Good morning,
4DS Kickbox is done, legs and core included. I enjoyed that.
I just sneezed twice. How come sneezes never come in singles?
Tracy - Have you ever done Christi Taylor's hi/lo? It's completely different from Cathe's. The choreography is much more complex, she moves fast, and while there's impact, it isn't the get-me-a-bladder-pad kind. Shiva's new dvd comes out this month, doesn't it?
Debra - Oh (((((((hugs))))))) I'm sorry you're having a tough time right now. Yes, I think I understand what you're saying about being angry about his new girlfriend. Do you think maybe he's hoping to make you jealous and want to reconcile? Do you think he knows about Boy Toy? Yes, DD's friend is a boy. They've known each other since they were infants, and are so sweet together. He was her first sleepover

He also is happy to play with her Polly Pockets, and likes to hold her hand. He's a charmer, all right. Oh I forgot to mention yesterday that on the days I drive DD up the street to the bus stop, I usually do so in my pjs. It's not usually an issue, until the day the bus didn't come and I had to get out of the car and have a discussion with the other parents about how we were going to get the kids to school. I didn't see any other parent with big white snowflakes all over their navy blue flannel pants, peaking out underneath their coats. Good idea to avoid the bureaucracy today. Your 2nd PY4H disc broke?? Oh my, tell Eoin and I'm sure he'll send you another one. Tell him you aren't feeling the love and able to spread the joy. I'm overlooking your statement that Traci and Wendy are the smartest of all ladies. Ho Hum. Not like this is a list full of ladies or something. But it's okay. Really.
Traci - You're feeling the love in every muscle are you? Nice! I was feeling my calves from the LIS calf segment for an entire week. Ooooh, curling up and having a coffee? I can do that. Be right back.....You didn't understand my post yesterday? Oh dear. Maybe I'm just in my mania phase. It made perfect sense to me. I hope you understood my workout yesterday - the cardio was only 43 mins. By "full routine", I meant that 6min bonus cardio she put on for the premixes. I didn't do the whole 30+ min step routine 2x! That would be stoooooopid. Yes, I certainly do get doms. Actually, it's more like domStiffness. I get some soreness in places, but usually just feel stiff. This morning it was my lower back and hips. Ooh, good news, though, when I flexed in front of my mirror this morning, I could definitely see some good results of the heavier lifting I've been doing. Things are bulging and popping in all the right places. Are you doing Round 2 as written, or subbing? Maybe your friend can make use of the new P90X+ workouts to help truncate the workouts? I absolutely, completely would dread and resent buying gifts for 16 children, too, especially since you don't have children of your own who are recipients of this madness. I'd make them each a small treat bag, with a personalized cookie inside each one, and say Happy Holidays! Cathe's mentioned a few times that her cardio for a week is a few sessions of 30-40 mins. I've wondered, too, why she puts out these long cardios (HCExtreme, Terminator, Cardio Fusion), if she doesn't have a place for them in her rotations. Then I figure that Cathe is not trying to lose weight, and I do firmly believe that long cardio is necessary, sporadically, to help people drop pounds. Mind you, by "long", I mean 70 mins at most. That's my 2....Hey! When did they remove the "cent" key from the keyboard?!
Wendy - Your conversations with your husband are so engrossing that you passed up your workout? I'm jealous. The Parents flew to Thailand yesterday and now I'm all worried about them. Why haven't they CALLED, for heaven's sake, to let me know they got there okay? What if they didn't actually get there okay?! Oh lordy....Oh, but you have bigger things to worry about. I too would be absolutely dreading the day when my child's teeth need to be pulled. Poor sweetie. ROFL over your conversation with DD. I hope her spelling test goes well today. I can imagine you don't believe in grades at this age, that's why I did it! (nah nah). I also completely understand your assessment process. I personally don't believe there are "smart" or "stupid" people, and grading doesn't do anything except indicate the statistical validity and reliability of test questions.
Jeanette - Let me be an enabler: buy the fluid trainer. Don't be too impressed with the bread. I've been making it once a week since last May, so it's become part of the routine now. I like it so much more than store bought, that I refuse to eat store bought any more. Be sure to let me know when you make the bread. It sounds like a wonderful day you have planned. I can smell it already. I'm with you on the trip to Italy. Except that while you ride, I'll be sitting in a restaurant indulging in the good food. Oh, so FF is still around, then. I haven't seen her post a new rotation lately, so I guess that's why I was thinking she'd left. DH was looking at the '08 Tour route, and apparently they've made big changes this year. There will be no prologue, and I can't remember what else. Yup, we'll have snow from now until the start of April, most likely. I agree with you: after a week or so it just looks dirty and sad. Once they start dropping sand on the roads to provide traction, it all just gets mucked up together. Oh well, it is what it is.
Laurie - Welcome to snowy-ville. What's the difference between kickball and soccer? What cardio did you do with CC#2(r)? LMAO: car maintenance manuals are what made him want to read?! Oh, that's funny. Your girls are so physically active, though, and I really envy that. Yes, Jeanette's having fun teasing us with the prison priest, isn't she? I love this forum. Oh, it was the SJP all-cardio premix, was it? That's a good one. And I agree: that's all the hi/lo one should have to do.
Lea - Welcome to the land of Eoin Enthusiasts. Did you cast your Ghandi lazer, lift the corners of your mouth upwards into a "smile", and make it sweet? If you want more of that Eoin porn, just watch the credits roll. You can tell that the twangy music is about to start, and down-dog is going to take on a whole new meaning.
Nicole - Where did Meez's chair go? I saw it briefly yesterday, but now she's standing. I love the room, btw. That's how I want my living room to look. All warm and cozy. Ah, don't feel lazy. I have no doubt if you listed all you do in a day, you'd put me to shame. Unlike you, I have no compulsion to make my husband think I've been productive all day. I make bread because I enjoy it. I do laundry because it's easy. I whine and b*&tch my way through the real work: cleaning bathrooms, washing walls, etc. And I make sure DH is around to hear me. I taped Oprah last night, and will watch some time today.
Hello to everyone who hasn't posted yet. Have a GREAT day, and make it sweet!