Your 5 favorite HEALTHY foods?


Tell me about your 5 favorite healthy foods. They have to be both good for you and something that makes YOU go "yum"! 5 things that you could basically build your regular meals around and feel satisfied.

In no particular order, mine are:
1) green tea concentrate from Herbasway:comes in yummy flavors like Creme de Menthe and Mandarine Mango, and each dropperful contains the antioxidant benefits of 15 glasses of green tea, with no caffeine. I keep two bottles in the office and several at home---I took advantage of a 50%-off coupon!

2) tempeh: my favorite dish to make with it is a 'mock chicken or thh egg salad" (most recipes call it "mock chicken,"but it tastes like a little bit of both---though what do I know, because I haven't had chicken salad for almost 30 years, or egg salad for over 15 years!). I like that it's a whole soy food, high in protein, and more easily digested than some soy because the mold that grows on it breaks down the protein a bit.

3)Food for Life Sprouted Grain Buns: I did say they had to make YOU (ME) go "yum!", right? These might not be everyone's cup of tea --VERY dense--but I love 'em. They're the only type of bread product I eat on a regular basis. They are made of a combo of sprouted grains, and have 9 grams of protein per bun. Because they are so dense, I zap them in the microwave for 15 seconds to soften them up (some batches seem particularly tough! But "yum!" anyway!). They can hold a big glob of "mock chicken or the egg" salad or any other topping without getting soggy.

4) Lentil soup: my standard "I just worked out and I'm hungry and I need something fast!" I have several brands of canned lentil soup around. Sometimes, to cut down on sodium, I'll get the unsalted variety, but it's usually too bland, so I came up with the idea of addiing miso to it (mixing the miso in the bowl with some of the unheated broth so it doesn't boil and kill off the beneficial bacteria in the miso). It adds a saltiness and kind of a hearty almost "beefy" flavor---though not enough to gross out this vegan.

5) The last one is always the hardest, isn't it? This may be cheating, because it's not a "ready-to-eat-as-is" food, but I'll choose my morning smoothie (which contains Vegan Complete meal eplacement/protein powder, frozen berries, pomegranate juice or soy milk--depending on my mood-!), the inside of 2 vegan joint formula capsules, a splash of powdered calcium citrate and a tablespoon or so of ground flax meal (golden flax), often with a bit of aloe vera juice and/or water (the latter to thin it down so it's not too thick), and sometimes a sprinkle of stevia plus (stevia plus inulin fiber)if it's heavy on the raspberries, which I like a bit sweeter.

Share your yummy goodies!
1. Eggs. Whole. Real. Organic.
2. Organic Butter.
3. Whole Grains, real, unprocessed.
4. Coconut Oil.
5. Orangic fatty meats (containing real saturated fat).
1. Lentils - Kathryn, I have to agree - yum!
2. Homemade, whole wheat bread
3. Peas. My all time favorite veggie.
4. Yogurt
5. Fruit. I know it's cheating, but I simply can't pick just one type. Impossible.
1. Grilled chicken salad loaded with fresh veggies
2. Brown rice with stir fry veggies & chicken
3. Protein shake I make with blueberries & ice/water
4. homemade salsa --a topping for many things :9 are my current favorites...subject to change at anytime.

1) Edamame/Steamed Salted Soybeans - I started ordering these at my regular sushi joint and have become completely addicted. The best part is that one of my local supermarkets has started carrying frozen edamame at a reasonable price! :9

2) Natural Peanut Butter - The local natural food co-op has a machine that lets you grind your own peanut butter. The consistency is perfect.

3) Fresh Figs - DH and I have been finding fresh Black Mission Figs at some of our local farm stands, and neither of us can get enough. Too bad the fig season is almost over. :(

4) Salsa (raw) - My garden is currently overrun with tomatoes and chiles, so I really don't have a choice on this one...not that I mind.

5) Olive oil & garlic - WE can't REALLY have one with out the other now, can we? But only eaten with a really good rustic bread. None of that soft "italian-wanna-be" bread. I'm a bread snob and admit it freely.
1. Chocolate fudge Pop Tarts
2. Caramel Toffee Cashew Crunch Ice Cream
3. Chocolate chip cookies (homemade)
4. Coke (okay, it's a drink)
5. White chocolate mousse cake

Shelley you always carck me up!

1. kashi go lean cereal
2. Green tea (kathryn where do you get that stuff you use)
3.Sweet potatoes

HAHAHAHA! Shelley, can you explain how those foods are good FOR you? (Besides the fact that they make you FEEL good...) ;-)

Okay, my favorite good-for-you foods:
1. My morning fruit smoothie
2. Salsa
3. My own Vegetable Lo Mein
4. Watermelon
5. Dark chocolate (hey, it's good for your heart!) :p
Let's just pretend we're 5 again, okay? Humour me. When you're 5, Pop Tarts ARE good for you;)

In reality, these would be my five fave health(ier) foods:

1. Lentils
2. Avocado
3. Hummus
4. Cottage cheese and fruit
5. Natural PB (made with peanuts ONLY, please)
>2. Green tea (kathryn where do you get that stuff you use)

I ordered it from . It's pricey at full price (but each bottle is supposedly 60 servings: I use 2-3 servings per glass of water because I use a tall glass!).

When I first found the web site, I was going to place an order, then changed my mind before check-out. A few weeks later, I got an e-mail inquiring about my unplaced order, and if there was a problem with the site. When I responded, they sent me a code for 50% off! (saying that they had forgotten to send the code with the first message. I wonder? Or, did they decide to tempt me to order with the coupon? If so, do what I did: fill up your cart, fill out the order, but don't hit "place order." You, too may get a 50%`off coupon!

I used mine to buy the whole collection of the green tea extracts. They also have a blueberry extract (with green tea) that looks good. I'm waiting for a special on that!
>1. Chocolate fudge Pop Tarts
>2. Caramel Toffee Cashew Crunch Ice Cream
>3. Chocolate chip cookies (homemade)
>4. Coke (okay, it's a drink)
>5. White chocolate mousse cake

Hmmm... should I have specified "healthy in this reality?"
1) whole rolled oats
2) spinach
3) salsa
4) eggs
5) sweet potatoes/yams
6) any & every kind of bean

I had to add a number 6 to my list. I love all these and if I had nothing else, I would still be quite satisfied.

1. Salmon, marinated in lemon and herbal sauce then baked in the oven.
2. Wholewheat bread, granary bread, wheatmeal bread.
3. Eggs, whole, the entire thing, even the yolks! 2 boiled in an egg cup with toast soldiers to dip in. This is my ultimate comfort meal.
4. Huge bowls of salad, great combos of different types of leaves and colours with blueberry dressing (not low fat).
5. Chocolate.

These are the foods I will never give up. You can't make me!

Clare :)
1. Olive oil, garlic, onions. I don't really view these as three separate items--I look upon them as a single unit. I use these things every single day and don't know how I'd get by without them. I could almost add shallots to the list as well. I use them as a condiment or to flavor other dishes.

2. Tomatoes--fresh in summer and canned San Marzano the rest of the year. Tomatoes show up in something I eat almost every day. I make all of my own soups (lentil, minestrone, and chili are my favorites) and there is narry a one that isn't loaded with tomatoes, and of course, tomato sauce--the staple of every Italian-American home.

3. Wide variety of lettuces and other greens. We have these everyday.

4. Eggs - What can I say about the incredible edible egg.

5. Chicken - I have it several days a week. I couldn't tell you how many chicken recipes I have.

Happy Thursday ;o)

1. 8 oz of ff slim milk & french toast (1 tbsp olive oil, 4 to 5 egg whites, 2 slices of whole wheat bread and SF syrup)
2. fat free yogurt (apple pie) w/ 1 tbsp flaxseed or pecans
3. George Foreman grilled chicken breast w/portabella mushrooms
4. healthy choice or splenda ice cream
5. burrito, w/1 ff tortilla, grilled chicken, ff sour cream, romaine lettuce, ff cheese

Kathryn, may I ask you were did you get your green tea, sounds yummy. Thank you.

I shouldn't have read this when I should wait at least another hour for lunch...

1. crushed hot peppers or salsa
2. asparagus
3. nuts, especially almonds and peanuts
4. oatmeal
5. eggs

Susan C.M.
1) Hummus - the spicier the better!
2) Avocados
3) Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal
4) Cheeseless Pizza
5) Fresh Salsa!!!

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