Morning Xers,
Round 3/Phase 3/Week 13/Day 7!!!!!!!!
Workout: XStretch (not done) and a 3m Run (done)
ROFLOL this morning with all the posts. Is it all the OTC meds that are being passed around. :7 :7 Please share! :7 :7
Last night at 2am (I could have been talking with Traci), youngest DD came into our room. She had a stuffy nose and scratchy throat. I'm such a good mother that in my sleep filled brain, I told her just to go to bed!
No mother of the year for me. ;-) She wasn't to bad this morning (no fever), so I gave her something for her throat and sent the germ infested urchin to school. After all that is where she got the germs in the first place. x( I told her that her cold will probably get worse over the weekend, so she may get a day off of school next week. Am I bad or what!! I thought she just didn't want to do her speech in school today. I still could have been right on that one.
My oldest must be on another planet too, because I found the cream cheese in the microwave this morning instead of the fridge. :7 :7 :7 Will see what she says about that when I pick her up from track practice tonight. :7 :7
Traci, Sorry to hear that the germ has gotten you too. Hopefully your plan of attach (KB Marathon) will scare the germs onto someone else. :7 This weekend will be a time for me to be at home, and do my most favorite thing in the world. Housework!!! x( I noticed that the kitchen floor really needs a mopping. x( All the salt and sand from boots. DH is finally planning on starting the sewing on Saturday. Yipee!!! I am going to use Wendell's ALIENS for my oldest DD. Dang if something doesn't enter her body when PMS arrives.
Thanks for the info on the Amy workouts, yes I did order both of those. Need more KB workouts. Dang on the dental bill, that is a lot of $$$.
Christiane, Hope the doctor is able to give your back some relief.
Tracy, Your wrap started to sound good until you got to the fatty sauce. x( Why do they do that to a few good veggies. :7
Debra, I was just about spitting my coffee at the computer screen when I read your mechanical analogy. :7 :7 Hope your presentation goes well today.
Sandra, Waving to you as you fly through the post! Have a great time with SH, and Abs/Core+ I still need to review that one, to see how I can modify (since DH still hasn't put up my bar.)
TG, I have to pull out my CC's for my running. Why do I keep forgetting to do those things. ;-)
Carol, I again had to LOL because I thought you where talking about your DH when you said "he wasn't eating and just lying around". And then I figured out that you where talking about the rabbit. LOL :7 I will knock on my desk which is probably pressboard, that you avoid the flu germ. KNOCK, KNOCK!!
Wendy, Did your handheld smoke as you where sending that post out yesterday. Why is not dh not happy with the yoga "all of a sudden"?
Jeanette, Hope you are feeling less of a buzz today. :7 Oh I actually had a good time at the required training. My co-worker and I sat in the back (he didn't want to be there either). Evertime someone asked a question I would whisper "Shut up so we can leave sooner". "Quit asking questions" My co-worker thinks I am funny, but I'm more of the class clown don't ya know.
Everytime he makes a suggestion I always say "Sounds like a great idea Rick" He said that it would be something that he would like to hear, since his wife doesn't say it to him. He then said what do you want to hear that your DH doesn't say. I told hime that just saying "yes dear" would be good enough. :7 :7 :7 Sometime during the day we are cracking up and nobody but the two of use have a clue. :7 Oh the little bit of enjoyment we give ourselves for having to endure a day at work. :7
My boss brought in donuts for his birthday, and it is like a three ring circus in here with all the people that have come to eat the dang things. Why do they have to smell do dang good, but I will resist the temptation. My boss said have a donut. I said no donut is going in this bod! Why do they try to tempt you to eat anyway!
Have a great day!