Hi Renee-Do you have room for container gardening? I put some tomatoes and peppers in pots on our deck. Lettuces work also.
Also, if you are able, I have seen some beautiful raised beds for gardening-doesn't have to be too big. I begged the hub for one but instead he roto-tilled up a spot for me in the back yard. We are experimenting without spending too much.
Oh Roselyn, you did so much better than I have this weekend!
Yesterday I started off with strawberries and kefir again. Threw some coconut on top for fat. Lunch was eaten out with coworker and my 13 year old granddaughter at Grinder's. So-I had grilled vegetables, French fries and boneless wings (why they call them that I will never know

I know I could have eaten better, but didn't want to!
Dinner, the grand-d and I made homemade taco pizza and pepperoni pizza with fruit salad for dessert. I had a beer in there sometime too and snacked on a meat stick and a few grapes.
Today hasn't been too much better-egg, ham, fruit, coffee for breakfast
leftover pizza for lunch/iced tea.
Split a bag of organic sea salt/vinegar chips and beer with hub sometime in afternoon.
But dinner was grilled chicken salad!
I do start off my day with a large 16 oz mug of hot lemon water on an empty stomach. Have been doing that for years.
I also drink coffee and iced tea(I put 2 tbls. of organic evaporated cane sugar in half a gallon)and about 6-8 glasses of water a day.