Shopping done!
My check engine light came on at the second stop so I am really bummed. It was acting kind of funny and that's when I noticed the darned light

Just when you think you'll get ahead, something else goes wrongx(
Traci-X, So glad you were able to stay home and get some cleaning done. Way to get out of going to the bay!! That is next up on my roster but it is so hot and muggy, I just want to take a nap. We are definitely getting an air conditioner in March! I am not going through this again!!! I love HSTA. It gets your heart going fast and then you stop right before you pass out. You think, Oh, this isn't to bad and BAM! you're sweatin' up a storm}(
SwiftyX, Are you bragging about your weather?

It is so nasty here I am GROUCHY!! My boys know to stay out of mommy's way

Enjoy the bike rides. That will be nice to get outdoors finally. My back and neck hurt too the first two phases of P90X then again at the very end. Glad you could be outside to do yard work. What's that like anyway?
TracyX, So sorry you have such an incompetent "helper". I am no good at delegating responsibility. I am too OCD about stuff and know there is nobody who can do it like I want it done. Hope she picks up the slack soon. My sister has a girl like that working for her. It drives her crazy

Glad your DS got off to Scotland. What an exciting adventure for him! Yeah, at 3 bucka a gallon, I wouldn't be too happy about circling the lotx( Hope you were able to stay home from FIL and get some rest and a good workout in
SandraX, LOVED the comeback to DD little comment this morning

Quick whit! I cannot imagne baking anything right now. It is too dreadful outside and with just one little window air conditioner, it's out of the question! I went to the store and got snacks for the boys lunches. It's all a bunch a pre-packaged crap, but I am not making homeade stuff until it cools off.
LeaX, I don't know if I could "UN" bake bread

I guess if I did I might look more healthy like you, but alas, I am what I am

Did Traci scare you into working out today? She can be quite a drill seargant when Sandra's too tired
Jeanette, How are those legs this morning? I have a few DOMS but not too bad. I think my chest is worn out though. I should have made it Power Circuit but oh well, it was fun

The choreography on this one was pretty simple seeing as how I hadn't even previewed it yet. Enjoy the time with your grandma

She must get quite entertained with your working out

Enjoy the golfing! My sister took a golf course this year and just loved it!
DebraX, Yoga, a massage and an adult nigh all in the same day? Can I come visit?

I am glad you are making time for yourself! I need to do that more often. I am so bummed my car is acting up! It was a miserable day shopping. I had plans to get myself a new skirt but all the winter clothed are out

It is 105 outside and they have sweaters out! I need some alone shopping time. I kind of thought I would get some but now the darned car needs to be fixed so it's a no go

Sorry you didn't get to go to the pool today

I need to lay out ASAP! I am fading fast. So much to do and so little time
WendyX, Hope you are not incarcerated!! Maybe you are off on a bike ride or something

ope you are enjoying the rotation. Oh I just remembered you are at State College

Hope your DOMS are better! It's not my fault, I'm just a glutton for punishment
Carol, Hope you were able to fit a workout in today! Are you glad it's Saturday?
Cheryl, It's Saturday! I suppose that doesn't mean much when you are technically youtr own boss

Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Is it hot there or has it cooled off? It was 100 when I drove through there in June so I suppose you get hot weather for a bit like us.
Enjoy your weekend everyone! Off to check out the September rotation
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.