Good Afternoon!
The girls are eating lunch. The DD guy put sugar in my coffee. According to the little plague Phil bought me over the weekend, I gotta put on my big girl panties and deal with it!:7 Personals have to come first.
Tracy-X!!! Does yoga help your back loosen up? Is it your lower back that's tight? I was thinking of you last night during yoga. I keep forgetting to keep myself zipped. Too busy learning how to pace my breath.
Traci-X!!! Life is good! Are you going to do any writing while on vacation? A sequel to Coffee is a Clean Food?:7 Best wishes for a shark dinner!!!!
Jeanette-X!!! Yes, waking up that early is about as crazy as me finally meeting Mr. Sandman at the same hour!!!:7 ^^5^^ to you for being so committed!!! Glad to hear that bike riding may not grow my quads. I was always told that biking does great things for the legs. Keep in mind, this was always guys speaking. Men don't seem to have lower body issues. I don't know if it's the riding, yoga or both; but, my legs and behind are looking nicer. Sending you dh ~~~~happy building~~~ vibes!!!! He'll do great!!!
Debra-X!!! I don't think there's a huge Muslim group of homeschoolers. I would guess that Christians (of all denominations) probably make up the majority of homeschoolers. I probably wouldn't have started homeschooling if I weren't a Christian. However, since homeschooling, my faith isn't the primary reason for us to continue. If dh and I felt that our girls would get a better education at the local ps or surrounding private schools, we would consider sending them there once they were more mature and discerning. You make me laugh at overcoming the first step to working out -- wearing the appropriate apparel. Lately workout clothes are my primary apparel. If this keeps up, I might be meeting Stacy and Clinton from What Not to Where!! Don't worry, I won't accept a $5,000 NYC shopping spree if it means that I'll have to throw away all my Shiva, Nike and Lululemon gear.

Oh! Did something you ate not sit well last night or are your nerves still shaken? I had a thought the other night... Will you have to go back into the workforce after the divorce? Thankfully, you have your family and friends to help you in this time of transition!!!
Anointed TG: Wasn't it not too long ago that you were trying to put on some weight? I bet your GK had a blast spending time with you!!! Today is a new day! Put on your big girl panties and eat a refreshing salad!}

Laurie-XX!!! How cool to nurse a hummingbird!!! I'll have to start calling you Egeria, the mysterious goddess/fairy and wife of ancient Rome's King Numa Pompilius, who could talk with songbirds.;-) Your Sunday sounded enchanting! Did you get any pictures or video of it?
Amy!!! Hi! (sees Amy flying overhead) Bye!;-) Chat more when you have time! Hope all is well with your dh!!!!
Nicole-X!!! Okay, I can do scheduled w/o tonight! In fact, I'm looking forward to S&H and B&G stability ball abs!!! Yes, we had a nice time lounging on the beach and shopping. I had a cosmo at lunch yesterday, and felt nice and ready for some honey sweet yoga.

Glad to be home again. Homeschool is going well. We are ahead of schedule. So, we're taking it easy today and tomorrow. We have no out of town plans this coming weekend. So, we'll catch up then if needed. Two more days till your nephew's surgery. Are you planning on going to the hospital for it?
Sandra-XX!!! My gf gave me a wheat bread recipe that calls for oatmeal. I'll have to dig it out and post it for you. It's their staple bread recipe. They're the ones who grind their own wheat, grow their own food and raise their own meats. I want to be like them when I grow up!:7 Jenn and I plan on going to yoga class on Thursday. I've grown fond of my instructor. Get your mind outta the gutter! I only mean to say that I know what to expect from him. He pushes you to do your best, but is accepting of your best at the same time. There's a new fall schedule and he only teaches a ALL Levels class at the Malvern studio on Thursdays at 5:30. The photo of the 7:15 instructor kinda scares me. I know I shouldn't judge people based on appearances.

At any rate, I've got a sitter lined up in case Phil doesn't make it home in time to the 5:30 class.:7
Amy-X Swifty: I tell you, I deserved the plaque Phil gave me! Compared to all your ailments, mine are petty! petty! petty!!! I pray that the doctor can help find a solution to all that's bothering you!!!:* I told Phil about meeting up with to ride. He suggested that you pre-exhaust yourself by riding to SC. That way, you won't be frustrated at my slower pace. LOL
Well ladies, we're off to music lessons! Stay sweet. Hi to ALL who follows!
Ballistic Hugs to ALL!