I'm baaaack! Didn't run over anyone, run any red lights, or encourage any road rage!
Just took a quick scroll. Sandra didn't post a post workout for the day. So, Sandra? Which workout did you push play? Did you decide which rotation you'll try? Why aren't you doing a faux X with Cathe dvds? Are you looking for one with more cardio before you do another X rotation? Where's you mind? Fill me in.
Nicole-X: Phil is taking a nap right now. I suggested we go upstairs and watch his new dvds. LOL He's really tired. His body got used to working night shift, and he woke up at 5 this morning to work some more overtime. I'll take a peep at your neice later tonight. I'm sure she's a cutie! Oh! My! That is WEIRD! So, are you saying that this guy wanted to sexually assualt your father? Or was this guy drunk or on drugs and not thinking clearly? I'm constantly amazed when people ignore stuff like this. That's why Oprah's safety guest would always tell women to yell "Fire! Fire!" instead of help if they were being attacked. Apparently, people will respond to fire but not help. That's so messed up! Your father should consider filing a report. Maybe, the gas station has cameras installed for drive offs. Just a thought. Glad your dh caught the kids before they stole anything. It's such an invasion of privacy. Someone broke into my car the night before my birthday last year. They only took my cd carrier and $20 worth of change. Pissed me off! They took the Beetles, Bach, Vivaldi, gregorian hymns :7, my entire collection of Hymns for a Kid's Heart! and dd's Latin cds. Well, alls I gots to say is that I HOPE they learned something from my hymns! My friend asked, "Learn what? That they're going to hell?" :7 :7 :7 She can make me laugh in the worst of situations! Well, I hope your dh appreciates you. If Phil took the kids fishing, I wouldn't be cleaning up!! I'd be shopping! LOL We'd do a family bonding night of cleaning up together! I'm spoiled that way! ;-)
Tracy-X: I thought of you last night too while in Borders. I was tempted to get Shiva's yoga dvd. If I didn't already lust after the Eion Finn one, I probably would have gotten it. I still may. Did you know Shiva has a clothing line? You probably do. It's the softest fabric I've ever felt! The only thing with the seamless halter tank is that it runs a bit too long for my liking. As soon as I'm able to wear the Shiva top I got, I'll post a picture for you. What does your dh do for a living? Phil has a physically demanding job too. I'm always telling him how thankful I am that he wakes up every morning and goes to work. I would dread having to work so hard all the time. Thank you for explaining your elimination diet. It makes a lot of sense to go clean and add one thing back at a time. But, then I have to ask the same question as Sandra -- is it the medicine or the food that's working?
Traci-X: Now that Lea is no longer around, what are we struggling for an X Xers going to do once we graduate? Can we order the t-shirts ourselves? You and Tracy are right! Phil should have been more cautious when he discovered two youths rummaging around in his work van for pocket change. I guess when they ran instead of pointing a gun at him, he must have concluded that he was safe. But, he should be more careful the next time it should happen.
Cheryl: I love your picture you have for your posts. You are so pretty!!! LOL about lungs burning. Mine would have burned after 15 minutes of running. I don't really run. My run would be considered jogging to the rest of the world! So, your rest day would fall on a Monday. That'll really throw Traci off as everyone usually takes Sunday as their rest day. Are you getting in as much cardio as you can before you start? Which rotation are you going to do? Classic? Doubles? Lean? I'm doing the classic one. Well, trying. ;-)
Debra-X: Oh! Poor thing! I hope she feels better soon!!! We used to have to give the twins nebulizer treatments with albuterol when they were toddlers. They needed the treatments when they contrated RSV at 16 months old. After they recovered from the RSV, they would need treatments for colds. Cleared them right up if they were sick. Man, RSV is nothing to mess with though! Shelby had a partially collapsed lung from it. It's NASTY! Hopefully, the nebulizer will knock that cold outta her FAST! LOL about DOMS in muscles you never knew existed. I'm discovering new muscles every week! Well, let me just say that until I KNOW for a FACT that you're not some middle aged, overweight, wacko-weirdo MAN, I am NOT going to attend the first Xer's get together that I'm pushing to be at your house! LOL I want PROOF! I want PICTURES! And, I want them NOW! :7 :7 :7 Temper tantrum has now ended. ;-) Oh, honey. I don't care what you look like. If you're pretty and built like Wonder Woman, we all get to gush over you forever and ever. If you're uglier than me, I'll only love you even more.

So, you see! It's a WIN-WIN situation!!! ;-) I'm betting you're gorgeous! How else would you and your dh be able to celebrate NMM while living on two different continents! I bet he's got bikini pics of you on his nightstand! ;-)
WELCOME MARY!!!! It's so exciting to see our fiesty group having babies!!!! I think I've got the yoga lady interested in the X. After I told her about it, she asked for the name again and wrote it down! LOL I should call her up and tell her to join our checkin too! When will you be starting the X? Tell us all about your plans. Which rotation? Yay or Nay to the X diet? Yah or Nay to Cathes or running in the next 90 days?
Amy: Your MIL is such a sweetie! She has to be to have gotten such a unbelievably great price on a sprinkler system. That's the one thing I wish my kids would experience. The joys of growing up with automatic sprinklers and getting out the slip and slide with friends. Us folks up north don't commonly see sprinkler systems. Oh, dear... you don't have to compete with me! You win! You can have longer posts than me this entire week! I've got to get the girl's paperwork ready to show their school evaluators! Nothing like waiting till the last minute! Oh! Yeah, I'd be sore too if I brought Plyo on like you did yesterday! 785 calories is like Nicole Richie's calorie count for the day if not two!!! ;-)
Jeanette-X: LOL I'm only taking one rest day a week! Well, that's my goal! I did take an extra one last week. *blush* I'm checking out your link as soon as I post. GOSH! I hope you did awesome! I hope you are proud of yourself for just doing it! I know I am!!! You ROCK! Girl! Would I LIE to you! What kind of Xer would that make me? It's not like I'm telling you to do the first half of Yoga X!!! (Sandra!!! or was it Debra? I'm thinking it was Sandra!) Just so you can see what the CC should resemble, if going to take a picture of it before we cut into it!
Well, I'm going to check out Jeanette's and Nicole's link. Then I'm going to take a picture of Phil's celebratory cake just for Jeanette. Traci, you can sneak a peek if you want too. I don't have any tracking software on my picture trail account. LOL
Katie, Swift Amy, Debfer, Laurie, Wendy-X, and Jess-Jugs hope y'all are having a great evening!
Static Hugs to ALL!