Xers ~~~Sweatin' on Saturday


we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese

Okay...now I'll get on with posting...Thanks for indulging me while I figure out how to work these things! Since you guys have been asking for a picture of me...this was the closest I could get...and I obviously have too much time on my hands on a Saturday night! I guess I could have been working out, but I will leave the late night workouts to Wendy! DD is feeling okay, I guess. She's not complaining, but then she wasn't complaining before I took her to the doctor. It's funny if she falls she'll cry for 30 minutes...lots of drama...but last year she had a 10mm kidney stone (which is huge!) and said her tummy hurt...Most adults would have been doubled over with the pain.

Nicole..Did your boys catch anything worth eating? I'll have to check later to see where you guys live. We are going to the SC coast this summer and the family we go with goes deep sea fishing every year...Last year they got NOTHING! The year before they ended up with some grouper and sea bass...which I really enjoyed cooking. I was only resentful of those compliments about my DD since I had a really awful pregnancy with her...so when everyone said, "she looks just like her dad!" I wasn't too happy about that!!LOL

Wendy...You crazy woman. Glad you didn't run over any small animals while you were out. I was thinking that if we had an Xer reunion, I would give you a whole glass of wine and see how you reacted. You caught me...I am actually a male transvestite stripper...And I am about 350 pounds! I promise to post pics after our summer trip...I really look better with a tan...My meez pic really is as close as I could get...although I am MUCH shorter and I have bigger thighs! At least you can get a good look at my new house, so you know you won't be staying in a shack. I wish I had the patience to home school DD...but we are sending her to private school in NC when we get moved...she actually has only gone to private schools so far...I have just felt her educational opportunities were better there...and I have been so happy with our choice.

Okay...is that it for now? Hope everyone else is doing well...see you guys in the morning, but not too early, of course.


we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese


We are so lucky to have the boys in a super small Lutheran school. There are only 33 students in K-8th grade. All of the kids are really nice and don't cuss or get into trouble. We are very blessed:) My husband actually went to the same school and had the same teacher. Before I met her I was thinking she was a little old lady with a bun. Quite a shock when I found out she was only my mom's age:) She was probably only 23-24 when she tought my DH.

LOL, My mom used both BJU & Abeka. She also used Saxon for math. The worst year was when we did Abeka videos. They were from the early 80's and we used to laugh at the outfits. I did not want to go to private or public school. I had been in a private school that was really big and actually part of a private school district. All of the rich, snobby kids went there and I was miserable. They couldn't fit my younger sister in so my mom started homeschooling her until they had room and I thought that sounded great so I joined her. We did have a cover school and we had classes there once a week. It was nice for my brothers and sisters because they liked the friends they had there. I didn't have any and didn't want any so I was fine on my own.
My sister is actually going to homeschool her children and I give kudos to her because I might choke my kids if I had them tapping me and asking me questions all day. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, I just need my alone time:)

You are surrounded by such talented people, you are truly blesses to have the support.


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-

Hi all,

Had a great day today doing a PRACTICE bike run of the triathlon. We got down to Auburn, CA and started riding at about 10:30 a.m. Wonderful course, very hilly at the start. Was really glad that we rode it as I think I would have been in shock for the actual ride as I was expecting "gradual grades" at the start. This thing has some massive hills, but they are pretty short. Absolutely beautiful views in some parts, very, very scenic. I am sooooo looking forward to the real thing next Sunday. We took it pretty easy as the other gal who rode it with me, has a cold and didn't feel top notch. She'll be doing the .9 mile swim in Folsom Lake. We'll get to meet the runner on Monday night at Pizza Factory. Should be fun to discuss this team triathlon thing. It'll be a little warmer next week, but I'll be riding at around 8:30 a.m. and it should take way less than 2 hours to ride. Today's conditions were almost perfect.

Traci, thanks for the good wishes. I did read them before I left and thought about all of you lots of times, even telling my riding partner about this crazy checkin. Thanks for the reminder. I did take Airborne before I left this morning and need to keep taking it this week. And how did you know that I just woke up from a nap? LOL! Glad you are feeling good before TTOM. TTOM for me will be Monday, I think. I have had a little more breast tenderness this time than usual. Sometimes it's just like that. Hope I start on time so it doesn't interfere with the tri. Wow, so the booty DOMS just kicked in? Glad to hear that!!! Have I told you how much I love that workout? Love the firewalkers too.

Tracy, sorry about the rain. How was PUB? Love that one.

Debra, are you getting some good results from S&H? I like that one too. So sorry that your DD is so sick. Poor thing. Sending healing vibes out to that cutie pie. Good job on the shoulders DOMS. I'm so afraid of hurting mine that I usually don't load up too much for those. Oh for sure, bike shorts are a must. I remember going riding with my DH once. I tried hard to get him to wear some baggy mtn. bike shorts that had some padding inside them. He being the redneck he is, said no, though he did take off his logging boots and wear sneakers. When he got done with the 18 mile ride, he said it felt like someone had taken a rope between his legs and run it back and forth. Think that was the seam of his pants at his crotch rubbing against him. I wanted to say "I told you so", but probably did anyway. Love your little animated girl in her pj's. Where do you get those things?

Wendy, please tell your DH Happy Birthday!!! I went to look at the CC picture, but there is no Picture Trail WAAAAAHHHH!!!! You can't leave me hanging like this!!! Sounds like you are having a wonderful evening, and have some nice new things to wear. Where are those websites for the workout gear? Which Cathe DVD's did you get for Phil? I wish I could say I did awesome on the triathlon today, but it was only a practice, the real thing is next Sunday. I still want that picture of your CC!!! Where is it? Maybe you had too much "cooking wine" and forgot how to post the picture trail? Come on, girl!

Amy, hope you have a great time going out with friends for dinner. My DH will actually be home tomorrow (no OT), so maybe we can go out to breakfast. I love going out for breakfast. Coffee on the patio sounds nice. I love my coffee too. Thank yo for the well wishes today. It helped.

Sandra, I don't have Step Works so not sure of the combo that you speak of, the full circle down the length of the step. Sorry you are still picking nits. Ready to get out the mayo? I'm liking this rotation, though the results are just tiny, but still keeping me fairly lean. I'm also liking the bit more muscle definition in my legs. My abs feel tight too. It's enough cardio for me, but then I put in 3 other workouts with the bike a week too. My arms feel nice and tight and lean and when I look in the "good" mirror each morning, I like what I see. I haven't been eating very cleanly so would probably get better results if I did so. I have one more workout tomorrow, which will be SJP and then will start a recovery week with some functional fitness stuff and Christie Taylor low intensity cardio and just whatever I want to throw in. For the carbs, I eat lots of veggies and some fruit each day, besides my oatmeal. No more than that though.

Nicole, your pictures are awesome!!! You bet I see a difference, a very nice difference! Congrats, girl! Keep up the hard work, it shows on your bod. How is your Dad today? Hope he's not too sore. I know exactly what you mean about everyone being gone and that there had better be a noticable change in the condition of the house LOL! I spend way too much time on here. Tomorrow I plan on getting yardwork done, weedeating and some more mowing. For a reward, I'll twist DH's arm to see if we can take the "girls" out to the woods in the afternoon. Glad your back is better. I used to get massages and loved them. I traded them for getting my hair highlighted.

Mary, how was the BBQ? I love BBQ's and family functions. We are having a big one next Friday. I'm actually taking that day off of work to help Mom and Dad with it. DH will be BBQing pork ribs and chicken. He's a really good BBQer. Hope you enjoy the X like all of us did and still do. I learned a lot about what works for me. Know you will too. My DS's birthday is May 26th, a day after your son's.

Got to do some more reading.

Nicole and Debra,

Y'all make me laugh out loud!

Debra, nice moves! I think you should make a cardio dance fitness video during vacation. I'll think of a title during my 11:00 workout. ;-) Ugh! I just realized it's Plyo!!! I just may have to do it early tomorrow morning and BB in the evening.

You both are so blessed to have good private schools in your towns! The one private Christian school here uses the EXACT same curriculum as the public schools do!!! I find that odd. The secular private school in town caters to very, very rich children. It's a boarding school. Nah, I'd rather keep my dc at home. The other Christian school is closing down due to lack of enrollment. The homeschool movement is growing. Lots of the Christian schools are having financial problems because of it. The other Christian schools are too far away from us to consider. And, I really like our local public schools.

LOL Nicole, I thought I didn't have any paitence either!!! In fact, I know I don't. When I start feeling frustrated, I walk away. There have been days when I just say, "Ya know what. Let's not homeschool today. If I ask you to take out another book, remind me that today is a free day." Then we'd catch up over the weekend if needed. That's why I like homeschooling year round. It gives me the option to put the books away! LOL

Oh! Nicole, you used Abeka videos! You must be able to diagram paragraph long sentences!!! My gf, who was raised on Abeka english, can!!! She's my go to gf for grammar help. ;-) I used BJU for k and 1st. By 2nd grade, dd and I were BORED out of our minds. The entire first semester was a repeat of 1st grade!!! Not to mention that dd could do a week's worth of math in one short sitting. BJU just moved too slow for her. But, it's perfect for my twins. Oldest dd used Saxon 54 in 3rd grade. She HATED it. My gf, the math major, used Saxon when she taught highschool math. She loved it. She likes Singapore too. So, we switched to Singapore Math. Good move! It forces her to think logically and mathematically! It's crazy tough, in a good way. They have 3rd graders solving algebra type word problems using bar graphs. So simple and works like a charm. There's so much variety available to homeschoolers these days. It's a job just going through all the different options and selecting the best one for each individual child.

Let me just say that I don't believe homeschooling is the best and only way to go. I have my moments when I want to send my girls elsewhere! Anywhere else!!! ;-) Or that all private schools are equal, worse or better than public schools. Also, I don't think that any school environment (home, private or public) will predetermine how a child will live their life. I don't want anyone to get that impression based on my flippant, brief comments. I truly believe it's an individual decision based on sooo many factors. I believe each setting is worthy, needed and necessary! I apologize if my reasons for the decision Phil and I have made causes anyone to feel defensive or angry. I don't think it did. I hope not. Just want y'all to know that I highly respect each and every one of you ladies here!!!

Okay, off I go to push play! :)

Jeanette-X: Thank goodness today was only practice!!! I felt so bad that I didn't get the chance to wish you well before you left. Now, I can wish you well next Friday! ;-) Paitence lady! I've got to finish Plyo still! I took the pictures. The cheesecake is not totally settled. So, if it's as humid the week when you go to bake it as it is here, bake it three days in advance! It didn't help that I over softened the cream cheese too much. So, when I dropped the chococolate mixture into the white mixture, it leveled out instead of plopping down into thick globs. It also didn't help that I didn't pour enough white mixture for the first layer. At any rate, I'll get the pics posted as soon as I finish Plyo. I'll also post some clothing gear links too. ;-) I didn't forget.


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