Recent content by Jcrew3082

  1. J

    Websites for buying running sneakers?

    I just bought a pair of Rykas from Amazon :) QVC has a good selection of Rykas also.
  2. J

    silly appliance question revisited

    My bf, an appliance expert, says: As far as the trios go, the trios by Amana & Maytag are usually better built than the LGs made for Kenmore. Their most distinguishing feature is the wire basket in the freezer of the Amana's & Maytags as opposed to the plastic bins in the LGs. Typically, the air...
  3. J

    Hairstylists & Curlyheads, I have a question

    laura, I've been getting it done for four years. I've tried a number of places in NJ and NYC and found someone I completely trust. He uses the Liscio system. It saves me tons of time! The regrowth can be a pain in the butt. PM me if you'd like.
  4. J

    Happy Birthday,Shelley (Allwildgirl!).

    Happy Birthday Shelley!
  5. J

    Make the Connection

    Great find, Autumn!
  6. J

    Advice on learning to love working legs

    I used to HATE legs. However, after starting Gym Style, I actually began to enjoy it. Lunges are still not my fave, but I don't dread them as much. Perhaps one of the keys is finding a leg routine you love.
  7. J

    Happy Birthday Robin (Buffettgirl)!!!

    Happy Birthday!!!
  8. J

    Bug Repellent?

    Hi all! I'm going on my first camping trip soon and know I will need some insect repellent. I'm not up on this stuff at all and would like to know if anyone has recommendations. I'd prefer something without too many chemicals! TIA
  9. J

    how many animal lovers out there?

    *waves hands frantically lol* one wonderful dog :)
  10. J

    A Fantastic Bra

    I'm always on the hunt for the perfect bra, and I think I may have found it. I picked up a DKNY underwire bra at Nordstrom today. It is so ridiculously comfortable, lined not padded, and super smooth. Just thought I'd share:
  11. J

    Happy Birthday Terri (nastsmom)!!!!

    Happy Birthday Terri!!!
  12. J

    A question for those who deal with anxiety and panic

    Hi Rhonda, I'm sorry to hear you've been suffering from panic attacks. I don't mean to pry, but are you in, or would you consider therapy? Sometimes, therapists can help you learn triggers and how to get through them. Aside from that, here are some links that may be helpful. I have never...
  13. J

    We Closed Yesterday!!

    Congrats Sparrow!
  14. J

    Selling our home.

    Wendy, I just PM'd you. My aunt is a realtor in Monmouth County.
  15. J

    Need advise on a home gym.

    I would definitely get a Bowflex if I had the room and could afford it! I believe Diane Sue (WD) has one and likes it very much. And you know she's in fantastic shape!