Oh my girls, I'm so sorry I spread this awful flu amongst all of you
It is a doozy so rest up and take it easy!
I am doing a GS rotation this month and I am barely able to walk or use my arms this week. My chest is so sore and my legs have been rendered useless
That'll teach me to go at this full bore the week after the flu. I think I'm trying to make up for the week of lost time.
This week has been:
Mon: GS Chest & Tri's
Tue: Step Blast
Wed: GS Legs and Abs/Core+
Thur: 4DS KB only
Fri: GS Back, Shoulders & Biceps
Sat: Imax 2 & Coremax
Traci, Do be careful with that arm. You are as stubborn as me when it comes to your workouts, aren't you?
So sorry sushi and you know what have to be put on hold for the evening. Sinus stuff is the worst! Oh my, Wendell's dental work sounds like a nightmare!! My DH went to the dentist yesterday after a three year absence and didn't have a single cavity. I hate it when he does that
I go every six months and floss and I still get cavities. What a little butt he is
Laurie, I see I have spread the germs all the way to WI, sorry! How is DD feeling? Is all of the snow melted and gone. It has been so warm here that I can't imagine the cold is lasting anywhere else at this date. Did you find KLOVE on the radio? My cousin from WI is coming to visit next week. I hope the weather holds up so she can get some vitamin D in to pep her mood up.
Debra, So glad CBL could help you with your maintenance
How are you two doing? Will he be around when XDH is in town? You are truly a perfectionist when a B isn't good enough. That must bring your average to what, an A instead of an A+
Be careful on those roller skates in your sleep
Christiane, You be careful with yourself. We don't want you on the injured list. I did that once and it was no fun. If you take a week of recovery early and then finish you still will get the X title
Even Sargent Sandra would agree
My back was really bad and all it needed was a little rest and some PT. Lots of stretching in between and you'll be good to go.
Tracy, How are you doing? Burnt out on work yet? When is your year over? We have an early one this year which is nice. The boys get out on May 31st
Are you still taking classes or are you done for the year? See, all of these questions and more would have been too much fun for you if I had driven to NC with you. Aren't you lucky
Good job choking down that wrap!
Sandra, Tough workout today! I love the A/C+ too. I let my BFF borrow the Plus system since I'm finished and I will miss that workout! That workout is why I finally broke down and purchased a chin up bar. At least my DH is getting some use out of it. I can officially do two chin ups now and that's only if I haven't worked my back or chest in the last two days
Am I a wimp or what? Any plans for Super Saturday?
Carol, What a bummer to all be so sick. I'm glad we all took turns around here and got sick separately. It would have been horrid to have to take care of anyone else when I was sick. I hope you all get better soon. If you're like me get used to the foggy brain feeling because it will stick around for a bit.
Wendy, I am just saying this out of the kindness of my little heart
Be nice to Phil, he is such a dear 95% of the time. Be glad you have a DH(not or otherwise) that will do yoga at all. My DH wouldn't do it to save his life! I'm glad you ordered STS. We can all be in major DOMS pain together now
I hope you can get into the Kest workshop. I bet he does those here to, I should look into it.
Kim, I heard rumor that Cathe will put up pictures of the new set on Sunday. I'm guessing it is going to get pretty busy around there starting tomorrow. Thanks for the get well wishes, I think my brain is starting to function again. It may not be 100% but it's trying
Jeanette, Oh my, you sound awful! I sure hope you're feeling better today. I know the medicine fog you are speaking of. That is the worst! That's how I feel when I take Benadryl. Maybe you didn't check in because you took the day off. At least you're sick now and not near retreat. Can you imagine flying in a plane with that sinus headache?
Ok, I'm as caught up as I can be after a week long absence. You know it was just a test to see if anyone would miss me
Yeah right, I say that to make myself feel better
Have a great evening all,
Bring it!!!