Xers......Fidgety Friday>>>>>>>>>>>


Hi all,

Almost another week closer to the holiday. Today is cardio and some yoga. I'm not sure what yet.

Happy Holidays!

Hi all,

A couple of days ago, DS sold an old downhill bike that he had. He g got the $$ on Tuesday, shipped out the bike, found an almost mint condition motorcycle (dirt bike), and bought it all within 48 hours. I'm trying not to be to negative, but I definitely didn't want another motorcyle in the house. I was dancing for joy when the last one went out of here. Hopefully he's a little wiser this time around. He swears that it is to improve his downhill riding.

Jeanette - I missed you as I was trying to go by memory. That never works! The memory isn't what it used to be. Glad you got the raise and it looks like you'll get 2 months this month. Do you get paid monthly? We do, and I'm not sure if that is good or bad. I sit down and pay the bills and it's almost all gone. I will miss the kids when they move out. I hope that we always live in reasonably close proximity, but you never know.

OK, the website really is doing funny things. The arrows on my last post morphed.

I've got to go. I wish I was off today.

:) Morning Xers.... We are all still here & kickin'.... Sandy feeling good now and acting like old self so we just cross our fingers that she is really cured. I think its all the Xer prayers, hugs & good vibes for sure!

Had to laugh as I read the daily post as Friggin' Friday!!!:+

No YogaX yesterday:-( Sandra you simply must stop remembering things like "didnt you miss Yoga X LAST WEEK?";-) What that means is that today will PROBABLY be Legs & Back & I'll take Yoga X to bay in the morning & do it there Sunday....Of course Kenpo Saturday... Is that OK enough to keep me in XX mode?????

Today is the BIG DAY....... At&t coming between 8-12 to hook up new DSL & phone service!!!!!!!!! Its been since before Thanksgiving! LOL I could care less about the phone.... I dont have a hip carrier for my cell tho so its been inside my bra for 2 weeks since thats my only connection to life! Kinda got use to the vibration;-) :eek:

Debra I sure hope you intend to wear an urchin mask today..... look out for little ones running in & out your feet as well or you could twist that back. ~ I was up at 7pm because DH was at a Xmas Party and I was waiting for him to arrive safely! Thats THE ONLY reason for sure!! }(

Tracy you sound like such a "mom" about the bike! Your kids are old enough now that when you talk about them its more like you are talking about "just adults" but not with the bike! You are right back in MOM MODE!:7 I totally get you concerns.... especially after the last fall.... Its got to be very scary seeing what you have seen in terms of injuries. ~ Sandy is between 11 & 14... I can never recall the year I got her... Is that weird????? My long term memory on that kind of stuff is almost on-exisistent.... My girlfriend says I got her the year after I moved to Houston so that makes her 14.5 but the vet chart says she is 11 so I must have told them that when we changed vets at some point LOL.... I guess it really doesnt "matter" as anything after 7 is considered elderly! LOL ~~ Hope rest day felt great for you.... I'm sure your body says Thank You God!!!! You are so good at being consistent. Can I be you when I grow up mentally? :+ ~~ I manage large quantities of $$ better than small so I would love the monthly payday.... give me the every 2 weeks and I spend it all day 4!:D

Heading to a Drs appt today as well (out of town) so I will see you all later this afternoon.... Sure wish they'd fix this Cathe.com issue... every post feels like a cra*-shoot! LOLOLOL

ETA: The Dumbbell stand for my Dial Wts from Bowflex arrived 3 days ago.... just got UPS notice that the bench is in transit....DB's on backorder! :+ :+ :+ Its all good tho right? :*
Good morning ladies. No workout today or yesterday. So, I miss yoga. But, tomorrow I plan on Legs, back and ARX.

Traci - I am so glad that Sandy is feeling better. That is great news. I read your info about the new workouts and can't wait. How do you get to his blog?

Tracy - Good morning. I hope that you have a great day.

It's raining here today, so I will probably be hanging around the house. Maybe I will be able to actually catch up with personals later. Have a great Friday everyone.

Doubles/Round 1/Week 1/Day 6/
Workout: Butts & Guts (leg blasts) + floor work
Tonight: Stretch X:9 :9 :9 can't wait my body is crying for a good stretch................:9

Good Morning Xers,

Debra: Imagine that, one whole week of the X under me:+ belt and I am loooooovvvving it. I can see/taste the end, really tho, ain’t going to give up this timex(

Tracie: Glad Sandy is feeling like her ole self, thank goodness. I had a pet once long time again, when battle died of old age could even explain the hurt. Thank you for posting P90X update ;) NO doubt, in my mind, I’m going to get Tony's new workouts, in this order Cathe new ones right after Xmas and then the new P90.

Lea: Congrats on your new job:D :D

Tracey: Hello:) :) I may change up a bit but I'm going all the way:) :) THIS TIME

I struggled last night (big time) while doing ARX I had to stop at least TEN times, really! I hit the pause button several times, but guess what, Teddygirl made it. I’m looking forward to Stretch X tonight, that HAS GOT to be relaxing and my body is going to say to me, Thank You! bbl
Morning Xers,

Round 3/Phase 1/ Week 2/Day 4
Workout: Trainers Edge Long & Lean Yoga

The snow just keeps piling up for us. Another 2" of snow on the ground this morning. Cami and I where not able to beat the snow plow, so when it was headed towards us we went on the opposite side of the road in a driveway. We have about 10" of snow in our yard right now, and we are suppose to get more on Saturday! DH didn't have a chance to get the outside decor done before all this wonderful weather hit us. :D

I blanked on doing ARX yesterday. So I decided to do the workout later. I punched out the workout from memory last night while watching Gordon Ramsey on BBC. :D Just made sure I did 25 of each exercise. I don't think that I did everything in the same order as on the DVD. Oh well!

Tracy, I can understand your concern about the motorcycle. I'm not at all ready for my DD to start driving either.

Traci, Glad Sandy is feeling like her old self. I was ROFLOL about the vibrating cell phone. I'm so glad I was the only one in the office area when I read that. :D Thanks for the P90X update, I'm all ready with my CC for when they finally anounce the sale has begun. I like that they have included a maintenance rotation. I have to wonder if the rotations include some of the P90X workouts also.

Lea, Have fun haning around the house today. Will you be cooking up a storm for your new venture?

TG, ARX only gets easier the more you do it. And of course you can start doing it from memory. :7 :7 But you are doing great at brining it.

Sandra, I'm sticking with the P90X recovery, but will be subbing KenpoX and Yoga X for something else. I plan on doing Kenpo every other week, and using my vast KB collection on the other weeks. ;-) You are sticking Drill Max in there, that one is a tough workout. At least for me it is. :D As far as the gift card, I like the ones that Traci suggested. Other ones I can think of would be Omaha Steaks or do a dinner & a movie. Certificate from a resturant & a movie theater or Block Buster. Hope that helps.

Amy, Way to go on making progress on getting a workout room. You will love it when you have the space.

Nicole, Its Pay Day! :D When are you planning on shopping? ;-)

Debra, Dang on the tooth! And so sorry about your cat. That sounds worse than what a human has to go through for the same procedure. You are headed into the germ infested urchin area again. It is so nice that you are able to do that for you DD. She will remember things like that.

Have a great day!

Hi all,
Round 2, Lean Rotation, Phase 1, Week 2, Day 5 - Legs & Back, AbX

Today was Legs & Back. I didn't do the calf raises with Dreya, nor the 3 way lunges, but did increase my Bowflex resistance on the back work and increased reps on some too. Will do AbX again tonite. I did it last night, but didn't get back on here to check in as I wanted to watch a movie. It was "The Greatest Game Ever Played". It was okay. I'll take it to work and lend it to Father Tony to watch. Another movie we watched the other day that was good and clean was "Radio". Enjoyed that one.

Tracy, I would be the same way if my DS came back with a motorcycle. I worried so much when he did motocross. He had some pretty good crashes that I never heard about before he gave it up. I think the rock crawling is better, at least it's more slow motion. Why do they feel the need to live on the edge? Sheesh! Seems like the best mtn. bike riders (downhill types) ride motorcycles well too. The effective date of my promotion was 11/30/07 so any time worked past that date will be at the new rate. We get paid at the end of the month.

Traci, great news about Sandy!!! I remember we had a little dachshund once that got pretty sick with vomiting. Vet couldn't figure it out, but after about 4 days, the dog had lost enough weight that the vet could feel something hard in his stomach. Little "Boo Boo" had swallowed a peach pit and it had wedged in his intestine. Surgery was performed, the pit was removed and saved for us and all was better. That dog had a garbage gut for sure. He loved, loved, loved food. Hoping that the internet hookup today goes well. Sending good vibes 7 Thank you for leaving a voice mail with Phil. Hoping we hear from Wendy soon. Good going for your sister. So nice to reach a goal. I am so relieved now to get this far before retirement.

Lea, good that we have the rain, huh? It's snowing in Reno this morning I see. DH and I are hoping to get over there on Sunday to do some shopping. He needs to get snow tires on his pickup today or tomorrow.

Latrese, I know you can stick with this. Just keep on posting girl! It's all good. How are the plans going for the home for young girls? The V situps are the hardest for me in Ab Ripper X. I need to drink lots of water today. I'm puffy. Not the lean feeling I'm after. Thank you for your thoughts during my travel. Means a lot.

Laurie, sorry you didn't get that workout in, but you'll recover nicely I'm sure. That's because working out is a habit for all of us. I've been checking in with my sister daily. She struggles to get any workouts in because she's busy with other activities and doesn't make the time. Her workouts are not long at all, maybe 15 minutes long at the most. How hard could it be to spare 15 minutes? Heck, I know she spends a lot of time just browsing thru magazines, internet stuff, etc. However, she is starting to see some results with watching what she eats. I try to encourage her with anything she can do. Good plan to move your rest day to a Monday.

Sandra, sorry you were feeling poorly yesterday. TTOM is on Monday for me and I'm already puffy. I mailed the video yesterday after work. I had to rush to the post office as they close at 5:00 p.m. Why in the world would they close just as people are getting off work and need to get their business done? Talk about non-service friendly.
Hoping you are feeling better today. You were in power mode for a few days there.

Amy, I'm using my Bowflex again with P90X. I use the lat pulldowns instead of chinups/pullups. Nice to be on it again. Plus, it's not dusty any more.

Nicole, how is the PT going? Back feeling better? Seems like we always have a bunch of bills in December, insurance, taxes, car licenses. Bummer.

Debra, glad the new hairdo turned out well. I have some plans for this weekend but not sure if they'll materialize due to the weather. I have to make a cake for my Mom's birthday tomorrow night, housework, would like to get in some golf and a bike ride. Need to get the tree up and house decorated and go to Costco. We'll see how it all comes out. What kind of stuff do you have planned? Sounds like the back is getting better. I'm sure glad for that. We don't like it when you can't cheer us on.

Must go, hi to Cheryl, Carol, Swifty and Wendy. Miss you Wendy ;(

Laurie: Your workout sounds relaxing, I can tell that I’m already starting to take Yoga and Stretching to the next level, cuz I think about it more. I need to strengthen my back, that where I seem to have felted the stress the most. I do remember it getting easier, I’ll get there, promise! Thank you.

Jeanette: Nice work! I think I’m going to preview L&B just because. I have NO ideal what the workouts consist of, duh! since I have had the program I do remember doing once and I know it’s been over a 1 years since I seen it. Still at a stand still with project………..
Don't have time to post right now...but Nicole's meez was defintely worth the time....

Nicole!!!! Crazy woman! LOVE the meez!!! Glad your spirits and bank account are soaring!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Classic/ Week 3/ Day 5/ Legs & Back; ARX (+CTX Power Circuit cardio & leg circuits)

'Tis indeed a great, great day! I feel faaaabulous! Last night's Pump & Jump at the Y was great fun (and work!). DD#2 joined us for parts of the class, and had some fun too. DH just watched, bemused. Next week I'm going to tell him to suit up. This morning's 1hr & 40 min felt great. Okay, I was waning half way through LB, but just kept sipping the water and perked up again. Did you know you can substantially reduce the length of ARX if you don't rest while Tony yaks? After 3 weeks of ARX, 3x per week, my core is tightening up like nothing else. And I've gotten much better with all of it. This week I've managed to nail the mason twists (speed is your friend!). Next phase I'll need to start trying to cross my legs during those sit ups at the start, and take my hands off the ground for the first move. Ah, it just feels good to see progress!

DAY TWO of Sandy Watch. Pardon me a bit while I scroll down and see if there's an update....Ahhhhh, what a relief, Traci! To see her acting normally must be a load off your mind. So hopefully it was just a bug, indeed.

Now, how's everyone doing?

Tracy....Oh no, a new bike for DS. Did he buy a padded suit and head gear to go along with it? You didn't mention your workout plans for today. Perhaps you mentioned it yesterday, and I haven't read it yet. I'll get there shortly. Hmmmm, just checked, nope, no mention. But you had a rest day yesterday. That sounded nice. So, you're ready to go hard today?

Traci....I want someone else to actually *like* YogaX, darn it! I don't want to be the only weird one! Do it! LIKE it! :) :) You're going to the bay? I thought you were done that for the year? Or is it open all year round? LMAO about the cell phone in the bra!!! My chest is so small that if I tucked a phone in there, it would be clearly visible through my shirt. Do the people with camera phones get a look at the girls every time they call you? Do you find yourself getting a lot of phone calls? ;) Bizarre about the dumbells! Maybe they're sending you a second set, in error? Thank you for the gift certificate suggestions! I'd love those, myself, but I doubt The Brother has time to take a cooking class (childless workaholic). As I told Laurie, I think I've made my decisions. About the teeth: $2500/TOOTH?! So you're just going to do the front ones that everyone sees, right? And who will you will them to? What do you mean, send DH to a hotel?? Send ME to the hotel!!! And make sure they have 24 hour room service and a chauffeur at my disposal! How does one take "mega doses of melatonin"? What kind of supplement do you buy that gives you that? That's great info about Tony's new workouts. I find myself tempted to buy....I like the sounds of the 4 new rotations, incorporating the new workouts.

Lea....No yoga for you, either? I'm going to start changing the rules and state that no one can achieve X status without doing YogaX at least once each phase. Am I allowed to do that?

Teddygirl....Stick with ARX, it gets easier, believe it or not. One week down!! Only 12 more to go :) XStretch is loooovely. Enjoy.

Jeanette....Oh, that Radio movie, who's in that? It sounds familiar, and I think I wanted to see it. Yesterday must have been my power-down day, because I feel 1000 times better today. I was very stiff at the start, but that seemed to dissipate quickly. Dreya's moaning really gets to you, doesn't it? I swear I barely notice it.

Laurie....Thank goodness I'm not the only one knee-deep in snow. I feel bonded with you now. I'm sure you could do ARX in alphabetical order by now. Are you able to do the uber-advanced version of everything now? Thank you for the gift certificate suggestions. I think I'm leaning towards $50 to Best Buy (to buy accessories for the Wii we bought him on his birthday), and $50 to Chapters (Canadian bookstore).

Nicole....Ahhhh, payday! Have a great day! What did the PT do to you yesterday? Any progress on figuring out what's actually wrong?

Amy....You've got your groove back! Nice!!

Debra....Dentist visit, vet visit, you're just making the rounds, aren't you? Poor kitty, she doesn't have any idea what's in store for her, does she? I hope this weekend goes by fast for her. Do I want to know how you chipped your tooth? Or is it Personal? Yes, next week is Recovery Week for me. That just FLEW past, I tell ya. Those are nice gift certificate suggestions. The department store idea might work very well for my parents, next Christmas. This year I've already bought them a digital photo frame. Next year I'll have no idea. When's Eion going to give us some fresh nectar? He promised us November, but so far, still nothing.

I had an ego boost last night. We had a sub at the Pump & Jump class again last night, and she was very good. At the end of the class she gave a schpiel about always looking for new instructors, and she looked me dead in the eye when she said, "I'm always looking." Do you think she was impressed when I jumped over 12 hurdles holding my 33lb toddler in my arms? Or perhaps it was the fact that I barely appeared strained when she made us hold planks while our children crawled back and forth underneath us? Or maybe that I barely broke a sweat during the jumping jacks? Okay, I'm feeling smug. Traci, remember when the triathlon team captain tried to recruit me for the team, after my swim training session last year? Hee hee. Never thought I'd see the days.......<shutting up now>.

Well, I've got a day planned, so I'd best hit the showers. My new iMac is "out for delivery", so I'll get it today!!! (Doing the Extremely Excited Dance). But, I'm also going to be away between 10am-2pm - what happens if it comes then? I need to phone someone and ask.

TGIF Xers!!

I'm going out ALONE with DH tonight, lol. It's his company Xmas party, but I'm sure it'll be fun and we can even have civilized conversation, too! Yesterday was Yoga X, and I did the whole thing, and even added extra pushups on the vinyasas :-O Today I'll be doing ARX and Legs & Back. This week has been much more manageable than last week. No more weight loss thus far (not really a goal, but I do keep track), but my body fat is down almost 1% :D I didn't realize day 30 was Christmas day, so I'll be taking my day 30 pics on day 28 instead. It's a rest day, anyway, so I'll have time to pose, lol. I hope to see at least some change...

Tracy -- I tend to share the love/hate relationship ;-) I have dread factor thinking about them, but then I do them and think "hey, that wasn't so bad, it was even pretty good!". At least for now, lol.

Traci-X -- I'm THRILLED that Sandy's acting like her old self. I hope this means the meds are working and she'll be all better soon!

Teddygirl -- Round 1, week 1 and you're already subbing Cathe? tsk, tsk, lol. The workout police are gonna get you for that one ;-) Legs & Back is pretty good, have you tried it yet?

Laurie -- You can send us all your snow :D The kids would be thrilled! Stay safe (and warm!) with all that snow around.

Sandra -- Hey, I did Yoga X yesterday, too ;-) It's growing on me. I enjoyed it much more this time around. I'll be sticking with it next week, too, but during recovery week, one of the yoga days will probably be Eoin. I can only take so much Tony.

Hi to everyone else! I'm off to tackle science, and I'm not sure I'll make it back later. I hope you all have a great Friday!!!

Okay...back for a quick chat...I have been busy today, but have yet to do my workout...so I have to push play while DD is cleaning her room...Luckily (or not) she is pretty slow, so I have plenty of time to say hello. My diva listens to music while she cleans and I think she gets wrapped up in dancing and singing instead of cleaning...and instead of just dumping her dolls in the toy bins, she puts them to sleep one by one with a blanket and pillow. Sometimes her attention to detail is a little much...LOL! I am planning on doing Slo Mo back and shoulders today. My abs are still feeling my workout yesterday...maybe I need to drag out ARX afterall...nah!


----Carol---- Have a great time with DH tonight...always nice to have an adult evening! It sounds like you stats are getting better and better...Great!!

----Sandra---- I actually chipped my tooth on a beer bottle, if you can believe that! I am such a goofball. Kind of embarrassing, but I figure if I can share my cat's enema ordeal, I can share my own embarrassing stories...LOL! Aren't you the woman at the Pump and Jump class!!! It is always great when people you don't know notice that you are fit...I bet the other moms give you evil looks throughout the whole class and talk about you behind your back...LOL! I remember when I was doing the X, my DD would sit beside me doing the mason twists telling me how easy they were...Thanks, dear. Glad you are feeling the results of all of your hard work! You're right about the fresh nectar from Eoin...He's so laid back, he probably hasn't gotten to it yet...LOL. And, yes, you are weird for liking YogaX...but we all promise not to hold it against you!

----Laurie----More snow?? Just to give you a laugh...We had some school delays around here today because it rained last night and apparently there was a bit of ice on the roads this morning. I cracked up! Gotta love the South! I can't believe you guys have so much snow so early...How is Cami liking it?

----Jeanette---- And why didn't you do the calf raises, young lady?? Or the lunges that Dreya "invented"?? Glad you were able to up your resistance on the Bowflex...Great job!! I hope your weekend plans don't get messed up with weather. Are you guys having a big family fest for your mom's bday? I'll come decorate your house for you since I am done with mine. Plans...hmm...tonight I have a friend coming over the watch Appalachian play football and I have a date with CB tomorrow night since DD will be staying with my mom. I want to get to the farmer's market at some point to get some fresh wreaths for my front door.

----Teddygirl--- You go girl!!! I know you can do it....It's just the boredom factor that hits a little later on during the X...But I promise to be here in my cheerleading outfit...even if it is cold...LOL! Thanks for the compliments on DD, too.

----Lea----Waving as you breeze by! Keep dry today!

----Traci---- So glad Sandy is feeling better today! Hopefully this was just a virus and it will pass. LOL about the phone in your bra...I gotta tell you, it would have never occurred to me to stick my phone there....but I like the way your mind works! Silly woman! I hope you enjoyed LB today...Good luck on getting YogaX in this weekend...Maybe you should take and Eoin with you as a back up. Crazy about your dumbbells...but hopefully they will be there soon. Hope your Drs appt goes well. You may mention that you are starting to like the vibration on your boobies...He may have a pill for that.

---Tracy--- Sorry to hear about your frustration with DS. I really don't like motorcycles. One of my half brothers was killed on one...and it is just something that I don't like. CB has a motorcycle, but he doesn't ride it much. I am sure your cardio and yoga will be fun today. Sorry you had to work...I hate that feeling!

Well...looks like I am caught up for now. Hope everyone is having fun with their holiday festivities!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Back from Dr and have cooked for a little weekend get together on Saturday at the bay…. Our cold front lasted exactly 48 hours & today we are 15 degrees above normal… I am in my shorts & a tank with the AC on full blast! HO HO HO

Phones & internet all hooked up…. We are just all set to communicate with everyone now!

Lea: Good job on allowing the workouts to become a part of your crazy world vs you freakin’ out to get them in…. I believe that’s called mental health?? LOL Must be all the raw green drinks!!! Here’s a link to all the VIP’s Blogs… http://forums.milliondollarbody.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/5082996357/m/4641038301
Each of the guys have a little different info…. Happy reading! ~ Love the Meez… Still compliments of the boys???

TeddyGirl: Oh my B&G eh??? Well I think I am doing the Drill Max Cardio Legs on Sunday at bay…. Still pondering tho…. ^5 on actually doing all of ARX! I sometimes can get thru it but some days not… I don’t pause the DVD tho- Either I can keep up or not… See how LAZY I am???

Jeanette: I had to Lol at the omits from L&B… If I omit or cheat its on the reps that seem to go on & on & on….. LOL ~ Hope you get to Reno Sunday… Its so beautiful there when its snowing. ~ Made these Cheesecake Brownies today & thought of you…. Also made Christmas Potatoes! Hope I can stay clear of all my goodies this weekend.

Laurie: remind me to never visit you in December!!! Its way too cold where you are!!! Good job even attempting ARX! You are a better Xer than I! ~ I was happily surprised at all the stuff included with PlusX…. They really are keeping the program a class act.

Nicole; You are just too funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sandra: ROF on your health or mood swings!!!!!!!! MY GAWD WOMAN you sound like me!!!!!!!!! You MUST teach P&J!!!! How totally cool that is!!!! ROF on camera phones…. Mine isn’t one of those silly!!! They’d probably just do a collective HUH? If it was tho! Mega Melatonin…. Intead of 1 pill take 10 or 12! LOL- Now even I wouldn’t try that one! Gotta get PlusX my dear… ya know all of our talk will make you crazy…. Just get it for yourself… Congrats on the new toy!!!! I’ll happy Dance with you today!!!

Carol: I see you are still lovin X!!! WooHoo!!!!!!!!! You are already so lean that I wonder if you’ll see tons of muscle cuts????

Debra; do hope you get to chill out later today!!!

OK Gang… Time to go chill for a bit- been running like a headless chicken since I got up…..
DEBRA!!!!! There you are silly woman!!! Yes I actually told my Dr about the phone.... we laughed for 40 minutes today.... I just adore her..... My progesterone, cortisol & throid levels all are still low so we're upping the MGs again.....
I shall have to ee what I "remember" to take to bay- you know me- I may "forget" it all!!! XXOO
Legs & Back + Back In Shape

My back is a bit sore today from PT so I made sure to do my BIS to iron out the kinks. PT said to get an MRI so I have to go back to the Dr. to get a referral:p I am really noticing a change in my body since the start of P90X. I am so bummed I didn't take before pictures because I know I'm looking better than I did two weeks ago:( I did take measurements though so I have that.

Thank you all for being so sweet to me this last week or so. It so tough when DH goes on his hunting trips because his checks for the month to follow are so sad to look at. Minimum hours, no commission, no money. I so wanted to start this round eating well and didn't have the money to do it. I think that was the most frustrating thing of all. I hope now to get back on track and see even bigger changes before Christmas gets here.

As far as the mom stuff goes, I think I'm in a rut. You start to wonder where you went. I have my workouts and that's great but I have the desire to do so much more in regards to my education. I know it will come in a few years but I don't want my brain to go to mush in the mean time.

Traci-X, Have fun at the bay! I saw it is in the 80's where you are now. Are you enjoying my good weather? It's pouring here today so I imagine it's coming to you next:p You, miss YogaX? Perish the thought! It is so good for this body of mine I wouldn't skip it. Are you enjoying this Lean rotation? I think I like it better. I actually feel leaner:) So glad to hear Sandy is on the mend. She's been a good dog, hasn't she? Oh, you'll have all of your presents before Christmas:D Have fun with the Bowflex. Will you be using it for clients?

Tracy, Glad it was your son buying a motorcycle and not my DH. After a torn rotator cuff, a broken wrist and a helicopter ride to the hospital I put a ban on the things. Stay warm in that cold weather. I think we'll stay at 65-70 for the next week or so. I just hope it's cold on Christmas:)

Lea, Are you liking your day inside watching the rain? I was going to go shopping today but decided against it because of the rain. I'll go tomorrow instead.

Teddygirl, I'm so glad you're enjoying the X! Be careful with ARX! Are you going to sub Coremax sometimes? Is the Christmas shopping coming along? You have a great weekend too:)

Jeanette, I'm glad there's someone else who avoids calf raises:) I don;t need to build up those muscles for sure. How was your trip? Is it raining up that way? Lots here but only for today, thank goodness. We are afraid of mudslides and such in the burn areas. I think it will be gone soon and it didn't seem as bad as they thought. Radio is a good movie. I think CG Jr. is a good actor and you don't see him enough. So happy to hear your raise was approved and the money will start showing up in the checks just in time for Christmas:D

Laurie, I am cold just reading your post;) My cousin posted pictures of it on her blog and it looks just beautiful. I think it would be more enjoyable if you could just sit inside and look at it. The driving and working in it is the problem:) Glad Cami made it past the snow plow without incident. Stay warm!! I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow:D Yeah!!

Debra, I'm glad my meez humored you this morning! It's amazing how you can find a meez for just about any mood and situation. It used to take me forever to make one and now it just takes a few minutes. Is DD out of school today? I have 6 words for you: Pictures of you and CB, now!!! I want to see what the new do looks like:) You are sounding happy and carefree once again. It's so nice to see you get what you deserve. Is the Christmas decor all done? One word: pictures!!!:D;)

Sandra, So glad someone is enjoying ARX:) It does do wonders for the obliques, doesn't it? Glad you have a fun time at P&J. That will set such good habits for your DD's. Oooh, a new career:) That had to make you feel god:) I too have an iMac and love it. Make sure you install Firefox for free and use it as your browser. It works much better than Safari.

Carol, Have fun on your hot date;) I'll have to do that soon:) DH work has a Mardi Gras party instead of Christmas. Pretty silly but DH hates going to work parties anyways. Good job doing all of YogaX. I think we are in the minority but if you keep it up you'll notice big changes.

Amy, Your new TRX toy looks fun! Let me know what you think of it. A workout room? How nice!

Hi Swifty, Cheryl and MIA Wendy!

Off to get the boys from school. See you all later.


Bring it!!!

Back with an Eoin update for those of you who are interested...His new dvd is supposed to be released mid December according to his website. I will let you know when I find out more info.



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn


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