Your first Cathe?

And I'm right with her!!

I taped Step Blast off of Fit TV in the summer and I got hooked. Now I have the Blast series, CTX, Intensity series, Hardcore series and HSTA. The madness is real......... I like it!!
I guess I'm lucky to have come when she made a basic for beginners. If I had ever seen what she is doing today, i would never have stepped foot into the parade. Now with the basic and body fusion I am enjoying my exercise. I love weight work outs and her style is very much like myself, full of gustto. So basic step is/was my first. And I do plan on growing into more.
My first Cathe tape was Power Max, second was BodyMax, then moved on to MIS and MIC then Interval Max. Loved these workouts and every other one I bought that was not Cathe did not compare. I always end up back to Cathe with others for a change of pace.
Diane Sue
how do you all,...have you all stayed here so long? Is it the new DVd's she comes out with? I've not seen such a dedicated place of women... Hope this doesn't change the original posters thread but WOW.
IMAX3...less than 2 weeks ago! That was my first introduction to Cathe!

Honestly, I never thought you could get a "real" workout with home video workouts. Boy, have I been humbled!!!!!
Why do we stay here so long? Because it is such a SUPER, INSPIRING, EDUCATIONAL place. I don't understand why anyone would leave.

My first were the CTX series dvd and the timesaver dvd in the Spring of 2004.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :) :)
Step Heat was my first Cathe video. I purchased it from Collage Video. The sales person on the phone recomemded anything and everything by Cathe. I think that was 1998. Shortly after I purchased Body Max, then the PS series and went.

AKA "Likes2bfit"
Found her first on Fit TV and told my husband I like her style and she doesn't annoy me. So he told me to buy them and I ordered several!:)
1st round- circa the mid-90s: Step Max & Step Heat...these were fun & challenging, but actually a little too tough, so they stayed off&on the shelf for a while til I finally swapped them on the old video exchange forum. I stayed away from Cathe from sheer intimidation for years...moved on to TaeBo & running.

2nd round-Cathe revisited Jan'05: Pyramids - wanted to add weight training to my running only regimen - so excited to see pyramid training on video & knew from past Cathe would be just the challenge I am now ready for! So I ordered from Collage...

Now I am hooked - LOVE her workouts! Keep them coming!


Keep smiling & sweating!
My sister gave me the Pure Strength series right after the birth of my first child (early '99) and also MIC. I used PS a lot, but MIC scared the pants off of me and I'm sorry to say it sat unused for a long time.

Step Heat was my first one and through wow something like a gym workout at home. I was doing FIRM before that and I wanted more cardio.

Her I sit 12 tapes and 22 DVDs later of Cathe.

Step Blast - just last fall. I think I posted that I spent the time staring dumbfounded as she danced around her step! I love it now. I just bought MIC this week off ebay - first time through I thought I was going to die. Second time through - I wish I had.


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