Xers: Feels Like the Old Days... Tuesday

Debra (aka Teacher's Pet)....I like how you and CBL meet for breakfast so often. That sounds like a nice way to start the day. My gosh, your fatigue has me worried. I wish you'd move up that dr's appointment. We're not even half way through the month yet. My mother grew up on a farm, and has experienced that chicken-with-its-head-cut-off metaphor quite literally. Yuck!!

Teddygirl....LG is just too much fun! Whether it leans out your legs or not, just do it for the fun factor. :)

Lea....I love the heart avatar you have. That's neat. When you do Bryan Kest's yoga, do you notice Eoin Finn as one of the group? Or am I just hallucinating? I hope DS is feeling better. Is he staying home? What did you decide?

Laurie....My DH picked up my Oxygen mag a few days ago, and his only comment was about the multitude of supplement adverstisements LOL! Yeah, I'm sure that's all he noticed ;) I hope you have fun getting the nectar licked off your hips today! Holy crap, I just read about your weekend. What are the odds of all that happening at the same time?? I feel badly for all you went through. Did everyone else enjoy the HSM-on-ice show? If it were to come to Edmonton, we'd go see it (but it's not).

Wendy....I enjoy John Travolta as an actor very much. I ADORED him as a youngster, when Grease was my favourite movie of all time. I had posters of him all over my walls. I also loved Grease because it was the only movie that had the name Sandra in it :) I was not impressed with John's performance in Hairspray, though. I thought it was patronizing and over-the-top. I wonder what it's like to talk through a grin all the time, though? Do you have a good picture of DD's hair? I'd love to see what you're talking about.

Traci....I love the memory albums idea! Being a techie, your DH might also like one of those new digital picture frames that scrolls through photos of the dogs. He can hang it in his office. Oh, check your PM's.

Nicole....My goodness, bridal shower warfare on top of marital difficultes and sick children? You've definitely got your share of stress! Take care of yourself, so you come through it all in one piece. Did you take your antibiotics today? :) ? And what day are you on? How many more days do we need to remind you? Yes, I feel terrific at the end of this round. Definitely leaner and more muscular-looking. I'm VERY happy I did it. Keep at it, Nicole; you know you're planning to workout for the next few weeks anyway. You might as well use the time well to do yourself some real good.

Kickbox Extreme was really good today. I enjoyed myself much more than I was anticipating. I've finished X Round 2, and have spent the last 4 weeks eating almost exactly what the Phase 3, Level 1 menu plan told me to eat. In those 4 weeks I dropped 5.8 pounds, and my ab definition has started to come through. I'm looking leaner, with more muscle definition. My back and shoulders look especially more defined. This is exactly what I was hoping for. I'm going to continue with my own eating plan, based on the structure of the P90X Phase 3 diet. After my recovery week, which I'm using to just have fun, I'm going to do more heavy lifting. I might follow a few weeks of Cathe's Feb rotation, adding pull/chins, then start the P90X+ rotation with Laurie in early March.

I think that catches me up with everyone who's been around lately. Have a great day!

Hi. I am back with personals too. That means older DS stayed home today. I might have to make a doctors appointment today. Oh the fun never ends, does it girls??

Traci – Congrats on waking up early. I am glad that Wendell’s cell phone was there for an alarm clock!! BTW, I thought that you just got your hair cut and colored, miss celebrity!! Great work on the workout today. Where is my dang email girlie????

Wendy – Thank goodness you saved yourself some time and just bought snacks instead of making them, even though the banana muffins do sound yummy. I have not tried Baron yet. I think I read that he is an avid believer that you don’t get a full yoga workout unless it is 90 minutes, I could be wrong though. I am interested in checking him out since he does get a lot of rave reviews on amazon. But I also have read that Bryan is harder too. Take care in the snow, stay warm.

Debra – I hope that sleep helps. Feel better. Maybe it is just a lot of emotions catching up with you. I hope that it is nothing major.

Sandra – I hope that DD feels better. How awful for the whole family. I hope that you get your much needed rest. I hate those days where you feel you have enough energy in the morning, and then 2 or 3 o’clock, it catches up to you. Guess you better have coffee on all day long. No, I haven't noticed Eion. I even looked on the credits and didn't see him. Maybe a different Bryan dvd????

Tracy – I am so glad that you feel good enough to do yoga! Wow, it has taken this long just to do a normal ab workout? I will take your advice(and Wendy’s) and stick with yoga. I do have a yoga dvd that just focuses on abs for 20 minutes. Maybe I will break that out. Are you serious, 880 for an internet workout? That is ridiculous. I would prefer a live actual human being if I were able to afford that kind of workout. I guess that is a great business that we all can get into if people actually do pay that kind of money.

Teddygirl – Be careful with the weather out there. Your leg workout sounds great!.

Jeanette – Have a great day off. Sorry that you have not been doing so well lately. These girls are so knowledgeable aren’t they? I hope whatever you decide to do, it works out for you.

Laurie – I would definitely be one of those people who would not be able to drive where you live. Jeeze, we get drizzle out here and the whole world stops!!! We are such wimps in Southern California!!! I have to say that I am sooooo glad that I have boys so I do not have to deal with Hannah Montana or High School Musical. I definitely would take Pokemon or Power Rangers anyday. That is just me though. So, Laurie, what kind of surprise do you think awaits you in those chocolates?? Hmmm???

Nicole – I am also glad that the lady apologized. That is definitely the last thing you need is bitter woman around you. We are grownups now aren’t we??? I hope that DS feels better soon. I hope that you are doing all right today. I am glad that you are getting your workouts in. Please try to enjoy this horrid weather we are having these days. LOL.

I think that catches me up for now. Talk to you all soon.

Okay, I'm back after my workout today, which was the upper body (not compound moves) and abs from Cardio & Weights. I did the warmup and stretch too. I will do my Cardio Coach bike ride this afternoon, not sure which one yet. Okay, here's what I came up with:

Monday: Pyramid Lower Body
Tues: Upper Body only and abs from C&W, Cardio Coach on bike this pm
Wedn: Yoga (wow), Garage Boys in the evening
Thurs: Push Pull, maybe a little bit of light step if time allows (Christi or Gay Gasper, nothing high intensity at all)
Friday: Rest (massage/facial/shopping in Reno:7)
Sat: Pyramid Lower Body, also possibly golf
Sun: Group bike ride (steady state cardio)

Eat my activity points too. That gives me 3 cardios plus a fun cardio for my mind, and a leg strengthener.

Traci, glad you are feeling chipper. I've actually got sore buns myself, so think I'm heading more in the right direction with the weights for legs. How is Wendell's back doing? I will up the water even more today. I'm sure drinking a lot, but it's not leaving as fast. Gads, I feel like a camel! Hope you are right and the flushing will begin. I'm also going to use more of my points on veggies, fruit and protein. And eat my activity points. Shoot, when I look at my picture before I started working out regularly, I was slimmer. Sorry, but I'll take that over the pudgy soft look on me. Something's got to give here LOL! Of course, DH had to ask if I'd ever faked it like Sally did. I assured him I could not do as good of a job as she ;). Sacramento does get very hot during the summers, and more humid than up here in the mountains. I need to check what the weather will be like next week. Looking forward to more bliss and shorts! Darn, don't think my legs will be hot looking by next week. What is Wendell cooking? Bet it will be wonderful!!!

Wendy, good job on ME, that one is a tough one for sure. I remember when I did P90X on the first round, I really didn't lose much cardio conditioning on the bike, though of course we weren't really doing longer rides. I think a lot of times if you get shorter, tough rides in, it will cross over and you can do some endurance rides and be okay, but not the longer ones, for me anyway. For instance, tough, 1 hour workouts with intervals won't prepare you for a century ride. You just have to get the miles in and get those legs firing for longer periods of time. Who knows, maybe I'll be doing the LPGA tour this year and I'll forget where my bike is in the garage. My leg skin is not tight at all so the cellulite really pokes through. Sounds like your son is really doing well. Glad to hear that. Dumb question, but what is CVS? Is that like a Walgreens or Walmart? Keep us posted on the espresso machine. Could I make a nice chai latte with that (nonfat of course)? Does it steam the milk?

Debra, girl, something really not right about you being so tired. I hope your appointment is soon. Hope it's an obvious fix and you are back to your old self soon. I will try less cardio and see if the body responds. I'm definitely not going to do any more. It gets to a ridiculous point. Enjoy your day and rest up.

Sandra, I know I didn't eat all those calories, so that's why it's frustrating. I'm hoping these changes will make a difference, if not, on to something else, but I'll give it a few weeks to see. I'm pretty regular (BM wise) so know that's not the problem. Thanks for your suggestions. I think it's important that I get a fun cardio besides biking in there during the week. Also, I need the yoga so put that in there too. Sorry about your DD's ear problem. Is it hard to get an appointment with a dr. in Canada? Medical care is getting ridiculous here in the USA. Without insurance a person would be sunk.

Tracy, you feeling better today? Thanks for your suggestions. I'm loving the leg work too.

Laurie, sorry about the drive in to work. Do you have studs on your tires there? Most of the ice driving I've been okay in, but white out conditions, those are the worst. White out on top of ice, bad, bad, bad. Hope the transmission doesn't need anything major. I have to remind my DH that I'll be going. We haven't spoken a lot about it. I need to check flights again.

Got to shower and start my day. Heavens, it's almost 10:00 a.m.

Sandra, I just wanted to say that I loved John Travolta in Phenomenon. Loved the scene where she cut his hair. Romantic and sexy!!

Where does the day/week/month/years go????????????
Workout still pending but I finally just ate breakfast (noon) so now I hvae to digest.....blah blah blah....

ANOTHER John Travolta as he ages fan:7

What FABULOUS news about your Phase 3 "test" w/ nutrition! You go girl! Get those crop tops out & ready! Got the PM's...ROF- Heading over yonder as soon as I'm done here!:* ROF here- I see you are STILL trying to get validation o your Eoin sightings!!! ~ I was indeed extra motivated in my workouts- that was yesterday tho so today I'm back to ah-hel, I gotta workout:7 :7 I do hope DD is on the mend- for everyones sake! A sleep deprived mama is never a good thing. Cant believe you did that workout!!!!I think you were the one that said it wasnt "hard" like a cathe? It kicked my butt! :+

Hope you D/O is going as planned or better!:7 Thanks for asking about Wendells back (camels must have good memories!;-) ) Just last night it went POP & its better than its been in several weeks.... I had him lying tummy down on the ball- loose lilly everything just hanging...POP POP POP:7 ~ ROF on your DH! Why do men think we wouldbe TOTALLY honest about that question? When Wendell asked me I said well not with you honey!}( Your modified plan looks GREAT! It IS so frustrating..... I look so different with clean eating & no workouts.... problem is I dont WANT to eat clean all the time;-)

I KNOW I KNOW!!! I am a zillion emails behind.... why do I feel like I run all the time yet get little accomplished???!!! Get those kiddies healthy will ya?!!! :7 :+ MAYBE ya shouldnt you be doing ab work just yet little one... ;-)

Glad to see you are back in full gear already! Baking & everything! WHOA!:7 What a mom you are!!!! Spinal DOMS? Is that a "good thing" sounds a little dangerous girl. You can make ALL your DVDs endurance...just keep weights lower and crank out more sets... want me to make you a suped up rotation?}( I did not know you didnt like lifting 4 Bi/Tri.... I LOVE the guns! - Thanks for all the ideas to make Wendell feel like I give a rip about his fishing stuff- I dont- he know that so its no biggie! Our lives revolve around his water needs 95% of time so he can suck it up for V-Day!! Doesnt THAT sound like aloving wife???

Biceps were 5 days ago.... I am doubling up a couple of body part days when I need to adjust my schedule...Its good- they're ready to bring it once again.:7 Glad you are starting to feel more human....I think when a person is rarely ill these things just knock you off your feet....Its like getting 2-3 years worth of sick all @ once. Take it easy for a bit please!

"Fat Loss mag from Oxygen" ....hmmmmmm was it a special edition? I only get the regular monthly- I have 3 months tho all stacked up ready to read but not done so yet. I'll look for a new Plyo tho.... I use the Oxygen stuff alot with my clients. Please be careful...I do worry so about you guys driving in that nightmare I see on the news.

If your body is loving SH then stick w/ it! You'll know when to change things up. }(

Time to get moving...... I HVAE To get my workout done SOOOOONNNNN _ I have aclient tonight so I'm on the dreaded schedule today!!!
Just got back from a bike ride. Did Cardio Coach #2 (Revised). I think I'm going to burn all of my Cardio Coaches onto CD's and take them to the Garage Boys tomorrow night. Seriously. Bet they are getting tired of their Spinervals with the lousy music. The CC I did today was about 40 minutes long, with a few series of challenges. I felt really strong on the bike today and took my rests when advised to. Got my heart rate up to 160 on the last one, which is a biggy for me as mine tends to run lower than lots of other ladies on here. I never got the runner's high for the little running I did, but I sure get it with biking! It was beautiful outside, temperature is 50 degrees right now. Not shorts weather yet, but at least I could wear short fingered gloves and no booties on the feet. DH decided not to go on the camping trip this weekend due to unexpected car repair expenses for both of our pickups, so I made the decision not to go to the valley to golf either. Oh well, I will get the massage and facial on Friday so still something good to look forward to.

Traci, glad you got Wendell's back fixed up. Hope he's feeling better today because of it. He probably marvels every day at the woman he married. Glad you like my revised rotation. Now I will have some time for yoga!! Hmmm, which one will I do tomorrow? I'm thinking Bryan. Thank you so much for taking the time to look at my flight plan. I'm getting excited, but would like to lock in soon.

DH and I are going for a drive with the girls here in a few. Got to take off my bike clothes.

Hi all,

I did get in Tone today and it felt great! I'm going to try to do B&B tomorrow. I may have to go a little lighter, but I just want to get it out of the way and move on.

One more comment about the February rotation. It's just another way to shock the body. Aren't we all usually used to rotating cario and weight days? I'm beginning to think that to get results, you have to understand the broad principles of the research etc., but the bottom line is that you have to keep changing things up; with the workout and the diet.

Sandra - Glad you enjoyed KBX. I meant to comment that the last time I did it I was able to put more into the punches. It's still not a traditional KB, but it works.

Jeanette - Glad you came up with a rotation that will work for you. I can't help but think that your descriptions of you cellulite is over exaggerated. You make it sound so vivid. Maybe you should have chosen a different profession:)

Traci - Did you get that workout in?

!!!!!!!!!Okay....this is an Xer Retreat Notice!!!!!!!!!!

Please email me if you are coming to the Xer retreat....or even if you are thinking of coming, but need to wait until a later date to make a final decision. If you know the exact dates you are traveling, then include that too....if not that is okay.

The official dates are April 4-6. If you want to come earlier than that or stay later you are more than welcome! I just need to get a basic head count so that I can make some reservations for us...and get some opinions about things to do while you guys are here.

Please email me at [email protected]

I know some of you have already told me you were coming, but I don't have everyone's emails stored in my computer, and I want to be able to send some emails out to those coming.....and just to get a definite count. April is fast approaching, believe it or not...It is only 6 weeks away!!

Thanks to all....

back in a bit for personals....



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Okay girlies...finally back for a personal chat!! Let's see...I ended up not taking a nap today...I decided if I am going to feel tired every day I might as well work on through it as much as I can...so I got a few things done around the house...including putting up some of that clean laundry...Of course, now I am out of detergent and I am not going to the grocery store until Thursday, so...oh well!! DD got all of her Valentine's done and I got her a little something...so all is good there. The dog is home and stink free...just another bonus for my day! I actually did legs today....PP lower body plus BG floor work and abs. Now I can do cardio or PP upper tomorrow...We'll see what I am in the mood for.


I think I would have killed DH if his cell phone woke me up...but then you know how I love my sleepy time!! Interesting that you can't go but so heavy on tris...That particular part I can go all day on for some reason. Now, legs...that is another story! I actually have some DOMS in my shoulders from PY4H yesterday...does that mean I was doing something right?? My mom can make many things really well....but the 2 best things she cooks are fried chicken legs and chicken and dumplins...I have done dumplins a couple of times before and they actually turned out pretty good, but I have never attempted her chicken legs. DD makes them with her, though. So maybe she will learn how to do it. Be careful with that pic in the local paper....you never know who you will run into that recognizes you at the weirdest times! CBL and I actually don't have any big plans for Valentine's...I think I am cooking in that night. We are taking DD out to a Japanese restaurant this weekend for Valentine's. Have fun with your client tonight!! I also like the 'not with you honey' comment re: faking it!!

LOL about the baking not getting done last night...I thought you sounded over ambitious..but I wasn't going to say anything!! thank goodness you didn't need them after all. CBL and I normally go out for breakfast...The timing just works out well for that meal for us to meet for a quick hello. I am very proud of you for doing ME today...that is a toughie!! Hope you got your shopping in before the snow...we wouldn't want you to not get a new pair of shoes...lol!

Poor girl....You have been through the wringer lately! Loved the description of the 'turtle look'...sometimes I have that all day, for no apparent reason!! Hope DD is feeling better ...and you too! Way to go with the poundage loss and the more visible musculature...That is great news! Let me know how you like Cathe's Feb rotation....I will probably start that one next...in a couple of weeks, I'm guessing. I haven't seen Eoin in any of Bryan's dvds...and he isn't listed as a participant...but Seane Corne is definitely in them. I just read Traci's note to you to get out your crop tops....God bless her optimism!!

So glad you are feeling better today. I keep thinking that DD and I are going to get sick....but now that XDH doesn't live with us, we haven't gotten sick much at all....Hmmmmmmm...... As far as my fatigue goes, if I don't get any real help from my GP I will head to the gyno...since I think they really listen to women and know more about causes for women's fatigue. We'll see. Glad you were able to take the day off from work. Thanks for the input on Cathe's Feb rotation....I will probably start it in a couple of weeks.

Keep that back safe when doing that ab work. I did BG abs today...and have I mentioned that I really don't like those darn bike maneuvers...ugh! I actually have DOMS in my shoulders from PY4H yesterday...and I didn't even do the whole thing! I am sure your upper body and legs will look great from the yoga. Sorry DS is feeling punky. It seems to be all over! I will be happy to send you some Hannah Montana if you are feeling left out....We have lots of HSM, too. Any takers???

Sorry about all of the darn yucky traffic this morning! I am glad you got your workout in this morning...I bet your hips were feeling great today at work!! Yes, I will be the those germ infested urchins on Valentine's day!! I hope they don't wipe their snotty noses on me. We have been soooooo lucky this season and only a couple of minor sniffles....I hope we can keep that record alive.

I like your new rotation...especially the yoga day. It really is good for you and you will see results from it if you keep it up. And of course, the facial and massage are sure to be calorie burners! I actually have a facial scheduled for next week...CBL got me a gift certificate for Xmas, and I am just now getting around to using it. I have to get the anti-aging extra moisturizing one.....Getting old bites the big one! I am sure you will have fun with DH and the girls this afternoon. Gotta wonder why DH's ask the questions that they really don't want the true answers too...LOL!

I love SH!! I thought about you today...are you working the democratic primaries next week??

I guess that is it for now....Giving a little shout out to Nicole...Hope you survived the shower last night!!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hi all,
Didn't get the ride out with the dogs and DH today, but after a little nap this afternoon, DH and I took the girls for a walk around our neighborhood. It was nice and know the dogs liked it. Snow is melting like crazy. Tomorrow will be a little colder, but after that it will warm up some more. The Westminster Dog Show is over so I just popped in Fantastic Four for DH and I to watch.

Sandra, what awesome results you got from P90X!!! Way to go!!! I'll have to check out that eating plan. You put in the work and it paid off!!! Did you have results like these on your first round? I don't remember you enjoying it as much then. Leaner and more muscle definition, that's what we're all after for sure.

Tracy, I'm not exaggerating about the lumps and bumps, really I'm not. Hoping to improve it as it can't get much worse. I have great hopes for this leg rotation. Lord knows they've never been shocked like this before.

Debra, I'll have to ask for the super duper anti-aging facial products this Friday. I am soooo ready to relax and be pampered. So Polly is all foo foo'd up now. Does she get a bow? Lexxie doesn't mind her shower, but Tillie runs and hides when DH gets in the shower. As soon as the water is turned off, out she comes from under the chair, licks the water off of his feet and lower legs. Guess she just doesn't like it. I again want to thank you for hosting this retreat. It's going to be so much fun, just cannot wait! It was too late to drive somewhere with the pups, but DH agreed to a walk around the block, usually takes around 20-25 minutes. I'm looking forward to yoga tomorrow. Hmmmm, think I will do one of Bryan Kest's, the Intensive Body Sculpting one I think.

Got to go get more water. Will chat with everyone in the a.m.

Girls, I am so glad it's almost retreat time!!!! I am so emotionally worn out as are the rest of you. We so need fun girl time.

I am beat and must retreat to the only non-stressful place, bed.

I had a basketball game to go to that I didn't know about until yesterday and an orthodontist appointment. I finally got home at 6:30 and I felt like a working girl again.

The shower was fine. I thought I would make it through unscathed until my LTF's (longtime friend) other girlfriends started talking about how funny it was when LTF got engaged.
Hmmm, I said to myself, how did they know she was engaged. LTF told me she didn't tell anyone she was engaged. She managed to lie to me for four months. Needless to say I was crushed but maintained my composure until I got to the car. By the time I got home I was bawling. I tell you I am so sick of crying I could scream. I usually cry maybe three times a year so three times in a month is ludicrous!
I used to consider LTF my BFF until I found my real BFF a couple of years ago. LTF's mom and my mom are BFF's so we have been friends since we were born.
Long story short I told her she fooled me once shame on me but she does it again and it's by by. I have enough drama in my life as of late and I don't need more from her.
Ok, that's the short of it, kind of:p

I am home all day tomorrow and won't be so emotional, I hope. I miss chatting in the morning with everyone else.


Bring it!!!

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