Xers Freaky Friday


Morning gang...Netta & Deb posted final post on yesterday so I know its safe to start the thread! Its 1am here so that means its still yesterday @ Jeanettes house....

Woke up @ 1145 w/ worst sinus headache ive ever had...I was dreaming (vividly) of a horrid vibration going on in my car & when I woke up it was like a buzz-saw in my head... got up took every OTC in the cabinet, sat upright in the recliner & now the drugs are finally kicked in & its starting to numb & thhe sneezing has started-The drugs all have some stimulants in them so I guess I'm up for the day...or at least til nap time later this afternoon.....
Today is our 7 year Anniversary of our First Date! We still celebrate so its suppose to be sushi night but I think they may have to wait... This old mare aint gonna feel like Sake & Lovin after 2 hours sleep...Poor Wendell!

Back w/ personals
Yesterday....Ended up being rest day with the start of the "head thing".... I did indeed receive My Tony Trainers:) but have yet to open the box...Gosh I MUST be in pain!:eek:

Today will be the Kick Marathon Day... Will Do whatever the 10-minute trainer is...Kenpo + then probably TJ Fat Blaster (25 minute interval kick) ... That sounds like it'll take this gunk out of my system!

*ETA: I just noticed I used WB instead of Wendell or DH .... Thats how I refer to him in family emails! Just thought I'd clue you all in on that since it seems to be creeping into my Cyber world!***

OMGosh! What a terrible feeling that must have been yesterday.... I can't believe employers dont automatically say GO HOME NOW when those things happen... It is just never good to be dressed & upright when you are so sick. I have a feeling your weekend will be spent in bed w/ DH bringing Hot Chicken Soup...RE: your "Use of Force" training each year, geared mostly to officers using weapons on inmates and the proper amount of force to use." -
Please let the powers that be know We KNOW the appropriate amount of force to use...WHATEVER is required to stay alive & bring the crazy nut jobs DOWN!}( ~~ ~~~~~~ We can give Debra our WISDOM silly! Thats worth her calves, BF% + her little bootay!!!:7 ~~ ROF about the Golden Tooth! Maybe we should have tried that line! We are blessed to have insurance- its just not very good! LOL- I told WB that if he waited a couple years (& lived in pain) we might have some relief w/ a new president...He didnt like that idea at all...*rolling eyes* ~~ Ok- Heres the deal on the grocery store grasshopper..you'll be sorry you asked.... I saw him & got all warm & fuzzy inside... I really do believe that critters are symbolic...You can google search all the meanings in spiritual terms but I digress.... I didnt cry per se' but I did point out "My little Friend" to the cashier & promptly told her to just let him be when she bagged me up...The look on her face was priceless! About 2 months ago one of my itty bitty tree frogs from my backyard (ga-zillions of them) "rode" to HEB w/ me on the back of my car....When I went to load my groceries he was still just hangin' out waiting for me...drove home - & he was still on the bumper...I kid you not - As soon as we were home he jumped off & back into his tree! PRICELESS!!!!! ~~ Feel better my dear!:*

:+ :+ :+ :+ :+ your response to Wendy/Phil!~~ Did CBL get over to "Watch Lost" is that our new code phrase??? How will he handle the Retreat cutting into his "Watching Lost" time?}( ~~ Lets see- I've been with Wendell thru the *SNIP SNIP* & Lasik.... He was a bit of a baby on the *snip* but I told him all about child birth & ovarian surgeries & hysterectomies ( only 1 of which I have actually been thru ;-))every time he complained...I just closed the door and gave him new ice packs for 48 hrs then sent him to work.... Lasik- He was (as I was w/ mine) so in awe of the "miracle" of it all that he was a good patient...I also told him I was giving him Aleve every 2 hours...which I was - but it was PM Aleve!}( I swear!!! I drugged my DH!!!! By the time he had slept the day after away he was seeing 20/20 & ready to go to work!!!!~~ GetOuttaHere!!!!!! GAYDAR is a real word by collegiate standards?????????????????????????????????????????/ I truly am FLOORED on that one! *read post to Netta- we gotta work out the trade agreement*

:+ :+ :+ :+ :+ Well thats a "pee my panties" post if I ever read one!!!! I'm w/ Jeanette...Did Phil get any last night instead???????
:+ :+ :+ :+ ~~~ I think you & Sandra should scrap the apples/oranges & BF talk...sometimes we just dont communicate well on web!! Tracy & I did the same thing a while back & we just decided to forget it!!!! ROF Honey....are you pms'ing by any chance?*ducking*:* :* :*

Whats our time difference this week? I half expected to see you had already posted Friday & had lunch by my 1am post...Agreed that CS is another back breaker... I think theres only so much one can do to strengthen lower back & once you've done that genetics comes into play...I will never have the strongest lower on the planet but as long as I remain small boned & pretty much low to mid range on my ideal weight I shouldn't have much of an issue in my remaining years;-) MANY MANY people raved about CS..not me- did it twice in one & half X rounds. I think you just have to make these long programs work for you. ~~ The WORST part about my insomnia days is my web shopping...I have already been on amazon & its 145am!

Whats cookin this weekend??? Singing???? Sewing???? Driving DD around????? When do all her meets start? ~~ I LUV this time of year...Winter pack rat syndrome dies out in me & I toss EVERYTHING! Wendell thinks its hormonal:eek: I tell him its SEASONAL! He thinks ALL y odd behavior is hormonal- that actually works for me as he calls my Hormones ALIENS...He'll send my mom emails asking her not to upset me because my ALIENS are around! :+

All caught up before Jeanette, Lea (whom I miss terribly) & Nicole have even turned the calendar to Friday......HURRY UP WEST COAST...COME PLAY!!!:* :* :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :* :*
Well I thought I was going to start us up but Traci beat me to it. I am about to get ready and visit the Wellness clinic here in Lux where I have an appointment with a doctor to eveluate my back. It's not getting better and I am determined to finish the X even if I have to tweak it a little.
I'll be back to keep you posted an do some personnals.
A bientot...;-)
Christiane!!! Sending you lots of healing thoughts as you look for back solutions.....

FYI GANG.... From Amy Bentos Blog..... Did any of you pre-order w/ me???

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Workouts Shipping March 21st

Hi all,
A quick production update on In the Ring and the CIA hi/lo Knockout... Both titles have gone to the printer. The final product should be arriving the week of March 17th. I will be mailing out as soon as I get them. Estimated Shipping date is March 21st Good Friday. I should get them all out that weekend.

Hope this helps
Hi all,

I started to post last night while I was chilling in my office before my presentation, but no such luck. I no more got the screen open and someone came in to eat. They gave us 'lunches' which then I had do go get mine. It was a veggie wrap loaded with some fatty sauce and lots of cheese. I was scared to eat it because of the chemicals, but took a few bites to be social. The presentation went well. I used to hate to present, but I'm becoming more comfortable.

Debra - Your post about the calves and the pouching belly were cracking me up! I've been wearing my 'fat' shirts the last couple of days to cover the pouch. I hate it!

Jeanette - The hack up a lung cough? I had it too. In fact I coughed so much my back started to hurt again. I hope you feel better today.

Traci - Ohhhh the dental bill! I had the 4 wisdom teeth removed last year and it was 1300, but we had no dental insurance. DH has had some dental work recently, but nothing to the tune of $6000. I think I'd cry. We need to replace our furnace and I know it will cost 6000. We're still waiting on that. No anniversary relations? The kids are leaving tomorrow for TN to go 4 wheeling for a week and DH had plans for this coming week. Luckily TTOM arrived; saved by the flow.

Wendy - Trouble in paradise? Everything is always so perfect for you and Phil. I'm not sure I would have been that mad. At least he made the attempt to go with you. I'm so jaded I wouldn't even have done that. I think I can say no way too easy these days.

I have to go back to work. It seems like I spend most of my time there, which is true.

Good lord you ladies are cracking me up and it isn't even 8 o'clock yet!!! Between Tracy's 'saved by the flow' comment...some strange happenings with grasshopper and Traci...and Traci drugging her husband...(Maybe Tracy should try that)...and of course, Jeanette and the overload of cough syrup...and poor Phil in the doghouse....Gracious ladies....People will wonder why I am giggling in class this morning!

Thanks for the cheerful beginning to my day....since it is gray and yucky out. I did watch 'Lost' last night with CBL...and no, that is not a new code phrase...It is the only show that I truly care about watching...Anyway CBL came over for a late night 'tune-up' on Wednesday...so no need for any lube work last night....lol. We are spending the afternoon and evening together, though...so that may lead to some sort of mechanical tinkering.

Okay...off for now....headed to take the Diva to school and then get myself off to class as well for another oral presentation...don't let you minds wander too far with that one....I am really leaving now before the conversation gets to be too ugly for first thing in the morning. Have a great morning ladies...bbl to cath up with personals...

Oh...by the way I will be doing CM #1 and SH chest and back for my workout today...

Later gators...


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Good morning,

No time to chat this morning. Gotta go to the basement and do SH Chest & Back. Then I think I'll add on Abs/core+, because I can't go for the next 3 days without some kind of heart-thumping workout!! I scanned super quick and just want to say:

Traci...there's no 10Min Trainer kick workout, although the lower body workout might fit the bill. I hope your head feels better really soon, poor dear. That sounds horrid. And yes, I did order Amy's new workouts. Yippee!!!

Tracy, Debra, Christiane....Good morning!!

Be back to chat more in a couple of hours,
Happy Friday All,:)

I’m very excited, tomorrow is the lasts day of me 12 week rotation, cant wait to put up new calendar. I have lots going on this weekend all fun stuff hanging out with my sisters. I’m sure we are going to hit the malls and probably go eat:9

This morning, hopped on me treadie for an awesome interval workout, I did CC#6 man oh man, my speed has IMPROVED so much, its crazy.

I ordered In the Ring wasn’t that impress with the Knockout.I check back soon.
Greetings from the Pit!

Yesterday turned out to be Doctor Day. I ended up taking both DH and one of our rabbits. Yes, even the rabbits have succumbed to the Pit of Germs, lol. Actually, I took him in b/c he wasn't eating and just lying around. But, he also has an upper respiratory infection. He's feeling better now with meds. As for DH, the doc told him in a very nice, polite way that he was being a baby about it, lol! I knew there was a reason I loved her!! He also is feeling better with meds (he got some GOOD cough syrup with codeine!) so that's a good thing. The bad part, though, is that now DS, who was just about over the cold part of the germs, has now come down with the flu part of the germs :( :( :( That leaves only ME who hasn't gotten the flu (I only ever had a bad cold). So knock on wood that I don't ever get it!! ARGH! I feel like it's a never ending cycle of germs. I didn't end up getting anything in yesterday between running around (doctors and then later, errands) and the extra housework (DH just doesn't appreciate how much I end up doing in a day!), but I'll be getting something in today. I'm feeling much better, too, so it'll be something tough }(

SandraXX -- Yup, I'll have to restart the rotation next week (probably Monday, but maybe Sunday, we'll see). It looks like a nice, tough rotation. Exactly what I need to get this bod back on track }( lol

Traci-X -- I thought "barely alive" WAS lowering my standards! lol. Sorry to hear about the expense of the oral surgery :( Hey, if I lived closer, you could train ME! :) (you were just trying to talk me into moving down there this week... hmmm...) Sorry you had such a horrible headache!! I hope you're able to get a nap in later so you can enjoy your anniversary later on!!

Wendy -- Channel all your anger at not-so-DH and get in a killer cardio workout!! }( Men!! I hope you're feeling better about it all this morning and you let him live...

Debra -- LOL about the legs and bulging stomach!! Hey, whatever works ;-)

Hi to everyone else! I hope you all have a great day!

Today will be doubles: L&B and PYFH. I haven't decided what to sub for ARX yet. Any suggestions?

Traci: Despite the messed up sleep schedule and drugs:D.... Well aren't you bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning!:) How sweet that you and Wendell KNOW when your first date was and still celebrate it. What does the B stand for in WB? Wendell Baby? Boy? What did I miss? You are handling WB's dental issues much better than I did with dd's dentist. That's right, you're flowing right now.:+ Still, $6000 OUCH!!! Is WB going to be alright if you leave him so soon after his surgery. He is not allowed to schedule any more surgeries near April 3rd!:p

BRB, Baby needs to go outside and I need to make another pot of coffee. Will return to finish personals during lunch.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!

Back to say hello....and to let everyone know I got a B on my test...Ugh...I missed a couple of questions that I should have gotten right. No one's name got on the board today...so I figure if I got a B, what did everyone else get??

And I just have to say to CAROL....Your story of DH and the doctor is a complete hoot!!! They are such babies!! So funny. Hope your bunny is getting better....sounds like you might just need to have a complete sterilization of the entire house!!

Waving to TEDDYGIRL...Have a fun weekend if I don't see you before then...

SANDRA....Stop adding on you are making me look bad...lol!

WENDY...Don't get to caffeinated or you might attack poor Phil again!

Off for a quick nap...I slept poorly last night again...all kinds of weird dreams...I was lost in NY with roller skates on...and I was in some sort of shopping area with marble floors with steep hills and I was having problems slowing myself down on the skates....And there were lots of Asian people at this place and I couldn't understand a word they were saying....and I was late for class. I couldn't get my cell phone to work right so that I could call someone to help me and some strange guy was talking to me, and all I wanted to do was find my way out! Where is Alice when you need her???




To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Back again. Workout done. I did SH Chest & Back, but added pull/chin ups after every chest exercise, and push ups after every back exercise. Not between every set of exercises, but after each 3-set exercise was complete. I also went heavy with all the weights. By the end of the planks I was feeling completely toasted in the upper body and was going to back it in for the day. I started to tidy everything up, then realized I don't feel so bad, why not go ahead with Abs/core+? So I did. Man, I love that workout. But yes, by the end of it, my whole upper body was shaking. I earned my glass of skim milk, and my bowl of oatmeal, brown sugar and raisins this morning!

Traci...What's going on with this head of yours? Why such an intense headache? Is one of your damaged nerves in your shoulder flaring up and causing this pain? I'm sorry you won't be able to enjoy a nice evening with DH, or WD, or whatever we're calling him these days. (I find myself referring to family members as DH, DD, etc. when I'm talking. Sad, hey?). Are you going to be able to do a workout today with that head of yours? Or should you just take it off and set it aside for a day or two? Wendell's upcoming dental bills are just horrific. Are you saying that he's not covered by any kind of dental insurance? Canada's medicare system does not cover dental, so it's either up to the employer to offer benefit plans, or you pay yourself. DH doesn't have a very good benefit plan with his work, so I'm desperate to get a job with good benefits before DD#1 needs the braces we were told she'd need in a few years. Or maybe we'll get lucky and inherit something by then (oh, did I just say that aloud???). Where is Lea, by the way? Is she away, or just too busy to post?

Christiane...I hope you get some relief for your back.

Tracy...I curled up my nose just reading about your sandwich. How come food you get outside the home can't be made the same way that food inside the home is made? I would like to eat at restaurants more often, to save myself the hassle of cooking and cleaning up, but you just can't get a decent, healthy meal, no matter what. They always manage to add something to it to screw it up. You have a pouch? I don't believe it. Maybe you "feel" like you have a pouch, but no one else would notice.

Debra....What do you mean, "giggling in class"?? Are you online during class?? That's not how a Perfect Student behaves!! Pay attention to that poor hard-working professor who has spent hours of her time meticulously putting together the most informative and entertaining lecture she can muster.

Teddygirl....Congrats on finishing your 12 weeks!!! It sounds like you've seen great progress.

Carol....When you started talking about the upper resp. infection and the lying around, I wasn't sure if you were talking about DH or the rabbit!! :) And you are NOT ALLOWED to get the flu. I forbid it.

I need to go get some bread started, then I'll come back and catch up with yesterday, and see what Laurie's been up to.

Morning Xers,

Round 3/Phase 3/Week 13/Day 7!!!!!!!!
Workout: XStretch (not done) and a 3m Run (done)

ROFLOL this morning with all the posts. Is it all the OTC meds that are being passed around. :7 :7 Please share! :7 :7

Last night at 2am (I could have been talking with Traci), youngest DD came into our room. She had a stuffy nose and scratchy throat. I'm such a good mother that in my sleep filled brain, I told her just to go to bed! :( No mother of the year for me. ;-) She wasn't to bad this morning (no fever), so I gave her something for her throat and sent the germ infested urchin to school. After all that is where she got the germs in the first place. x( I told her that her cold will probably get worse over the weekend, so she may get a day off of school next week. Am I bad or what!! I thought she just didn't want to do her speech in school today. I still could have been right on that one. :D

My oldest must be on another planet too, because I found the cream cheese in the microwave this morning instead of the fridge. :7 :7 :7 Will see what she says about that when I pick her up from track practice tonight. :7 :7

Traci, Sorry to hear that the germ has gotten you too. Hopefully your plan of attach (KB Marathon) will scare the germs onto someone else. :7 This weekend will be a time for me to be at home, and do my most favorite thing in the world. Housework!!! x( I noticed that the kitchen floor really needs a mopping. x( All the salt and sand from boots. DH is finally planning on starting the sewing on Saturday. Yipee!!! I am going to use Wendell's ALIENS for my oldest DD. Dang if something doesn't enter her body when PMS arrives. :D Thanks for the info on the Amy workouts, yes I did order both of those. Need more KB workouts. Dang on the dental bill, that is a lot of $$$.

Christiane, Hope the doctor is able to give your back some relief.

Tracy, Your wrap started to sound good until you got to the fatty sauce. x( Why do they do that to a few good veggies. :7

Debra, I was just about spitting my coffee at the computer screen when I read your mechanical analogy. :7 :7 Hope your presentation goes well today.

Sandra, Waving to you as you fly through the post! Have a great time with SH, and Abs/Core+ I still need to review that one, to see how I can modify (since DH still hasn't put up my bar.)

TG, I have to pull out my CC's for my running. Why do I keep forgetting to do those things. ;-)

Carol, I again had to LOL because I thought you where talking about your DH when you said "he wasn't eating and just lying around". And then I figured out that you where talking about the rabbit. LOL :7 I will knock on my desk which is probably pressboard, that you avoid the flu germ. KNOCK, KNOCK!!

Wendy, Did your handheld smoke as you where sending that post out yesterday. Why is not dh not happy with the yoga "all of a sudden"?

Jeanette, Hope you are feeling less of a buzz today. :7 Oh I actually had a good time at the required training. My co-worker and I sat in the back (he didn't want to be there either). Evertime someone asked a question I would whisper "Shut up so we can leave sooner". "Quit asking questions" My co-worker thinks I am funny, but I'm more of the class clown don't ya know. :D Everytime he makes a suggestion I always say "Sounds like a great idea Rick" He said that it would be something that he would like to hear, since his wife doesn't say it to him. He then said what do you want to hear that your DH doesn't say. I told hime that just saying "yes dear" would be good enough. :7 :7 :7 Sometime during the day we are cracking up and nobody but the two of use have a clue. :7 Oh the little bit of enjoyment we give ourselves for having to endure a day at work. :7

My boss brought in donuts for his birthday, and it is like a three ring circus in here with all the people that have come to eat the dang things. Why do they have to smell do dang good, but I will resist the temptation. My boss said have a donut. I said no donut is going in this bod! Why do they try to tempt you to eat anyway!

Have a great day!

Sandra, We must have posted at the same time. :D Sure sounds like you deserve the oatmeal after having your upper body shake. Sounds like a great workout. Can't wait to try it myself. Will make a note of that one.

Back for a few personnals and check-in.
Well I just got a taste of socialized medicine... I was quite lucky to get this morning appointment because of a last minute cancellation. Otherwise it would have been...May 6th. Yep! I could be dead by then... but this is it. Anyway not much from the doctor. After a quick exam and a few questions, I have an appointment for X-rays March 28th (I'm leaving next week for the US, so it's not really their fault...) and the follow-up visit with the doctor is...May 5th...x( What to do in between? Stay alive and do your best... Now you have to remember I am originally from Canada...(don't we have other Canadians on the board?) so I've experienced both sides of the coin. What you have to expect from a socialized program is .....wait....x( I remember while in Montreal waiting in an emergency room with a kidney infection and 105F temperature for 6 hours, yep... 6 hoursx( So bottom line is that there is no bottom line...I won't know what's the deal or have any kind of treatment until we have the x-rays and see the doctor again. I might try to see one while in MI. Meanwhile I'll have to take this situation in context while planning my next rotation. Any idea girls???? I'd like of course to keep the strenght gains I've made with the X, but I have to be gentle to the back, which means Yoga, Pilates and stretches. Any suggestions would be welcomed.

Wendy~~ So I'm not the only one to to be crazy with ARX. Never got to the love relashionhip...lol;-) I've been subbing most of the time, but the last 3 strenghts w/o I did the ARX. I also did PlyoX the same week and started feeling my back soon thereafter. DH even says his back bothers him when he does it too, but he's seen so dramatic results that he's not about to can it...:+ ...Yep girl, you definitely need help...and a life...lol:D ... painting your toe nails in your DD's art class... never tried that one myself...:p Now that's what called time management...:D So...DH is on the back burner for now...x(

TraciX~~ Oups... that's an expensive mouth.... hope it's... never mind... let's not go there...:D :D :D The time difference depends of course where you are in the US. I have 6 hours difference with MI.. so you figure it out...My lower back situation started with my first pregnancy. Stayed dormant for many years and resurfaced about 10 years ago. The worst was 2 1/2 years ago when I had the same thing as Lea...sciatic pain... and a fairly large heriation of L5-S1. It lasted 12 weeks. I was told at the time that there's a bunch of stuff I would no longer be able to do or enjoy but I beat the odds. S I consider myself lucky of being able to complete the X and be where I am today. They say, once a back patient always a back patient... Just have to learn to live with it.:-(

Debra~~ You are right about the X. I've never done so little cardio and got such great results. I've been trying for years to loose the last 7-8lbs and could not do it. And comes the X and voila... results. Before doing it I was logging at least 200 min/week of cardio but was going nowhere. And you are so right about Yoga. I will definitely incorporate it in my weekly routine...whatever it may be. DH also feels the same. He had never done Yoga before and is now a believer....What a bunch of double entendre and a way to play with words this morning...:+ :+ :+

Jeanette~~ Poor you. Your cold sounds so miserable. I hope you feel better soon... <<<<<HUGS and healthy vibes to you>>>>>... Well maybe you would not have liked to be on the passenger side. DD grabbed the handle a few times...:p :p She won't know for a few morer weeks about the auditions as they will have their official audition (she had private auditions) later in the weeks to come. She did hear however that the place she would really like to dance is very interested in her, so please ladies... send her some vibes:) :) :)

Tracy~~ I am glad your presentation went well. You'll be an expert in no time...:+

Sandra~~ Have fun with SH and good morning (or is it good afternoon) to you too.;)

Latrese~~ Ye!!! You are almost done with the X:+ :+ :+ YOu are jsut a few days ahead of me. I am so looking forward to "graduation" It seems like you'll have a great weekend...ENJOY...:9

Carol~~ Hello! Did you take both DH and the rabbit to the same office...lol}( Oh! so DH is being a baby...what a surprise...not yours specifically...all of them...}( }( }(

Well ladies that is all for now. I shall be back and see what's going on. Now it's time for Yoga.
A bientot
Back yet again! I'm like an ant at a picnic, aren't I? I just can't be shooed away.

Laurie....You're like clockwork with your check in! For you and anyone else without a pull up bar:

HOW TO DO ABS/CORE+ WITHOUT A PULL UP BAR: sub lying crunches; sometimes add a heavy medicine ball....

1. instead of Hanging Toe Tap Knee Raises do Crunches with a med ball between your knees (the kind where you lift both your upper and lower ab area off the floor, like in BootCamp and Muscle Endurance core).

2. instead of Hanging Up & Overs do Windshield Wipers, as in the Butt & Guts core work. Either do them as Cathe does, with your hands anchored on the floor holding light dumbells, or with the stability ball between your feet (in the BG bonus abs). Or do the corkscrew twists Cathe does in CM#1 (no med ball). I think she also does those corkscrew twists in CM#3, with knees bent, and a med ball between them? My memory is foggy on that one. But any of these would be good subs.

3. instead of Hanging Knee Kicks do Double Leg Lifts, as Cathe does in LIC abs. Put your hands under your lower back/butt for support, then straighten both legs and raise them together to 90 degrees, bend your knees and lower down to the starting position. Repeat.

4. instead of Mixed Bike on the bar, just do Bicycle on the floor, following Tony's direction. Crunch your alternate shoulder towards your waist, if you want, like Cathe does in many of her videos, or do them sitting upright like Tony does in ARX.

5. instead of Hanging Pelvic Tilt, do high-end pulses in a crunch position. Go into the crunch, hold it at the top for a second, then lift and lower the lower ab area in small pulses, while keeping the upper body stationary in the lifted position. Cathe does this in many of her older abs videos. Add a medicine ball between the knees if this doesn't feel challenging enough.

How's that for some ideas? And keep in mind that the bar exercises only consist of 1/4 of the workout; 75% of the workout is done without it. So, you won't miss much if you either just skip the bar work, or sub with crunches and leg lifts.

I just erased an entire paragraph about last night's ordeal. It just served to rile me up more. So, I'm not going to talk about it. Needless to say, the only words I uttered to not dh last night were, "I'm going to the Kest workshop if there are any openings left.":p

Let's see how far I can go with personals with this post.

Traci: I didn't pre-order any Amy Bentos. I still have to pre-order Cathe today.

Tracy: LOL on forcing yourself to eat the chemicals. You go girl!!! Get on with your social self. Whooo Hooo! Finally Aunt Flow arrived. Do you plan to ask why she's been avoiding you?:+

Debra: You had me cracking up yesterday. I'm not going to talk about dogs in the doghouse today. However, I doubt many doghouses come equipped with a down mix comfy couch. My next set will be stiff Victorian furniture. Better yet, Shaker pieces!!!!}( }( }( Get some sleep. Your dream sounds like my nightmare!!!

Teddygirl: Do you think your speed increase is due to all you heavy leg workouts?

Carol: Yes, I'll email you my address. Dd could use an IEW intervention!!! Love your doctor just as much as I love ours. When dh and I were both nasty sick, she told dh to take care of the girls as I was far too sick. This was when all three were in diapers! She then promptly prescribed me drugs. OTOH, Phil's doctor told him he just had a cold. He had the same exact symptoms as me. But, he didn't get a doctor's excuse or drugs.:p :7 Ah, feel good memories.:) :) :) Gosh, I hope your family gets over all these germs. Is it ever healthy in your home?????

Christiane: Wow! No kidding! May 6th! Are there other ways besides chance to get an appointment sooner. Would lying about your symptoms work?:eek: Alternating yoga with pilates sounds like your best bet. I wouldn't be too worried about losing strength gains with power yoga. It's because of Eoin and power heated yoga that I was finally able to do unassisted pull-ups and chin-ups. You might experience a loss with cardio. But, cardio gains seem to come easier than strength gains. At least it does for me. ARX doesn't seem to bother my back. It gets me in the hips. It's funny because I was fine with it during my first round. No problems whatsoever. Maybe my quads were stronger last time. I didn't realize your dh was doing the X with you too. Good for him!!!! What does he think about Core Synergistics? That one usually leaves me with spinal DOMS. ROFLOL about Wendell's expensive mouth!!!!}( Talk to me about your diet with the X. Did you follow the X nutritional guide? How were you able to lose weight while on the X????

Sandra: I'm impressed you can still type after that workout!!! Are you still baking your own bread? I still have wheat flour and gluten in my pantry I bought last year. Do you think it's still good to use?

Okay, I'll have to catch up with yesterday's personals later. I need some lunch.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!
STS preordered!:) Byran Kest sold out! :( I left a voice message with the studio to put my name on the waiting list. Hopefully, the flu will knock enough people down!

Now, I need food!

Yoga- Done. Subbed the X for Stott, Simple Stertches. Feels good.
I followed pretty much the format of the X diet for the 1st phase, meaning tons of proteins. Tht's wherre I lost most of the weight and BF. Then I just made sure I stay as close as possible to a more balanced diet (25-45-30). My calorie intake is usually between 1600-1800 daily. I have one or 2 "cheat" meals a week, where I allow myself some wine and perhaps share a dessert with DH. We usually go out every Saturday and sometimes also for lunch on Sat. That's pretty much what I've done and it seems to work for me.

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