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When I said I was off to trip over my feet, I didn't mean it literally, but that's what happened. Ouch! My right ankle twisted under me and I hit the floor. The exercise mats cushioned the fall, so it's just my ankle that's feeling a little funny. Not painful, just over-stretched. I was able to stand up and shake it off quickly enough, and finish the workout, but only time will tell if it swells or stiffens. I took some ibuprofen. I'll be fiiiiiiiiine! x(
Anyhow, the workout was a lot of fun. I've got combos 1-3 nailed down. Combos 4 & 5 were still quite rough, but I did suprisingly better than I thought I would. More practice is required. I didn't do the "power up" she tacked on at the end, because I'd run out of time, what with having to pause and rewind 4 & 5 a few times. I think on Saturday I'll do Kenpo Cardio+, then pop in this dvd and go from combo 4 through to the end. That should be a nice hour-ish cardio. Provided my ankle cooperates. I'm sure it will. I'll be fiiiiiiiiiiine!
Debra....I don't think I offered you any moral support yesterday! I'm so sorry about that! It sounds like you have good reason to be worried about the garbage that XDH might pull, especially when lawyers become involved. I hope your own lawyer is a bull dog. Did you end up writing a test yesterday? How are you legs after that screaming match yesterday? If your legs are so sore that you can't type, well then, that's bad. I'm glad I could give you some chuckles yesterday. I do my best

I'm personally not thrilled with the Mark guy in the new videos. He's rather scary looking all around. Then at the end of KenpoCardio+ he says to Tony, "What, no hug?" and Tony replies, "Later". WTH does that mean?!?! LMAO. Keep in mind that Tony mentions twice that he's wearing a shirt given to him by Mark. Forget about Dreya! We've got Mark now! Then there's Tracy standing there, and Tony points out that she had 4 children come from that core, and the camera zooooooms in on her abs and pelvis. Good lord, get away from the woman's privates! We don't need to imagine that! (not a stretch mark in sight, btw. I'll bet her babies were 4 lbs each).
Nicole....The sick DD was the one who had his birthday, was he not? What a terrible way to end your birthday! A 51 year old man and a 32 year old woman; maybe their libidos will match up
Tracy....You got the impression that Tony might be injured too, huh? Notice how he barely joins in on anything, but spends most of his time coaching? I wonder what's up? Maybe your approach to the core work is what I'll try: attempt 8-10 reps of each, then move on. There's no doubt that doing that hanging core work will improve my ability to do pull/chins, and vice versa. I haven't previewed TB+ yet, but the thought of CS on speed sounds dreadful
Jeanette....I drank a cup of water and the line disappeared. Success is fleeting LOL! So you all finally did the No Slackers, hey? I'll bet that 47 minutes felt as tough as 90. That's probably a workout that made a difference. Good work! Of course we have hardwood floors throughout the house. I love it. We have an expensive red birch on the main floor that we paid a fraction of the price to purchase and have installed. If we ever sell the house, the floors will be a big feature. Yup, Wendy went to Thailand last Friday. I don't remember when she'll be returning. Cathe's cuing in HIS doesn't bother me. I think that given the speed she throws some of the footwork at you, she doesn't have time to spit out the words beforehand. But if you think she's lack in HIS, get ready for Amy in SCII! I don't recall her ever saying the words "left" or "right", and she only occasionally says, "front" and "back." She never counts out the tempo for you, the way Cathe does, so when you're trying to figure out the sequence, remember to do an 8-count in your head. I wonder what happens that makes us less hungry? I hope our metabolisms aren't slowing down? On 1600-1800 calories/day, I can't imagine my body's going into starvation mode.
Traci....Did you get some tanning in yesterday, too? It's the "January Blahs". Good luck with your new client today. Again, don't let her talk to Wendell

How's he doing, btw? Still turning up for his sessions with the sexy PT? If you want more of my "observations" on the new workouts, check out my post to Debra above. I don't think Tony's comments were meant to be nasty, and I'm not even 100% sure that the expression means what I think it means. I have a feeling it's a slang term that been used so much that no one's even stopped to question the meaning. But still....someone should have caught it. One day Cathe mentioned "wife beater shirts" in an AC post, and I almost fell off my chair. That's a boxing term, for sure, but the professionals really need to be more conscious of what they say. I'll try to preview TB+ today and see if the ab work looks sub-able for ARX tomorrow. What leg workout should I do tomorrow? I did 4DS Lower Body on Tuesday. I'm thinking I should do that one again, with the pull/chins inserted. Or something else? I've got time for something a bit longer. Why are you asking for only $100,000? I WANT $1,000,000Cdn!!!! *waiting more patiently than Traci, 'cause it takes longer for things to get to Canada.*
Lea....Oh, I turned you off of P90X+? Drat! I didn't mean to do that! The real test of these workouts is in whether they actually work. I don't think they intended to put them in for Oscar contention

And yes, Tracy Morrow came across personably enough for me to want to see more of her. Can't say as I ever wanted to see Dreya come out with her own videos. Your workouts are sounding very sensible. You'll be back into P90X before you know it.
Teddygirl....Are the reports done? Busy busy! PUB is 2 count, and single-count. No slow counts. I suppose you could adjust it and do it that way if you wanted to? Oh, you could do the pryamid up as Cathe does it, then on the down pyramid, stick to 8 reps, 6 count. So for biceps, for example:
10lbs X 12 reps, Cathe's pace (2/2 count)
12lbs x 10 reps, Cathe's pace (2/2 count)
15lbs x 8 reps, 2 up, 6 down (opposite of SH biceps)
15lbs x 8 reps, 2 up, 6 down
15lbs x 8 reps, 2 up, 6 down
Something like that, anyway.
Tony's got to be at least 50 in these workouts. He ranged between 45-47 in P90X, and that was made a few years ago now.
Laurie....Ooooh, I'm glad to hear such a positive review about Interval+. Isn't that thin feeling also called "dehydration"? That's what I always figure, anyway. -10F is -24C. That's cold enough, for sure! We're at -11C right now. Want to come to the balmy north?

I'm still waiting for some answers LOL! Don't make me have to go to Beachbody dot com....If you like, I can finish up my Round 2, wait a couple of weeks for you to finish Round 3, then we can start Phase 1 of the new Classic+ rotation together? While I'm waiting for you, I'd enjoy doing a few weeks of Cathe's 4DS, GS and SH work, with my new Amy cardios. Then I'd be ready to get back to Tony, I think. That Aerobox workouts sounds really intriguing. You have me tempted to track it down. Oh my, I'm sorry about the death of your faire member!!!! How very sad for his family, and friends.
I need to make up my menus and grocery list for next week. I'm still undecided about whether I should repeat the P90X meal plan for a 3rd week, or follow the block plan. The meals in the plan are so easy and quick to prepare; I love that. And they taste good. But I don't want us to get burnt out on the same old thing every week. Maybe I'll just sub a few dinners to shake things up a bit. Oh, and in case you're worried about my ankle, don't be. I'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
Have a great day!
Cathe Cat/ Sandra