Okay...back again....still have to do DD's reading assignment for the evening...but one of her friends from Illinois just called, so she will be on the phone a bit. Had a great dinner...I actually cooked if you can believe that! We had fresh okra, fresh white lady beans (kind of like black-eyed peas, but smaller) and ribs....okay, so it was pretty healthy until the ribs...but they are DD's favorite!
Waving to Tracy, Carol and Lea as they fly by! Tracy...Glad you got a rest in today.
Teddygirl...Got a real hoot out of your description of you time with the grandkids...Those darn boys are trouble, aren't they?? LOL! Hope you get a workout in tonight if you aren't too tired.
Jeanette...Sounds like you had a wonderful trip with DH...Wish we had a picture of you in that coat...You must have looked like Nanook of the North! You guys still rough it a bit more than I prefer, though, even with all of your amenities. Our leaves have already started changing, too...mostly because of the serious drought we have had all summer. Maybe I should make pumpkin muffins with DD next that sounds good!
Laurie...I sure hope your DD's put you in for the mother of the year award...I can tell you...I would have packed up my tent and gone home!! LOL! It's wonderful how great your DD is doing in varsity track. Good luck with those initial squeals from the new clarinet...I remember when I first started playing...I think I must have sounded like a wounded walrus.
Traci...More {{{hugs}}} to you and your wounded self! Thanks for the review of the Pit, too. Our farmer's market is off of the highway...but other than that it is pretty remote, so it's nice to go. The spaghetti dinner was yummy and I got all of my plants in the ground...Still need to get some mulch though...since I created a whole new flower bed...That is on my project list tomorrow. Hope all of your crampies are all gone! Take those good drugs...hopefully they will help!
Okay ladies...think that catches me up for now....Still looking for the birthday girl!!! Cheryl...Hope you are having a great day! Amy and Sandra MIA again...may have to send up a couple of signal flares to reach them!
Plant beneficial seeds, do your best and let go---Eion Finn
Waving to Tracy, Carol and Lea as they fly by! Tracy...Glad you got a rest in today.
Teddygirl...Got a real hoot out of your description of you time with the grandkids...Those darn boys are trouble, aren't they?? LOL! Hope you get a workout in tonight if you aren't too tired.
Jeanette...Sounds like you had a wonderful trip with DH...Wish we had a picture of you in that coat...You must have looked like Nanook of the North! You guys still rough it a bit more than I prefer, though, even with all of your amenities. Our leaves have already started changing, too...mostly because of the serious drought we have had all summer. Maybe I should make pumpkin muffins with DD next that sounds good!
Laurie...I sure hope your DD's put you in for the mother of the year award...I can tell you...I would have packed up my tent and gone home!! LOL! It's wonderful how great your DD is doing in varsity track. Good luck with those initial squeals from the new clarinet...I remember when I first started playing...I think I must have sounded like a wounded walrus.
Traci...More {{{hugs}}} to you and your wounded self! Thanks for the review of the Pit, too. Our farmer's market is off of the highway...but other than that it is pretty remote, so it's nice to go. The spaghetti dinner was yummy and I got all of my plants in the ground...Still need to get some mulch though...since I created a whole new flower bed...That is on my project list tomorrow. Hope all of your crampies are all gone! Take those good drugs...hopefully they will help!
Okay ladies...think that catches me up for now....Still looking for the birthday girl!!! Cheryl...Hope you are having a great day! Amy and Sandra MIA again...may have to send up a couple of signal flares to reach them!

Plant beneficial seeds, do your best and let go---Eion Finn