Debra (aka Teacher's Pet)....I like how you and CBL meet for breakfast so often. That sounds like a nice way to start the day. My gosh, your fatigue has me worried. I wish you'd move up that dr's appointment. We're not even half way through the month yet. My mother grew up on a farm, and has experienced that chicken-with-its-head-cut-off metaphor quite literally. Yuck!!
Teddygirl....LG is just too much fun! Whether it leans out your legs or not, just do it for the fun factor.
Lea....I love the heart avatar you have. That's neat. When you do Bryan Kest's yoga, do you notice Eoin Finn as one of the group? Or am I just hallucinating? I hope DS is feeling better. Is he staying home? What did you decide?
Laurie....My DH picked up my Oxygen mag a few days ago, and his only comment was about the multitude of supplement adverstisements LOL! Yeah, I'm sure that's all he noticed
I hope you have fun getting the nectar licked off your hips today! Holy crap, I just read about your weekend. What are the odds of all that happening at the same time?? I feel badly for all you went through. Did everyone else enjoy the HSM-on-ice show? If it were to come to Edmonton, we'd go see it (but it's not).
Wendy....I enjoy John Travolta as an actor very much. I ADORED him as a youngster, when Grease was my favourite movie of all time. I had posters of him all over my walls. I also loved Grease because it was the only movie that had the name Sandra in it
I was not impressed with John's performance in Hairspray, though. I thought it was patronizing and over-the-top. I wonder what it's like to talk through a grin all the time, though? Do you have a good picture of DD's hair? I'd love to see what you're talking about.
Traci....I love the memory albums idea! Being a techie, your DH might also like one of those new digital picture frames that scrolls through photos of the dogs. He can hang it in his office. Oh, check your PM's.
Nicole....My goodness, bridal shower warfare on top of marital difficultes and sick children? You've definitely got your share of stress! Take care of yourself, so you come through it all in one piece. Did you take your antibiotics today?
? And what day are you on? How many more days do we need to remind you? Yes, I feel terrific at the end of this round. Definitely leaner and more muscular-looking. I'm VERY happy I did it. Keep at it, Nicole; you know you're planning to workout for the next few weeks anyway. You might as well use the time well to do yourself some real good.
Kickbox Extreme was really good today. I enjoyed myself much more than I was anticipating. I've finished X Round 2, and have spent the last 4 weeks eating almost exactly what the Phase 3, Level 1 menu plan told me to eat. In those 4 weeks I dropped 5.8 pounds, and my ab definition has started to come through. I'm looking leaner, with more muscle definition. My back and shoulders look especially more defined. This is exactly what I was hoping for. I'm going to continue with my own eating plan, based on the structure of the P90X Phase 3 diet. After my recovery week, which I'm using to just have fun, I'm going to do more heavy lifting. I might follow a few weeks of Cathe's Feb rotation, adding pull/chins, then start the P90X+ rotation with Laurie in early March.
I think that catches me up with everyone who's been around lately. Have a great day!
Teddygirl....LG is just too much fun! Whether it leans out your legs or not, just do it for the fun factor.
Lea....I love the heart avatar you have. That's neat. When you do Bryan Kest's yoga, do you notice Eoin Finn as one of the group? Or am I just hallucinating? I hope DS is feeling better. Is he staying home? What did you decide?
Laurie....My DH picked up my Oxygen mag a few days ago, and his only comment was about the multitude of supplement adverstisements LOL! Yeah, I'm sure that's all he noticed
Wendy....I enjoy John Travolta as an actor very much. I ADORED him as a youngster, when Grease was my favourite movie of all time. I had posters of him all over my walls. I also loved Grease because it was the only movie that had the name Sandra in it
Traci....I love the memory albums idea! Being a techie, your DH might also like one of those new digital picture frames that scrolls through photos of the dogs. He can hang it in his office. Oh, check your PM's.
Nicole....My goodness, bridal shower warfare on top of marital difficultes and sick children? You've definitely got your share of stress! Take care of yourself, so you come through it all in one piece. Did you take your antibiotics today?
Kickbox Extreme was really good today. I enjoyed myself much more than I was anticipating. I've finished X Round 2, and have spent the last 4 weeks eating almost exactly what the Phase 3, Level 1 menu plan told me to eat. In those 4 weeks I dropped 5.8 pounds, and my ab definition has started to come through. I'm looking leaner, with more muscle definition. My back and shoulders look especially more defined. This is exactly what I was hoping for. I'm going to continue with my own eating plan, based on the structure of the P90X Phase 3 diet. After my recovery week, which I'm using to just have fun, I'm going to do more heavy lifting. I might follow a few weeks of Cathe's Feb rotation, adding pull/chins, then start the P90X+ rotation with Laurie in early March.
I think that catches me up with everyone who's been around lately. Have a great day!