Well, I've been to the doctor and the chiro and taken my pills and still no relief
I haven't exercised in two days and I am going stir crazy! I thought about doing floorwork but I am afraid it will tighten my hips and worsen the problem. I'll figure it out.
I guess exercise has become who I am and it's hard to find out who I am without it.
Thanks all for the nice comments about the wedding photos. It was such a fun wedding, probably the best I've been too.
Tracy, Sounds like you are really utilizing those new workouts. I have vowed to stay away from my workouts until I get the new ones on Tuesday. I hope me back will be better by then. Wow, 1/100" of rain, must have been a downpour
It's 90 degrees here so enjoy it.
Traci-X, I am so tired of being on the IL and it's only been two days! What a time to be injured. Your just making me want to do the workouts even more! I see your taking your own advice and not pushing it
Take it easy, I don't want you back on the IL with me. How many clients do you have now? Are they seeing results? I would imagine so if they are as determined as you
Glad you liked the pictures. Ashlynn is my niece and such a doll. She can be a little mom sometimes but it's cute because she's not mine
Teddygirl, Thanks for all the nice words about the pictures. I had a great time and it was nice to get out and have fun. You deserve a rest day for sure! You and Ted go do something fun and enjoy it
How'd you do with the pizza? I saw Janet on Oprah and I thought that movie looked pretty good. Let me know what you think!
Debra, You have been through the ringer, haven't you? It will get better. At least you have the fair to look forward too. I was just reading a book last night for women and it said to always make sure you have something to look forward to, something that brings you joy. Without it we're useless. You have a beautiful DD that is so close to you and friends and family that love you, what more could you ask for
Take care of yourself! {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}
Jeanette, Sorry you couldn't come home early
Maybe next week. Glad you were able to do PUB without incident. How is your elbow feeling? Do you think it's improving? Are you having a little heat wave up there? It is 90 here today
Laurie, A little hide and go seek with your package, huh? You even got exercise looking for it
Gee, your really selling me on Tracey Staehle
I know I would be going crazy if I had the workouts in my hot little hands!
Swifty, Hey, can you send me some of your energy please?
I can't believe you are doing doubles again! You'll be done before you know it though. Are you going to post more pictures on your avatar or get a Picture Trail?
Cheryl, Take it easy this weekend and recover. You, of course, are about as likely to take it easy as me
Anything fun planned for your weekend?
Wendy, How did the doctor go? I took Tallon (6) last year for some and he was screaming and crying while running from the nurse. I just stood there confused and stared. I quickly snapped out of it though and literally had to hold him down so she could give them to him. I hope that didn't happen to you
Are you almost ready for the big trip?
Off to make dinner!
Hi Lea, Carol and Amy
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.