Summer Check-in---Mon 7-4


Hi girls!

Anyone else gearing up for BBQ no-no's?? I did KPC this morning and hope I worked off the yummy burger, mac salad, and smores from last night }( x( . Oh, well. Tonight it's grilled steaks and slightly more healthy salads, etc.

Wendy, have fun with PH - it's still one of my favorite total body workouts & I'm curious to see how my new MM compares to it. Get ready for those killer lunges and low-ends! }(

Well, I'm off to run some errands and then head to the lake - hope you all enjoy the holiday!!!

Cleo :)
Happy 4th Everyone!

I walked this morning as my 2 TV's were being otherwise occupied by the men in my house. I had Rhythmic Step on my schedule but thought I'd take it easy today & just walk.

I really like PH too Wendy.
Have fun at the lake Cleo!
Good afternoon, ladies!

I am BACK! We spent the weekend EMPTYING my entire house of its contents (it seems).... the empty dumpster in my driveway is now absolutely filled to the brim and there are still things we weren't able to get in there which will require a few trips to the dump (I'm not paying for another dumpster!). This is just accumulated crap from living here the last six years... we cleaned out the attic, the basement, the garage, and the shed out back. I love how empty those rooms are, lol.

Anyway, today I did L&G for the first time in a loooong time. I backed way off on my weights, but I feel like I got a GREAT workout. That is one of Cathe's best lower body workouts, I think.

Hope you all had a great weekend and kept up with your workouts! I am hoping to be back on track for the rest of the week!

BTW, ladies, I haven't been on all weekend which is why I did not respond to the Friday check-in post. ;-) Sorry about that. I also never did BC - by the time my office was done getting wired, we were off to the races with the dumpster. It was fun in a purging sort of way. lol

Anyway, I do not really have a rotation right now. I sort of fell off the Cathe bandwagon for a bit (minor injury followed by major lack of motivation and subsequent regaining of five pounds, ugh). What I have been doing is whatever seems like it is going to be fun and uplifting rather than dreaded... but I DO need to get myself back on a rotation, so I am curious - what do all of your rotations look like for the next week or few weeks?

Hi Everyone!

I'm glad everyong is enjoying the 4th. mmm, smores sound really yummy.
Marie, I'm also looking forward to getting rid of alot of junk when I move later this month. It's nice to have a fresh start.

I did Step Works and PS Chest and Triceps this afternoon.
I'm still doing the Jan. weight loss rotation but I think I am going to try freestyle training and incorporate more leg work into the rotation.
Most of the weight I'd like to lose is in my lower body.

btw, Kali I read your post about showing everyone up at the BBQ yesterday. Way to go, girl! what great motivation

I'm off to do some research for the case I'm working on so I won't fall behind due to vacation.


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