Xers Freaky Friday

Just finished my workout which included ARX, Chest/Shoulers and Triceps and a 3 mile tm run which I was really happy with my time. Everyone in the family seems to be feeling okay, the kids and I have Monday off work/school and our schedule doesn't seem to crazy so I'm really looking forward to the weekend. ;) ;)

I'm off to shower, have a recovery drink and make my afternoon coffee and then I'll be make to catch up with everyone. Kim

In CA, there is no such thing as legalized homeschooling. Homeschoolers declare their homeschool as a private school and enroll only their children, or ban together and homeschool their own children under an umbrella school. CA does not require ALL public schools to be taught by certified teachers. From what I understand, this ruling was to protect two children with an abusive father. It only affects that particular "private school". Some CA homeschoolers feel that this ruling jeopardizes their homeschooling rights because it sets a precedent for the lower courts to possibly use against them. But, homeschooling was never legal in CA. And, unless CA makes it mandatory for ALL private schools to employ certified teachers, this ruling shouldn't affect their particular private school.

If I lived in CA, I would feel the need to vote with my feet and move to Texas where anything goes. LOL

Each state has their own homeschooling laws. CA has a reputation of being one of the worst states in which to homeschool. PA ranks right up there as one of the worst states. Still, it's a far cry from CA. PA believes children residing in PA belong to the Commonwealth, not the parents. Really, it's not that bad. It all depends on the school district when it comes to some uninformed superintendent asking more than what the law requires. Carol is in Maryland. I'm not sure. I think she has it easier than me.

Wendy and Laurie -- Yup, in Maryland it's pretty easy, but not as easy as Delaware (which is, literally, down the street from me). I did hear about the CA ruling, and I read all the legal-eze and can't believe that of all the plain abuse and neglect going on in this family, they were singled out for homeschooling. To be honest, the CA loophole sounds a lot like the law in DE. Homeschoolers there declare themselves a private school and submit attendance and there are no other steps necessary to go through. If I lived in DE, I'd be fearful that the CA judge could set a nasty precedent for other states with that legal loophole. At least in Maryland, I submit a form that is called "Homeschooling Notification". I do have portfolio reviews, but at least there's no "loophole" to worry about.

Christiane -- Yup, socialized medicine SOUNDS great on paper, but I have yet to meet one person who's happy with it... Sorry to hear you have to wait so long for your xrays and follow-up. I was telling DH yesterday that it was much easier to get an appt with the vet than the human doc, lol!

Debra -- Can I just soak the whole house in Lysol? lol ;-) It needs it!! Both bunny and DH are feeling better, though :)

Laurie -- LOL on the mother of the year award. I certainly don't qualify, either... My kids still do schoolwork when sick... If they're not sick enough to be in bed all day, the schoolwork gets done! With all the flu/cold crap around here, we've only taken off one day.

Wendy -- Contrary to popular belief, yes, we have healthy times, lol. I just tend to whine and complain when we're not! January and just about all of Feb were healthy :D I guess the poo had to hit the fan some time, huh!?
Nicole and Jeanette Hope you guys are feeling better soon!

Christine WTG to go on almost finishing P90X, it sounds like you're please with the results that you achieved. Did the doctor give you a diagnosis or advice or just tell you to wait for the xray results? Sending Good luck vibes to your dd!

Carol Doing yoga with a head cold is just no fun with all that bending over makes your head hurt. LOL on the doctor's response to your DH.

Tracy You're been a busy lady. That's neat that your ds says you have guns, would love to see some pictures.

Sandara What do you meant that you don't care about St Patrick's Day, it's my birthday!! LOL I'm Scottish not Irish with a St.Paddy's day birthday. I definitely can sympathisize with you on having young kids and no money. I feel that we're just coming out of that black hole. Almost finished with daycare costs and mortgage and slowly having wages creep up.(well DH's I'm in health care)WOW on today's workouts!!

Traci - Oh my goodness on the dental bill. I couldn't even imagine. I have dental insurance through work with I pay $4 a month for and covers the whole family. Doesn't cover everything but covers most of it. Doesn't cover ds's orthotics but so far only $200 which includes his appliance and monthly checkups. Hope you have a chance to celebrate your anniversary!

Laurie That's great that you can have some fun with your coworkers it makes the work day so much easy to deal with. I really enjoy most of my coworkers and consider them good friends. That's interesting that your sisters are hunters, I don't think I know any females that are into hunting.
You're not a bad mom for sending your dd to school with a cold I do the same. My rules are if there is no fever, vomiting or wheezing (ds has bad asthma)then you go to school. How did she do on her speech? DS was supposed to do a speech on Monday he gets so nervous and worked so hard to memorize it. The teacher cancelled in on Monday because alot of the kids weren't prepared which I thought was very unfair to ds. It was rescheduled for today and again cancelled because their was a special event on at the school. So now he will stress all weekend because he's that kind of kid. He loves being in the spotlight and does great with that stuff but stresses about.

Debra- I just started week 2 of Phase 3 so getting close to done. Starting to add in some running to train for a half marathon in June. Is dd's party this weekend? I have to start planning some kind of party for ds's birthday.

Wendy Hope you and Phil have worked things out. Are you going back to yoga without him next week? Interesting reading about the home schooling. Just wondering why you made the decision to homeschool. I would never have the patience for it.

Teddygirl WTG on finishing the rotation and improving your running times. Have fun with your sisters this weekend!!

Anyone else disappointed not to see pictures of the new set yet?

Oh my girls, I'm so sorry I spread this awful flu amongst all of you:( It is a doozy so rest up and take it easy!

I am doing a GS rotation this month and I am barely able to walk or use my arms this week. My chest is so sore and my legs have been rendered useless:p That'll teach me to go at this full bore the week after the flu. I think I'm trying to make up for the week of lost time.

This week has been:
Mon: GS Chest & Tri's
Tue: Step Blast
Wed: GS Legs and Abs/Core+
Thur: 4DS KB only
Fri: GS Back, Shoulders & Biceps
Sat: Imax 2 & Coremax

Traci, Do be careful with that arm. You are as stubborn as me when it comes to your workouts, aren't you?;) So sorry sushi and you know what have to be put on hold for the evening. Sinus stuff is the worst! Oh my, Wendell's dental work sounds like a nightmare!! My DH went to the dentist yesterday after a three year absence and didn't have a single cavity. I hate it when he does that:p I go every six months and floss and I still get cavities. What a little butt he is:D

Laurie, I see I have spread the germs all the way to WI, sorry! How is DD feeling? Is all of the snow melted and gone. It has been so warm here that I can't imagine the cold is lasting anywhere else at this date. Did you find KLOVE on the radio? My cousin from WI is coming to visit next week. I hope the weather holds up so she can get some vitamin D in to pep her mood up.

Debra, So glad CBL could help you with your maintenance;) How are you two doing? Will he be around when XDH is in town? You are truly a perfectionist when a B isn't good enough. That must bring your average to what, an A instead of an A+;) Be careful on those roller skates in your sleep:)

Christiane, You be careful with yourself. We don't want you on the injured list. I did that once and it was no fun. If you take a week of recovery early and then finish you still will get the X title;) Even Sargent Sandra would agree:) My back was really bad and all it needed was a little rest and some PT. Lots of stretching in between and you'll be good to go.

Tracy, How are you doing? Burnt out on work yet? When is your year over? We have an early one this year which is nice. The boys get out on May 31st:D Are you still taking classes or are you done for the year? See, all of these questions and more would have been too much fun for you if I had driven to NC with you. Aren't you lucky;) Good job choking down that wrap!

Sandra, Tough workout today! I love the A/C+ too. I let my BFF borrow the Plus system since I'm finished and I will miss that workout! That workout is why I finally broke down and purchased a chin up bar. At least my DH is getting some use out of it. I can officially do two chin ups now and that's only if I haven't worked my back or chest in the last two days:p Am I a wimp or what? Any plans for Super Saturday?

Carol, What a bummer to all be so sick. I'm glad we all took turns around here and got sick separately. It would have been horrid to have to take care of anyone else when I was sick. I hope you all get better soon. If you're like me get used to the foggy brain feeling because it will stick around for a bit.

Wendy, I am just saying this out of the kindness of my little heart:) Be nice to Phil, he is such a dear 95% of the time. Be glad you have a DH(not or otherwise) that will do yoga at all. My DH wouldn't do it to save his life! I'm glad you ordered STS. We can all be in major DOMS pain together now:D I hope you can get into the Kest workshop. I bet he does those here to, I should look into it.

Kim, I heard rumor that Cathe will put up pictures of the new set on Sunday. I'm guessing it is going to get pretty busy around there starting tomorrow. Thanks for the get well wishes, I think my brain is starting to function again. It may not be 100% but it's trying:)

Jeanette, Oh my, you sound awful! I sure hope you're feeling better today. I know the medicine fog you are speaking of. That is the worst! That's how I feel when I take Benadryl. Maybe you didn't check in because you took the day off. At least you're sick now and not near retreat. Can you imagine flying in a plane with that sinus headache?:p

Ok, I'm as caught up as I can be after a week long absence. You know it was just a test to see if anyone would miss me;) Yeah right, I say that to make myself feel better:)

Have a great evening all,


Bring it!!!
Hi all,
Just checking in to tell you I'm alive too. I didn't work out this morning at all. Just a lousy, lousy head cold. Sinuses bothering me today. I left work at 10:30 this morning after getting a few things done that couldn't wait until Monday. I came home and took a nap, now cooking some chicken thighs in the oven that DH pre-seasoned this morning for me (he's the best at seasonings), made a broccoli casserole, and have a mandarin orange cake baking too. I'll take all this and some baked red potatoes over to my folks house as soon as it's all done. I'm listening to some 70's hits on the stereo, lightly vacuumed and enjoying my alone time. DH is getting laid off soon for about 3 months at the prison, then will supposedly go back to work there once funding sources have been obtained for some court mandated programs. DH is doing some welding in town to make up for the loss of income and is doing that right now.

Well, better go check the chicken, it's smelling yummy. I'll be back later tonite to check in with everyone. Today's been the most miserable day of this cold yet. I keep sneezing and sneezing. No more out of body experiences today.

Good evening,
DH and I are back from Mom and Dad's. We ate there with them. They enjoyed the dinner and dessert very much. They so appreciate the meals we've been bringing. Gives Mom a much needed break. Grandma ate really well too tonite. She's on a medication that boosts her appetite and it's working great.

Traci, sure hoping the buzz saw went away for you. I've got sinus pressure today and this cold is just centered right in the bridge of my nose. I keep sneezing and the mucous is flowing. Yuk. A real head cold, but one good thing, not much coughing today. Was so glad I came home and rested. Did you and Wendell go out for your anniversary date night? I'd be all in favor of postponing until a better time for sure. LOL about the use of force on inmates. Totally agree with you on that one. So funny about the little frog on your car. Hope Wendell doesn't have to go thru much pain with the teeth. I had my wisdom teeth out when I was 18. Was on pain pills for all of the weekend. It was all a haze.

Tracy, so you had your wisdom teeth out recently? I thought everyone had theirs taken out when in the late teens. Guess not. I'm fortunate and have good dental insurance through the state. Glad TTOM finally started for you.

Latrese, great job on CC#6. Have you ever thought about doing some races? Bet you'd do well. Have a wonderful time with your sisters.

Carol, hope everyone gets better soon in your household, including the rabbit. Cracked me up about the rabbit. I've got the crud now too. Miserable stuff.

Christiane, well at least you got the ball rolling on getting your back looked at. Oooooh, I'm sending good vibes out to your DD on them selecting her. Thank you for the hugs and get well vibes. I can sure use them. I haven't had a cold in 2 years so guess I was more than due.

Debra, a B is a good grade too. I have strange dreams when I'm awake for a while, then go back to sleep. They seem so real while we are dreaming, don't they?

Sandra, great workout for you today. That oatmeal sounds wonderful. You know how much I love my hot cereals. What kind of bread did you make? I still would like to do a baking bread day. I've been home enough this week, but just don't feel like doing too much.

Laurie, glad the training wasn't too bad and you could have some good laughs. I'm definitely familiar with the "shut up so we can leave". We have the same training year, after year, after year. Just the state's way of covering their butts. The guy that retired today just loved to bring cookies in to tempt me. Glad he won't be doing that anymore.

Wendy, hope all is well with Phil. I couldn't even get my DH near a yoga mat at all. Maybe a different place to do yoga would be better for Phil. Is it because of the gay guy? It would be for my DH. He's definitely homophobic. Glad you preordered STS. Can't wait to see pics on the blog this weekend. You never did get an answer to your Cardio question on the STS forum, did you?

Kim, glad things are settling down for you and your family. Hope you can relax this weekend. The thought of a down dog with my head like this is out of the question. I can tell I'm sick, I'm not tempted to do anything at all. My sister's name is Patti and her birthday is the day after St. Patrick's Day. Hoping to see new set pictures soon.

Nicole, nice to see you on here. Good for you for doing a GS rotation. Hoping I can start working out again soon, just do not feel like it right now. Yes, I'm so happy that I finally got this lousy cold and that it didn't wait until the retreat. I've been feeling it coming on for some time now. It's a miserable thing.

Better sign off now and drink some more fluids. Hope I turn a corner tomorrow and start recovering. This has been the worst day today.


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