Xers Thrillin' on Thursday

Hi all,

I've been so busy today. The two jobs are like an abyss.

I'll try to catch up tomorrow.

Today was S&H Ch & TRi plus some fluid yoga. I love the 27 minute standing flow. It is unique and quite effective.

Yesterday was GS LEGS. All of the yoga has really helped the strength in my legs, plus I had no DOMS today.

I have to think on where I'd like to immigrate to. Probably a South American country.

Thanks for the info on SS. I never do those because it seems so confusing.

Hi, everyone! What a long day! Finally home with a minute to look at everyone's posts.

Sandra, yes, I would buy the seitan and I would also eat it. I ate a lovely chicken salad at the retreat I went to a few weekends ago that was made entirely with wheat meat. Couldn't even tell. Sounds good!

As for the question of the day... hmm... Northern Italy, I think. Very romantic. If not Northern Italy, perhaps northern France.

I only worked out 20 minutes today. aaagh! I was light headed and still tired from all the lack of sleep earlier in the week. Oh well.

Traci, good job on the UB DOMS. Great workout!

Tracy, nice workout to you, too.

Wendy, love the story about your mother and the cheekbones... bummer she has to deal with diabetes.

Teddygirl, I'm with Traci on the advice that you stick with no new DVD workouts for now. I'm sure you have lots of them that will feel new.
Sounds like a yummy dinner last night. Now that's my kind of workout!:7

Have a great night, everyone!
Hi everyone,
Got the tough bike climb ride with a girlfriend and her DH in tonite. Good climb, there is a section of it that has me going like 4 mph, super steep. I felt good tonite, legs strong and good cardio for it. I definitely feel much improved from last year doing this same climb. This will be the climb in the hill climb competition on June 28th. I hope to do this climb one more time before then.

Teddygirl, I feel so bad for what you sister is going thru. Don't feel bad about the food eaten. Family is most important for sure, not this silly exercising stuff. If my family were ill, I'd hate for them to remember that I didn't spend enough time with them because I was too busy improving my body. Sounds pretty shallow. Hugs to you and your sister.

Traci, glad you will be around this weekend. I'll be MIA Friday evening and Saturday, but should be back on Saturday night. Looking forward to the Reno trip. Sunday we just decided to take our camp trailer over to where we will be going to a blackpowder shooting event NEXT weekend. Guess I'd better get busy cleaning the trailer. So much going on. Usually I shoot blackpowder with DH and friends, but I have the century bike ride on that day. I'll just do the ride and then go back to the shoot to finish the camping trip. It'll work out.

Wendy, congrats on passing the eval. I knew that you would, you have such zest and pour so much energy into everything you do. Way to go, the lost sleep is all worth it! Did you get your workout in today? LOL, re: my DH as a sea captain. Must be the mutton chops on his face. He primps and fusses with his mustache and sideburns more than any woman. I swear he even uses my hairspray on them. Thanks for all the compliments on my family pictures. Tillie is wonderful. She is definitely the little queen in this house and she's only 2. Paint toenails? I have the ugliest little toes, I wouldn't want anyone to even see my toes, let alone paint them.

Laurie, I have the heating pad out again under my feet while I sit here typing. It's warmer in the house, but still far from comfortable. Good workout today for you. I liked CST. Bet you are looking great.

Amy, so glad you were able to negotiate the good gym deal. Always feels good to bet a break. A big heating pad in the bed sounds good right now. That's great that the MRI was negative. Do you still have any pain, or did you ever have pain?

Sandra, so glad you enjoyed Cardio Coach! They are the best! I have done CC#5 once and really, really liked that one. It's closer to an hour. I enjoyed CC#2 revised too. CC#4 is a tougher one. CC#1 is short but intense too. I don't know about the seitan. Not even sure what it is. Not sure if Mom has Reynaud's Syndrome. I'll have to look up the symptoms. I ordered Christi Taylor's Totally Cool Step and Cardio, also Stepsational something. Good prices. Think I got all 3 for $21. Oh yeah, yesterday Mom showed me a thing she made that is full of rice that she heats in the microwave and then she puts it on her feet in bed. Works well for her.

Nicole, hope you have the most awesome trip. I have a friend that is the new City Manager in Cody, Wyoming. Take lots of pictures. We will miss talking to you on here. Bet you develope some "shrinkage" while on vacation.


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