Skipper hooked me up!

He was on the phone with our ISP and managed to get the computer connected despite the ESL barrier. I wish they didn't outsource customer service!!!!
I still have to do Plyo tonight. I am so tired though. I'm thinking of subbing it for something like LIC cardio only.}( :7

Oh, I'll just push play once I'm finished with personals. sigh
Jeanette: I was wondering what happened to you last night. I was kinda worried that cold reared the worst last night. L&G isn't easy for me either. I don't care what Super Sonic Sandra says!!!:7 You're cracking me up about having the Captain (my nickname for your dh) look in the mirror. I was reminded of it when the Skipper came upstairs after C&B tonight and asked me if his abs looked any different. Uh... What do you say to a SKIPPER? I told him to leave me alone. I was trying to nap. Hello! He knew I was awake till 3 AM!!!
Lea!!! So glad to see you post today!!!:7 Don't you know, Anthony is one of my lusts in life? It's his personality for sure! I will check out his site and vote. I was hoping someone from Thailand would submit a video clip. I would love it if he showed people the real Thailand vs. the tourist sites.
Um Debra: You DO have my cell phone number! Give me a ring if you get bored in the middle of the night. Believe me, if I'm sleeping, I won't wake up and answer. Now, the Skipper might.}(
Traci: Oh, hon! My first thought was: I am SO HAPPY Traci already bought her ticket!!! My next thought: I doubt she'll be able to cancel her reservation!

Then I realized how SELFISH I was/am. Finally I was so sickened to hear WB's proposed dental bill!!! Could you get a second opinion? Maybe with a teaching school?}(}( Consider it giving back to the community. A kind of charitable thing like donating your body to science.:+ Geez! Yes, didn't you think it was odd how I looked so awesome after painting? Well, you've caught me! I can't hide anything from you!!! I wasn't really painting. I was with Tony filming lower body! Shhhh! Don't tell Skipper!!!!:+

LOL reading your italicized disclaimer at the end of Debra's post. Don't worry. I used to be a democrat before I went over to the dark side.}( So what did the poopy diapered men win? Baby wipes?
Sandra: Phase 3 of X+ sounds tempting considering they're shorter! Maybe I'll preview a few of them at Debra's house. See my question to Laurie down below. Wouldn't it be funny if your bands were really purple?!?!?!?! Guess which Wendy is here today!

}( Oh! Thank you so much for the salmon recipe. That does sound good. I will try it this weekend!!! It's settled. I'm going to use the chicken stock for the brown rice.
X Porn Queen Laurie: Too bad you couldn't have just ran with your dd before taking her home. That would be 24 times around the track. Sounds like work to me!!! Do you think subbing X+ workouts for Phase three would hinder, maintain, or make gains? Would I have to do anything crazy like add an additional 30 minutes of IMAX everyday?
Nicole: Do you really think STS will be ready by May? That would be so cool! What did I miss? I didn't realize your dh's job was in jeopardy. No, the Skipper isn't on the naughty list. I wasn't upset with his change in plans. See, I CAN be reasonable.:7 This is how dh responds to being on the naughty list. He goes out to the B.A.R. with the guys from work for lunch or after work. It kills two birds with one stone. He knows it pisses me off. And, he can avoid confrontation for a couple of more hours. I yell something like, "OMW! This room reeks of alcohol!!!!" When in reality, he might have only had a few beers and an appetizer. LOL (I have a nose that can sniff out any alcohol he may of had at lunch, even if it's a half of beer!!! Strange, but true.) Then, the next morning when his senses return (he's in the mood for luv }(), he'll clean up the house and make homemade pancakes or waffles for everyone. He'll be as nice as possible to get me in bed!!! Of course, that never works!!! You'd think he'd learn that by now! Later in the day, I'll ease up and actually get to the point where I let go of all anger. When everything is calm and peaceful, usually takes 24 hours of him trying to woo me, I ask questions. He answers. I explain my side. Everything is now centered again. Has your dh NOT learned the wooing part yet?!?!?! Does he need a "Got to have a Wife for Life" Boot Camp?!?!?! Rule #1: You can't argue with a woman and expect to win, even if you're right!:7 Now, I say this with love: STOP Texting and just DRIVE!!! Don't you want to outlive dh!!!!}( :+

A new low? I thought I was already there!:+ :+ :+ Why, of course the X bands are special. They are specially kissed by Tony before shipped to every X graduate.:+
Hi Teddygirl: Popping in again. What workouts have you been doing lately? Gymstyles at a decent hour, I hope!!!
Okay, I guess it's time to push play. It is 11 o'clock at night!
Hi to Kim, Carol, Christiane, Mia, and Stacy. Don't want to forget anybody. But, if I had, sorry. I'm really tired!
Ballistic Hugs to ALL!