
Hi Everyone!

Checking in with a interval TM workout this morning also used 2# dbs for UB work--punches and UB moves. I like how it increases my heart rate. LOL
Hi ladies - TGIF!

Today was Steptastic live and the barre segment of Xtrain legs.

We are looking at another rainy Saturday tomorrow. I am SO glad we are going to Las Vegas in September - sun sun sun!
Yay!!! The weekend is here!!!

Lisa---It has been either rainy or cold ..... as in the 40 in the am and highs in the high 50s low 60s. It feels more like fall than August. Vegas would be wonderful in the fall! Sunshine and heat without extreme temps maybe. LOL

Did you girls see the workout that Karen shared on FB.....Alexia Clark band/dumbbell workout? I tried it and it was sooooo difficult.

Today was Back & Tris ..... PUB style and upping my weights by 5#. It's surprising how difficult 5# can make a workout.
Happy Saturday!!
This morning was Bis and Shoulders and Abs. I did a mish-mosh for of Bodybeast and Cathe Live UB and increased my weights by 5# again.
I was doing both workouts from notes and wasnt reading very well, apparently. LOL I did more reps and didnt do the alternating but did both arms for everything. Abby told me that I got a much harder workout in that way! Haha.....shes a whip-cracker for sure!
Susan-You have temps in the 4os?? I was complaining about 70 the other day! I am not on FB much - is that a You Tube workout?
Kathy - How was your weekend?

Saturday was a rest day Sunday was Crush It LI Live and today Smokin LB Live. This was so different and worked the legs in so many ways. I have not had DOMS in years like this since going the Love workouts!

We brought Margaret back to school yesterday to start her Junior year. It seems like she was just a freshman. I can't believe Jacob is done!

Have a good day!
Good Morning!!

Lisa---I was thinking the same thing! Its crazy how fast our kids are growing up!
It was extremely humid here yesterday and a high of 84! Woohoo!!! But it seems as though summer is done and fall is quickly sneaking in.
Hmmmm......sounds like a workout that I need to look into! ❤️ DOMS! LOL

Sunday ended up a rest day. We had a Birthday party to attend ..... 2 hours away....so we decided to go earlier and see the movie Glass Castle. Abby had read it last year in school......the book was way better than the movie. The movie was good but they left so much out and portrayed people differently.

Mon was an incline TM workout, leg raises and curls, walking lunges with weights and weighted abs.
Yesterday was chest work.... Bodybeast Build + decline flyes/bench press/pushups and Cathe Live UB Sculpt Chest only, more weighted abwork.
Today...45 min speed TM workout, firewalkers, squats & plies
Happy Hump Day!

Today was Strong Upper Body Express plus Core Live. This was a great workout that worked all of the UB in 45 minutes!

Have a great day!
Hi ladies..

Been busy, We had a good weekend. Just a lot of errands and grocery shopping and cleaning house. Nothing exciting. Ended up resting all weekend. Then Monday I did my morning half hour on the elliptical and then we went to church after work and didn't do a video.

Yesterday was kickmax and today I did Musclemax.

Lisa: I tried to hook up my ipad to the tv. But, I think I need an adapter for it. So, I am going to look into that. I would like to do the live workouts too.

Susan: Yeah we are getting that humid weather too. Suppose to be bad tomorrow and Friday too.

Ok, time to get ready to get some sleep..Talk to you tomorrow..
Kathy-I have a cord that we ordered through Amazon that goes from the ipad to the TV. I enjoy the Love workouts SO much! How is Lauren doing with school? Is Chris a senior this year?

Susan~ Is Abby going to be a sophomore or junior this year?

I feel for you ladies during Junior year. I was so stressed out by the college process since the kids were a mess!

Today was RWH LI workouts 1 and 2. I was up super early as Ryan had a flight that required him leaving the house at 4:30 :eek:

The weather here for the weekend is looking good despite the high humidity. I am going to the beach since I have not been there in 2 weeks - the horror!
Lisa: Yeah, I thought I would go on amazon and look for a cable. They have everything! Chris is a Senior this year and I started school with him on Monday. Lauren starts on the 28th and she is excited to be going to George Mason.

Ok, so today's workout was RWH Plyo Hiit 2 and abs 2.
Hi Kathy and Lisa!

Kathy--- we got a long high speed HDMI cable and a Apple lightening digital AV adapter so I could use my ipad. Im not sure what kind of tv or ipad you have so this may help and it may not! I love being able to "take" my weight workouts with me when we travel.
ETA: we got our cables and adapter from amazon.

Lisa---Abby is just a sophomore....not sure if just is appropriate. Shes been looking at colleges for years but I think shes having a change of heart on a couple of them, thank goodness!

Todays workout was BodyBeast Build Ba & Tri and a finisher of Cathe Live UB sculpt Ba & Tri + the corework.
TGIF!! Hello Kathy and Susan!

Susan-does Abby have any idea where she wants to go? I would say by sophomore year both my kids had a pretty good idea of where they wanted to go it was just a matter of whether or not they would get it! Both knew they wanted to go away, just not too far.

Today was Fit and Firm Live. This Live workout was from 2015 and this was the fist time I did it. I really enjoyed it -it had a Supercuts feel to it.

My core has gotten a lot stronger from the Live workouts. I think its because Cathe works the area in ways the DVD's don't.
Hi Girls!

Lisa---Abby has a couple colleges she thinks she would like to try go to. She still wants to try to get into Vanderbilt but shes added Columbia and Brown to her list and jokingly, Harvard and Yale. LOL Definitely wants to go away but not to CA anymore. Ive been reading everything I can about the different colleges that she mentions. Most of them have a very low acceptance rate and a very high tuition rate. :rolleyes:

I am looking forward to trying Cathe's Live workout from Thurs.....UB something.....everyone was saying their arms were toast after it. I also want to try her You can Do Anything For a Minute Live workout. Very awesome that your core is getting stronger!! :cool:

The beach sounds nice! Theres nothing better than that salty ocean breeze blowing over you while you are sitting in the sun. ❤️ We had a dreary rainy day....good for housework, laundry and paying bills.

Yesterday was 30 min Spin and Biceps + core
This morning was 2 mile Incline TM workout with weighted vest and 5# ankle weights and floor legs from B&G (forgot how intense this workout was.....buttocks are already sore) and weighted abwork.
Susan-I hope you don't mind me chiming in on the college process. If so just tell me to mind my business :D. If those are the schools Abby really wants to go to I would highly recommend a college consultant. They are a huge help with highly selective schools -what AP classes to take the SAT scores needed etc. The tuition is brutal no getting around that.

Margaret took organic chemistry at Columbia. That campus is amazing. Brown was in a too secluded an area for Marg and Vanderbilt was too far away. She didn't even bother with Harford and Yale. They were too selective for her.
HI ladies..

Sorry to be missing. Been busy now that Chris has school work to do. That and my workout take up my whole evening. OH well.

Lauren and I started STS yesterday. So yesterday was STS Disc 1 and today was Tabatacise. Over the weekend I did Turbobarre and Sunday I rested. Had too many errands to do..

Ok, talk to you tomorrow
Hi Susan and Kathy

Yesterday was All Out LI HIIT plus core 1 and today was Fitness Fusion Live. What a fun workout! It started with kickboxing then moved to hiit drills then leg conditioning drills then core. Awesome:)
Hi Kathy and Lisa!

Lisa---I will take all the advice you would care to share about colleges! It is mind boggling to say the least! Im very disappointed with our school district and the guidance counselor. Its so discouraging to have a child that is very interested in pushing herself but not having classes and guidance available to her. I will look into a college consultant but first where do I even look for one!? I doubt very much there is such a person in our rural area.

Kathy---Does Chris have access to any online guidance for his classes or are you his teacher? I cannot imagine teaching high school classes!!
How fun to be dong STS with Lauren! Ive been thinking of doing STS again but always decide against because I don't like Meso 1. LOL

Mon---Spin workout
Tues--Ba & Bis & abs

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