It's a small world!!! On one of the homeschooling boards I lurk/sometimes post, I met a first time poster, an American married to a Thai guy living in Bangkok!!!! She was asking about building up a library for her homeschool. Their church is one that is familiar! This might sound hokey, but I ever since the Crazy Asian offered to take us with her, I've felt that God has been bringing about things that I can not see or understand for good. I feel like it's no accident that we're going, that I'm meeting this lady, and visiting their church. Although on the surface everything looks spontaneous, it feels planned and purposeful, like it was always meant to be.
Unlike jumping into Round 2!!!!!!!!!
Now onto Personals!!!!
Nicole-X: Are you making friends with the neti pot? Painting is tough! Being sick and painting. Well, at least the fumes won't bother you. Painting might be low intensity. However, moving that brush back and forth, climbing ladders, and all the bending can be taxing! How did SS go today? Maybe, it should have been another yoga week.;-) I have the bamboo steamer and tall pot for making sticky rice. My mother bought it for me ten years ago. I'm just now using it. Usually, I wait for her to visit before digging it out for her to use. Dear, you can still join me in the X. Even if you start two weeks from now, you KNOW how I take extra rest WEEKS. We'll be in sync before you know it! LOL Yeah, Phil's a riot, especially when he enthusiastically serenades me "You're So Cold" whenever the song comes on the radio. I do believe that's our only song! LOLOLOLOLOL
Cheryl: I hope I'm inspiring you to buy Tony back!!!!
I envy how often and far you
voluntarily run. The only time I can fathom running is if I'm being chased!:7 Glad you and dh celebrated your birthday with something you enjoy!
Laurie-XX: Chemicals are a wonderful thing! All 1 gazillion of em. Something to think about when your gray gets washed away.;-) Ask yourself: Are you feeling hormonal? If there is any hint of hormones, don't make any drastic changes. Cutting your hair an inch or two is fine. But, ask yourself the question before an entirely new hairstyle or more than 2"!!!:7 Isn't a lazy dog a beautiful thing! Phil is so jealous when he walks in the bedroom and sees Baby and me lounging on the bed in the middle of the day. He hasn't decided which one of us is more spoiled.}(
Amy: ^^5^^ on the weight and inches lost!!! Do you realize you lost the equivalent of an extremely large newborn!!!:7 Are you concerned about gaining it back now that you're embarking on chewing? Did you notice any loss of energy while on the Velocity diet? LOL on your dh thinking it was hard!!!!
TG: Is Teddyboy afraid of you in the morning? Does he go home at the end of the night to avoid the flying shoe? LOL Glad you had a decent time at the polls. Nice of that lady to have a BBQ for y'all!
Debra-X AKA The Crazy Lady from the North: Loving your life of yoga and a little light cardio!!!! I'm patiently waiting for your masseuse. Until she arrives, I have to use Phil. Yes! I still expect him to pamper me! This ain't no rest home!!!!!}( }( LOL on cleaning house for company. Dh loves company for that very reason! Enjoy the shopping filled weekend!
Tracy-X: TTOM is here!!!! In less than a week, you'll be back to feeling better!!! Congrats for pushing play and bringing it on!!! You're so dedicated!!! Wow! You must need a firmer mattress. The floor is so hard!!! I would have DOMS for days if I tried doing something like that!
{{{{{{Traci-X}}}}} Oh My Lands!!!<-- The geek lady coming out in me! Was your NS a Chinese acupuncturist?!?!?! You poor thing! Did he say that was normal to feel so much pain? Or was he secretly happy he found the bulls eye? I'll be praying for no surgery! If they do have to resort to surgery, what exactly does that entail? Never mind, we're not going to go there. Let's focus on rehab working! They said it should!
Jeanette-X: Mocha CC!:9 Will you adopt me? I'm sure the Crazy Asian will agree to shared custody!}( That's good that the shin is starting to heal up. I was worried when you mentioned it being swollen. Now, take it easy on that elbow!!!!!!!! A DUI program huh? Don't know what to say. Cheers!:+
Hi to Amy-X and Carol!!!! What's up?
Back to my children's future. Scary thought!!!!!
Ballistic Hugs to ALL!