Kenpo done!
It felt nice to do Kenpo today because I did it with just music and cues. I can actually do it better without the chatter. I'm sure you're all surprised but this is the first time I have done P90X with music and cues only
I am feeling so yuck lately! I cannot get any of this Christmas weight off and for all of you that say it will eventually go away, I'm thinking no, it's pretty stubborn. I was looking at a picture of me and my little sister and I looked close to her size. She is the skinny one in the family so I was shocked to see that I looked that small just a year ago. I have put on 25 lbs. since then and the reality of that is hitting me hard as of late. I don't know which is harder, staying this big or writing down every bite that goes into my mouth to stay smaller. For all of you inquiring minds, I now weigh 159 lbs.!!!!!!! My lowest weight last year was 132 lbs. so it's quite depressing to see the scale right now. I know the resistance is from too many years of dieting, bad food choices, my stupid thyroid and fallout from anorexia and bulimia. All of those combined make me feel so helpless in this battle. I cannot even imagine how people who have to lose 100's of lbs. feel! DH isn't much help because he doesn't understand what's in this head of mine when it comes to my body image issues. I'm glad I have all of you to vent this too as it has been bugging me a lot lately. I have got to do something fast!!!!!
Christiane, I hope you're having fun scrapbooking. Have fun with Kenpo or Low Max! I'm glad you have tender memories of all this running around, it gives me hope

I'm glad you listened to your body and took a break yesterday. I bet you felt resolved to get back with it today.
Tracy, Another class? How long is this one for? That's funny that you thought that about Tony being injured. I thought the same thing when I saw him standing around 95% of the time

I agree it was a bit much with the chatting about the weights but down the road it will be ok when I can do it with music and cues only. Stay warm!
Traci, I'm glad you like your new client! Was she as out of shape as you thought? I know you'll have her looking fab soon as long as she listens to you. I wish I had someone to motivate me everyday to stop this weight gain. So, you wanna come visit for a few months?

Wendell won't mind, besides distance makes the heart grow fonder

I need a smack in the face and a reality check ASAP!!!!
Carol, I'm glad Traci was able to talk you out of your hole

I hope your personal stuff will be over soon and you'll be back and happy
Sandra, I was cracking up reading your take on the plus series

Did you have a strong opinion about it?

IntervalX+ is a good one. I will be doing it next week with all of the others as I'm finishing up the round with the + workouts. Sorry you fell on your face today

Even funnier was that you foretold it this morning

I have done that before and I stress out thinking about if I had injured myself and couldn't workout. What was your overall results with the P90X eating plan? Did you get over the afternoon hunger towards the end? I have to pull out that book and read it over again. Thanks for cheering on the other team, I hope it helps
Lea, We're getting the rain too and I'm glad! It was looking so dry and ugly around here. I do love summer though but right now I'm glad I can hide this blubber in a sweater

If you can believe it DH tells me I should out DS in more sports. I told him as soon as he can take him to practice and games! No coffee?! Yeah, we're not the group that would discourage such practices
Latrese, I'm glad you finally made the best decision for YOU! I'm sure you feel better now that you're back in charge of what workouts you do. Sounds like you're already pumped up on your new program.
Jeanette, What a bummer that Low Max is freezing up

I purchased a DVD repair kit at Target and it has worked really well on our DVD's. I actually clean all of the DVD's that come from the library in it before I use them. DH said dirty DVD's can ruin the DVD player. Since you use Netflix a lot it would probably be a good investment. I'm glad to hear work is challenging you a bit. That makes the day go by faster too
Laurie, It was 50 here today and I about froze to death. I'm pretty sure I would die a quick death in a WI winter

Glad you like Interval X+, I liked it a lot too. I have been taking it easy this week since it is a RECOVERY week!

Go easy tomorrow!!
Debra, You sound about as peppy as me lately

I don't have near as good of an excuse as you do, but alas, I am still whooped! I'm sure it's the stress of not knowing what XDH will do next. Just keep saying, "I will not let him get to me, I will not let him get to me." Glad to know your mom and dad got over the age difference. I think my friend is truly happy and looking forward to getting past all of the man trouble and starting a new life. Let us know what the attorney says. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
Swifty, Glad to see you again! Are you getting close to the end of your ACE stuff? I'm glad you have DH along for the ride even though he's trying to show you up

Thanks for the recipe! Sounds yummy:9 Anything with garlic in is a winner in my book
I must go and get the boys from school. They forgot their lunch and I know they are going to be starving! It's too far to take it to them and they need to learn that mommy will not drive things to them if they forget.
See you all later!
Bring it!!!