Classic/ Week 3/ Day 5/ Legs & Back; ARX (+CTX Power Circuit cardio & leg circuits)
'Tis indeed a great, great day! I feel faaaabulous! Last night's Pump & Jump at the Y was great fun (and work!). DD#2 joined us for parts of the class, and had some fun too. DH just watched, bemused. Next week I'm going to tell him to suit up. This morning's 1hr & 40 min felt great. Okay, I was waning half way through LB, but just kept sipping the water and perked up again. Did you know you can substantially reduce the length of ARX if you don't rest while Tony yaks? After 3 weeks of ARX, 3x per week, my core is tightening up like nothing else. And I've gotten much better with all of it. This week I've managed to nail the mason twists (speed is your friend!). Next phase I'll need to start trying to cross my legs during those sit ups at the start, and take my hands off the ground for the first move. Ah, it just feels good to see progress!
DAY TWO of Sandy Watch. Pardon me a bit while I scroll down and see if there's an update....Ahhhhh, what a relief, Traci! To see her acting normally must be a load off your mind. So hopefully it was just a bug, indeed.
Now, how's everyone doing?
Tracy....Oh no, a new bike for DS. Did he buy a padded suit and head gear to go along with it? You didn't mention your workout plans for today. Perhaps you mentioned it yesterday, and I haven't read it yet. I'll get there shortly. Hmmmm, just checked, nope, no mention. But you had a rest day yesterday. That sounded nice. So, you're ready to go hard today?
Traci....I want someone else to actually *like* YogaX, darn it! I don't want to be the only weird one! Do it! LIKE it!

You're going to the bay? I thought you were done that for the year? Or is it open all year round? LMAO about the cell phone in the bra!!! My chest is so small that if I tucked a phone in there, it would be clearly visible through my shirt. Do the people with camera phones get a look at the girls every time they call you? Do you find yourself getting a lot of phone calls?

Bizarre about the dumbells! Maybe they're sending you a second set, in error? Thank you for the gift certificate suggestions! I'd love those, myself, but I doubt The Brother has time to take a cooking class (childless workaholic). As I told Laurie, I think I've made my decisions. About the teeth: $2500/TOOTH?! So you're just going to do the front ones that everyone sees, right? And who will you will them to? What do you mean, send DH to a hotel?? Send ME to the hotel!!! And make sure they have 24 hour room service and a chauffeur at my disposal! How does one take "mega doses of melatonin"? What kind of supplement do you buy that gives you that? That's great info about Tony's new workouts. I find myself tempted to buy....I like the sounds of the 4 new rotations, incorporating the new workouts.
Lea....No yoga for you, either? I'm going to start changing the rules and state that no one can achieve X status without doing YogaX at least once each phase. Am I allowed to do that?
Teddygirl....Stick with ARX, it gets easier, believe it or not. One week down!! Only 12 more to go

XStretch is loooovely. Enjoy.
Jeanette....Oh, that Radio movie, who's in that? It sounds familiar, and I think I wanted to see it. Yesterday must have been my power-down day, because I feel 1000 times better today. I was very stiff at the start, but that seemed to dissipate quickly. Dreya's moaning really gets to you, doesn't it? I swear I barely notice it.
Laurie....Thank goodness I'm not the only one knee-deep in snow. I feel bonded with you now. I'm sure you could do ARX in alphabetical order by now. Are you able to do the uber-advanced version of everything now? Thank you for the gift certificate suggestions. I think I'm leaning towards $50 to Best Buy (to buy accessories for the Wii we bought him on his birthday), and $50 to Chapters (Canadian bookstore).
Nicole....Ahhhh, payday! Have a great day! What did the PT do to you yesterday? Any progress on figuring out what's actually wrong?
Amy....You've got your groove back! Nice!!
Debra....Dentist visit, vet visit, you're just making the rounds, aren't you? Poor kitty, she doesn't have any idea what's in store for her, does she? I hope this weekend goes by fast for her. Do I want to know how you chipped your tooth? Or is it Personal? Yes, next week is Recovery Week for me. That just FLEW past, I tell ya. Those are nice gift certificate suggestions. The department store idea might work very well for my parents, next Christmas. This year I've already bought them a digital photo frame. Next year I'll have no idea. When's Eion going to give us some fresh nectar? He promised us November, but so far, still nothing.
I had an ego boost last night. We had a sub at the Pump & Jump class again last night, and she was very good. At the end of the class she gave a schpiel about always looking for new instructors, and she looked me dead in the eye when she said, "I'm always looking." Do you think she was impressed when I jumped over 12 hurdles holding my 33lb toddler in my arms? Or perhaps it was the fact that I barely appeared strained when she made us hold planks while our children crawled back and forth underneath us? Or maybe that I barely broke a sweat during the jumping jacks? Okay, I'm feeling smug. Traci, remember when the triathlon team captain tried to recruit me for the team, after my swim training session last year? Hee hee. Never thought I'd see the days.......<shutting up now>.
Well, I've got a day planned, so I'd best hit the showers. My new iMac is "out for delivery", so I'll get it today!!! (Doing the Extremely Excited Dance). But, I'm also going to be away between 10am-2pm - what happens if it comes then? I need to phone someone and ask.