Xtrain and Losing Weight

Hey everyone! I just have a quick question for you...I know all of you are experts at this, so wanted to get your opinions!

I need to lose about 35 pounds to get to my goal weight of 115 (I'm 5'1"). I just got the Xtrain series, and am planning on starting a rotation on Saturday (so I can have Fridays as my rest days). My question is....what rotation would be best for weight loss. Now I know that diet is most important, and in the past few months I've been eating cleaner, tracking my calories, etc. Now I want to add working out (consistently) in to the mix. I know all rotations would be great for losing fat and toning up, but in your opinions, what would be best at maximizing the fat loss?

I was thinking the 30 day cardio/weights to start. I'm also training for my first 5K in March, and I'm doing C25K in the mornings. Any and all advice is appreciated!

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Heather -

I would love to hear this also. I need to lose 35-40 pounds to get to my goal weight as well. I've started the 90 Day Undulation rotation, so I'd like to hear a confirmation or be pointed in a different direction. Great question!

I think any rotation you pick will help you lose weight. The changing routin is so your body does not get so used to 1-2 workouts and platu. I have already lost the 5 pounds I gained at the holidays and 2 more to boot. So seven pounds since I got xtrain. I did not even do the workouts in the right order when they first came. This week I have and 7 pounds gone. Just eat clean and pick your rotation.
I think any rotation you pick will help you lose weight. The changing routin is so your body does not get so used to 1-2 workouts and platu.

I was just going to write this EXACT post!

I firmly believe that diet makes for 80% (or more) of your weight loss success. You can create a calorie deficit, not exercise, and lose weight. Is this the most healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off in the long run? Probably not. Exercise is good for the body, mind, soul. This goes way beyond losing weight :).

My advice from experience is to pick any rotation and stick with it. A balance of weight training and cardio is optimal. Eat healthy, clean foods: lean protein, lots of veggies & fruits, complex carbs. Most importantly, make sure to monitor your calories (be honest with what you consume). I lost about 50lbs this way after I gave birth to my daughter (yes, I gained a lot of weight :eek:). I was diligent with my exercise and eating, and the weight just dropped off :). Nothing fancy or special, just from good ol' exercise DVD's and lots (and lot's) of walking.

Cathe has been very active on the forum, so hopefully she is able to chime in :).

Good luck & take care,

I think my problem is that I have so many options....I just don't know what to choose!! :eek:

Well then, if that's your only problem :D then do this:

1) write down all the rotations that interest you on little pieces of paper.

2) fold the little pieces of paper.

3) put the little pieces of paper in bowl or jar.

4) pick one!

5) that is the rotation you do! Trust me, it's all good ;).
i'd like to hear more, too---i went to dr's today and was mortified that i havn't lost 1 single # of my pregnancy weight....i had my son 5 1/2 YEARS ago!!! i knew i needed to lose at least 20#...now i find it is more like30-40#...i cant even begin to figure out where to start...i DID call a dietitian and have an appt in 2 weeks-that' s the earliest they could get me in!! and i have the flu, so exercising today and maybe even next few days is out of the question....:mad:
I find it easier to follow one of the programs rather than just randomly picking one, I need structure. But that is for me, not everyone. I agree with others that any of the programs will work.
i'd like to hear more, too---i went to dr's today and was mortified that i havn't lost 1 single # of my pregnancy weight....i had my son 5 1/2 YEARS ago!!! i knew i needed to lose at least 20#...now i find it is more like30-40#...i cant even begin to figure out where to start...i DID call a dietitian and have an appt in 2 weeks-that' s the earliest they could get me in!! and i have the flu, so exercising today and maybe even next few days is out of the question....:mad:

I always find it easier to concentrate on what I SHOULD be eating instead of what I shouldn't be eating. If you fill your plate with a protein, veggies (1-2 cups), maybe a whole grain like brown rice, quinoa, ect, and fresh fruit, it leaves very little room for the junk you shouldn't be eating. If you eat all the "good" foods your going to be full. When I snack I always have a piece of fresh fruit with either almond or peanut butter, or a cheese stick, or a hard boiled egg, or even a protein shake if it's after a workout. Losing weight has everything to do with what your eating and less to do with your workouts than you think.
Great idea Natalie!:D
I am the worst at sticking to a rotation. They all work, but I'm all over the place!:eek:
Watch this video- I think this guy knows me.:eek:
Stick to the Damned Plan! - YouTube

LOLOLOLOL! I love this dude! And the funny thing is he's absolutely SPOT ON!

After doing several of Cathe's rotations and now my own, I have learned that if you "follow the plan", don't deviate from it (as tempting as this might be, I know :D), be consistent with clean eating, that they all work! After the month is over, you go to the next rotation, do the same, and then that works too :D. There are no shortcuts and magical overnight solutions to health/fitness gains. It takes a lot of dedication, willpower, focus, determination. Once all that's in place, then everything starts to come together. Like I said before, it's ALL good ;).

I enjoy reading your posts fit44. They always make me :).
OMG, I just realized I called you Natalie...Natasha.:eek::eek: I apologize, I was having a blonde moment. I meant to say, "Great idea Natasha!"
I should remember your name, my first niece is named Natasha.:eek:

You are right, it does take a lot of will power and focus. Work the plan.;)

MammaPew, I agree.:)

Thanks for all the input! I finally decided to actually do the 30 day undulating + Ride, and purchased the Ride download on a whim last night. I thought that this rotation had the best of both worlds (of both the 30 day c/w and 90 day undulating). And then I'm sure once I'm done with that, I'll end up doing the other two anyway! :D

I just have to stick with it....consistency is key!
Thanks for all the input! I finally decided to actually do the 30 day undulating + Ride, and purchased the Ride download on a whim last night. I thought that this rotation had the best of both worlds (of both the 30 day c/w and 90 day undulating). And then I'm sure once I'm done with that, I'll end up doing the other two anyway! :D

I just have to stick with it....consistency is key!

Join us over at XTrain check-in!:D
Thanks for all the input! I finally decided to actually do the 30 day undulating + Ride, and purchased the Ride download on a whim last night. I thought that this rotation had the best of both worlds (of both the 30 day c/w and 90 day undulating). And then I'm sure once I'm done with that, I'll end up doing the other two anyway! :D

I just have to stick with it....consistency is key!

Good luck with your rotation! You're right- consistency is key. Just stay true to yourself no matter which direction you end up choosing. Anything worth having is worth fighting for right?! ps. so glad to hear that you purchased ride! Spin is an awesome weight loss avenue...an amazing calorie crusher!
OMG, I just realized I called you Natalie...Natasha.:eek::eek: I apologize, I was having a blonde moment. I meant to say, "Great idea Natasha!"
I should remember your name, my first niece is named Natasha.:eek:

You are right, it does take a lot of will power and focus. Work the plan.;)

MammaPew, I agree.:)


It's ok, it happens all the time ;).

Have fun kicking butt and taking names with Xtrain Cynthia! I'm in such a bad UB DOMS state that I can barely lift my
arms today :eek:. Burn Sets does indeed BURN.
Wow. After years and years of knowing this, I think that Nicholas Horton video finally spoke to me in a language I understand! Thank you for that!
The best thing to do is eat clean. Diet is everything but don't get overwhelmed if you eat clean & don't see yourself losing as much as you'd like right away. We get overwhelmed with the numbers, whether it be our weight or our bank account :) Stick with it & when you hit a plateau, change it up again. If you haven't lost a specific amount, because we set our expectations so high & get discouraged when we don't get there when we think we should, pat yourself in the back if you have lost something. We are our worst critics and we would like to see the weight come off as quickly as the celebrities, but their lives are a lot different than ours. Don't get discouraged. I have viewed weight loss as a marathon and not a sprint. You will get there if you stick to it. Just don't give up even if you don't lose as much as you'd like right away. Best of luck!! Also, enjoy how you feel after a workout.

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