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  1. C

    Summer Check In - Thursday 8/11/05

    Good Morning! Because I feel guilty about not doing BC yesterday, I am going to do the "Everything But Core" Premix right after I finish ME this morning. Shame on me! x( Oh well, at least it's feeling a "little" cooler right now (it's only going to be in the mid 80s today - whoo hoo!)...
  2. C

    Summer Check-in . . . Sun. 8/7/05

    Good afternoon everyone! Well, diong KPC on the thick carpet wasn't as bad as I thought - I might forgo driving myself crazy trying to find an exercise mat. I'm actually more worried about hitting the ceiling fan!}( I tried the Kicking & Punching Premix and really liked it. Where is...
  3. C

    Summer Check-in---Sat. 8/6/05

    Hi everybody!!! Hope you're all doing well. We're leaving for a week in Cape Cod next Friday, so my main goal this week is to eat VERY, VERY clean and keep that tummy nice and flat for the bikini which I'll probably be living in }( Yesterday I tried one of the oatmeal pancake recipes I...
  4. C

    successful Gym Style rotations, anyone???

    I've just purchased the entire GS series and am wondering what rotations others have used with this series and seen results with. I am currently doing a "smaller lower body rotation" and would like to start a new rotation with the Gym Styles in 2 weeks. My main goal is definition - I only have...
  5. C

    Summer Check-in---Mon 7-4

    Hi girls! Anyone else gearing up for BBQ no-no's?? I did KPC this morning and hope I worked off the yummy burger, mac salad, and smores from last night }( x( . Oh, well. Tonight it's grilled steaks and slightly more healthy salads, etc. Wendy, have fun with PH - it's still one of my...
  6. C

    Any takers for a Summer Shape Up Check-in?

    I'm just getting back into exercising again after a 2-year hiatus, and was wondering if anyone out there is in a similar boat and wants to start a regular check-in?? I've noticed that a lot of people on this forum see better results with a little motivational support and accountability, and I...
  7. C

    Muscle Max

    For those of you out there who have this video, how does it compare to PH (my old standby!) and ME? I just ordered the S&H series because I want to incorporate more strength training, and I was wondering if MM is more endurance or strength-oriented??
  8. C

    barbell & weight set ?

    I'm shopping around for a barbell & weight set and want to get the one that Cathe uses that can be purchased at Wal-mart. I can't tell from the store's site whether or not this barbell supports Olympic weights. I already have an Olympic curl bar & weights and want to make sure that any new bar...