Good evening. I'm thinking it's going to be a quiet long weekend around the forums. I'm tucked into bed with the lap top. DH just made popcorn, I can smell it.
My yoga went well this morning. That Shiva. She got me so relaxed I was in a lethargic stupor for the rest of the day. So, I didn't have enough clarity of mind to come back. Let's not talk about how many things on my to-do list are still waiting to be crossed off. I'm not sure what workout I'll do tomorrow, or even if I'll get up at 5am, or sleep in. Decisions, decisions.
Traci....spring break for our schools is the first week in April. But no, we aren't travelling. We never do that. That was a Walmart outfit? Well, it looks great on you. When you say "petite", are you referring to height, or overall size? I have a heck of a time buying pants; regular length are too long, "petite" length become too short after a couple of washings. So annoying. We buy gas by the litre, and 1 US gallon = 3.78 ltrs. Since we are currently paying around $1.08/ltr for the lowest grade of gas, I guess we're paying (1.08 X 3.78) $4.08 per gallon. It costs me $40-45 to fill up my fuel-efficient Toyota Matrix.
Lea....Wow, you're really getting back into the game! I did the full 108min Backbend Flow once. Yes, it was long. Too long for me. 90 mins is my max, and that's not very often either.
Tracy....Veeery nice workout today. When I was pregnant I used to do the step portion of MIC, on a 6" step, mostly low-impact. It was the first time that I realized the choreography of that part is actually pretty good! And listen! There was music! It changed the whole workout for me, but in a good way. Ah, you were around to play today, and I wasn't able to join in. Well, thanks for enhancing our post count for the day. Have you been to any part of eastern Canada before?
Jeanette....Another excellent workout by a member of our group! I like it! What would be so offensive about a Lance Armstrong photo? I've never seen him ride in a sequined swimsuit. Usually you can't even tell it's him, because of the helmut.
Nicole....Gotta love those 4DS workouts for being so time efficient that you can get your house painted, too!
Laurie....DD didn't eat cake frosting??? What's THAT about?? Your meal last night sounded dee-diddly-icious!!! I decided to buy frozen mini-tart pastries and make individual cherry pies. That means: bake pastries, open can of cherry pie filling, scoop into baked pastry shells. Got any ideas on how I might be able to jazz that up a little? I was thinking of putting a layer of vanilla pudding in the shells, then adding the cherry filling? I also bought a Too-Tall Creamy Lemon cake. So, that should make everyone happy. Have a great weekend!
Wendy....I made the Turkey Meatball Subs tonight. Deeelicious! I didn't find them dry, but perhaps my ground turkey wasn't as lean as yours was. I won't change a thing when I make them again. Thanks for motivating me to give those a try. Tomorrow will likely be the salmon with orange glaze recipe from that magazine. Nicole highly recommended it. ETA: I just caught your post. I remember now it was the turkey lasagna rollups that you found dry, right?
This is probably not the best time ask this, with so many people being gone or busy this weekend, but I would like to propose that we change our check in name. We've all cycled through the X, and are moving on. Can we change our name to something that more accurately reflects who we've become? I'd personally like to see less focus on P90X, because it's apparent that few of us are likely to start another round any time soon. What do you think? If it's really important to anyone that we stay known as the Xers, please speak up. I'm not trying to turn this into an All-About-Sandra list. Although, if that sounds good.....
Okay, it's 10:30pm, which makes it much less likely I'll be getting up at 5am. I'll be around tomorrow, though, so I'll see you all then!