Xers.........Returning on Monday?????


Hi all,

I'm obviously at a loss for starting us off. I think I caught up with everyone yesterday. Today will be either just yoga, or yoga and a short run. My legs are definitely feeling the mish mosh from yesterday, but that's good.

Have a great day!

Jeanette - Glad you had a nice ride. Do you live where there are Aspen trees? I didn't get much at the farmers' market except some apple sauce. Most of it was apples or stuff I already make. Don't feel old. I've been married 25 years.

Nicole - I'm with Jeanette, I had no idea you still had a kid in diapers. I do feel for you. That was such a demanding time for me. I hope you feel better today.

Morning Xers! Waiting for the cold front to blow in this morning... temps will drop 20 degrees:D

TracyX: :+ You are so funny! Isnt the key to making a fortune is finding a need & filling it? You and I need to start a book - we cant be the only gals on the internet looking for wonderful words that match!! - Theres a project for your summer off this year!
Happy your legs are talkin' to you! Your workouts always produce the best results...

Decided not to officially workout yesteday... did clean for 2 hours and did 5 rounds of my rehab stretches - woke up with shoulder feeling pretty darn good today. Had lots of mini muscle spasms yesterday (not painful) so maybe that was a healing sign... had an all too real dream last night about injuring my arm and rushing to hospital... woke up this morning and started gently feeling my arm!LOL

I cant recall what I planned for todays workout so i'll be back with that info with personals in a few...
[font face="tahoma"]~~~~~~~~~Happy MONDAY! –AF still has not arrived! First time in 12 months since I started my bio identicals that she isn’t on time or 1-2 days early….urrrrrrrr ~~~~~~~~~~[/font/ tahoma]

[font face="tahoma"] This n That
To those who mentioned my bio identicals needing adjustment… SMART LADIES! I knew they would as I have totally changed my day to day eating the past few months… 85%-90% uncooked fruits & veggies every day. The only living thing I’m eating at all is fish once or twice a week – (I may up that a bit)… All of that is naturally balancing out my hormones but unfortunately my meds aren’t in sync yet. I go back for a check up early December so I’ll have her re-adjust then. She had to really up my progesterone so it makes sense that with all the whole fruits & veggies that I no longer need as much.. also explains my late AF. Can’t wait til the day comes where I eat so perfectly that I don’t need ANY meds. Bio Identicals 101! THE END! [/i}

Starting a new week today with 4DS Lower Body Weights Mix + 4DS All Upper Mix (using moderate weights and doing NO moves that will irritate arm + MM Upper (same concept). I needed to add on an additional upper DVD only because I already know 3 or 4 moves I can’t do in 4DS plus by using moderate not heavy weights I’ll need a bit more work. If I have to drop to lower weights for MM Upper I surely will. ALSO- on all upper days I will make sure to add in strength training for both sides of forearms (if Cathe doesn’t ) & same goes for calves & tibialis. One thing I have learned is that my body likes working ALL the little parts that often don’t get addressed. [/i}


~~~~~~~~ P~E~R~S~O~N~A~L~S ~~~~~~~

Tracy X!!! The visuals you always provide me are priceless! I see you taking a swig of that flax oil in car and passer-bys thinking you are hitting the bottle driving! LOL … It is wonderful tho that you know exactly what your body needs to operate without a glitch and you take care of it quickly! Hope AF is not going to make you pay the price for a few days without your oil! ~ I agree on HIS- challenging to me … Also because it will take me a bit of time to learn I wish I enjoyed the music more… OH WELL! Can’t love’m all -at least I can say- I can do ANYTHING for 30 minutes! LOL

Sandra X!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{MISS YOU SO}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Nicole X!!! Diapers???? OH GOSH! No wonder you’re so busy! How did all of us miss that little detail?! I’m VERY proud of you for taking some extended rest days! Anyone can go out there and kill themselves day after day but the true sign of a healthy & fit person is how they take care of their bodies! Elite Athletes don’t make their bodies work while injured. ^5 on perhaps learning a new way to love yourself!

Cheryl!!! HOPING YOU ARE ALL BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!! – I tell ya it’s the flying that gets us! XXOOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

Amy!!! GOOD LORD WOMAN check in so I don’t think that tornado got you last week!

Jeanette X!!! Fantastic ride you had! Sounds like you got everything you wanted out of it- a nice workout, some great scenery, bonding time! Perfect day I’d say!!! How nice you have a medical contact in the group! The hardest part is to actually remember and DO the rehab exercises! LOL… I “think” about it all the time EXCEPT when I actually have the time! I do know that its gotta be done tho. ~ LOL on cooking! YES any assistance AT ALL that you give the cook is considered cooking! Even standing outside chatting with the chef counts!

TeddyGirl!!! OH NO on the car!!!!!!!!!! Sending love and good vibes that its all fixed and nothing serious at all! {{{{{{{{{{{huggers}}}}}}}}}}}}

Wendy X!!! Congrats on the versatile luggage! Just perfect!!! You are nearly ready to walk out the door aren’t you? Maybe you’ll have a week or 2 of “down time” before you go. How ya feeling today? When do you go back to DR? ~ On the leg DOMS… I DO think that doing the KB in addition to legs makes a diff… I’ve never felt that Cathes leg work was much in her KB-ings before but she does a GREAT job of REALLY working them in this one. I’m also really excited to do the all lower mix because I’m hoping that the Calf work is included.. if not then I’ll add it on today.

Debra X!!! Let me just say that YOUR Eoin DVD ABSOLUTELY MUST have more to it than mine! After all you did this weekend to be excited to “run upstairs and go get nectar licked” just isn’t normal. As I think about it- it wasn’t until Eoin came along that you really got fed up with XDH! It also was around that same time that your daily mood changed to one of total bliss for majority of time. SPILL IT BABE! WHATS ON THAT DVD!

Laurie XX!!! Hope DD’s bonk wasn’t serious! OUCH!! ~ WooHoo on DD!!!!!! WOW that’s just wonderful! VERY kind of the church to be so willing to work with the girls busy schedules! Hope that house is SPARKLING!

Carol!!! Hope you had a terrific weekend!

Swifty X!!! Flex and take some pics this week! We ALL want to see your Rd 2 gains – we need the motivation!

Lea X!!! MISS YOU MY FRIEND!!!!!!!! HEALING VIBES COMING YOUR WAY !!!!!! [/font/ tahoma]
Hi all! Just popping on before I head to the pumpkin patch with 30 screaming 6 year olds...on a bus for an hour and a half just to get there....Who thinks this sounds like fun? Did I miss the memo that said the only pumpkin patch is an hour and a half away? I am going to think happy nectar and honey thoughts while trying to meditate...LOL!

I am hoping to get to Cathe's new kickbox this afternoon. If I am not totally worn out from all the little ones. I didn't do tris yesterday since I didn't really have time. I had dinner with a "friend" last night...and got to Eoin later than I had planned prior to going out. So..still tris to do.

Traci...I am sure that Eoin and I connect on a spiritual level. I like his calming voice. I think that Bryan Kest is much sexier to look at, but I could listen to Eoin for hours...and he always makes me laugh! Hope you are feeling better today and that ttom gets here super fast!

Tracy...Thanks for starting us off. Glad your legs are toasty....Have fun with yoga today...Shiva I imagine.

Gotta go...Wish me luck! I think I caught up with everyone else yesterday...Kisses to all!


Plant beneficial seeds, do your best and let go---Eion Finn
Good morning,

This is quick, but I miss you all. I'm trying to at least read every day, but don't have much personal time to sit and post. I'm off to do PUB and CW step premix in a few minutes. I was supposed to go back to the one part/day lifting that I was doing before, but I don't want to start a week like that, and have the new 4DS show up on my door. I want to be able to jump in with the new series as soon as it gets here. So, until it does, I might do something like this:

MON PUB; CW step premix
TUES PLB; KPC premix #4
WEDS 60 min. cardio
THURS PUB; 30 min step
FRI PLB; 30 min cardio
SAT 60 min. cardio
SUN rest

Hopefully I'll get the new workouts before I have to actually decide on what cardios to do.

Traci, thank you for the kind words you said to me last week. I know you yourself are going through so much tribulation, and it really touched me that you can still be so thoughtful towards others. You're a very special person.

Here's a huge shout out to everyone!! Keep on Pushing Play!!

DEBRA X: If we never see you agian please know we will ALWAYS love you! :+ You are a VERY BRAVE WOMAN!

Sandra x: Yippee!!!!!!!! *jumping like a fool clapping hands*
SOOOOOOO good to have your energy on the board! I mean that sincerely my friend! We have been together far too long to not feel a void when you're gone! XXOO GREAT IDEA playing it by ear awaiting 2007! you will LOVE it!!! I somehow think you'll be doing them all in 2 days... just do am/pm and you're there! XXOOXOXOXOXOXO

TRACY X: QUESTION: is the Kest Tone you love so much Vol 2? Thats what I see on Amazon its a 1995 version?

Happy day to all - sun's getting ready to shine which means my body can officially wake up and catch my brain! :+
Good Morning Ladies,

Thought about working out yesterday. That's as far as it went.}(

This week, I've decided to do yoga, Fluidity workouts, and my pull-ups/chin-ups when I walk into my bedroom. Hopefully, I'll feel up to power heated yoga on Thursday. I may use my free yoga class for the restorative yoga class with the studio Phil took me on my b-day. The X can wait. If I get bored, I'll play around with the 4DS.

Eldest ds called me last night from bootcamp. It was so good to hear his voice. He sounds a little sick. He asked if I could mail him some vitamin c cough drops and envelopes. He said that he loves bc and has the highest fit scores in his company. He asked me and you knowledgeable ladies for advice on increasing pull-up reps, strengthing his upper back, and increasing his speed for a 2 mile run. We didn't get into much details since his time was limited. All I could think of real quick was power yoga. LOLOLOL From my understanding, he doesn't have access to weights.

Traci: HUGS!!!!! Hope you get your bioidenticals balanced at your next visit. Are you still seeing the physical therapist? Good job at making your workouts work for you! I can't wait till I can breathe better to complete the KB workout; like you, more for the legs than upper body/core. My doctor didn't request that I go back for a check-up unless there are any problems. Three more days until the antibiotics are done. Can't wait!!!!!!

Time's up. Gotta wake up the girls, and start our lovely Monday.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!


Good Morning

No workout for me this morning. My sister Daphane stopped by yesterday, her kids was gone for the day and she didn’t want to be home alone cooking so she decided to come over and she cooked for me and Ted, chicken breast and Asian Stir Fry veggie than we watched a movie. I didn’t go too bed till 11pm me and Ted watched another movie

Think my car needed a jump, hm….when we went to give it a jump my car started right up, what was that all about not sure but I do know my car need work I’m going to put in shop next month need fuel injection work and replace one belt. Other than what can I say?

I was praying it would start this morning and praying too God, Lord I can NOT afford to buy me a new car, can’t afford a $400 car payment been there countless times. I got lots going on with me. Today I am going to take a rest day :D
Just read about all the fires & evacuations in San Diego County & Malibu! Lea & Nicole PLEASE know that you both and yyour communities are in my prayers today. Just horrid!

Teddy Girl: So happy that car is cooperating! Forget the new series- get that car fixed! Your safety is much more important!

Wendy; VERY smart move with your workout plans this week... Its just POINTLESS to think that sweat will cure all ails! Please promise you'll call DR immediately tho if you arent 100% better in 3 days. Antibiotics sometimes take 2 rounds... Ask him to do a different one if this one hasnt kicked it. ~ HOW WONDERFUL that DS called! i know that you moms must think about your kids all the time! Have him do P90X chest work 3x a week... no equipment necessary! ~ On the PT- no, remember I stopped after 3 visits due to long drive / short worthless 20 minute massage.... I have all the exercises written by them & was required to do all the work at home anyway so it was kinda a waste of 100 bucks a week in co-pay$...

Huggers to all who follow....
Good morning,
Today was the Step/Weights circuit premix from SJP. Will work this morning at the prison, then head for the golf course to play 9 holes with prison priest. Should be a nice day too. Also have to run by the courthouse after golf to see about a certified copy of our marriage license for insurance purposes. Then perhaps stacking of wood.

Tracy, not many aspen trees near here. We have ponderosa pine, sugar pine, white, red and douglas fir, cedar and juniper. Where we rode yesterday they had lots of oak. I do love the aspens though. Good job on the 25 years. Did you have an anniversary party for it? Our kids gave us a party and it was really, really nice. Reminds me that DD made a scrapbook for it and said she had to put some more pictures in it. Hmmmm,,, that was 3 years ago. Maybe I need to remind her.

Traci, glad the shoulder is feeling good today. I always think of mini twitches and spasms as "healing sensations". I had to modify front raises in SJP today for my right arm. Just didn't do them at all. I want this elbow to heal for sure. Thanks for the affirmation that any assistance to the cook is considered cooking. I did have it covered in chatting with the cook while he flipped the burgers. Think I even fetched him a beer too.

Debra, hope you have a good time at the pumpkin patch today. Can you wear ear plugs on the bus? Hope you enjoyed time with your friend last evening. I don't think anyone is busier than you. You have endless energy!!!

Wendy, that's awesome about your son's fitness level. How much longer will he be in bootcamp? Will you get to attend his graduation before your trip to Thailand? You are sounding better each day. Think you are kicking pneumonia to the curb!!

Sandra, so good to hear from you today. Bet you are having a nice time with your folks. I too am jumping in with the new series when I get them, which should be tomorrow. Post when you can.

Anointed, the dinner that your sis made sounds so good. Bet you all had a nice time. Hope it's nothing too major with your car. New battery needed? What movies did you watch? I have a couple waiting here for me to watch. I sit down at this darned computer in the evening instead of watching those movies. I wish I could post during the day, then it wouldn't take up so much of my evening. Cathe site and anything athletic or recreational is blocked at work.


Hi Girls,

Dreary day here. If you have seen those fires on the news they are here in my town. Everyone is losing power so I am writing to say hi before I lose mine.

The fires are out of control because we have 50-75 mile per hour winds. My brother is on one of the 8 fires so please keep him in your prayers.

I woke up crying because it had spread so badly last night. Hundreds of people have lost there homes and animals. Please pray for my family and I because we will probably be evacuated.


Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

Tracey: Thank you! Don’t worry if I haven’t the cash won’t be getting new workouts till later. Loving your workout plans. I really can use a rest day today, I feel wiped out mentally and eating is way out of control today not even 11 o’clock and I ate ½ my dinner and 2 large cup cakes tons of Chees-IT nervous eating, hate when this happens I will be doing this all day.

Jeanette; Omg, a new battery, thanks for bring this too my attention. Yesterday, Ted put Transformers on for my sister to watch I ended up watching it again, sis couldn’t wait to see it. After work if I feel up to it, may watch Hostel or just get some rest so I can bring it tomorrow.

*******************San Diego County and Malibu!************************
Nicole: OMG, I can’t believe what I am seeing Oh my prayers our going up for you and the entire communities. This is awful! If you can PLEASES keep us posted. I pray that your home doesn’t get touched (((HUGS)))
Morning Xers,

Rotation: LGI8 Week6/Day2
Workout: 4DS Chest & Back weights only.

This workout is about all I will have time for today. Youngest DD has dance class tonight.

Getting everything ready early for the party was probably a good idea. The state meet is about a 3 hour drive from our house. Bathrooms are all nice and clean. All I had to do in the girls bathroom was clean the toilet. Oldest made that thing sparkle. :D

Nicole, Stay safe and you and all your family are in my prayers. The Chai did wonders for DD's mood yesterday, after the bumped head. I was knitting a hat for her last night, and when I put it on her head (to see if it would fit) she complained a little about her bump.

TG, I agree with Jeanett that you might need a new battery. That is what happened to my car about a month ago. Only spent $60 to get the battery replaced. The dinner your sister made sounds like it was very tasty.

Jeanette, I hate cleaning the bathroom also. That is why I was so happy that DD cleaned theirs. My DD appears to love the "Oh My Chai", I have not had any yet. :7 :7 :7 She had a cup again this morning. I will have to find her a replacement from the store, because the TS items are a bit expensive. :D

Debra, The state fair sounded like a great time was had by all. :D You are right, I don't think that anything is good for you at the fair. :D Oh I feel for ya on the pumpkin patch bus. Please come back to us in one piece.

Sandra, Big HI back at ya! :D Hope those DVD's get to you soon.

Wendy, Sounds like your DS is getting into being fit. All I can say on the running is that he would need to do interval sprints at least once a week. I got this from runners world, and should help him some. (After 10 minutes of easy running, alternate between brisk 15-second pickups and 45-second slow jogs. Repeat this cycle eight to 12 times, focusing on quick feet and gradually faster leg turnover during the pickups.) www.runnersworld.com has many other ways to increase speed, but this would probably be the easiest for him to try.

Traci, LOL about your dream. Glad your arm was still attached, and that it looks to be getting better. Hope I didn't inspire anyone to clean their house yesterday. :D I feel like I'm just about done, except for that little girls room that I have yet to tackle. x( Don't know how much longer I can avoid it since my parents will be here on Thursday. :7 :7

Tracy, Your mish-mosh from yesterday was very good. I can understand the need for just yoga and a run. :) Guess we need to have a word of the day book. Everything that starts with M for Mondays. :D

Have a great day!

Well Laurie YOU are BRILLIANT!

Ok Xers - We need 7 days from each of you!!! That way whoever starts the thread..(*ahem Tracy & Traci!)-(unless planets are out of alignment!) can select!

Sunday thru Saturday gang! I'm with Tracy- I think I'm back to plain ole' Xer Tuesday unless we get the juices flowing! Matter of fact I wont even be able to bring myself to start a thread! We'll all be waiting for West Coasters to wake up at noon! :+

Thanks for the idea to DELEGATE Laurie! :+ ;-)

All you highly educated & creative Xers can do this - I just know you can!!!

:* :* :* :*
Hi ladies. Sorry I haven't been around. I haven't worked out too much these days.

Nicole - I am so sorry to hear that you are near one of the fires. It is awful. Here the skies are filled with smoke since the fires are all over. I will keep you and your family in our prayers. Good luck to you all.

Hi all,

Not much time now, I'm going to run before it gets too late.

Traci - Yes it is Tone from the old dvd. I don't think he has produced anything new except audio. It is a nice change of pace because it requires a lot of upper strength and it is slow and controlled. You should not try it now. Glad you are feeling a little better. Train smart, I know you will.

Nicole - OH!!!!! I'm so sorry. I was thinking of you today. I hope everything turns out OK.

I'll catch up with everyone else later.

Happy Monday Xers!!

Yesterday I did the 4DS Bootcamp and today was the Kickbox workout. They're both great and lots of fun :D I did skip out on the KB LB work, though, and opted for a quickie with Eoin instead ;-) I haven't done yoga in a long time and it felt very good to get back to it today. Sorry to be MIA a bit, but between the usual busy-ness and dealing with crap with my mom (she's very dysfunctional and likes to spew her crap onto me) it's been tough for me the last few days. I hope to get mentally back on track today, though :)

Traci-X -- I'm glad your shoulder's feeling so much better today :D What are bio identicals?

Debra -- I hope your pumpkin patch trip wasn't too harassing. I hope you get to join me with KB later, too :D

Wendy -- I'm glad you're easing back into workouts slowly. I hope you're feeling better now, too!

Nicole -- Many thoughts and prayers for you and your town!!

Hi to everyone else. I hope you all have a great day!

Okay...Here are my t words for tomorrow and Thursday....

tantamount, target, tawdry, taxing, tempermental, tempestuous, tenacious, thankful, theatrical, therapeutic, thingamabob, thorough, thriving, thunderstruck, tightening, tiptop, tizzy, tireless, toned up, together, topnotch, toughen up, tranquil, transforming, tricky, trifling, trimming, triumphant, trouncing, tuckered out, turbulent, turned-on, twiddle, twinkling, twitchy, twirling, and finally, twittering.

How about them apples????

Back in a minute for a real post...


Plant beneficial seeds, do your best and let go---Eion Finn
Okay...here is my self involved post...except...first of all...

{{{{{{hugs and prayers}}}}}}to Nicole, family and friends in the area! Hope you guys are okay...and check in when you get the chance so that we know you are okay.

So...had a great time at the pumpkin patch....although, the bus ride was not a whole lot of fun...but the kids were pretty good. It was great for me to spend some of DD's friends...and all of those boys who seem to like my girl so much. We got to pet all kinds of animals and play in the "corn pit" and take a tractor ride around the farm and pick pumpkins and stuff our own scarecrow.

On the negative side...I have done something to my back...Don't know what...but my lower back has been hurting all day. The bus ride didn't do me any good. Just my right side...but now the pain spreading around my hip and towards the front of my body. I can't seem to bend over either. Nice, hunh? Obviously, I did not workout today. We were actually so dirty after the day that DD and I came home and took showers...then I had to take her to dance. I am hoping this pain is gone in the morning....then I will get to the new KB workout...plus those darn tris I haven't done yet.

Okay...back in a minute to catch up with personals.....


Plant beneficial seeds, do your best and let go---Eion Finn

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