Zzzzzzzzzzz . . .


Am I the only one who always has a hard time adjusting to Daylight Savings Time? That hour at 2:00 a.m. went into oblivion once again yesterday morning, and I think I went with it! It always takes me about a week to adjust, and my EEG hasn't spiked once today!

Am I the only one with this syndrome?


:) :( :) :(
I was in zombie-land all day yesterday! I compensated for the lost hour by going to bed an hour early, so with lack of sleep not being a factor, I was amazed by how messed-up I was. I'm ok today, and I don't recall it ever taking more than 1 day to adjust. Try to have a nice week anyway!
I hate daylight savings time. Since only 2% of Americans are now farmers, can't we just get rid of it already?!?!
What time did you say it is???? :-tired

I hate this change every year and dog gone it, just had to come a few weeks early this year on top of that!

I'm like a total space cadet for days after this happens every spring.

Least we get it back in the fall. Or so they tell us.
You all could move to Arizona, we don't have to worry about it.
Just one of the perks of living in this beautiful state. (OK I'll be quiet now I know how cranky sleep deprived people can be) Just kidding.

I was going to invite you all to Arizona, too, but Jacque beat me to it! I certainly don't miss daylight savings time--it always messed me up when I lived back east...
Sorry, guys.
Personally I appreciate Daylight Savings... although it does mess me up for a bit too. It's just light outside so much longer in the summer and it makes me feel so rejuvinated when it's not dark on my way home from work or shortly thereafter. I can go out and do things after work (bikeride, occasional walk/run) that I wouldn't otherwise be able to do unless I left work super early every day. I'm willing to give up that hour for the blessed extended daylight.
Amen, Sister!!!

I'd be willing to compromise and not change times as long as we keep it where it is lighter later. I love it!

I like the fact that we have more sunshine in the evening, but I hate the fact that this week's adjustment had me still sleeping at 5:30, and when I woke at 6:30 I barely had time to do half my workout. since I didn't exercise last year I didn't mind the change, this year, I am having a tough time. Hope I am back in synch in a few days.
I Know!

Who knew an hour could mess us up so much?? I'm glad others fell it too. I was soooo tired the past 2 days. I finally got a good 8 hours and am ok again.
Our bodies sure are sensitive:)
Ya, I with you guys on the Daylight Savings Time! (Boo! Hiss!) I don't mind the Fall when we gain an hour of sleep, but hate it in the Spring when we lose it.

I was tired all of yesterday, and when I'm tired, I feel depressed, grey and "whiney". Got a serious case of the "Don't know why I work out so hard when my body doesn't look like I want it to." You know, that "burnt out" feeling.

So this morning, I made myself sleep in and didn't work out (I usually get outta bed at about 4:10 a.m. to work out at 5:30 a.m.) But I took a 30-minute "step & pump" at the gym and was happy to see I got my Mojo back (Yo, baby!!)! Good thing, too, 'cause guess what I gotta do tomorrow morning -- LEANER LEGS!


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