Good morning!
4DS Boot Camp is the whole series is complete. And the verdict is: wonderful! I really enjoyed this workout, and every workout of the group. The cardio is fun, the weight work is challenging. I plan to use the weight work for the month of November, add in one total body weight work per week, and mix up the cardio. It's nice to have another round of weight work as challenging as the Gym Styles, without the length.
My calves were stiff, stiff, stiff this morning. I know my biceps and triceps will be feeling today's weights. They got in there really good.
Tracy - Whew, rough day yesterday. I hope you have a better one today. Is Slo-mo like Slow & Heavy? I'm thinking Cathe kept the cardios only 30 mins so she could offer complete workouts in about an hour. In recent years many people seem to be jumping on the brief-cardio; heavy weight work bandwagon, with the argument being that "too much" cardio negates muscle mass building. These workouts fit the bill exactly, but I don't buy the argument. I think "too little" cardio negates maintaining a low body-fat level! If I were new to working out, I imagine I'd find these cardios to be more than enough. And I really do appreciate a series that doesn't have tuck jumps and air jacks! Unlike Cathe, I was not born to levitate.
Traci - Well, I'm impressed. Two days into a new rotation, and you're still following it!! I envy you your "me" time like you wouldn't believe. How is your business going? Have you added any clients to the original 2? Are you still working with both of those original clients? Ooooh, please share one of those vivid dreams with us! About the calendars: last month someone asked on the AC forum if/when they would be selling the new calendars. SNM replied they would go on sale in November. There's been no official announcement though.
Debra - OMGosh, what a freaky/funny little story yesterday about DD watching you while you napped. Did you eat the cracker? The trees around my parents' property house many bats. When we were kids we used to go out in the evenings and throw rocks up in the air, and watch them all come flocking out to chase them. That's good Saturday night entertainment when you live in Rural NoWhere. I agree completely with you on the ridiculous pant sizes and leg lengths. I'm 5'4", which is exactly the line between Petite lengths and Regular lengths. If I buy petite, they invariably shrink up an inch and become too short. If I buy Regular, they remain 3 inches too long. Drives me crazy. I hate clothing shopping. So, you'll be moving eventually? Maybe DH can be convinced to hold off on splitting the matrimonial property until the market improves, and you can stay there a bit longer? He would lose money too, if he tried to sell in a poor market, right? It's in his best interest to hold tight and just view it as an investment. Right??
Cheryl - Your rotation looks a lot like what I want to do this month!!! Do you mind if I play along? I have to say I've already done the first 4 days, and was planning to do the HIS/LIS Cardio Combo tomorrow. Are you suggesting one do IMAX2 PLUS the A1 and A2 premixes? Or choose one or the other? That would be 2 hours of cardio, if one did both.
Laurie - Oooooh, tell me about the jump rope workout!!!! I keep thinking I'd like to do jump roping in the winter, when I refuse to run outside. I have a good jump rope, but have never used it. I was thinking I could do it along with a cardio coach, if I could figure out variations of jumping that would accommodate his intensity and resistance changes. Thank you for being so honest about your weight/height. Generally, one can carry 5lbs more/less per inch of height. I'm 5'4", so my recommended weight would be about 115. I've NEVER been that light at my full-grown height. I never will be, and I refuse to even try. As Debra said yesterday, do these weight recommendations take into account muscle mass of those who are physically fit? I doubt it. I'd be sick if I dieted my way down to 115. How did you get away with doing the ToT thing on Saturday? Did the community pass a bylaw? If so, please tell our city council to do the same thing. I loathe Halloween landing on a weeknight. I think it should just be on the 4th Friday of October. There. Problem solved. "Be it resolved that...."
Teddygirl - Wow, you and Mr. Teddygirl sure have a volatile relationship. It makes my marriage look deadly dull. Oh well, I prefer the stability for the sake of the children. I hope you enjoy your make up night

Gauntlet is a great workout, and Viper is just as good. I have a feeling you'll love it. Imax Extreme is really good, too, but it's all cardio. I'd let you take my hand as you make your leap into Non-CatheLand, but my feet appear to be cemented to the CatheLand ground. You're a brave woman, but I have no doubt you'll see great results with your new approach. We're here, cheering you on!
Lea - How is your DH's job connected to the writer's strike? Does he work in the biz? I hope it gets resolved soon. According to CNN, the issue is the writers obtaining royalties on dvds and digital downloads. This is an important issue, for sure. I hope an agreement is worked out that gives them what they're entitled to.
SwiftAmy - What? Not invited on the bike ride?! Invite yourself!

It sounds like a fun weekend is planned. Enjoy it! And I'm doing the happy dance for you, finishing CB for the umpteenth and last time! You rock!
Wendy - LMAO about the 5' chalk mark! That's hilarious. I'd have done the same thing. OMG, bbq ribs and apple crisp?? I'm coming to visit!!! The only thing wireless about me is my bra. No underwire needed

I would love to get rid of all these cords around the computer, and have the ease of using my laptop for email/internet in any room in the house. One day I'll have to figure out how to do that. I promise you I don't know what you're referring to when you say "Family Fun." And this chiding is coming from the Homeschooling Mother who actually talks to her children all day long? My toddler talks to me more on her pretend cell phone, than she does in real life. "Hello? Mom? Hello? Mom? <fake laugh> Bye bye!!"
Amy - Don't you find that wine affects your workouts the next day? I certainly do. It makes my chest feel really tight, even just a glass. I haven't touched wine in years, due to that result (and being pregnant/breastfeeding). Funny how I'll pass on the wine because I can feel the negative results so immediately, but I can't turn down enough food to lose weight, which would also make my workouts feel better. But the immediate result of turning down food is hunger, and I hate feeling hungry. I guess I just starved myself too long and too hard in years gone past. Very nice work on the squats! Legs of steel, you have!
Nicole - I've never heard of King Arthur Flour Co. I imagine they're an American company. What circuit are you doing today? Did your family ignore Halloween for religious reasons? My ExSIL grew up in very-rural West Virgina and even playing cards was considered sinful, so I'm pretty sure they never did Halloween. Once she married my brother and moved to Canada she went Hallo-Crazy!!
Tess - I'm looking forward to hearing a report about your first few days of P90X.
Jeanette - Are you gone already? I hope the facial and shopping are going well!
Okay, I can smell the toddler from 6 feet away, so I'd better get her clean. Yesterday she took some black playdo and pretended it was a lump of poo. She laid down on her change mat and tried to change her own diaper. Oh, the hi-jinks we have around here! Have a great day!