Xers: Anyone Home? Thursday



I keep thinking I'll be the last up & at the puter everday this week.... When I sleep in til 5:30 I feel like I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!

No exercise yesterday...am planning on something this morning...not sure what- it "should" be something lower focused to help me rid the 2 extra wiggly jiggly inches my hips & thighs found somewhere in 2007.[IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/ver1/bouncing/1.gif[/IMAGE].. I must have walked past a cottage cheese factory with an angry manager & he THREW it at me and it stuck!:7 Yep- thats my story!

I finally found some cool 12x12 frames to frame/hang some of the lifting pics from 2007 Cathe calendar (3 i liked) Found them at Hobby Lobby for 7.99 less 30%! DEAL!!! The pics look great to add to my workout room:7 - Next years calendar should be all STS so I'll start collecting frames throughout the year.

May I just add my .02 about Cathes color choice?[IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com//foot_in_mouth/1.gif[/IMAGE] I LUV anything she picks out as it always works for cameras & her ...Isnt that what its really about? Cant imagine ANY color not looking good on her but I do think colors are something NFL talks to her about well in advance as they are visual experts. (wheres my change from the .05?)

Working tonight then we are heading to bay late PM:7 Im not just taking my first weekend off in FOREVER but its going to be a long one![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/undersun/1.gif[/IMAGE]Not sure if I'm taking computer or not...we shall have to see.

Back later w/ personals.....Have to grocery shop, clean & pack this morning
So it just dawned on me that no-one but Deb is traveling for Spring Break? I always felt like I was the only one that didnt....To listen to radio/TV it makes me feel like the whole world goes somewhere.

Great choice yesterday! LUV Cardio Kicks! I think its one of the most fun KB workouts out there...Thanks for the reminder that i actually enjoy a workout! ~ So love your BLOOM WHERE YOU'RE PLANTED! Amen sista! I was thinking its time to update my signature line as well~ Thanks for website comments..Yes to be BACK there (& I thought I was flabby then?!) Had to laugh about the outfit! Its my Walmart top & regular champion shorts! I DO have lots of OMB stuff but gotta say that the style isnt designed for anyone but petite people. The 4" bike shorts fit OK but the tops & bottoms are not the most flattering if you have anything to hide.... I can only wear them when I'm lean. (at least in front of clients)

You poor thing! What are we going to do with you??I know! Lets all chip in & hire you a lifetime Personal Massage Therapist! We can stipulate they move in a also do laundry, cooking, windows & "wifely duties!" ~ Although I'm not planning on actually DOING yoga while at retreat IF you felt like pointers on some of the basic moves I'd probably pay attention! ~ Do something totally crazy & fun your last few days of Spring Break girl!

Happy to see you & DD are safely at BFF! Let the fun begin!!! Check-in Monday...go play!~ Ummmmmm...IS it me? I dont see a thing changed in your MEEZ! lol

Sorry the bike ride didnt happen... These winds are really getting ALL of us! FINALLY today its still out there...My car looks like I sprinkled it with mud...My thoughts about retreat & my body image..If I REALLY thought that any Xer cared about us BECAUSE of our physical body then I doubt I'd be an Xer after 2 years. I think its all perfectly natural to think about it a bit- But I'm like you...I am who I am & wouldnt miss meeting you because of my hip/leg size. I do ubderstand about growing out of the clothes tho! I have pushed my "AT GOAL" clothes to back of the closet for a bit;-)I just say THATS OK- I was missing my "almost to goal" clothes!

Well who wouldnt LUV froggy cupcakes?!~~ROF! TELL me Barry doesnt do MORE pushups than Tony?

Glad all things are going well!

I think I'm going to cave & order gliding disks before I start STS Rotation..I have tried the paperplates & must say either I'm doing something terribly wrong or they SUCK as substitutes on carpet! ~ ROF - Are you REALLY going to wear your 4"'ers???? Cant wait to see that one!!!! Dont forget a camera! I figure we'll get CBL to be our group photographer on Friday night! ~ You sound ULTRA BUSY!! Take a break dear one!!!

Miss you - whats happenin' in sunny CA?

Kissies to all- back once all my requirement are met for a long weekend....:*
Good morning,

I'm off to do Shiva's Backbend Flow from the Fluid Power dvd. It's almost 2 hours long, so I'll be skipping over some stuff to shorten it to about 90mins. But even by doing that, I have to hurry up and get downstairs in order to get it all done in time.

Traci....hilarious about walking past the cottage cheese factory!!! And I'm going to borrow your framing idea to add some pictures to my workout room walls. Smart smart! I hope you have a great, relaxing time at the Bay this weekend. I hope you don't mind that I deleted your statement in my signature line. I'm no longer trying to pull myself across a finish line, but just trying to be happy within my own circumstances. At 5'4 1/2", aren't you considered petite? You know, we're the same height.

I'll be back in a bit to catch up. Shiva calls.
Hi there gang. How is everyone?

I am pretty sore today, in a good way. I did S&H chest and back yesterday so today I am going for Eion. Love that man.

Traci - Hi there. Cottage cheese factory? I doubt it girl. Have an absolutely fabulous time at the bay. My in-laws are coming into town this weekend and we are going to San Diego(Hi Nicole) to go to Sea World. The kids are VERY excited. But if you want to truly relax, don't take the computer. We will miss you very very much though if you do that.

Sandra - 2 hour yoga? Wow!! Have you ever done the full 2 hours? I hope that you have a great yoga workout.

Ok, off to do some yoga myself and then do coffee. Today is a definate cleaning day around here. Good times I tell ya.

*bowing* Thats ALOT OF YOGA! You go girl!!! ~ I have never "looked" petite...Weird huh? Petite clothes dont fit my body...I think the last time I bout a petite size it was the ULTRA LARGE & it still didnt look right.

I almost had an attack! I misread your post to read decaffeinated! HORRORS & VERY happy to see it was all an illusion! ~ GREAT vacation! Sea World has always been one of my all time favorite places.

*running away to appear to be accomplishing something*
Hi all,

I'm getting up later and later only to have to get back up before 5 very soon. I'd just as soon be going to work and actually am looking forward to it. DH's morning routine of getting out of the house at 9:30-10 just absolutely drives me nuts. It's such an inefficient way to run a business and he's been boardering on A-ho** lately so that doesn't help matters, but then again maybe it's me:)

Yesterday I did BM2 all but upper and Daily Dose of BLiss and it was a good workout. I only used a 6" step, but got a nice workout. I'm thinking today might be C&W with a few added pushups and pullups, plus some standing core and yoga later. I haven't decided exactly yet; oh the beauty of not following a rotation!

I think all of the clothes etc, are planned out too. Although it probably takes less planning for Cathe's clothes than some of the others who are not quite as well.......

Sandra - I like that flow, although it is long. I usually skip the first two segments and that shortens it up quite a bit. It's a great workout; enjoy it! By the way, are you enjoying some freedom?

Traci - I say if you are going to do something, do something fun! Look in the closet FULL of dvds and find the one that you have always enjoyed doing. A long weekend at the bay sounds really nice. We'll miss you if you go tech less, but I surely understand. I think sitting in front of the computer can become a real habit and it takes us away from the real world.

Lea - The visit to Sea World sounds great! We've been to the one in FL a couple of times when the kids were small.

Jeanette - Sorry the weather foiled your workout plans. Sounds like you are continuing to come up with different meals. I need to try something new:):+

Like Traci, off to do something sort of productive.

Traci - DECAF??? Did someone say decaf??? I think not!! I have to have something you know. I hope that you find something to do you crazy gal.

Tracy - Hi there. It's not nice when the DH's ruin our schedules is it;-) ? Hang in there. Ah Florida. We would love to visit there sometine. ROF about the only used a 6" step. I am completely out of breath on that, but of course you are definately in more shape. Have a great workout today.

I am off to make some CAFFEINEATED coffee(did you see that Traci:+ ). Today is cleaning day for me, so I definately will be back.

Lea & Traci - Do they make anything but caffinated coffee?

Lea - I'll be cleaning some today too.... I just hate it.

Hi ladies,
Today was the step of LIS, then Pyramid Upper Body, Up only premix (sans abs). Good workout. I did biceps first as those are tough for me. Looks like the weather will be okay for a bike ride after work today. Crossing my fingers. Yesterday was TTOM, hitting a day early, very little cramping.

Traci, wish I could say your cottage cheese thighs came from me, but no, I just looked down and it's still clinging like a fungus. Hope you find a good, fun workout to do. Good score on the frames. I needed a calendar for work and thought about bringing my Cathe, but wondered if someone might be "offended". We have to be soooo careful on these State jobs. A few years ago I had a small poster of Lance Armstrong on his bike by my desk and I wondered if someone would object to it, but no one did. Of course, I worked with all guys and they are not the ones that would usually be offended. Hope you can get on the computer during your weekend, but of course, we understand if you choose not to. No traveling for us during spring break. Who can afford it? DH and I are just fortunate that camping and riding opportunities are just minutes away from us, less $$$ going for gas.

Lea, nice to have a little chest DOMS. Enjoy your Sea World trip this weekend.

Tracy, sitting in front of this computer isn't the real world???? Horrors! Say it ain't so! I know, I squander way too much time here. Sometimes it's nice just to "wing" the DVD choice for the day. Hope the hip is better today.

Better run,

OK,,,,cottage cheese thighs and clinging like a fungus? Come on, you all know it can't be that bad. Well, I do have that spot on my outer thigh that just will not budge no matter what! Liposuction has crossed my mind, but I don't have the guts nor the money.

Jeanette - The hip is better. I used ice instead of heat and what a difference that made. Gas prices might prevent our west trip this year. With diesel at $4 per gallon and increasing, we are thinking maybe eastern Canada. It's much closer and we all already have passports.

Can anyone tell I'm avoiding the cleaning, and DH?

Well I'm not as bad as Ms Tracy today since I have been to grocery store....the only OTHER productive thing I've done is drink STRONG coffee & start loading up for bay.... its break time tho as my sis got to work on West Coast & its now emailing frenzy time!

SANDRA: How much is gas/diesel in your part of the world???
4DS Kickbox

Good morning ladies!

I am cursed to paint land again today and probably will be for the next week at least. I need my house to appraise high so I need it to look it's best.

I ended up doing GS C&T yesterday. Felt good:)

Gotta get the boys to school. See you in a bit,


Feel the burn!!!
Morning Xers,

Rotation: Cathe Feb08/Week 2/Day 5
Workout: GS Chest & Triceps (done)

We had a little celebration party for youngest last night, and she wanted Chinese. So I of course ate too much, but dang it was good. :9 Had some cake & mint chocolate chip ice cream (DD fav). Found oldest DD is becoming more and more like me. She didn't eat any of the frosting on the cake. :7 :7 :7 Very very scarry. :7

We will be leaving tomorrow morning for the great north woods. :D Should be leaving in the middle of a snow storm. x( But by the time we get to Madison, the rest of our trip should be snow free. My parents are techless, so no posting from this girl until I get home. :D

Traci, I love the reference to the angry cottage cheese manager. That must be what happened to me too. :D :D I have to say that the running is helping get rid of that look. I LOVE Hobby Lobby, need to get there to find something for over the fireplace. It looks so bare. The difference between the way Barry does the push-ups and Tony's. Barry tortures you first by doing planks, and then with his evil laugh makes you do a round of push-ups. :7 :7 I still can laugh about it myself. :7

Sandra, Enjoy your yoga today. That really is a long yoga session if you don't skip some. :eek: I was thinking of doing CK in place of MIC. I so try to avoid MIC if I can. :7 :7 Yes just call me a whimp on those torture exercises of Cathe's. :7 :7 To me 5'4-1/2" is petite. :7 :7 Sorry! Couldn't resist that one. :7 :7 No really that is average height for a woman isn't it? What was the other pie you ended up making? I would have voted for blueberry. :9

Lea, Have a great time at Sea World, we went to the one in Florida. By the end my oldest wanted to work there so she could play with the dolphins. :7 :7 My DD's where down in front for the show with the whales. We had them in their swim suits, and they got really wet. :D :D

Tracy, Oh Men!! My DH was having an episode this morning. x( He thought he had checked all the pockets on the jeans before he threw them in the wash/dryer. Well apparently a chap stick was in youngest DD's pocket. Lets just say I was not happy with the way he was having a tantrum this morning. I thought I didn't have a 2 year old in my house anymore. By the time he was ready for work I talked him down from the building. But what a way to start your morning. :-( I don't think that coffee is allowed to have no caffeine in it. Bring on the caffeine overload. }(

Nicole, How much of your house are you painting? Really works those shoulders. I'm the one that is left to do the cutting in. DH has the roller. What is wrong with this picture! :7

Debra, You already sound like you are having a great time. :D Enjoy your time with DD and BFF. :D Dang right there will be no bikini contest. No way am I showing these lovely stretch marks that my DD's left behind. :7 :7 :7

Wendy, I love frogs too, so I'm with your DD. I have so many things frog that it can get out of hand. :D :D One sad thing that happened over the winter is one of my outdoor frogs was destroyed from the weight of the snow. ;( ;( My fault, I forgot to bring it indoors. But DH said he was going to try to find me a new one. :D Will have to get to our local Ace Hardware to get that grinder. Why have I not gotten it before?

Jeanette, Hope you are able to get that bike ride in. I am not accepting my gray hair either. I am way to young to have that stuff growing on my head. :7 :7 :7 At least I feel way to young. :7

Have a great day!

Hi all,

I still haven't been anywhere nor worked out. DH is still floating around the house and I hate to start anything until he leaves because I'll surely be interrupted.

Laurie - Have a nice tech less trip. I hate MIC and avoid it like the plague. All of those repetitive hi/lo moves drive me nuts and the step in that one is so BORING! Amy's hi/lo is more fun! We have a chocolate /chocolate mint ice cream cake in the freezer from DH's birthday a couple of weeks ago. It sure is good, but after the first night I don't think anyone has eaten more than a sliver. It was funny because DS was eating a sliver and I looked over at him and he was licking the plate and he goes, "Yes I am licking the plate!" I too am finally making some headway on my nutritional training.

Me again,

I just finished C&W and put in a set of pull ups after each compound exercise. That made the entire workout very different in a good way. I felt really strong on the bar work today, so I was happy about that. Then I did core+ which I really like. I guess I'll go get a shower and then go up to the store. I need a few things and I didn't go anywhere yesterday, so I think I need to get myself out of here for a few minutes.

It's beautiful here today with the exception of the 25-30mph wind gusts. Will this crapp* weather ever end?

Hi :)

Don't think for a second I'm going to leave out this places without telling my friends Happy Easter:) :) I miss you guys. Our office will be closed tomorrow and I will enjoy a nice 3 day weekend.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend all :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Core Synergistics DONE! Dh and I played hookie from power heated yoga. We went shopping for a blender instead. I dragged him into Norstrom's Rack first. Phil makes a snide comment about finding a blender there. I tell him to hush and go look for sneakers while I check out the workout clothes. I didn't buy any clothes, but I
found a killer pair of heels.}( Check them out!


Then, low and behold... Like a pair of heels from heaven flying into my line of vision, I spot a Kitchenaid Ultra Power 5 Speed Blender for $119.00 snuggled against a stack of fluffy towels all by its lonesome self !!! I make a quick call to Jenn to find out the average price (~$129 - $179) while we go back through the check-out line. My sense of retail powers escape dh!:p :7 :7

Well, I'm off to blend myself the Ginger Pear Smoothie from Clean Living Magazine. Verdict in the morning. Which reminds me!!!

Turkey Meatballs Verdict: Very Good!!! Very Easy to make! I used Del Monte's Italian Style Stewed Tomatoes.

Personals will have to wait until tomorrow.

Sweet Dreams to ALL!

ETA: I got the heels for $36.00!:) :) :)
Hi everyone,
Quiet thread today I see. Had a good day at work. Did a bike ride after work today. I was planning on going a certain way but met a girlfriend of mine riding home (she's a 5th grade teacher). I hooked up with her and we chatted all the way to her house. She's one of the gals that was on our cycling trip to Oregon last year. Was so good to see her. The return trip was into a bit of a headwind but felt good just to be out. Really lifts my spirits!!! Came home and made my sister's dessert. One of those layered pudding desserts.

Tracy, glad the hip is better. Hope you enjoyed your day today. My DH fixed some railroad ties on the driveway that I've been harping at for months. If I'm working, I want him to be doing something while I slave away. He dodged the bullet again. Lucky him. He's home for a few days until another welding job starts up. Must go make a list of things for him to do. Tracy, C&W with pullups would be good. I should do that and throw in some Bowflex lat pulldowns. I always feel so rushed with my workouts, like I don't have time to deviate from the DVD. Silly, huh? I am getting better, though. I did biceps first in the Pyramid Upper Body workout today :p. Living on the edge again. Wish we could ride bikes together. You, me, Sandra, Wendy, Traci, Swifty, anyone else with a bike. Think that would be a blast. See, I'm on a biking high. [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/happy/5.gif[/IMAGE]

Nicole, are you getting ready to sell your house? Or is it a refi? Painting makes things look so fresh again.

Laurie, have a safe trip to your parents. Mmmm, Chinese food. The last Chinese food we got (a few weeks ago I think) wasn't very good. Not worth the bloating I endured. Men can be so childish sometimes. I just have learned to wait out the temper tantrum and not let it bother my day. I try to not sweat the small stuff (most of the time). LOL about being too young for gray hair. I felt very young and athletic on my bike tonite. Surprised me for as bothersome as this lousy cold has been. Let's not give in to getting old, okay? Or at least not give in to acting old.

Latrese, thanks for the Happy Easter wishes! Hope you have a wonderful 3 days off!

Wendy, great score on heels! They are cute but they hurt my feet just looking at them. I'm more of a Birkenstock type I think. I'm all for comfort nowadays. Oh yeah, Father Tony was sporting some nice new golf shoes on Monday. Looked very sharp on him. He always dresses very nicely to play golf. I could take some lessons from him.

See y'all in the morning,

Good evening. I'm thinking it's going to be a quiet long weekend around the forums. I'm tucked into bed with the lap top. DH just made popcorn, I can smell it.

My yoga went well this morning. That Shiva. She got me so relaxed I was in a lethargic stupor for the rest of the day. So, I didn't have enough clarity of mind to come back. Let's not talk about how many things on my to-do list are still waiting to be crossed off. I'm not sure what workout I'll do tomorrow, or even if I'll get up at 5am, or sleep in. Decisions, decisions.

Traci....spring break for our schools is the first week in April. But no, we aren't travelling. We never do that. That was a Walmart outfit? Well, it looks great on you. When you say "petite", are you referring to height, or overall size? I have a heck of a time buying pants; regular length are too long, "petite" length become too short after a couple of washings. So annoying. We buy gas by the litre, and 1 US gallon = 3.78 ltrs. Since we are currently paying around $1.08/ltr for the lowest grade of gas, I guess we're paying (1.08 X 3.78) $4.08 per gallon. It costs me $40-45 to fill up my fuel-efficient Toyota Matrix.

Lea....Wow, you're really getting back into the game! I did the full 108min Backbend Flow once. Yes, it was long. Too long for me. 90 mins is my max, and that's not very often either.

Tracy....Veeery nice workout today. When I was pregnant I used to do the step portion of MIC, on a 6" step, mostly low-impact. It was the first time that I realized the choreography of that part is actually pretty good! And listen! There was music! It changed the whole workout for me, but in a good way. Ah, you were around to play today, and I wasn't able to join in. Well, thanks for enhancing our post count for the day. Have you been to any part of eastern Canada before?

Jeanette....Another excellent workout by a member of our group! I like it! What would be so offensive about a Lance Armstrong photo? I've never seen him ride in a sequined swimsuit. Usually you can't even tell it's him, because of the helmut.

Nicole....Gotta love those 4DS workouts for being so time efficient that you can get your house painted, too!

Laurie....DD didn't eat cake frosting??? What's THAT about?? Your meal last night sounded dee-diddly-icious!!! I decided to buy frozen mini-tart pastries and make individual cherry pies. That means: bake pastries, open can of cherry pie filling, scoop into baked pastry shells. Got any ideas on how I might be able to jazz that up a little? I was thinking of putting a layer of vanilla pudding in the shells, then adding the cherry filling? I also bought a Too-Tall Creamy Lemon cake. So, that should make everyone happy. Have a great weekend!

Wendy....I made the Turkey Meatball Subs tonight. Deeelicious! I didn't find them dry, but perhaps my ground turkey wasn't as lean as yours was. I won't change a thing when I make them again. Thanks for motivating me to give those a try. Tomorrow will likely be the salmon with orange glaze recipe from that magazine. Nicole highly recommended it. ETA: I just caught your post. I remember now it was the turkey lasagna rollups that you found dry, right?

This is probably not the best time ask this, with so many people being gone or busy this weekend, but I would like to propose that we change our check in name. We've all cycled through the X, and are moving on. Can we change our name to something that more accurately reflects who we've become? I'd personally like to see less focus on P90X, because it's apparent that few of us are likely to start another round any time soon. What do you think? If it's really important to anyone that we stay known as the Xers, please speak up. I'm not trying to turn this into an All-About-Sandra list. Although, if that sounds good.....;)

Okay, it's 10:30pm, which makes it much less likely I'll be getting up at 5am. I'll be around tomorrow, though, so I'll see you all then!


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