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Yesterday was IMAX 4 with bonus abs. Today I wanted to try Ripped w/ HiiT Lift It Hit It, chest tris and shoulders. Welp, the dvd doesn't work, siiighhh. But! Instead I did HiiT Circuit Upper Body and I'm glad I did. It was fun! Finishing my green smoothie and then heading out for a walk with DH.
Completed STS 3 1/2 month cycle in July. Three weeks into Xtrain. LOVE STS! I really noticed a change in my physique during the third month. Heavy lifting is where it's at! Anyone else?
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Jane Power-Grimm
Jane Power-Grimm
I did STS and XTrain this year too. They are simply the two best programs out there! Good for you for completing them nutrition 73! Glad you saw good results. Gotta love liftin'!
Cycling the beautiful Confederation Trail on Prince Edward Island (Canada)...conditioning with Cathe makes almost anything possible - mentally & physically!
Cathe Kick, Punch & Crunch..
Whew! Tm at 4.0 45 min

Finally! I've had this one set up for several months now, but I wanted to do it when I felt energetic!

I noticed my vhs is entirely cardio, I got it when it first came out..... now looking at the "Workout Manager" I realize it has Circuit and weights sections.. I don't know if it's the age but I'm into weights more nowadays.
Fitball Upper body Challenge 55m then Cathe Ripped with HiiT Plyo HiiT Two Tm 50m 3.7 (I forgot and kept walking).

I spent an hour getting ready to workout....connecting wires from player to new(used) TV, it turned out the USB cord I had was broken, changed it and was fine. Then sweeping and mopping the floor, I don't know where the dirt comes from.
Fitball Lower Body Challenge Cheryl Soleway (I used 4lb ankle weights)

I was going to follow up with a Cathe but ran out of time.
Total Body workout Victoria Johnson (awt) I rewind & add more Upper Body weights. +
Cathe Ripped with HiiT Low Impact HiiT #2 +Abs 2 TM 30m 3.5
Ripped with HiiT, HiiT Upper Body Circuit, + Abs & str. I interspersed Treadmill at 4.5 & 5.0 within the workout. (You know how I love my TM!)
Nike Total Body Conditioning w Kari Anderson, Donna Richardson & Jeff Vandiver. I did Legs with 4lb ankle weights then Abs then Treadmill 30m at 4.0
Cathe STS Ripped with HiiT Chest,Triceps Shoulders + The New Method 20/20 toning section Liz Wheeler + Kickbutt 2 Dorian Gregory TM 30m no cooldown or stretch bc dh here freaking out (when are you going to finish?) I have to admit, she kept counting 1 2 , 1 2 , 1 2 the whole time! However, The music was fast & motivating, & she had good moves that I followed.
Cathe Ripped with HiiT Back,Biceps & Shoulders + Awesome Intervals Mindy Milrea . TM 40m 3.7 + Cathe STS Ab Circuits weights and plates
Wu Energy Action Circuit & wu Step Jam 12m + Tae Bo Live Adv Billy Blanks legs only 20m (I put 4lb ankle weights & went slower) + Cathe STS Yoga-inspired ABS Circuit 18m + Step 2 it Grace Lazenby TM 3.7 33m
Cathe Ripped with HiiT Lift it HiiT it Legs (entire dvd is squats & lunges) TM 4.0 30m + Abs pt 2
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I’m considering purchasing Cathe’s Ripped With HIIT Series. There seem to be a lot of ways to use it.