Your Fashion Pet Peeves


OK, tell me what your fashion pet peeves are. Here are mine:

Low rise jeans with flabby abs hanging out.
Dirty bra straps showing.
Belt not matching shoes.
White hose except on nurses.
Rotting nail polish.
Shoes too small with heels and toes busting out.
Too much jewelry.
Men with cameltoe. (not that I like it on girls but it is even worse on men)
You last one really got me giggling :D Thanks!!


P:S: The only one I can think off hand is high waters. "Are you waiting for a flood"???LOL

Funny idea!

Before I make my list, let me say that although I don't care for these things, I wouldn't judge anyone who does them. Hey, we all have fashion "don't" days.

Sweat socks & sandals

Pants so low that I can see your thong or umm butt cleavage

Visible bras with clothing that requires strapless, etc.- Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) could pull it off on Sex & the City- but I doubt anyone else could

Pants that are way too long and get dirty and ragged at the bottom (usually teenagers)

Anything made of latex

Just my opinions lol!

I can't believe anyone hasn't posted this one yet;


Also: makeup that looks like it's been applied with a trowel
men that wear revealing gym shorts with no undies...
tops that are two sizes too small on overweight people - accentuates, rather than hides the problem....

Liz N
I also don't want to hurt anyones feelings but these are things that I don't do, BUT others can do whatever they want.Doesn't bother me.
1.Socks with sandals.
I don't understand why people do this,If you need socks then maybe you should be wearing shoes.
2.Leather jackets with fringes and metal pieces hanging from it.
3.Short sweaters on larger people.
My boss does this and when she lifts her arms about 2 inches her belly starts to fall out.
4.I don't like the bra ahowing either.
I can't really think of anything else.The sandals one gets me everytime.I know that alot of people do it, but I don't know why.:)
Fashion statements I don't like

1) girls wearing hiphugger pants and their bellies are to big and over lap the jeans.
2) boys wearing jeans with the crotch down to their knees like they pooped their pants and is carrying the load in it LOL
3) underwear sticking way up over the pants.
4) to short of shorts and the fanny sticks to far out.
5) goth clothing.
Those wide-, wide-leg and bottom jeans and pants (hey, folks, newsflash: THE SEVENTIES DIED FOR A REASON! REST IN PEACE!);

Anything that reveals the abdomen regardless of the fitness level of that area;

Baseball caps everywhere, including in church / synagogue;

Women's shoes with spike heels AND toes (I've read some women are having toes amputated so they can fit into these monstrosities), in a work environment;

Weird, weird hair with zig-zag parts up the crown and/or really fake color streaks;

Women wearing Lycra leggings to the office (again, regardless of fitness level but when they're overfat . . . not good).

I agree with everyone here. I don't understand people wearing short tops revealing their mid section that is hanging out in rolls!? I just don't understand! The mirror in thier homes must work wonders!
Fun to be the Fashion Police for a day.

hair streaked like a skunk.
Hair dyed to look like Raggedy Ann Red/fuchia/purple/etc.(who ever thought that that looked good?)
nose piercings. When they pierce the under side of the nose it looks like a metal booger wiggling there while they talk.

clothes that are too small and too tight showing underwear both north and south.

Cleavage. I don't know why the prostitute look came into fashion. It used to be considered tacky and now it's normal?

mullets, (do I need to say anything more about this???)

I have to agree about those low-slung pants with the rolls hanging out over them. You always have to wonder what they were thinking when they got dressed that morning.

But my pet peeve is those shoes with the 10-inch heels that the girls can't walk in. I always seem to be stuck behind someone wearing them on a long, narrow escalator, that I would normally run down. But when you're behind one of those girls who can't walk, everyone behind them gets stuck too. Drives me bonkers!! x(
I think showing a little cleavage is sexy. Hey, if you got it, why not show it off? I don't mean boobs hanging out but what's wrong with a little cleavage?
Great thread!

- High heeled shoes with shorts
- Mullets (on men and women!)
- eyebrow piercings
- hip hugger, ab baring capri pants with heels (most people wearing this "look" have a huge gut hanging out and it's gross!)
- pony tails on men
- earrings on men
- the 3 days of not shaving look on men (sorry, but it looks like the guys who do this haven't bathed in 3 days either, it's not sexy in the least!)
- "retro" clothes from the 1970s. That was a fashion era to FORGET in my opinion! LOL
These are all so true and Aquajock you crack me up!:7 Yes I agree, the seventies fashion has died for a reason. Mainly the low rise, tight jeans with the fat stomach.x( But another pet peeve (I work with teenagers) pierced everythings. Do people realize you talk like a goof ball with a pierced tongue. And why would you want an earring in your mouth anyways? I will never understand the obsession with body piercing and tattoos!
I think cleavage looks scary on a thirteen year old. A little cleavage is fine but those cases are few and far between.

I'm always confronted with bursting bosoms that are threatening to escape any minute.

What I find so comical is that all these fashion and grooming tragedies (including multiple psychotic tattoos and multiple painful-looking body pierces) is that those seem to be de rigeur, but let a woman work out and get great muscle definition and watch people go into a code-3 conniption about the time she spends on this vanity exercise. If tattoos and body piercings can be called "body art", then everyone can shut up about my muscles - AND my bald head.

Hear hear!;-) I have a navel ring in my not-so-flat tummy and don't care who sees it.

I'm pretty laid back about piercings, tattoos and hair dye - hey, whatever butters your biscuit - but there are a few fashion faux pas that annoy me:

- Baseball caps worn backwards, or with the brim to the front but off-center, like shading your temple

- Lycra leggings - they flatter no one, slim or not

- "Wife beater" tanks tops on men - ugh ugh ugh

- Lycra or spandex ANYTHING on a man, including fitness gear

- Grungy sweats worn in inappropriate places, like to church or at a decent restaurant

1. Those fake denim jeans w/ the elastic waists that older women seem to favor.
2. Backpack purses. Didn't those go out in the early 90's?
A. Fanny packs
B. purses large enough to be considered luggage.
3. Socks w/ sandals
4. Tapered leg pants/ High waist pants (I don't think overweight people should wear low rise but no one should be wearing their pants above their belly button).
what on earth is cameltoe? And mullets?

I hope it isn't rude to ask!!!! But maybe it's a cultural thing because I haven't a clue what you are all talking about.....


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