Good morning,
I'm going to cram in XStretch some time today. I haven't done that in quite a while. Traci, what's this Athletic Stretch you're doing? Is it similar to XStretch?
What is a sourdough pretzel? Is that one of those large soft pretzels you buy in the bakery? I don't know if my store's bakery has sourdough ones, but they have these pizza soft pretzels that are spread with pizza sauce and cheese. They're not what I would call a health food, although they're tasty! The P90X meal plan has sourdough pretzel as an afternoon snack. If I can't find the pretzel, I'm wondering if a sourdough bagel would be similar enough to substitute.
Jeanette....Ah, it's too bad you didn't get your ride in yesterday. That's exactly the reason I work out first thing in the morning. Something always comes up if I leave it for later in the day. I know what you mean about being tired of obsessing about exercise and diet, and wanting to just accept yourself as you are. But then I see my family, who don't concern themselves a whit with their health, and see how it's all catching up with them. My aunts & uncles are entering their mid-50s to late 60s, and suddenly I'm getting weekly emails about heart attacks, strokes, broken bones, and an assortment of things that can only be attributed to an unhealthy lifestyle catching up with them. If my plan works, that won't be me in 20 years!! You asked about Circuit Max the other day. I wouldn't say you should rush out to buy it. Do you have the CTX series? If you do, then Circuit Max is exactly like a 60min version of 10-10-10, with some compound weight work (like in Cardio & Weights) inserted between the 6 cardio segments. It was filmed around the same time as the CTX series, so she uses much of the same music, and the style of the choreography is similar.
Kim....I read your bit about the widower. What a tragic story!! Aneurysms are terrifying; there's often no symptoms, they appear randomly, and there's usually no time to get medical help once they burst. Kind of like carrying a loaded gun inside your brain. My cousin died of an aneurysm in his early 20s. He was playing hockey, the vessel burst, and he was dead before he hit the ice.
Traci....You didn't get to KenpoX+ yesterday? Shucks. I'm looking forward to hearing whether you punched yourself upside the head or not

. Seriously, I want to know how you like it. The easiest way to turn off an alarm clock is to unplug it. Oh, and take out the backup battery if it's got one. Waking up singing the Piano Man sounds like a nice way to do it. I love that song. Yup, you all were present in my lair last night. Wasn't it cozy? DH loved having all these gorgeous women around us, and the Tour de France playing on the tv. His ultimate fantasy, I imagine. You're thinking of going back to Weight Watchers? There's no doubt it works, if you can stick with choreographing your points all day long, every day. I'm going to follow only the Phase 3 P90X eating plan. I agree that Phase 1 is untenable for me. I sat down with the food manual yesterday and went through their recipes and grocery list to see what I would actually have to buy. I also made notes in my daytimer about how to coordinate cooking their various recipes, so I spend as little time cooking as possible. For instance, when I roast potatoes for dinner on Tues night, I'll cook an extra one for the stuffed potato I'll be eating at lunch the next day. Their recipes are quite straightforward, which makes it doable. I don't think there's specific magic to their meals, but I'm determined to see if a month of squeaky-clean eating of reasonable quantities of calories really will make "the" difference in my physique. If I see positive changes at the end of the month, I'll more likely be motivated to continue on with it. If I don't, I'll be able to walk away from it and not feel badly. I'd be happy to post my eating for you all to criticize. I love the sounds of your advanced pyramid system. When I'm done the X, will you design something like that for me? About Ms. Debra's retreat: I may have to pass up on that simply due to my thesis. I don't know, yet, whether I'll have time to go on a trip. I'll have to see what my supervisor says at our next meeting. If I don't go, then I want to make arrangements to meet up with some of you some time this year. I may have to go to Thailand to meet Wendy, but I hear good things about that
Swifty Amy....Happy birthday!!!! Your family is indeed treating you like a Queen, and that's how it should be! Woohoo!! I have the Polar F11, and have yet to try to download my workouts. Did it work? My goodness, that was funny about the Y instructor.
Lea....Good morning! Have a great time at the game!
Tracy....Good morning to you too! You're right that eating is a way of life. I've managed to maintain a 60lb weight loss for 5 years, with 2 pregnancies in there, so I think I've done very well with making it a lifestyle. But that doesn't mean it ever becomes easy. Thanks for the pullover sub suggestion. I can never feel those when Cathe does them; I imagine I'm not going heavy enough. I fear that if I go any heavier, though, I'll pull a shoulder muscle. I suppose I need a spotter. I don't dislike crafts per se. I dislike having to do everything at the level of a 2 year old, all day long. I miss having large chunks of time available to me for focusing on something adult, like reading and writing. Or even watching a tv show that's not on Treehouse TV!! But enough griping. I was not born to be Mary Poppins, but I do my best, and I'll just apologize to her and her therapist when she's older.