Xers ~~ Sunday~~


Good Sunday Morning Sports Fans!

Hope everyone is feeling well- at peace- and centered….. Can I hear a collective OHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM please

Let’s see – what’s cooking today?
*LowMax 4-7
*Shakti Yoga – probably a triple dose of the shavanyasa… Its Sunday after all!

Got 40 minutes of Absolute KB done last night (joys of being single!) didn’t do any combat drills as my upper body is feeling the Long & Lean. I don’t know why that one hits my back so much- maybe its all the “low pushup” holds he has us do.

DH due back between 6 & 8 PM - He is VERY homesick- thats mainly because the fishing hasnt been all that successful. :eek:

Just a few personals to catch up on....

Welcome Home to Tracy X!!!!! How high is that laundry pile? Burning Question: What does one do when their size freakin’ ZERO’s are too BIG????? You are CRAZY! EAT EAT EAT today!!! Or you’ll be walking down the street and your drawers will fall off!

Sandra X:
Happy DD Birthday!!! 7- Is the time FLYING by for you? What a great party today! 13 kids? is it possible to have 13 kids in one space without “special beverages” for adults?
5am L&G doesn’t sound like a fun Sunday starter to me but then again you like pain more than I so ENJOY!!! LOL- MONEY! You’re right- I think I’ll alternate how I do then so I can get all benefits!

Debra X:
Lol on Kickboxing in the kitchen! If WendyX tried that she’d have a fractured foot for sure! Hope you had a great relaxing evening!

OK- I must be invisible todayx(
Since nobody is coming out to play AND I have procrastinated since 345am (its 8:15 now) I guess I will my coffee laden butt up and do Lowmax:p
Good Morning!

I've got an appointment to color my roots soon. Afterwards, I'm taking eldest dd to trim 5" off her hair and to buy her a pair of shoes. I don't know if I'll have time to workout. If I do, I might try a little yoga. The top of my left foot is still tender. The toes and outer bottom side are still purplish/black. Funny thing is that it doesn't hurt where my foot looks discolored. It mainly hurts at the top at the impact site. Hmmmm.

Anyhow, I was suprised to see that I didn't gain any weight during my week off. I did eat! I didn't deny myself anything! Pie, no problem! Cookies, SURE! Pizza, lasanga, deep fried hashbrowns: Yep, yep, yep! In fact, I LOST weight. Not like Tracy though!:7 It's been ages since size zeros fell off me. I think it's because I was still bloated from bike riding. My body must retain some serious water!!!

Tracy-X: Do you think your weight loss is water loss from TTOM? All that time you were probably building muscle and retaining water? Thankfully, you don't have any toddlers with separation anxiety pulling on you. Your pants would definetly fall down!!! Don't ask me how I know.;-) I think I'm going to incorporate more yoga into my week and see if that helps me too. Oh! I wanted to tell you that I didn't do doubles. Maybe that's why my cardio sucks!

Traci-X: Ahhhh! Your dh had enough of the guys. He must not be feeling the love from fish either!:7 While you were kicking and punching, I was sleeping! I took a long nap, got up, mended her dress hem, and helped dd practice her hymn. Not once did I think that I should workout!:p I don't know if I'll do Drill Max with you this week. That workout scares me!!! What else do you have on your agenda for the week? Maybe, I'll do Eoin or Shiva with you.}( I've gotta do something the RT is coming fast! My cardio sucks!

Well, I guess I should wash my face. I never got around to washing off my mascara last night. My eyes looks bruised!:7 Don't want to scare people.

Sandra-X: Enjoy the party! They grow so fast!!! Give dd a huge hug and tell her, "Happy Birthday!" from all us Xers!!!!:) :) :)

Debra-X: Love your KB Meez! Is that all you do in the kitchen???? No wonder you're so thin!!!!;-)

Have a great day to all who follow!

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!
Hi there lovely ladies! Just thought I would pop on so that Traci would have someone to play with. I am sure she is doing LoMax by now and having a great time.

Let's see...my plan today is PushPull/Supersets upper body premix x 3...We'll see how that goes!! Should be fun, though...And I can tell you that my lower body needs a break after the last few days!

The new bird feeder seems to be working fine...and no dead carcasses as of this morning...always a good thing. My plan for the rest of the day includes cleaning out the litter box and as God as my witness, I will finish unpacking the downstairs today. I have 10 boxes left down here...and I am going to get done today!

Sandra...Glad to see you joined our little party last night! Hope you guys are having a wonderful time today. I am sure that your parties rock! I hope you have plenty of adults around to keep the little buggers contained at the park...they can slip away from you in wide open spaces like that! I am sure you legs are feeling your workout by now too. Have a great day with your DD's and friends!

Traci....You only needed to procrastinate another few minutes and I would have been here! Funny that DH is homesick...A bummer about the lack of fishies...that means none for you to cook and eat! I ended up not getting the Mark Blanchard..I got another one...by someone else, whose name I can't remember...but it's called "Iron Yoga" and they use light dumbbells in the poses..Just looked interesting!

I forgot to tell you guys about my little mules yesterday! As some of you may remember...we have this miniature mule farm close to us...I don't know why...we just do...and yesterday DD and I stopped by with some carrots to feed them. And this one mule came up...keep in mind her head comes to about my chest..that's how tiny they are...and we were feeding her the carrots and she was so gentle....she took the carrots from us with her lips...no teeth...What a cutie! Anyway...didn't want you guys to think that just because I kill birds and squirrels that I don't like animals!

Okay...off to find DD's jean jacket so that she can dance with the Cheetah Girls...and then I guess I will have to push play!

Happy day to all who follow!

we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese

Hi all,

We got home late last night. DS ended up getting second (Jr Expert Downhill National Championship) which was good, but he wanted to be first:)

I’m not sure what I’m doing today. I think GS chest/back/ and maybe shoulders, yoga for sure, and I’ll probably run later because the dogs need to go to the river. I had a great run yesterday. It was a gradual up hill for about 1.5 miles, then I turned around and went down, keeping close to my anaerobic zone the entire way down.

Traci – You are a workout machine. Can you put up the link to your webpage again? I wish that I was as comfortable using other instructors as you are. I can’t seem to get away from Cathe. Yes, luckily there weren’t too many people going up and down the hall in the motel. Vermont is one of those places that has no chain lodging. It is quite interesting. Yes, I need to eat more. Last month was such mess with the late ttom and bloating making me look bigger than I really was, so I cut a few calories. Then the recovery few days made the muscle bloat go away and there you have it; too skinny.

Nicole- I am a firm believer that everyone should do something for themselves everyday. For me it is a way to preserve my sanity. I feel like you cannot take care of others, if you don’t take care of yourself first. (and it is not being selfish:))

Wendy – Are you sure you didn’t break a bone in the top of your foot? When I broke my wrist it stayed bruised for quite some time. Sounds like you all are trying to regain some normalcy in your lives.

Debra – I love the new meez. Can you get your leg up that high? I wish I could. If I tried in the kitchen, I’d probably end up with an injury on the top of my foot like Wendy.

Jeanette – I missed you the other day. I haven’t watched any of the tour, but DS and I were discussing the fitness level of pro road bikers vs pro mountain bikers. We decided that on a cross country course the road bikers would kill the mountain bikers, because they are in so much better shape. What do you think? Some of the CC riders sure have low BF, well the men, not the women.

Sandra – We were in the lovely state of Vermont. It’s full of old hippies, but everyone is really nice. I’m always up an hour or so before everyone else. That’s when I drink coffee and spend time reading or on the internet. Did you do a birthday party for 13 7 year olds? You are such a good Mom. I wasn’t much of a birthday party Mom.

Annointed, Amy, and Cheryl, I hope the weekend is treating you well.

Hi, everyone! I'm here, but still very sleepy from the quick trip. I may join Traci and pull out Low Max this morning, but will also try to follow it up with some weights - I'm thinking MuscleMax today.
Gotta make up for the past two wimpy days somehow!

Traci, glad Wendell is missing you. That's nice to know!

Wendy, you lost weight on your rest week? You lucky girl! I'm very glad you've had a good week.

Debra, I'm loving the description of the mule farm. What fun. My kids would love that.

Tracy, sounds like DS did well. Upper body workout sounds really good.

Well, I'd better get my sorry tail off the bed and get something DONE.

Making soft food for dinner today in honor of my poor tooth-injured son :7

Have a great Sunday, everyone!

YEA The Gangs coming back!!!!
real quickie as I am in w/o mode now!

LowMax 4-7 DONE! Decided during stretch segment that I need more stretch and less "poses" in Yoga so I am tossing Shakti and headed towards my TONY!!! Stretch X- ahhhhhhhh been AGES since I stretched the tip of head to tootsies.....

Cheryl; COME MAKE ME SOFT FOODS!!! Mashed Potatoes & Gravy would be nice!!!

I shall return all stretched out & relaxed for all AM personals!

Where is laurieXX and JeanetteX ?????????????????
Hi everyone!!!

Rest Day- last one before the big Cathe premier:) I am going to kick my butt so bad:)

Busy day yet again. My aunt is turning 80 and there is a big brunch down at the beach for her. She usually goes on a cruise and stays in the best suite but she decided to stay home this year and celebrate with the WHOLE family. Brothers, sisters, kids, cousins, friends, all of us. Oh, to be wealthy:)

Traci-X, So sorry I wasn't around to keep you company this morning, but this girl doesn't get up before 7:):) I am looking forward to doing LM, I just love the music in that one. StretchX, huh? Gee, that sounds fun:pLOL! Enjoy having your hubby home this evening.

TracyX, Yeah, I know what you're saying, my size zeros fall down all the time, not! I wish:) My pinky toe couldn't fit into a size 0. That's o.k. though, I think at 5'7" a size zero might look a little gross.(That's what I tell myself to make me feel better.) Congrats to DS on 2nd! You raised some athletic, active boys, you should be proud:)

WendyX, Glad you are back! Sounds like you had a food week like me. I think I am having a birthday week instead of a day:) I know that Tuesday will be back to normal for a long time. All of this extra food is wearing me out:p I hope you get yoga done without any trouble from your foot. Take it easy, o.k.!

Cheryl, What a nice mom you are to take such good care of your DS. Where is his wife? LM is such fun, enjoy!

JeanetteX, Where are you? It was just time trials yesterday. We miss you:D

DebraX, Glad to hear no birds were harmed in the hanging of the new bird feeder:D I just read an article in my Country magazine about mini mules. They are too cute. What did DD think of them? Well at least we have confirmes that you are not an animal maimer:)

SandraX, Oh, I hope the party goes well and has no incidents. Did you bake the cake? Tell DD I said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Let us know how it went.

Swift Amy, Almost there!!

Anointed, Good morning! Did you find a second job? Hope it's an easy one.

Amy, Working away, I'm sure:p

See you all later. I'm going to brunch then a movie with friends.


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-

Hi...back again...with nothing done yet...But I promise as soon as I post I will get busy with my workout.

Nicole...Glad to hear you are doing some fun things today in celebration of being done with the X. And your aunt...Good for her! A party at the beach sounds great!

Tracy...Glad you and the family are home safe and sound. I certainly have never had the problem of being too thin! I know it can be an issue though. I don't think I could really get my leg up that high consistently...I am sure I could do kickboxing in my kitchen, though...Most of the boxes are out of there now! Who takes care of your pups while you are gone? I bet they were happy to see you guys!

Cheryl...Hope your son is doing better. And I think you probably deserved to lay around in the bed for a while this morning. You have had a stressful week! I will post some pictures of the mules next time around.

Wendy...Well, I sure hope your daughter can hear the shoes speaking to her...I think something must have been wrong with your ears the other day! Please take it easy on that foot of yours. And congrats on losing a couple of pounds. Worry seems to do that even if you eat out the entire house!

Well, I think I am caught up for now...which means I must get busy with my day!

Hi to all the MIA Xers!


we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese

StretchX is completed and I feel like a noodle… I forgot how many of Long & Lean moves Tony does in this but its certainly wasn’t a typical sweat producing Yoga session… EXACTLY what the Dr ordered and I am ready for a nap!

My you are ambitious today! That’s a heavy duty w/o for a Sunday! Congrats on the bird friendly feeder (I think nature can take care of itself- no need to have a guillotine!) LOL
IRON YOGA- Oh MY that sounds very challenging! I wonder if it’s the frantic pace like Iron Chef??? Enjoy the feeling of a completed unpacking project today! Oh those mules sound delightful! I envy your new digs every story you tell! Will you be my adopt a sister and I can come visit? LOL- I think you are having a procrastinating day too!

Hope those roots are back to their natural color!!!! When I have a hair day I always tell DH I’m going to find my God given blonde locks! I REALLY WAS blonde until age 15 – WHAT HAPPENED??? Take care of that foot sweetie! Ya know Wendy- I’m not at all surprised by your weight loss last week…. Some body types (mine included) lose weight under great stress… I wish you had not had to lose any that way tho. LOL on cardio sucks…. My endurance SUCKS! I am the 30 minute Queen now (following TT) so couldn’t go a full Cathe class…. If I were going on R/T I’d opt OUT of class and just meet up with you crazy w/o ladies later! LOLOLOL Look for me at the Hotel pool sipping sangria!

^5 to DS! What an accomplishment! You must be VERY proud!!! I hope you aren’t doing everything you mentioned for a W/O today! My GOSH woman!!! My WWW is still “under construction” www.trainingbytraci.com
LOL on instructor variety… Ya know Trac- I’m not sure weather that’s good, bad, indifferent- all I know is that I wouldn’t w/o regularly without variety of personalities & styles. I do have a higher standard now but I really need variety…. As much as I Loved doing LowMax today I KNEW I wouldn’t do a full hour of Cathe stretching – although on a day when I DON’T use Cathe I do like to use her stretches. I’m WEIRD! ENJOY every minute of putting that weight loss back on! I am GREEN with envy.

Glad you have safely arrived back in Utah! So was DD EXCITED about her adventures trying to get home? GLAD DS is feeling up to a soft foods dinner!

ROF – I can FEEL your excitement for Cathe Day tomorrow! What a birthday present to yourself!!!! Whats the first workout? Will you do 2x ???? Beach Brunch? COOL!!!!! The months I’m not living at Debras can I come live with you???? I just think SD has remained one of the prettiest places on earth… I use to hang out in LaJolla growing up- We’d pretend we were rich kids too!

Well DH just called and is headed this way… That puts him home about 7pm…. I think I hurt his feelings… Instead of saying OH GOOD-YOU’LL BE HOME EARLY I asked…. ARE YA GONNA NEED ME TO MAKE YOU DINNER?
ROF- He has NO sense of humor sometimes! LOL

Off to take a nap

I REALLY hope all MIA Xers are OK out in this big old world! You are all missed.
Hi Xers!!!!

I just ordered P90X today!!! I have a quick question. Do you all have pull up bars that they use....and if you do...how in the heck did you do your 1st pull up. I use the pull up assist machine at the Y and since the Y is just 2 blocks away, I was thinking of doing my pull ups there....would that be reasonable?

If you did not have a pull up bar, how did you incorporate these exercises. I think I vaguely remember hearing that one could do lat pull downs with bands and a door hook. Has anyone taken this approach.

If you bought a pull up appartatus or bar..what did you purchase.

If it is not already evident...let me confess that I am terrified of the back routine I am in for:eek:
thanks Xers!!!!!
Hi Joanna!
I started with the bands over the door and ultimately got a door gym (uses cables) because I didnt want the bar apparatus. I was not overly concerned with growing back muscles so it was fine for me...
A few other ladies did indeed use the bars and I'm sure they'll share the awesome experience - sometimes people dont check in much on Sunday so please come back!!!
You are more than welcome to check in with us and become an Xer!
There are some of us that started the check-in back in November with our first round.... another group of Xer grads just this month, a few who found the X wasnt for them but still check in here. Theres even an XX'er! She LOVES pain!

The checkin here is VERY helpful for a few reasons....
1. You will go thru things that all of us have experienced and overcome
2. 90 days is A LONG TIME to do the same rotation and the support is an intricate part of success I believe
3. we are a fairly small group and are the BEST!
4. Once you have completed X you may find yourself floundering as to what to do next- how to incorporate Cathe or other programs- again the experience is priceless.
Feel free to join us or just stop in with questions/comments anytime!
Good Luck and get ready to BRING IT!:7
Hi there Joanna...Welcome to the crazy world of the X! Congrats on your new purchase! I used a pull up bar that hooked over a doorway. I know a lot of other Xers used other methods, so I will let them chime in on what worked for them. I will tell you that when you preview the videos that you will see how to do an assisted pull up...and that is what I did. I don't think you will want to use the Y...you will see why when you preview...You kind of need to do the exercises in the programed order.

Please feel free to check in with us any time...or all of the time, if you like! We have a couple who are just finishing up their first round of the X and we also have a double Xer in our midst. We love new people!

Good luck with your journey.


we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese


ETA...Love your golden! I have a goldendoodle (half golden half standard poodle).
Hi all,

I just finished MIS legs, then PP leg premix 3x through. That was a nice combination and I finally worked my legs to failure, which I usually don't do. Then I did GS back & biceps, with 3 sets of pull ups (all assisted, but only minimally). I went a little overboard, but I love working with weights. I used almost 40lbs for the one armed rows. My plan is to workout really hard the days that I am home, then recover while we are away with minimal workouts. I felt strong today and didn't eat that well yesterday. I sure had to eat after the workout!

Nicole - I'm so excited for you and your first Cathe day! For me it was like getting back to an old friend.

Traci - If it is any consolation, I would have asked the same thing. More times than not in those situations if I make food, they've eaten and if I don't they haven't. I don't want to cook unless I have to. I can throw my meal together in 10 minutes, not theirs.

Cheryl - I hope DS teeth turn out ok. They put DS's friends teeth back and then didn't root evenly, making an ugly mess. You are a sweet Mom. It just goes to show that accidents can happen anywhere, at least he had a helmet on.

On the pull up bar, I have sons, so we had one. I think pull/chin ups were the biggest revelation that I had with the X. What a bang for the buck they are. It might be a little hard to use the bar at the gym because the pull/chin ups are incorporated into the workouts and I don't think it would be quite as effective to do them in isolation. Others used the lat pull down method and I think got good results.

Off to clean the weekend mess and get ready for next weekend.

hi there Xers...Did my PP premix..and had a good time with it. I have also unpacked 2 boxes...so only 8 to go!

Traci....Are you eagerly anticipating DH's arrival!?!? LOL about your comment to him about dinner...That sounds like something I would say! Please feel free to come visit anytime! I promise not to kill any wildlife while you are here. I'll take you to see the mules and Polly and Sandy could have a glorious time together! I like doing hard workouts on Sunday since I usually don't have anything else major going on. It seems like a waste to use a free day as a rest day. I got the iron yoga to use on those days where I am kind of bridging weeks....like tomorrow...I should have a rest day, but I have a busy day on Tuesday, so I am going to do yoga tomorrow...and rest on Tuesday....and I thought I could use the iron yoga on extra days. We'll see how that goes!

Okay...enough of a break...back to unpacking....UGGGHHH!!


we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese


We bought the pull up bar that Beachbody sold when we bought the X. We didn't screw it into our door frame. It slips into place over our door frames and stays in place without the screws. We also have the bands that Beachbody sells. However, we've never used those. I should sell them on ebay.

Anyhow, I still can't do an unassisted pull-up. I put one foot on the back of a chair for assistance. I'm planning on purchasing the Iron Woody Pull-up Assistance Bands. They come on three different sizes for the different tensions. They look like large rubberbands and loop over any pull-up bar. You put a foot in the loop for assisted pull-ups. Over time, you decrease the band tension with a lighter tension band. The ladies on Video Fitness rave about them.

Here's a link to a site that gives you exercises on how to work up doing unassisted pull-ups. I haven't tried them though.


Best Wishes!
Hey, gang. I'm still alive, although still recovering from having to get up and going early on Friday and Saturday! I am SO NOT a morning person!!!

Work called and I am not needed yet, so I'm here visiting with you all!

Wendy- I am sorry to hear about FIL, but then, I am very glad that he passes very peacefully and gracefully!

Tracy- I am very sorry that you are still having care issues with FIL!

Tonight was upper body weights and I have to say that my arms are rather toasted! I try to work everything thoroughly, but sometimes it seems that one section gets worked more than others. Last week it was my chest.

Traci- Did DH make it home okay? I hope that he had a safe trip!

Cheryl- Sorry to hear about your son. I am glad to hear that he's okay. I hope that your trip went well.
Hi everyone,
I'm finally back to the computer. Think the last time I posted was Thursday night. Friday morning I did Slim Series Cool It Off, a good stretch and well needed for my fatigued and tight hamstrings.

Friday afternoon, I left for the organized bike ride located about 1 1/2 hours drive away. Pitched my tent at the fairgrounds, had dinner, visited with another rider and got to bed around 10:30. Slept really well. I was then up at around 5:30 a.m., cleaned up a bit, put on cycling clothes and had a pancake and egg and coffee breakfast at around 6:15. I departed at 7:00 a.m. with another rider. It was a great ride, though I felt somewhat breathless at the start in the humidity of the valley. However, that soon left, the hills started and I had a great ride, though the wind came up in the afternoon. Total miles was 100, ride time was 6 hours exactly with an average mph of 16.6. I was pleased that this was the first century in the last 4 I have done where I didn't have a single leg cramp. I hydrated really well and put extra electrolytes in my sports drink. Also, I was happy that my sore toe didn't act up nor did I have any foot discomfort at all. All in all, a successful century ride. Oh yeah, I got a few compliments on my new jersey, the one that shows riders in the Tour De France riding up the Galibier (spelling) mtns. in the Alps. When I returned home late yesterday afternoon, my grandchildren were coming over for dinner and I played with them all evening until their parents came back from a class reunion. I never got to get on the computer.

I have a hill climb competition on Thursday evening, get a chance to better my time on this hill 3 months ago. Hope I can do it.

I've still been watching the Tour in the mornings so haven't been posting then. Tomorrow night DH and I are going out to dinner with friends. Should be several other couples there. Really looking forward to it.

Oh yes, I got up this morning early, watched the Tour and then DH and I finished tiling the hearth. It looks really nice and he and I are so pleased with our first effort. I have to go to Reno on Saturday to purchase the right color grout and some sealer. I plan on doing the grouting on Sunday or thereabouts. Will be glad when it is finished and we can then move the new woodstove onto the hearth, hook up the stovepipe and be ready for winter.

I read all of your posts but will no way be able to respond to everything.

Traci, your workout sounds great. Nice combo of Lowmax and yoga. By now your DH is back from his less than successful fishing trip. Bet he really missed you. Will we not hear from you for a while? Will the bike and the door gym be busy tonite? Or are you busy cooking up dinner for your man?

Debra, are you doing the premix rotation? I think I will start that one soon.... Did you get the unpacking done? Our dining room looks like a disaster area with all of DH's tools laying around. Bet the mini-mules are so cute! My horses all loved carrots a lot. They were pretty selective with wanting only crisp apples, but they would eat a limp carrot in a heartbeat.

Wendy, ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) to you and your family. I feel so bad for what you had to go through, but know you were a big blessing to your MIL. Sounds like FIL went quickly and didn't suffer for too long. So your foot is feeling better? That's great. Mine is finally better too. Took about 3 weeks for the pain and numbness to go away. I swear the bruising traveled around my toe area and other toes hurt that didn't get smashed by the car ramp. I walked on the foot differently and that made my arch and the outside of my foot hurt too. I get my hair highlighted and roots dyed next Tuesday. Last time she only did my roots as she was not feeling well and needed to get home.

Tracy, your DS is an awesome bike rider, getting 2nd in the Nationals!!! Wow! Not sure of the fitness of the road riders vs. mtn. bikers, but I do know that guys that used to motocross have awesome technical downhill skills on the bike. Yep, the pro and serious road riders really have low, low BF. I haven't seen any women riders so can't comment on that. I've enjoyed watching the Tour this year. Felt bad about Vino not doing well today. Guess he just put out too much to win the Individual Time Trial yesterday, beating everyone else by over 2 minutes. He paid for it today.

Cheryl, so sorry to hear about your son. Hope he gets the best of care for his poor teeth. I so sympathize with him as I fell on mine when I was young (bike related too).

Nicole!!! Congrats on finishing the X and welcome back to Cathe!!! Sorry you were feeling down the other day. We all have times like that. I used to have lots of them years ago, not so many any more. I've always been a bit selfish I guess, getting into horses when my DS was 1 1/2 years old. I took regular riding lessons, worked a full time job, kept house halfway okay. DH was a huge help in watching him while I rode and he encouraged me to keep up my horse hobby, knowing it was important to my happiness. Sounds like you are feeling better today, so glad! Hope you enjoyed the brunch and movie. What did you see?

Hi Joanna. I didn't have bands, but used our lat pulldown attachement on the Bowflex for the pullups. It worked just fine. I'm not sure I can do a real pullup because I never had a burning desire to. Regardless of what you hear from others, I am the lazy Xer on this thread.

Sandra, how did your DH's Tour of Alberta go (think that's the name of it)? Hope he enjoyed himself and got to ride with some friends. My century ride yesterday was a good one, love that area and I keep coming back to it year after year because of it. I was rooting for Vino and happy he did so well on the time trial. Glad he has a stage win with that one. Must have blown his wad because today was not good for him. Contador is something, huh? Will be anxious to see how tomorrow goes. Levi just isn't explosive is he? Very interesting tour.

Must go, will try to post tomorrow night after we get back from dinner with friends (if it's not too late).


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