Your 3 most effective ab moves?

Lynn M.

Hi all-

I've decided that my new goal for the next few months is to get my abs into stellar shape. Mine are OK, but there is definitely room for improvement.

I do know that diet/genetics is about 85% of it, and I'm at peace with that. :)

What I would like input on is what are YOUR 3 favorite moves, preferably each focusing on a different part of the core.. ie lower/mid/obliques?

Thanks in advance, Lynn M.
Reverse crunches for the lower abs.
-I do a variation of what Cathe does. It's more of a hip lift where I curl my knees back towards my chest. Do 2 sets of 50. I also do these with my hands over my head (rather than under my butt). I find that prevents me from using my triceps to push up.

Straight leg crunches.
-Cathe does these in the 4DS core work on the kickbox DVD. I do these reaching my hands toward my toes rather than straight up. I find it hits my overall abs better with a great focus on mid to lower.

Slow bicycle (2/2 count).
-I have to do a lot of reps to really feel it, but once I get to about 50, I can really feel my abs start working.
I have to say I have been doing pretty much just plank work for the last month or so and my abs look great. Oh and some yoga abs too.


I love the ab section at the end of Step, Pump and Jump. I did that for a while consistently and saw good results.

My other favorites are:

Weighted full sit ups (I usually use a 30# kettlebell).


Bicycle or Russian Twists (w/a kettlebell)
Without a doubt... PLANK work.... all the many variations.

Plank rows (Jillian's 30 Day Shred), Plank mountain climbers, Plank twists, Plank side steps, burpees and just plain planks. It has made more difference in my core than any other ab work I've ever done!
Weighted crunches (plates & cables), weighted reverse crunches (med ball or DB). And the dreaded planks.

For obliques, I like the side crunches on a stablity ball, & side planks. I could think of more, but they wouldn't fall into my "favorite" category.
I also agree about planks, there is nothing better to get your entire ab area tight. I hate doing them, though.

Also, hanging knee raises and reverse bench crunches. Both are very good for the lower abs.

Hi all of you who were nice enough to respond... Thanks for taking the time to do so!

And based from the majority of your responses, it looks like I'm going to have to commit to getting some plank work in more consistently. :)

Take care, Lynn M.
I sometimes have to take a break from planks due to a sensitive shoulder so I always sub in V-sits &/or bananas.
Also a big fan of those side toe reaching things. & any weights ab work.
Is there any specific Cathe segment that does a lot of plank work? or would you change DVD and do different DVDs with only plank work?

I thought "burpee" was the more current term for them. We called them squat thrusts in high school, and that was more than 30 years ago! Doesn't Cathe call them burpees? If not, some instructor does because I picked up the term from somebody's workout video.

The best plank work I've found are in Jillian Michael's videos. 30 Day Shred, No More Trouble Zones and Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism has some great plank moves. They sure have worked for me!
Anymore, except for forward planks, I don't do any direct ab work. I got real concerned about becoming thick waisted and It seems my regular workouts (STS m2, right now) are doing great things for my abs without adding girth. I've been reading that planks and ab roller roll-outs (the wheel on a stick device, not that other "ab roller" device where you're on your back...) are two exercises that are effective ad-ons that don't contribute to a thick waist but I've never used an ab roller.
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best abs


I've been doing an ab routine from Oxygen once a week, I think it was the last issue. It has really strengthened my core. The original routine actually came from Jack LaLane. It is 2 variations of hip lifts, straight leg in and outs off the bench, and oblique crunches/twists with your legs on the bench (so thighs perpendicular to the ground). It's done as a superset and the goal is 3 supersets of 30 for each exercise.

Lynn - ITA with all kinds of planks, and I like the weighted full sit ups that Jane mentioned.

I'd also recommend:

Get ups (sand bag get ups, Turkish get ups)
Sand bag half moons -


Those half moons looked wicked good... do you do these w/ real sandbags or do you use a dumbbell or a kettleball? Approx. how much weight?

Between that new plank variation post I posted earlier today and these, I might have me a fancy new fun ab routine!! :)

Tx, Lynn M.

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