chickens trying to get the big red egg to go back... I can't even imagine what I looked like...
The move that kills me is during the ab work in BM2 when Cathe has us lift our legs and open them in a 'v' and pulse with our arms. Thank god no one sees me doing that one! The first time she threw that one at me I was like, "whoa, that was a surprise!" :)

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