Nicole and Debra,
Y'all make me laugh out loud!
Debra, nice moves! I think you should make a cardio dance fitness video during vacation. I'll think of a title during my 11:00 workout. ;-) Ugh! I just realized it's Plyo!!! I just may have to do it early tomorrow morning and BB in the evening.
You both are so blessed to have good private schools in your towns! The one private Christian school here uses the EXACT same curriculum as the public schools do!!! I find that odd. The secular private school in town caters to very, very rich children. It's a boarding school. Nah, I'd rather keep my dc at home. The other Christian school is closing down due to lack of enrollment. The homeschool movement is growing. Lots of the Christian schools are having financial problems because of it. The other Christian schools are too far away from us to consider. And, I really like our local public schools.
LOL Nicole, I thought I didn't have any paitence either!!! In fact, I know I don't. When I start feeling frustrated, I walk away. There have been days when I just say, "Ya know what. Let's not homeschool today. If I ask you to take out another book, remind me that today is a free day." Then we'd catch up over the weekend if needed. That's why I like homeschooling year round. It gives me the option to put the books away! LOL
Oh! Nicole, you used Abeka videos! You must be able to diagram paragraph long sentences!!! My gf, who was raised on Abeka english, can!!! She's my go to gf for grammar help. ;-) I used BJU for k and 1st. By 2nd grade, dd and I were BORED out of our minds. The entire first semester was a repeat of 1st grade!!! Not to mention that dd could do a week's worth of math in one short sitting. BJU just moved too slow for her. But, it's perfect for my twins. Oldest dd used Saxon 54 in 3rd grade. She HATED it. My gf, the math major, used Saxon when she taught highschool math. She loved it. She likes Singapore too. So, we switched to Singapore Math. Good move! It forces her to think logically and mathematically! It's crazy tough, in a good way. They have 3rd graders solving algebra type word problems using bar graphs. So simple and works like a charm. There's so much variety available to homeschoolers these days. It's a job just going through all the different options and selecting the best one for each individual child.
Let me just say that I don't believe homeschooling is the best and only way to go. I have my moments when I want to send my girls elsewhere! Anywhere else!!! ;-) Or that all private schools are equal, worse or better than public schools. Also, I don't think that any school environment (home, private or public) will predetermine how a child will live their life. I don't want anyone to get that impression based on my flippant, brief comments. I truly believe it's an individual decision based on sooo many factors. I believe each setting is worthy, needed and necessary! I apologize if my reasons for the decision Phil and I have made causes anyone to feel defensive or angry. I don't think it did. I hope not. Just want y'all to know that I highly respect each and every one of you ladies here!!!
Okay, off I go to push play!