Xers ---------- Thrilling Thursday ! ! ! !

Oh, yummy:9 So many recipes and so little time:) I'm glad the thought of turning my oven on doesn't make me sweat profusely anymore:p Thanks Lea and Amy!

DebraX, I like the final version of XDH:) Looks good! Sorry he's so consumed with his own troubles that he doesn't realize the extra ones he's causig you:( It'll get better soon enough.

Traci-X, Wow, print ads! You are really coming up in the fitness world! Next thing you know, you'll be on Oprah;)

Anointed, RS was a ton of fun! You should pull it out again:)

LeaX, Yes, I think our boys would have great fun together:) How old is your other son? My older ones are 6 & 8. I love having just boys, it is much easier than mixing it up;)

Off to pick up my car from the shopx(


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
Hi all,

Just checking in while I wait for the noodles to cook for the spagetti (for DS & DH) and getting a shower and going back to work.

I rushed home and did the leg/butt workout and rotated exercises with pushups and pull/chin ups. Leg work was a little iffy today after the run and serious stretching yesterday, but Ok. I did over 300 various push ups, 4 sets of 12 assisted pull ups and then in succession with minimal breaks , 1 minute, 10, 8, 6, 5 chin ups unassisted. I was happy about that because that is up from last time. I'm just about ready to try unassisted close grip pull ups, but I'll wait just a little longer because that's how I strained my forearm a while ago.

Gotta go, I'll catch up in the morning.

Have a great evening.

Good Afternoon Ladies!

I whacked my left knee on the table leg at lunch. Man! Did it hurt!!! It still hurts to walk. I don't know if I'll do yoga tonight. I'll see how my knee feels if Phil gets home in time.

He called me around 2:00 with bad news. He had to take his partner to the hospital. A fork lift ran over his foot. The x-ray tech said it looked pretty bad. Dh is still at the hospital. He's going to take him home since this guy doesn't have any family in the area to pick him up. The only problem is they are in Jersey and this guy lives in another county in PA.

At any rate, I'm all packed up and dressed in case I decide to go. Just gotta pull my hair back.

I've got some time for personals before dinner. My personal chef isn't here to make dinner. :7 ;)

Tracy-X: What's wrong with your computer? When you say you might take the day off, do you mean from work or working out? LOL I like Sandra's KPC combo too. I have the same problem if I do the workout as produced. I'm pretty beat towards the end of combo 2 though! I've never taken supplemental flax. I'm wondering if it will help me to fall asleep. I'm sure if I cut back from sipping my coffee all day that would help too. Ha-Ha Where do you buy yours? I started eating a hot 7 grain cereal that has flax in it. It's your cure all eh? Should I rub some cereal on my knee?:+ Nasty-mean girls in 2nd grade? Really? Wow they do start young! I don't remember mean girls till jr. high. Maybe, I was too busy gabbing to notice though.:7 LOL on your family being house trained.

Traci-X: I feel dumb! Circuit City went right over my head!!!! I'm thinking what's working out have to do with electronics?:7 C&W is such a fun workout! I miss doing circuits. Thanks for the hug!!!:* Mmmm! Friday Cheat Meal... What did ya have? I'll have to take a look at the perfect push-up bars and the Pit. Pretty soon, I'll be so broke, I'll do ALL my clothes shopping at Walmart!!!!:7 Be kind to your paying client. She's got her work cut out for her tonight! See what I mean! Don't trust sweat!!!! It's not your friend like so many yogis think it is!!!:p ;) Can't you email PDFs?

Debra-X: I like Target more than Walmart too. I think it's because the store doesn't look as cluttered as Walmart. I tend to have ADD and a difficult time staying focused with all that visual stimulation. The girls picked out cute clothes there with their birthday money. Sorry to hear about your appetite. You know when I lost a ton of weight during my first semester in college, I had a hard time being able to chew/swallow/crave anything. I was only able to tolerate bagels and toast with a little peanut butter or cream cheese for the longest time. My weight was lower than it was when I was in highschool! Scared me so much, I went to the doctors. He wasn't any help. After checking my thyroid and blood work, he informed me that I was healthy and asked if I was a vegetarian. Apparently, he forgot the reason I saw him was from not being able to eat!!!! I forget how my appetite returned. I think it was when finals were finished. LOL Take care of yourself!!!! Oh, I'm jealous of your professional massage. Don't stop!!!! I can live vicariously through you too!;-) Oh, honey! You've gotta break that back to sleep habit. Pretty soon, you won't be able to sleep at night. And, there's nothing good on tv to watch at 3 in the morning, except previewing w/o videos. And, you don't have any new ones to preview till Cathe ships out the new series. LOL on redesigning your rotation. Gasp! I never thought of Traci's PT business interfering with our little check-in. I think I'm having a mini panic attack!! Excuse me while I breathe.

Jeanette-X: You have a full day! I hope you had a good game and yummy dinner! Eat some dessert for me! Where are you having to go tomorrow morning that requires a 7 o'clock wake up time? And who's this we? OH! Your dh is riding to work with you in the morning. LOL I need some serious ginkgo biloba!!!!

Teddygirl: Pumpkin cookies are already in season? I'll have to tell Phil next time I send him to the grocery store to check out our bakery. I still have to unpack the girls' clothes. Usually, I'm good about doing it right away like you. Yep! The week following a holiday weekend is tough. It's hard to get back into the swing of things! The weekend will be here soon enough. Then you can work off the cookies and ice cream (my personal downfall lately). I once heard that if your lips feel dry, you're already dehydrated. It helps me to keep pumping the water in so I don't get dry lips.

Laurie-XX: Gabby Reece. Never heard of her. I have the same affection for Basic Step. However, I doubt that I will ever pop it in the dvd player. I had Cathe autograph it. So, I doubt I'll ever sell it either. It'll just stay in my house collecting dust along with everything else.;-) LOL at seeing your dd run. Will you be driving along her or watching from the stands? Oh! Don't let eldest dd find out that she only had 6 problems. I'd never hear the end of it!!! When eldest ds told dd that he only had to do evens and odds, I never heard the end of it till I said, "That's ENOUGH! I don't care what other teacher's do! If I did, you wouldn't be here doing ALL your math problems!!!!"}( Yep, it was a last nerves moment. Speaking of which... When eldest ds was 9, he asked me how many last nerves did I have.:7 :7 I'm sure I'll have more moments when she's your dd's age. Phil and I are scared!;-) I agree! Did you put in a low-impact plug for walking at the Faire instead of adding on another 6 miles? Wait! 6 MILES!!! I don't ever recall having to run that far! Then again, I wasn't in track. LOL OMW! She must like running!!!

Sandra-X: Not fair! Can't you hear me screaming SIIIIIIITTTTTT too? I wanna know how dd's Day 3 went. Hope all went well!!! I hope you at least kissed the beegeebers out of your dd's cheeks!!! How cute is toddler talk!!!

Nicole-X: I couldn't work shoulders. I just couldn't. Visions of the instructor pushing my back towards my legs with shoulder DOMS kept running through my head. It's enough to give me nightmares. If Phil doesn't get home in time, I'll do the shoulder workout instead.

Lea-X: Thank you for sharing the recipe intended for Sandra!!! I've been wanting to make hummus for some time. But, why no chickpeas? Is it less cal this way? I have two huge zucchinis in my fridge waiting for a recipe other than bread.

Amy: Thanks for posting boys. Brings back memories. What a good idea to salt the eggplant to draw out the water. I do the same with cucumbers when making cucumber sandwiches. It's been ages (pre-kitchen remodel) since I made eggplant lasagna. I'll have to put this on my weekend menu. Oh! Might have to wait till next week. We're going to MIL's this weekend. I can't deny her the joy of cooking for us.:7

Amy-X: No we didn't make it to Penns Cave this weekend. There'll be more opportunities for us to go. We're up there at least once a month. I might wait till Spring. Or, I could have her go now and write a report on the similarities and differences between the two caves. How much you wanna bet she freaks when she hears that idea!}( Hope all is well with you! Did you find a bio-identical practitioner yet? How's Round 2 of the X coming along?

Carol, Jenn: Don't make me come to your house!!!!

Cheryl: Hope all is well in your world. No need for me to show up at your house. I know you're a good girl getting your workouts done.:)

Okay ladies, gotta cook something for dinner. DH keeps trying to call me, but the reception is horrible. I have no idea where he is or when he'll be home.

Talk later!

Oooo! Almost forgot! It's Reality TV night. Tim Gunn has a new show on Bravo. I caught a preview special last night. But, there's another one on tonight!!! I'm so easily amused!!!:)
Hi, everyone - no workout at all today - very early a.m. bus. meetings so I made this my planned rest day for the week. I can't wait for tomorrow - I need for it to be Friday - TGIF!! Nearly here!
Business has been majorly good, however, and that's very nice.

Wendy, wow, your DH's poor partner. That's terrible news. A forklift running over a foot... can't be good. Also sorry to hear you clobbered your knee. A bad day in your area.

Traci, okay, let's hear it "Why do you build me up Buttercup, don't break my heart!" I'll bet you've been singing it all day.
Sounds like a fun dinner last night and a fun day of workout and training business today.

I'm just glad to be home.

Hoo rah! Have a great night, everyone!

Hi...just flying by for an end of the evening post...Sounds like everyone had a good and busy day!

Sandra...I guess your toddler ended up tying you down on the sofa for the afternoon!

Cheryl....Glad you got a rest day in...and so glad your business is booming.

Wendy...Yeah, that's why I like Target better, too. I always feel like WalMart is so thrown together....I like feeling like I am in a dept store only without the higher prices. Stress is a lovely way to lose weight...who knew? I thought I would be eating like crazy...but instead, just no appetite. You must get a professional massage for yourself...although I am jealous that you have a yoga class that you like. Hoping your leg is better soon. Ouchie! And the reason Lea does not have chickpeas in her recipe is because they are cooked and she is a raw food eater.

Lea...No hidden meaning about the broomsticks...just figured you were flying around with an evil cackle!

Amy....Printed out your recipe...Thanks! Poor baby...didn't have to mow the lawn today. LOL!

Tracy.....You are an incredible workout woman! 300 push ups??? My goodness! I bow to you, o goddess of the workout world.

Hope the rest of you are all doing well this September evening. I think I caught up with everyone else earlier in the day.


we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese

Made it to power heated yoga class. I got eldest ds's gf to babysit the girls since Phil wouldn't get home in time.

Class was much better on drugs (ibuprofen and Sudafed), far away from the heater, and having TWO LARGE fluffy towels to sop up my sweat! :D I don't know the name of this move. You're on your knees with your hands supporting your lower back while arching your back as far as you can. Then you grasp one of your ankles while your other hand is in the air. Well, the instructor informs me that I can grasp both ankles. I inform him, "I don't want to!":p :7 }(

Dragged Jenn along with me!!!}( In the parking lot a thought occurs and she asks, "This isn't the same class you went to last week, is it?" }( :7 :p Yep! It was the same basic moves class, not basic as in beginner class.:7 During class, she exclaims that our instructor is as bad (hard) as Cathe. LOL It was fun having her there. Had a couple of giggle moments (messing up the instructors count and cueing), high five moment (successful wheel) and shared rolling of the eyes moments (endless crunches). I think she's gonna hate me in the morning when she feels spine DOMS.}(

Well, I'm going to hop in the shower and take another ibuprofen for my knee.

Debra-X: Whenever I start giving Dd's art teacher a hard time, he imitates Glenda the Good Witch while telling me, "You have no power here." He cracks me up! I'm sure he wishes I hop on my broomstick and fly away by the end of class.

Okay! Dried sweat needs washed off. Jenn couldn't believe how much I can sweat. My entire pants were soaked!

Sweet Dreams!
Hi all,
Nice day for me today (no workie). Did the first 3 combos of Rhythmic Step this morning, then DH and I traveled to Redding to sign him up in the Carpenter's Union. Got back, did a couple errands around the house and then he and I met 2 another for my 3rd game of golf. Had a really good time and I hit the ball pretty well this time. Putting game was not too good though. Have to work on that more, but hey, it's my 3rd game. Think DH had a good time driving the cart for me and even giving some advice. Afterwards, we all went to dinner for Mexican food. It was a fabulous day!!!

Am listening to my Time/Life Soft Rock CD's. They finally came a couple days ago. You know, the Bee Gees, America, James Taylor, Don McClean. Love it...:+

On to personals:

Laurie, I think I remember seeing Gabby on the FitTV channel doing a series on workouts of other athletes. Congrats to your daughter for making the Varsity team!!! 15th out of 250 is very, very impressive!!! Don't think I've ever seen anyone with the bolt in the neck thing. Is it like Frankenstein? Sounds like your DH's year with the Faire was successful. Next year, he'll be an old hand at this stuff and skin as thick as an alligator's. Hopefully, nothing will bother him then. I ought to pull out my Billy Blanks workout soon. I remember doing one of his when I first started working out and it kicked my butt! I always think that I've improved since then, but when I do the workout even to this day, he still kicks my butt!!! What's up with that? I'm not bothered by odd rep counts or anything like that. He was very motivating to me when I first started working out.

Amy, loved the pictures of the "boys". I had no clue who they were when you first mentioned them. The nerve of that old lady at the Gym. You just keep on with those heavy weights, girl! You are doing awesome! I love pistachio pudding so it's probably great in the shake.

Sandra, I can't wait to tell the prison priest how well the golf game went with him changing my swing (actually the stance). He'll be very pleased. HSC is a good one, that one seems to go quickly for me and has lots of variety in it. Hoping that school is going better each day for your DD#1. Love how you described a home full of good smells... made me warm inside. I'm going to get out my homemade bread recipe one day this winter and really enjoy the baking. Something very, very satisfying about baking bread for sure. Fond memories of growing up and smelling it when Mom used to make it.

Wendy, so glad you are back. I missed you. Have you gotten to try the new pedals yet? I can't imagine not having them. Remember, pedal in circles, not squares. And it's scraping mud off the bottoms of your shoes on the bottom part of the pedal circle. Glad you got to hear from your DS. What an experience this is for him. Sounds like he has a good attitude. LOL re: the paintball gun!!! Who hasn't had kids that have done something like that? By the way, has your foot healed up completely? Mine is all good. I now am very, very careful with the car trailer ramp. No way will I let it fall anywhere near my foot again. No, golf is not demanding fitness wise. Today, DH and I rode in the cart, only because my golf friend's wife went too and she can't walk much as she has Lupus. When I played with the prison priest, we walked the 9 holes and at a brisk pace. I felt like it was a good workout. I think that being more flexible thru my upper body will help my swing too. You are so blessed to have your Phil. What a wonderful couple you two are. He must love you very, very much. Cleaning floors on his hands and knees. Hey, I can't even stand to do it myself. No dessert for me tonite at the Mexican food place, though I thought about it. I had a taco salad and water, also a few sips of a margarita. Sorry to hear about the forklift accident. Hope the guy is okay. Hope your knee starts feeling better. I hate hitting my knee. There's just not much padding there at all. That yoga class sounds tough. I took a yoga class one winter and really enjoyed it. The best part was Shavasana. The instructor would go around the room while we were laying there with our eyes closed and snuggled with our blankets on us and she'd give us each a little scalp massage, and then pull on our necks. I never caught any lice or had a sore neck so guess it was okay. Loved that part the best.

Teddygirl, I missed hearing from you too. So glad you had a nice time. Don't worry about the ice cream weight. It's like Thanksgiving turkey weight, goes on quick, comes off quick. You know how to do it.
As I get older, the times that matter more are the ones I get to spend with my family and friends, not how tough a workout was or how much weight I lost. Maybe I'm just getting soft here lately, but I don't want to look back on my life and think that I was too into my own things and didn't spend time where I should have. It's all a balance, isn't it? You'll be good to go soon, energywise. Get some rest!

Nicole, is your weather cooler now? Ours is, and while out golfing today, it felt like it would rain. Think it was just the smoke from the nearby fire covering the sun. Your breakfast out sounded very nice. How was Rhythmic Step for you? I was able to do most all of it, only missed a couple of moves. DH says it sounds like circus music to him.

Cheryl, you are sure right about the 1st 1/2 of MIC music not being so good. I don't remember Imax1 being frantic. It's been a while since I've done it, but I remember liking it.

Traci, no, DH and I won't be able to do lunch, or drive together or anything at work. It's fine with me though. He's excited about starting on Monday. I think it'll be a great pre-retirement job for him. He's always worked in private industry production jobs and this will be a lot slower pace. He'll find out how slow the State moves for sure... If you ever come to Reno, I've got to know!!! I will drop everything and come see you. I traveled over there a couple of years ago and met KK (Karen Kay) from my other checkin. She's a romance writer and was attending a convention at the Hilton. It was great to see her. Rhea from our checkin lives in my town and I see her occasionally, in fact saw her at the golf course a few weeks ago. Woohoo on free meal at Friday's!!! Actually, I knew it was more like a "cheat meal" than a free as in zero money. Hope all went well with your client tonite. Bet it did, how could it not with you as the PT? I'm so glad you didn't get hurt slipping on your step. When I almost fall or slip, the adrenaline shoots through the backs of my hands. That ever happen to anyone else?

Debra, you're killing me with the massage talk!!! I'd love to have one. Are you sore today? I carry tension in my upper back and neck too. Are you going to try the flax seed to help you sleep? What is "seaweed during PE"?? I've never heard that term before. Glad you got a nap in there. Sometimes I just need a little "catnap" to feel better. 10 or 15 minutes and I'm okay.

Tracy, can I have those tight inner thighs? I'll gladly give you my loose ones. Glad you had a nice run. I don't like it when I have stuff to do every night, except stuff that I like to do, of course. Hope next week goes better for you. No rain for you either in your part of the country? Hope we both get some soon. You are sooo good with the chinups and pushups. Don't think I've done a chinup (even on the Bowflex) since I finished P90X in January. Tony would not be proud of me for sure.

Lea, how was Step Fit? Is that one that's on the Classics? I bought the Classics a long time ago and have probably only done it once. Yes, I do a lot of activities. You know the saying, "Jack of all trades, master of none". That's me. Seems like I have just about every evening filled with something to do. DH probably thinks that housework would be nice for me to do too.

Well, I've written a book so had better finish my coffee (oops) and finish reading some more on this time waster of a machine.

See you all in the morning,

WendyX, That is camel:) So glad class was a bit more fun today:D

JeanetteX, Thw weather today was beautiful! Will be the same all week and next week:D Glad you had a wonderful day!!


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

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