successful Gym Style rotations, anyone???


I've just purchased the entire GS series and am wondering what rotations others have used with this series and seen results with. I am currently doing a "smaller lower body rotation" and would like to start a new rotation with the Gym Styles in 2 weeks. My main goal is definition - I only have 5-10 pounds to lose (am guessing here b/c I don't have a scale and am only relying on the way my clothes fit).

So, for those of you who have been using this series, what would you suggest? FYI, I am a meso-endo pear shape who builds muscle fairly quickly and have been doing my best to eat very clean and up the protein. I've only been working out again on a regualr basis for the past 4 weeks or so (after a 2 year hiatus), I've been pretty happy with the reduced stomach fat and the beginnings of more defined arms again (using PUB 2X week).

Thanks for you input!
How about this 3 day split.

1. Chest, triceps, and abs.
2. Imax2 or 3
3. Back, shoulders, biceps, and abs.
4. KPC or Cardio kicks.
5. Legs and abs
6. Stretch
7. Rest
I've had great results so far. I'm on the third week and added slow and heavy back in this week. I did the gym styles for about 2 weeks with no other videos just running, and cycling. I'm finally starting to see some definition in the top of my chest, very excited about that. I also noticed some improvements in definition in my legs and arms as well. The floor work for legs in this one burns nicely...I hope you have a band so you can get all the extra burns espcially in the shoulders and legs, works great. One thing that is kind of a bummer is after an hour workout you haven't touched abs, so you may want to add in a good ab workout.
Good luck and enjoy!!:)
Hi Cleo
Some people might think this is not the greatest idea but I love strength training so I might over do it a little and I'm no expert on rotations by any means but I like what my body is becoming and I feel good :) Its working for me ....

Sun: GS back shoulders and biceps
30-60 min cycling

Mon: GS legs
core max section

Tues:GS chest and triceps
30-45 min jog

Wed: GS back shoulder and biceps
sometimes I do stretches/yoga

Thurs: GS legs
section of coremax

Friday: GS triceps and chest

Saturday: off

As the week drags on my energy runs out so I kinda slow down. Sometimes I do some cycling near the end of the week if I'm up to it. I had been doing slow and heavy before this, now I'm doing them together. I think I read somewhere that you should stick with something about 3 weeks to know for sure if it works, then change it up some so your body doesn't get used to it. hope this helps a little...
Best of luck

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