Xers........Another Monday...........


Hi all,

Just getting us started. I'm back to work today and getting up early again. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and great workouts!

Hi all,

I ended up doing CTX upper split last night. That is tough and I added in extra pull ups and chin ups. My arms were shaking. Today is the added butt workout, short cardio, and yoga.

Just a few personals. I really don’t have to be to work until 7.

An update on FIL. While I was gone, FIL went to visit his house and SIL usually takes care of him while he is there. Well, she left him by himself for a while and he went outside on a 90+ day to pick tomatoes and then couldn’t make it back inside and fell on the ground and laid there for no one knows how long. She finally arrived to find him naked and delirious laying out in the sun. He didn’t have any breaks but was dehydrated. SIL is still struggling with her mother’s death and I think that this just sent her over the edge. It is still a giant mess and worse now because she is devastated that the incident happened under her watch.

Debra – I’m sorry the world is crashing down. We are all here. Things aren’t so great with my DH. Ongoing issues we never can seem to resolve. I’m tired of the entire mess.

Nicole – I definitely think that the tight hip flexors aggravate the back. Every time that I do any ab routines, I can feel my back in a bad way. I just can’t seem to get them stretched out quite enough. Did the chiro give you any good stretches that Eion doesn’t do? DH is only a little better and I’m sure that won’t last. No decisions were made about FIL amd now that SIL won’t care for him anymore it just leaves BIL and DH. DH is extremely ADHD and it is difficult to live with. He refuses to do anything about it except to blame everyone else for his issues. I’m sure I have some issues too

Cheryl – I agree about the new series. I think it will be a great use of time. I’m really looking forward to getting it. I saw an article in Oxegen too. I didn’t think that it said there was any difference in fat loss between SS and interval cardio. I must have read it wrong. I was flipping through it in a mini-mart during a diesel stop while we were traveling.

Wendy – You are like the energizer bunny! Where do you get all of the energy and find the time to do so much?

Off to work,

Morning Gang…. Got Leg-X done yesterday and felt really good about it! It takes on whole new meaning when you fast forward the back segments and don’t take water breaks…YOWZA! I am very sore in lower region this morning- actually woke up thinking YOGA before all else today.
Today is P90X Back & Biceps- Maybe tonight will be a good picture night since I’ll be POPPING!

Thanking the powers that be that Dean is not “our” storm… I am saying so many prayers for those that get hit- the good news is that it should be a category 2 or 3 vs. 4 or 5.

[font color=Purple]P*E*R*S*O*N*A*L*S[/font color=Purple] ….. JUST A FEW! I have to come back for more in a bit!!! You guys BROKE records with Sunday chat! LOL

Happy first day of new job! I do hope you are happy in your new position! Had to laugh at your workouts yesterday. I think you broke a record for # of hours in the day spent exercising!
I am so sorry to hear about the FIL incident. Its all so much to take and the worst part is that mentally we all know it isn’t going to get better. That’s the cruelest part of disease. I do hope you and DH find a way back from the place you are in now… I just want you to know that no matter what ultimately happens I hope for joy in your life.

Thanks for storm well wishes…Dean has moved so far South now that the bay is no longer in any danger- Cycle Days Theory:
Days 1-6: Lightest reps & poundage as injuries can occur easier
Days 7-21: Push it hard! Higher poundage more focus on muscle development, plyo work, more HIIT- Your toughest cardio…Double w/o’s etc…
Days 22-28: Moderate poundage/reps… less intense cardio
I follow it pretty closely in terms of how I approach my workouts but I don’t actually CHANGE my exercise plan based on it. I definitely see the cycles of energy/fatigue/strength but my cycle days vary a little more. IE: I start to feel DRAMATIC loss of strength & focus on cycle day 27 so I listen to my body and take it easier in my w/o’s OR take an extra rest day. My greatest strength/energy starts cycle day 4 usually so I adjust those w/o’s accordingly… Hope that helps make sense of it.

Just going to give you major hugs and remind you that I am but a phone call away. Email me if you need the # again…. There is no way I can understand what you are dealing with as I have no children & DH lives with me… I DO listen really well and I am pretty good at not judging so you could talk for hours! I adore you Deb and my heart just breaks for your pain and the limbo it appears to be in these days. Its gone on too long…I hope you YOU make a decision that will ease your pain.

I think you are so right about new series… So VERSATILE and so in line with latest & greatest research on fitness. Cathe deserves a standing ovation for this project!
CONGRATS on your clean eating! WooHoo!!! You and I always have to go thru our little rebel phase and then we are back feelin’ good &looking fine!

Out of coffee- BBL for everyone else!:7
On the current topic of HIIT- What I’ve read is that the it doesn’t burn more overall calories over the long haul BUT because it causes your heart to work much harder it has more short term benefits as your HR stays higher longer during the day…ALSO something that cant really be monitored but thought to assist in fat burning is that the intensity creates a stronger heart and a stronger heart makes your body overall function more efficiently- so once again its not just about the calorie burn its more about the overall effect on how well your body will perform when its in peak condition… Just what I keep reading. WHATEVER it is- it works for me so I’m stickin’ with it! :D

[font color=Purple]P*E*R*S*O*N*A*L*S[/font color=Purple]

[i ]AMY[/i]
What crazy workouts will you do today? No doubt that you are stronger for the week off! GO FOR IT GIRL!:D

[i ]WENDY-X[/i]
Good lordy woman! I’m sure I didn’t catch all your wonderful stories yesterday but my mind is boggled! Lets see if I can comment on just a few of the stories in your world…Hope the bath helped relax you last night-bubbles are a good thing! LOL on stock piling gifts.. I do that as well- it’s the way I learned to be able to afford Xmas- birthdays etc… Last year I forgot to double check the gift closet tho and I duplicated 2 of DH’s Xmas gifts! Your plans for pre X workouts looks GREAT! Theres no doubt that it will help with gains your next round. I think my new series will be delivered the week DH and I are on vacation- that’s OK tho as I want to do a recovery week with Tonys Master Series at bay. Your riding in the rain sounds like fun actually- I’m sure its NOT if it was raining mean & hard!:D

MISS YOU!!! Is Tuesday return day? :D

Hope your afternoon festivities were TONS of fun! Hows that mouth feeling today? Hope your work day is easy and fun and flys by! :D

[i ]SANDRA-X[/i]
Lol on your less than easy yoga! Good for you for sticking with it. So since you have been such a little yogi the past several weeks what are your thoughts? Are you longer & leaner? Interseting- my MIL & DH have the same mole condition. DH never used sunscreen out on the boat offshore for 30 years… I cant really talk- I myself am a sunworshiper…Knock on wood we have all been OK with check ups. ~ Love American Style was a 70’s show that was all about free love – a comedy with go-go boots etc… Goldie Hawn was just one of the BIG stars in it- Lots of Daisy mini skirts! Each week was 3 separate lives and what they went thru dating/married in the “anything goes” era. ~ www.trainingbytraci.com
Procrastination on w/o’s eh? That sounds like mental fatigue OR over training OR TTOM before the adrenaline rush you get. Whatever it is I do hope you feel like your old self soon. :D

[i ]LAURIE-X[/i]
Waiting to hear about your wonderful busy weekend! :D

[i ]JENNIFER[/i]
FEEL BETTER! Take it easy and take care of yourself!:D

[i ]CAROL[/i]
Sounds like you are having a great time on your little trip- When do you come home?:D

[i ]SWIFTY-X[/i]
Miss You- Hope vacationis GREAT! :D

Hugs & Kisses to all- off to start the busy & productive day I have planned!

:D :*
*Below is an interview with Chris Ballantyne (Turbulence Training) its nutrition focused...Feel free to NOT read, read, print, etc...

Nutrition is more important than training.

There, I said it. In fact, I've admitted it all along. It doesn't
matter how good the Turbulence Training workouts are, you
won't get maximum results without the right nutrition.

So I've gone to Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., to get his advanced
fat loss tips. He's spilled the beans in the following interview.
And in addition to this interview, Dr. Mohr wrote the nutrition
section for my Turbulence Training Fat Loss Program.

CB: For fat loss, what kind of shake is best after weights?
Do we need high-carb, sugar shakes?
I still think this is an important meal to get some carbohydrates
in to fuel you for your next workouts, since carbohydrate intake is
likely low throughout the remainder of the day.

Even during a fat loss phase, I recommend folks get at least a 1:1
ratio of carbs:protein.

CB: But what about sugar specifically? If a client is 35,
5'10", and 21% body fat, does he need sugar in his
post-workout drink?
I do still think simple carbs are important during this recovery

Carbs don't have to be the enemy---if the rest of your carb intake
is mainly veggies, the post workout simple carbs will be a Godsend.

You'll suck that right up, you'll feel stronger, and have better
subsequent workouts. You should be training hard enough to be able
to lose the fat...it's not all about the carbs.
I would go 1:1 ratio of carbs:protein...around 30:30 of a
combination of malto/glucose/sucrose or any high GI ingredients
with a whey isolate and/or hydrosylate.

CB: Does post-workout nutrition change for interval training?

I believe it does, because while you're exercising at a
high-intensity, the amount of glycogen depletion and protein
degradation that's going on is lower than with a longer duration,
intense weight workout.

It is still an important time for feeding (after exercise), but I
wouldn't recommend the same high intake of carbs:protein as I would
after a tough weight workout.

Like before, go with the 1:1 ratio of carbs:protein - that is, of
course, unless you were just out there doing intervals for an hour
(but then you'd basically be superhuman).

CB: What are your thoughts on eating before bed?

This is a time I like a protein and fat meal, to help slow the
digestion of those nutrients during a time when it's likely you
will be breaking down some muscle tissue.

I am "ok" with some carbs, but if you do eat them, focus on veggies
or something similar and don't sit down to a Thanksgiving meal and
then immediately close your eyes.

CB: Everyone seems to know the general protein rule for
gaining muscle (1g per pound bodyweight), but how much
protein do we need when trying to lose fat?
This is good for losing fat as well.

Maintaining this intake, with a moderate fat intake as well, will
help provide the necessary nutrients since you want to lose as
much fat as possible, yet maintain as much lean body mass
as possible.
You can't get around the fact that weight loss does take some
reduction in calorie intake (or very high amount of calorie
expenditure), so focus your intake on lean proteins, healthy fats,
and always think fiber, not carbs.

CB: Give us one of your "secret" advanced fat loss nutrition

Losing fat without the addition of intervals is like riding a bike
through sand - sure it will work, but your progress won't be nearly
as fast.

Replace all simple carbohydrates with their high-fiber
counterparts, and make sure you're eating at least one vegetable
each and every meal.

CB: What do you think of "calorie cycling" diets - where
you drop your calories for a couple of days, then bump
them up, etc. Is there any research to support this approach?
To my knowledge it's all anecdotal.

Theoretically, it seems as if it may work; however, it would be
near impossible to design a well controlled study to test the

With that said, it's hard to make specific recommendations because
there's nothing to base it off of.

CB: And let's finish off with your thoughts on fish oil - dosage,
quality, etc.

They kick butt ---general health, 2-4 g/day.

Elevated triglycerides, I would go higher, increasing in a stepwise
manner, up to 8g or so (not a blanket statement, but individualized).

Always speak with MD first since it does decrease clotting time...
contraindicated if on blood thinning medications.
Preliminary research with weight loss shows it's promising---2-3
studies to my knowledge.

I do believe higher quality fish oils are important. Fish oil
shouldn't give you fishy burps or taste fishy at all.

Two favorites are Nordic Naturals and Carlson. Fish oils are
screened very well for mercury and other contaminants,
particularly ones like NN and Carlson.

CB: Thanks Chris. This is great.

Dr. Mohr has made designing nutrition programs as simple
as possible with his Meal Plans 101 System.


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Discover The "Push Button Meal Planning System"
So Simple a 5th Grader Could Use It

For the past year, I've trusted Dr. Chris Mohr with
handling the Nutrition Guidelines for my best-selling
fat loss program because when it comes to getting
results, I have no choice but to go with the best.

That's why I chose Dr. Mohr. And now that he and
nutritionist Jayson Hunter have put together
MealPlans101, I now have another top-notch
resource to use with clients.

This ensures that my fat loss program will stay
at the top of the fitness game, because it is powered
by research-backed, experience-proven nutrition help.

"Meal Plans 101 is a great software tool for planning
general dietary intake. If you've struggled with deciding
how many calories you need and how to generate a
meal plan based on these needs, Meal Plans 101 can help."
Dr John Berardi
Good Morning Xers!

Today's the first day of "school" for my kiddos (we homeschool) and our homeschooling friend is coming over for a science co-op later this morning. The kids are psyched. And, my 6yo DD lost her first tooth yesterday!! She was eating an apple and then the tooth was gone! lol. We think she may have swallowed it, but she wrote a note to the tooth fairy and she came anyway ;-) Otherwise yesterday was a nice, quiet day. We're gearing up for my DS' bday this Saturday (he'll be 9). I've got Imax 3 on tap today, but my one calf is still sore from GS Legs last Friday... They were both sore Saturday, but today it's just the one... how strange that one's more sore than the other when I did calf raises with both of them, lol.

Sandra -- Adding walking lunges sounds like it would be great for the hill challenge if you don't have any convenient hills around ;) Thanks for the tip!

Tracy -- I've lifted heavy in the past and had great results then, too. I'm hoping for a repeat ;-) Great job with Imax 1!! I've always hated that workout b/c (for me), it's the toughest Imax. I can't imagine doing it with no recoveries AND adding walking lunges! ^5!! LOL about your DS reading food labels, mine's that way, too. He's always surprised by sugars in different foods.

Wendy -- I knew there was a reason I never used BJU, lol! I'm glad you found something that works for you guys :D I hope you enjoyed Eoin last night ;-) I have to break that one out and use it more often...

Debra -- Hugs and prayers for your personal problems, whatever they may be. I hope they work themselves out! I hope your DD adjusts to her new school quickly :)

Nicole -- My mom's house is only about an hour away, which is great b/c we can make it a day trip or a whole weekend if we want, my mom's available for babysitting easily (for all the ortho appts!) and we're not running in to each other everywhere. The best of both worlds :D We came back late Saturday night and were home all yesterday. As for the ortho bills, at least with my DS we knew before he was born we'd have to be paying for braces, lol! They're not actually as expensive as I'd feared (yet!)

Traci-X -- I came home Saturday night. It was just a quickie this time ;-) Thanks for the great info!!

Hi to everyone else!! I'm off to get the kiddos workin', but I'll be back after lunch.

Hi, everyone!

Tracy, it was actually O Magazine - the Oprah magazine - that had the article about HIIT being best for fat burning. I'll see if I can get it online by chance and post it.

WOW about your FIL - what a tough think for SIL as well - glad he's okay now.

Traci, great workout! Yes, you'll be popping. Couldn't agree more about you and me both ocassionally going through our "rebel" stages (generally when the stakes are high - like an RT coming, heh, heh) and then get back on track and get crackin'.

The classis bodybuilder eating program seems to be doing me well right now, but I have to fix things I like - baked potato with greek yogurt/dill on top, eggs w/salsa - the ol' eggwhite/oatmeal/chicken breast routine just doesn't cut it for me.

This morning is L&G/KPC - 100 minutes - have never done either of these to completion before, so it's kickin' my booty real good.

Have a great morning, everyone!
Good Morning Ladies!

I've got a lot of running to do today. I'm heading to Exton to get a price adjustment on the overpriced clothes the girls wanted for their b-day. I found a 20% off coupon last night in my other purse. :) Then the girls have music lessons. Later tonight we'll celebrate the twin's birthdays. I can't believe my babies are 9! I guess it's because they're still in that innocent stage of playing with dolls and stuffed animals.

Tracy-X: Where do you get your energy! Imax + 300 walking lunges + CTX upper split! Did I forget yoga too? I don't have near the amount you do! Sorry about FIL. I don't blame SIL for taking on more than she can handle. That would freak me out to no end! Praying for your dh, BIL and FIL.

Traci-X: Where and when are you going on vacation? The Master Series sounds like a good vacation choice. Aren't those short and sweet? Oh! It was just sprinkling a very little while I was riding. I didn't want to get caught in the rain. By the time I got home, it was pouring. I never did thank you for the TT information. I read through a lot of it. Am I lazy that I prefer to use dvds instead of figuring out what to do on a chart? I'll have to take a closer look at the article you pasted today!

Carol: Happy 1st day of 180 homeschooling days!!!!:) Enjoy your mini science co-op and tackling Imax3! Now, I've heard Imax3 was the toughest one. I don't have that one. It's not on my wish list either!}( Congrats to your 6 year old's lost tooth. My twins were the worst at saving their teeth. They would either swallow them or throw them on the grass while playing. I think Waverly brought me one. I ended up throwing it away.:7 Thankfully, we don't do the tooth fairy here or else I'd be having to do a lot of hand writing!!!:7

Gotta jet. The morning traffic rush should have subsided by now. Don't worry Sandra, eldest ds is here to watch the girls. ;-) I'll be losing his free babysitting services soon when he starts bootcamp.

Hi to all who follow! I'll try to get back on later for more personals.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!
Morning Ladies,

Workout: Legs & Glutes plus 20 min Run

After work on Friday I didn't feel all that great (because of cold), so I didn't work out. My chest was feeling tight. So today is the beginning of a new week. I'm going to do some of the new workouts that I have purchased and some that I haven't done in quite a while. Somewhat following Cathe's Aug '04 Rotation.

Yesterday was the first time since 1982 that the faire closed. We had gotten so much rain in just two days that they couldn't get any cars into the field. Here are just some of the things that where going on. The elephants had to pull the porta potty truck out of the mud, the normally dry creek bed was gushing water over the walking bridges, the area where the mud show performs was thigh high in water, and the bridge over Lake Elizabeth (just a pond) was partially under water. We had been setting up for a normal Sunday run (with rain), when we heard. Put everything away and went out for breakfast. As a family we went home and crashed. DH and I where sleeping and the girls watched a TV show they recorded. We then went to see the movie Ratatouille and then came home. I went to bed again (I think my body needed to recover), and today I feel great. Still have a little bit of a cough, but I'm ready to work out. :D

Tracy, Glad to see you are back from vacation. So sorry to hear about FIL.

Traci, So glad that Dean is going to be missing you. We have been getting so much rain lately (and suppose to contine all this week), that we are getting the floods. More so in the Mississippi area, but a lot of the rivers in the area are going over their banks.

Amy, Glad to see you back also.

Carol, Hope the children enjoy there first day back at lessons. I tip my hat to you ladies that can teach your children. I don't have the patience for it. :) Homework is had enough for me. :)

Have to get back to work,


Last night I got home late 11:00 and I over slept this morning, I was 1 1/2 late. I decided I am not going to work the Polls, it to much, first of all, class is tonight from 5 to 9. Then on Sept 25th I work from 5:30am until 9:00pm which we probably won’t leave till 10pm or later by the time we break machines down and do the counts. That’s too much work for only $172 bucksx( x( I check back shortly
Argh! I just lost my post AGAIN!!! It was getting rather lengthy, and I don't have time to retype it. For now I'll just say that this morning I did GS Chest, Imax2 6-10, and Shiva Rea's Creative Core Abs.

WendyX - Give those girls HUGE birthday hugs from me!

Take care,
Wendy: My family, is planning a trip to Norfolk Virginia, for Labor day My brother wants All of us to come, leaving Aug 30th Some will fly others like me would drive, I have phobia on airplanes, flew once and kiss the ground when I got off, I vowed, if I make it back to Cleveland from California, wont EVER broad another plane again. Trains Yes!!!!!!!
GS BS&B + CM#1

I decided to stay on task with the new rotation since TTOM should be here today or tomorrow. I should be able to kick butt come Thursday:D There is more yoga and less cardio in the new rotation so I'm looking forward to the change

DH is home today so we are off to the beach after my workout.

I'll be back to chat!

Man, I'm always saying that lately:(


I constantly walk into a room and I don't remember why. But for some reason, I think there's going to be a clue in the fridge.
-Caroline Rhea-
Hi ladies...Popping on quick to let you know I am still hanging in there. Without going into an incredible amount of detail, DH and I have been having problems for a while and we are separating. He is very upset about it, but I think it is best for everyone right now. I am okay...but feeling a bit overwhelmed. I have a trip planned to see my BFF this upcoming weekend, so that will be some much needed time away. Although we obviously haven't been living together for a while since he has been working in Russia, this is a gigantic decision. I'm sorry I just can't focus on personals right now, but I appreciate all of the support that you guys are lending.

I am planning my workout today to be SH tris and bis...and it is already in the dvd...haven't quite gotten to putting on my workout clothes, yet, but that is next after I post here. A friend put my accessories on my bike last night, so I will be ready to roll tomorrow. Gotta figure out how to program that darn odometer, though. I did not have the patience to do that last night!

I have a busy week...gotta get some maintenance on my car, need my brows waxed (I am starting to look like Andy Rooney), need a pedicure, getting a much needed massage tomorrow, have a new parents coffee at school one morning, have initiation at the Elks club this week, have a Hospice event to go to...and then have to get DD to school every day as well as get her ready to go to Nana's for the weekend while I head to Charleston. First day of orientation at school went relatively well...DD met a couple of girls that she liked and there is another girl who sits at her table that she knows and likes. Her teacher was very sweet and the class only has 17 kids plus the teaching assistant. I will find out a little more about what they are going to be doing in the coming weeks, but I feel like I made the right decision to send her there.

Thanks again for all of your support...I read everyone's posts and you all seem to be doing well...except for Sandra who apparently has some kind of demon in her computer!

I may bbl to catch up a bit...I at least got some sleep last night...a friend brought me some very lovely drugs to help me sleep.

we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese

Rats! The saleslady informed me that yesterday's saleswoman should have honored my coupon yesterday even though I didn't have it on me instead of making me come back for a price check. Looks like someone is in trouble since it's not her first time doing this.

Eldest ds got the call today that he leaves tomorrow night for bootcamp. He was originally supposed to leave Aug.1st, but he failed his physical. They said he was color blind and made him chose one of the available jobs for color blind recruits: cargo specialist, missile launcher and infantryman. Guess what he chose? Cargo Specialist! ARGH! I could kill him myself instead of an Iraqi!!! He's too smart to do that job! Needless to say, I was livid when I found this out the day my FIL died. I couldn't emotionally deal with it. Then, the day after the funeral, they took eldest to MEPS to ship him off for bootcamp. Well, Phil woke me up from my grief induced state, lit the fire under my butt and we drove to Cherry Hill, NJ, found my boy and took him home. Thankfully, our lieutenant-colonel friend counseled us on the phone while driving there cuz chaos ensued once we left Jersey. He suggested we ask for a waiver because we felt that eldest wasn't color blind based on past eye exams. My cell phone was ringing off the hook from every local recruiter after we picked up ds. I got into an argument with the head sergeant about it on the way back home. I ended up hanging up on him! The commander for the surrounding area had a sit down with us. The outcome: They renegotiated his contract to give us time to get private testing, and if that sergeant ever spoke a word to me, all bets were off. Ds would never join the army!!! We took him to an opthamologist to get a detailed color blind test which showed that he is NOT color blind and has 20/15 vision. The doctor faxed the test results and his opinion that ds was not colorblind. The army faxed it to somewhere in Kentucky. And, we just got the call today that they gave him back his diving position. :) :) :)

I didn't say anything until I knew for sure what the outcome would be. Thanks for listening to my happy chatter.

Off I run to music lessons. I'll try to get back on later for personals. Tonight is SH? I haven't decided which part of it to use. Any suggestions? :)

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Awww {{{{{{{Debra}}}}}}}, I am so sorry!!!! I wished I saw your post before posting my happy chatter post! My heart aches for you. Divorce is so painful, even if it's for the best.

I'll send you an email when I get home. I promise I won't be asking for some of your drugs.;-)


If you need to talk or vent anytime, we are here - and don't forget that several of us have been through this. There is light (and life) at the other end of that tunnel.

Please hang in there, gal, and so good to hear you are going to get some much needed time out with your BFF!!

Okay, I'm back to try this again.

This morning I took the kids to the library, and after lunch I made a cake. It's currently baking. By the weekend, these two lumps of flour, eggs & butter will be magically transformed into a duck. While I was at the library I browsed through 2 yoga magazines: Yoga Journal, and Yoga+ Joyful Living. I'm thinking of subscribing to one of these; anyone familiar with them and want to enable me to buy one? According to one of the articles, Shiva's spearheading some global peace awareness thingy on Sept 21-23. Something about yogi's doing 108 things, like sun salutations, or breaths, or whatever. See, if I didn't have to read while chasing toddlers and helping 7 year olds find things, I'd know what I'm talking about. So, I must purchase, and read at home, in the bits of time I get between things.

Oh, and what's the deal with the number 108? In Fluid Power, Shiva calls one of the segments Dancing Warrior 1008. I thought maybe the 1008 somehow reflected the shape of the movement we make as we first start of doing things linearly (the 1), then move in a circle a few times (the 0s), and finish up doing stuff one side at a time (the 8). I thought I was rather clever to figure that out. Have no idea if I'm on to something, or just on something.

Now I'm getting in my time machine and going back a day. Zooooooooooooommmmmmm! Beep Beep Boooooooooop!

Good news on the bread. Even though the machine did all the kneading, in an inth of the time it takes me, and the first rise was bigger than I've ever had, the end result for the loaves was the same. That's very good. The machine can stay.

TracyX - Enjoy your first day at the new job!!! I hope you can still manage to squeeze us in a bit, when you get settled in. How wonderful that DS and his GF are seeing results from better eating! What a marathon workout you did yesterday. After that, I'd have eaten the entire contents of the pantry. Are you tired sore/tired today? What a terrible thing for your FIL to experience. I imagine your DH about flipped when he found out. Argh. It's tough. Is SIL your DH's sister, or his brother's wife? (IOW, is you FIL her father, or her FIL?).

DebraX - Oooooh my I'm so sorry things have reached this stage. Here's hoping the separation (and eventual divorce?) will be resolved quickly and simply (you keep everything :) ). You seriously amaze me with your dediction to your workouts and all the mom things you do, in the midst of such emotional turmoil. Remember how in the Jane Austin novels they always go to the country house for 3 months of bedrest just because he didn't look their way at the social? You are obviously made of much tougher stuff than they! Keep your chin up!!

WendyX - Now, you're being overly sensitive about this child-watching issue :) I only asked, is all. I wasn't implying you were a bad parent who would, say, not notice if your toddler walked out the front door in sub-freezing temperatures, to follow the other parent who just went for a 30 minute run. Or perhaps idly wonder about the banging coming from the napping baby's bedroom, and continue on with her email regardless (there's no crying, so it can't be bad). I see how your system works, and it's genious. I've tried to get one of those teenage helpers, and have had no luck. We don't know any teenagers around here, and I have no idea how to meet one. It's not really appropriate to just approach them on the street and ask them if they'll come to your house and play with your hamster, is it? I bought the Artisan Kitchen Aid, in pink, last October during the breast cancer awareness campaign. For one week they put only the pink ones on sale for 65% off - it was a steal. I love the thing. I'll have to watch the Dell website for any deals like what you got. There's no urgency on the new computer, it would just be nice. So, DS decided the military was the place for him, huh? How odd they misdiagnosed him as colour-blind. Kudos to you and Phil for not letting that go. What a crazy life you live. When's the last time you sat still and read a book? :)

Cheryl - I'm with you on the 4-day split. It's CTX, but with heavy weights. Given how much use I got out of CTX, I know I'll get great use out of this series. The KPC/LG dvd doesn't have a 100 min premix, so are you saying you did both workouts, in their entirety?! Woah!!

NicoleX - thank you for the compliment on the b-day cake. It tasted pretty good, too! I'm glad you got to laugh a lot at the bridal shower. Sometimes I think the reason I get into funks is because I haven't had a good laugh in a while. About your rotation: is it one you devised yourself, or one from Cathe (or elsewhere?). I remember you posting a rotation last week or so, but didn't have time to thoroughly read it. Going to the beach is a definite priority over virtual messaging, so have a great time!!! Don't get any sand in your underwear.

Speaking of having a good laugh....

TraciX - Your website gave me the best belly laugh of the weekend. OMGoodness, it cracked me up when I went to the section where you list you educational-fitness credentials, and there was CPR training listed 3 times, between all the stuff that will give people heart attacks to begin with. It struck me as so funny: "I know how to teach aerobics, then can resuscitate you when you fall down." You're hired!! BTW, the website looks fantastic. I can't wait for pictures. Are the quotes on the side your own? If so, I have another for you that you should use: "the last 2 miles was what the entire 6 month training was about". On to today's post. How come you skipped the P90X back work y-day? Because you were planning on doing Back & Biceps today? I'm so relieved H-Dean has veered away from Ya'll (that's my personal name for Texas :) ). Will you still get a doozy of a rain storm? So, how much cardio are you doing every week, and is it all HIIT? The yoga is going great. I grow to love it more all the time. The only difference I see is in my hip flexibility. But it feels wonderful, and I feel wonderful, so I will continue to do it. Eion says that opening the hips makes you feel younger, and I don't know why, but I completely agree with him. About the mole situation: were they actually diagnosed with nevus dysplasia? I'd never heard of it until my dermatologist said it. Apparently it's a "rare disorder." Did you know that sunscreens do not protect moles? Moles still need to be kept covered. Switching topics again: I was thinking that it felt like overtraining, but given that I feel like I'm not working out as hard as when I was doing Cathe's rotation, it seems strange. I don't know where the fatigue is coming from. Perhaps I need to eat more salt. I get lightheaded and breathless from low blood pressure, and it seems to be worse these days. Perhaps the heavy weight training is contributing to that. The show you wrote about sounds intriguing. More so because I've never even heard of it, and it does not appear to run in repeats.

Carol - Have fun with IMAX3 today, and be glad you aren't doing HSChallenge or KickMax, where she does those zig-zag jumps. Those toast the calves. How did the first day of homeschooling go? Awww, DD lost her first tooth! Sweet. My DD (just turned 7) keeps a tight grip on all her lost teeth. She writes notes to the Toothfairy, requesting that she get to keep the tooth. Then she tapes the tooth to the paper. I have 8 notes with teeth attached to them, to be put into a memory box. I really wish she'd accidentally swallow the next tooth.

LaurieXX - I'm glad you finally got the rest you need to recover from that cold. You mean there are real live ELEPHANTS in your faire?! Who takes care of those after hours? Please don't tell me you have an elephant pen in your back yard? Was Ratatouille worth the theatre price? Or should we wait for dvd?

Anointed - Good on you for looking after yourself, instead of working the polls. You already sound overloaded with all you do. So, how far of a drive is it for you to go to Virginia? You and Whoopie Goldberg...driving across the country. Wouldn't that be a hoot?

This concludes this epic tale. Have a great day!
Oh yes. Someone asked me about how to put colour in the posts. It's all well explained in an OD post called "Jazz up your posts". It's probably on the 2nd page by now.

Happy Monday!

Just got up from my 'nap'...I was told last night that I would be able to leave work early, but it never happend! Oh well...

Debra- HUGS!!! I am so sorry that it has come to this, but I know that you have struggled with this for a while. More Hugs!!!

Wendy- I'm very sorry, I just can't keep up with you!:)

Tracy- I am so sorry to hear about FIL! I know that your SIL is probably feeling very guilty now, and this doesn't help with your DH's mind-set either! Hugs!!!

Sandra- I always enjoy hearing about your cakes...my mother baked and decorated tons of cakes growing up, so I was able to pick up decorating by osmosis. I don't do much of it anymore, but I still enjoy it! Oh, LOL!!!, I baked a 3-D teddy bear cake for my best friend's baby shower once and had the tips on the window sill drying after I washed them....DH asked me when I was going to put my "nozzles" away! I don't think that my mom and I have laughed so hard! Hugs!

Traci- I am so very thankful that you are not going to become a Dean customer! You DON'T need service like that!!!!! I am also glad that your step project at the Bay House is working for Sandy....I know that was killing you that she had such a rough time with them! I love your site and can't wait to hear about your clients! Hugs!!! I hope that yoga was the ticket for you. I had a lower body workout yesterday as well and am feeling it in my hammies a little bit, but mostly in my forearms from the SLDL of #80!!! DH ended up having to help me out because I can only get #80 BB over my head, so he had to add another #30 when I was "in place" for my squats!

Cheryl- I can't wait for the new series! I hope all is going well with your eye-balls!!! I just remember how much I loved the 20/20 after mine!!! ESPECIALLY since my contact prescription was -8.75!!! DH got so frustrated with me always talking about getting the surgery done, he finally said, "Listen, I'm tired of hearing about it, just go a DO it!!!"

SwiftAmy, Nicole, Jeanette, et. al!!! Lots of hugs to you! I hope that your weekend was good!

Oh, Traci- thanks for that interview with Chris Ballentyne! I enjoyed it!

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