Good morning,
Wendy....You're nuts. Thank heavens for that. I guess you found a new workout time that works for you, huh? Men in general seem to have a harder time with lower body workouts than do women, I'm noticing. I wonder why that is? I'm loving the X+ workouts. They're really different than P90X, but still challenging. I won't do an official P90X+ rotation because there's just not enough variety for my tastes. But I might do something whereby I do the weight workouts a couple times a week for a month or so and see what happens. I hope for all our sakes that you do NOT have time to finish your P90X rotation, then do a P90X+ rotation before we get STS! That would be waaay too long for my liking. However, you could probably do what Nicole did: her 3rd phase of Round 2 was one month of the P90X+ rotation. That would work. When those McD's fry cravings hit, run here and we'll talk you out of it.
Jeanette....Still feeling ucky, huh? After a while it just gets annoying and depressing, doesn't it? I hope you feel better soon. I think I have DH thisclose to buying me a road bike!!! I would love to do spinning workouts during the winter, using Cardio Coaches or Spinervals, etc., and I would love to do some distance riding with DH on the weekends. I'm not sure what we'd do with the kids, so we can ride at the same time, but we'll figure that out somehow. Anyway, he's been nattering on for a couple years about how he wants to buy himself yet another bike. He was shopping around last weekend, and noticed that women's bikes were much cheaper than men's, with great parts on them. Finally, some justice in the world! I told him, if they're so cheap, buy me one! He's not fully convinced I really want what I say I want, but he's gotten on board with the whole shopping part of this. He's spent quite some time looking around at women's bikes online, and has made a list of everything I need. Even if I don't ultimately get a bike, I've let him live the dream for a while, and he's so happy

Maybe he feels the way I did when he agreed to do some of my workout videos? Or maybe he thinks that if I get a new bike, he'll get to get one too?
Traci....I'm lost on this whole Mia thing. I understand the Stacy bit, but not the Mia one. Are we talking multiple personalities? Are you liking the new 10MT workouts? Do they offer you anything new? Ahhh, I just read on and see that you love them. Good. I shall love them too then.

DH says to tell you that he's 400 pounds. What a liar he is. He's only 398 LOL! I haven't gone to a baby shower in years, and can't imagine I'll be going to one until my own kids and my friends' kids are having children of their own. Hopefully they'll be the grown up kind of baby shower you guys attended, and not the silly things they used to be. I feel the same way about the endless crunches at the end of MIS. And it's made worse by the fact that I'm so ready to be DONE by then, but nooooo, she makes us go on ad nauseum with those dang things. Lordy, that's a frightening dental bill. I'm sorry to hear that.
Debra....Gearing up for the b-day party, are you? She'll be 7? Oh, I keep meaning to say that I do want our girls to play some Webkinz or something online. We'll have to try to set something up. I'll email you. How are you feeling about the impending XDH visit? Are you dreading it as much as the last one? Come clean your house??? Did you miss my post about how dang busy I am cleaning my own??? You come here!!!
Carol....Yay! The germs are gone!! That was a great KM sub yesterday. I like that combo.
Lea....I didn't stay in bed and not workout yesterday; I stayed in bed and didn't post on the forum before working out!

Will DH be participating in the spring training, or just watching? I'm impressed you did HSC!
Laurie....Oh! You started Day 2 of the Feb rotation yeterday. I missed that! I like your DM sub. Did you like the TB+ workout? Was that your first time trying it? KM Drills without the chair are better, aren't they? Who would have thought? Now, I don't see myself doing those with ankle weights any time soon, but I suppose a XXXer like yourself could do that... }(
Nicole....Thanks for the heads up about the Clean Eating magazine. I'll keep an eye out for it in the grocery store tomorrow.
Kim....Have you ever done a marathon outside of the prairies? I think it's safe to say the Edmonton marathon is hillier than a prairie marathon, but I don't know how it compares to other cities (ie Boston or New York). I think they may go in and out of the river valley a few times, but I'm not sure. I'll google their website and see if they post a map of this year or previous years. If you come to Edmonton to run the marathon I'll be there to cheer you on and hose you down when you're done. Heck, I'll even buy you lunch afterwards! So, the novice runner speaks English, but doesn't know what the word marathon means? That surprises me. I understand your dilemma, but I'd have told her the difference between 5k, 10k and marathons anyway. Maybe not directly, but indirectly, such as "I remember how hard it was to run my first 26 mile marathon. So much different than a 5k, that's over in less than a half hour. It took me almost 4 hours to run the marathon! Who knew I could run for 4 hours straight!" You know, something like that.
Today's workout is Upper Body+; 10MT Lower body; 10MT abs. If I don't take too many breaks, this should take an hour.
Better go!