Xer .....Traquil Tuesday.................


Hi all,

Just starting us off. Happy Tuesday. I'm going to check the thread from yesterday as I never made it back.

Spelling is not one of my strengths!

I did Slo-Mo back, chest, and core and of course, yoga. It was a nice change from what I have been doing. I was going to add on shoulders, but when I went to press the 40lbs, my arms felt tired, so I left that for Wed. or Thur. The core work was very innovative and I enjoyed the change. I did 45 minutes from Fluid Power that has a lot of core in it, so that was a nice complement to the core work.

Today the rain is preventing me from running, so I'll do legs and maybe a short cardio plus some yoga.

Traci - Yes I think it is too much cardio. That's why I've lost some strength in my legs. The running is chewing up the muscle. I don't think that I have been able to stay injury free for so long while running. I'm going to cut it back.

Lea - Do you have Fluid Power? I just absolutely love that dvd. SC has a new dvd coming out. I can't remember the name, it is 90 minutes, although now that I think about it, I may have ordered the one Amazon has had. I have to go look at my order. I had both on there, then took one off.

Wendy - You have been quiet. Are the hormones under control?

Debra - Isn't electonic communication nice? DH can have a chance to cool off, although he would have to be stupid not to think that you are not proceeding with the divorce, or does he think there is still hope?

Jeanette - I hope you enjoyed your time off.

Sandra - Glad you found a workout you liked yesterday. The hi/lo dome workout was just a nice hour of fresh, fun choreography and the time flew by. The production isn't as good as Cathe's, but I can overlook that. I guess I just need a change. I will refrain from commenting about the new series.

TG, Carol, and Swifty, I'll catch you guys later, I'm out of time.

Good morning everyone! Feeling a bit out of sorts today...just cranky...I am definitely not feeling the love to do 4DSBC today...I will probably do some Eoin...and maybe the weight work from BC if my mood improves. I am still trying to get my office straight, so maybe I will work on that today. I am definitely not tackling the Social Security office...I may pull a Wendy and lose my mind on some unsuspecting federal worker!

Tracy....Thanks for starting us off today. We are having some rain today too...which is a good thing since we have had a severe drought for a long time. I am going to break out my new SloMo after another week of Cathe. I don't know what XDH is thinking...I think the separation agreement makes it seem really final for him. He is over in Russia ignoring the situation while I am here dealing with all of our friends and family and the attorney's and DD. He has no responsibility when it comes to working out the details or even dealing with the day to day stuff. Can you tell I'm a bit bitter?? LOL!

Gotta get the diva to school....back in a bit....


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Happy Tuesday!

Good Lordy EVERY part of my body feels like I lifted heavy yesterday! Not sure what its is but I sure FEEL like my body is workin’ hard!!

Tuesday Workout
Slo Mo Legs & Core – I’m sure I’ll being going fairly light with the weights as my legs are sore in every nook & cranny! It must be from adding in all the 30 minute cardio that all hit the legs hard. Cathe’s a sneaky trainer!

Miscellaneous Jibber-Jabber
I’m too sore to jabber let alone jibber!

:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 My oh my we have all sorts of things going on in our world! This shall be a very long personals section so grab coffee, tea, soda and curl up. :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7

You are inspiring me with your Slo Mo mini reviews! I so want some diversity that actually works! I’m excited for legs /core today. We are suppose to have a tad bit of rain with a cold front (will last 48 hrs then back to high 80’s) – We really need the rain tho. Hope you find an indoor cardio highly motivating!

Jeanette :* X
Does HEAVEN seem to sum up your afternoon yesterday? I love taking full advantage of the shorter days and cooler temps – It makes me feel like I am fully embracing life. – My client schedule is pretty consistent…3 nights a week – 2 days – I’m pleased with that for this time of year. ~ Oh let us know how you enjoy & what results you get from the rotation! I have always said I was going to do FF’s but always get sidetracked. If anything can accomplish a given goal its one of hers! ~ If it were up to me we’d do Pick a Name at Xmas too but I’m the in-law so I keep my mouth shut…My family hasn’t exchanged gifts in years & years so I tend to get REALLY cranky buying toys for 16 children that we see once a year! I would much rather give the money to charity or something…not my call tho. (My blood pressure just went sky high just typing about it!- I think I need counseling on this one!)

My dear dear friend…. What turmoil eh? Here’s my .02 on making sense of it. Men feed their egos & sex is a HUGE part of that. My DH has tried over the year’s to really help me understand the male inclination to solve all inner pain with sex… He said it’s the one way men believe they are loved- they equate sex & love & security… that’s why so many men go to prostitutes… to them THAT IS LOVE and they REALLY believe all those topless dancers & hookers actually give a rip. I think it’s perfectly normal that in XDH’s pain he turned to other women. Don’t think about it so much – we women tend to visualize in our thoughts and that can be deadly. Tell yourself that the more he “dates” the more pain he was in- continue to wish him happiness and pray that one day he will realize that having doting women isn’t all its cracked up to be. THAT’S MY OPINION ONLY so take it for what its worth! ~~~~~~~ On a brighter note- can you have given birth to anyone cuter than DD????? The new pics are just priceless!

Nicole :* X
The new meez is just so YOU! I say send a copy of it to DH and he’ll get his deer killin’ booty home quick-time! LOL Hope all sugar is out of everyone’s body today and ya’ll feel better!

LEA :* X
WooHoo on loving Eoin! Isn’t he just a “nasty boy”??? Why do you think we all drool? ENJOY!!!!
On BM2- here’s my take…. Unless one is wanting to prove a point- I am very unclear the actual physical (inner & outer) benefits to doing those types of workouts. Truth be told I know lots of people (my past self included) that use to do 2 hours PLUS hard cardio 5-6 days a week and they are (I was) the highest body fat % ever! I believe and my PT studies support that it is far better for every aspect of your body to be totally focused on an objective and complete it within an hour – this way you are able to be at 100% the entire workout. I think perhaps your body feeling so horrid during/after BM2 is simply because you were abusing it- not because you lack fitness. Yet another soapbox rant from me- but honestly- I get tired of people touting how awesome they are because they can do that stuff in their sleep every day of their life- there is no evidence AT ALL that supports those marathon sessions are actually good for you. Cathe may film those but how many of those types of workouts do you really think she does herself in any given month.( I'd put money on none) To my knowledge the classes she teaches (3 a week) are just about 60min) – She markets them because that’s what people want in advanced levels…to me tho- “ADVANCED” is about overall fitness not just being able to cardio hard for 1.5 hrs and then do a strength workout. *off box*

What in heavens name got into our Lil Sandra yesterday??? I didn’t even understand most of the later post! You were bored- drugged or had been hit in the head with that blow dryer!!!! LOLOL
Looking at your workout you were INSANE with energy…do your muscles ever get DOMS anymore or are you well past those days – Ms Fit Chick? ~ ROF about the DH Reward!!!! That sounds exactly like you! ~ My friend & I will be doing X in our respective homes…Me in AM & she at night. – Just like her to make me go first so she can bail! LOL – I actually am working on how she can get the most out of the weight segments in 2 days vs. 3 as her schedule is prohibitive. For a 6 day workout plan. Creative juices flowing!

TeddyGirl :*
I know you’re working at polls today and wont be around but gotta say WOW on your vision for shelter. It takes a special kind of person to even consider that- Thank God our world has people like you & your sis.

Busy night on the “mothering” front! I’m sure after LL tho you needed a mini w/o break. Hope life settles down just a tad for you! ~ LOL on Cathe needing to catch up with me! YEP – That’s how I tend to look at life…”I’m OK – What’s wrong with the rest of you?!” ROF!!

Wendy :* X
On TTOM- We are ONLY at day 16! I have felt like I’m ready to start all weekend tho--- This is gonna be a LOOOONG 10 days at this rate! I hope I just start early & be done with it! LOL
On the X! Well that’s GREAT news about you starting too! I’m not sure what I’ll do if/when my girlfriend actually caves & quits…I think it depends on my eating. If I am eating well then I’ll stick to it but really no point if my eating is off target ya know? Food is 90% of it for my body so it really doesn’t much matter which instructor I’m using…~ just got Xmas shopping started and then got bored… got 3 of 16 done tho! LOL – Here’s where my head was at yesterday- “The toy dept is just a big place that is noisy and filled with over priced stuff that adults seem to feel the need to buy to try and be a good parent after working for 18 hours a day and ignoring their children!....” OBVIOUSLY I was in a mood and had no business Christmas shopping for heavens sake! What would Mr Kringle have said??? Even I was appalled with my own thoughts! LOLOL

Carol :*
Nice to see the fly by!

MIA Xers :*
Miss you and hope all is well!

:7 :7
Just re-read my entire post and all I can say is I am sorry if I offended anyone! I am obviously experiencing very early & very nasty hormones & I think I jumped on 4 soap boxes that probably went to far...No wonder Wendell asked me last night why on earth I was so argumentative- I looked at him like he had fruit loops for brains! I luv ya all & just know I surely didnt intend to step on toes... XOOXOXO
Good Morning Ladies,

KB/Legs never got done last night. Phil got home before I got on my workout clothes. We ended up chatting about the day's events. I told him I was glad he got some double time cause I need $$$. Hmmm... Sounds like I did marry for money!}( I was so tired last night. I went straight to sleep. Maybe, I'll get my workout done before Bible Club. Oh! Who am I kidding. It'll be a late night workout tonight.

Off I go to open another window for personals.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
It's a new day full of hope. Hope that dd#2 will spell like Merriam Webster!;-)

Traci: What? I didn't notice any toe squashing! Then again, I never notice toe squashing in the midst of my hormone rage. LOL Like Wendell, Phil always does. We must not be in sync anymore. Phil says that I'm late. If I am, it could be that my lowered immunity delayed my ovulation. Whatever. As long as I'm not PMSing while stuck on the plane with the CA for 20-some hours, I'll be fine! Or should I say, everyone on the plane will be fine?}( About buying presents for 16 kids.... Well, This is WWWD. Put the ball in dh's court. They're his blood relatives. If that means they only get a card with a little cash, so be it. We don't do presents for family outside the immediate family. Heck! I stopped doing cards years ago (around the time the twins were born). I just don't have the energy. Half the time, I don't even bother putting up a tree!!!! And, I'm Christian!!!!:p :7 I don't even cook the entire meal. I only make appetizers and dessert. Everyone else has their assigned duties. Now that the kids are older, theirs is dishes. :) I guess that's why it's not a HUGE deal that I'll be away for the holidays. Our Christmas highlight is watching old family movies, especially of me being hormonal. Everyone ends up laughing with tears in their eyes! Meanwhile, Phil is in another room putting together toys. He says, "I lived it. I don't need to watch it again!!!":7 :7 Then all my dc, sister's dc (100 in all ;-)) and our husbands go outside and play. If it's unseasonably dry, they'll play kickball, football, or baseball. If it's snowy, they'll sled ride or we'll go to the movies after dinner. It's really laid back and lovely. Wow! I got off on a tangent! Well, don't worry. I'm sure if you were my Auntie, I would beg my mom to see you more.:)

Tracy: Glad you are enjoying Slo-Mo. Too bad it's raining. It's raining here too. What did you end up picking for legs and cardio? Me quiet? Hormones controlled? Well, that depends on who you ask. If you ask me, I'd say this is a good end of the cycle. If you ask Phil, he'd say, "She's late!" I can tell because she won't let anything go when she's hormonal!"

Debra: What Traci said! Really, I'd be pissed too!!! I wouldn't have been able to trust Phil with those women in Russia. I've seen too many mail-order brides on tv from there. Heck! I wouldn't trust him in Thailand either!!!! Not that he isn't trustworthy. Ewww, not to say I've never caught him in a lie either!!! It's just that there are some women who will do whatever they can to get to the states. I've always believed you don't want a man easily seduced while married. If it was easy enough for you do, who says that it won't be easy for some other woman to do later on down the road. But, look at the bright side. Your suspicions were confirmed. I mean who tells his wife that he's surrounded by models throwing themselves at him!?!?!?! Apparently, he was more concerned with his ego than making you feel at ease with his absence and fidelity!!! At least you know, and can move on secure in the knowledge you made the right choice. One day, you'll be able to forgive him. It'll make life easier since you both share a child. Speaking of which, how spooky was she! Great face painting!!! And your dog! ROFL!!! Very photogenic!!!! I'll keep double arm drills in mind later tonight. Doesn't mean that'll happen. LOL As for dd, I don't know when that will happen. The doctor doesn't either. It depends on her growth spurts, etc. He just warned me to be prepared. I took the news well. I didn't break down and cry or do anything hormonal.

Jeanette: Oooooo Thanks for sharing your shopping spree! Your day sounded perfect, except for the grocery shopping. LOL Did the priest ever find his balls?:+

Nicole: You are too good! I love the way you look at life. Yes, our mates do compliment us. Except during my pregnancies, I felt very fat next to my non-sugar indulgent dh!!!! But, he's gotten better. He'll eat ice cream and drink nasty soda while I opt for water. Oh, you poor thing. You have those kinds of conversations too? Maybe that's why we love yoga so much! LOL

Lea: I'm so happy for you! Isn't Eoin wonderful! I love his voice. It's soooo soothing! If I have a hard time falling asleep, I turn him on and fall asleep in no time flat!!! You are going to LOVE Magical Hips!!! Glad to know I'm not the only one who thought Ms. Nicole's Meez was trying to put the moves on anyone passing by grandpa's chair!:7

Well Ladies,
It's time to start my day.
See you later.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!
DEBRA: Please ADD On a ditto for me to Wendys ancient wisdom on XDH ... Arent we just the smartest of all ladies???? Wait- maybe we are just the most hormonal... Why is it I despise the male species and all they do, stand for and smell like when I'm hormonal....
I'm back again! I cleaned out a couple of drawers of XDH's stuff and put it in a box in the attic...so feeling a little better after that! I am planning on doing some meditation with Eoin and then onto his workout...I wish my part 2 of PY4H didn't break...I would like a little more time with him today, but I guess that just gives me a good excuse to shop!


....Jeanette...Sounds like you had a wonderful afternoon yesterday. So nice to be able to take a few hours off work to enjoy yourself. LOL about raking the leaves over the fence so they will just blow away...That sounds like something I would do! Back to that inherent laziness thing. No patience for Soc Sec today...that will have to wait. Have a good day at work...are you still able to get rides in the evening? When do your garage boy sessions start?

.....Wendy.....Glad that you got some hubby time last night. I can't believe you went right to sleep and didn't stay up all night. Maybe you will be on the right time when you are in Thailand! I guess you will be posting at all kinds of odd hours while you are on vacation. Thank you for your understanding on my XDH rant. It does make me feel more secure in my decision. It just seems like all he said over the past couple of months was bulls**t...which I think is where my anger is coming from. At this point I am just hoping he doesn't squander too much of our money on his new 'ho. Congratulations on not breaking down in tears in the dentists office. Hopefully things won't be as bad as predicted. You'll see once you get into KB that an extra round of arms is fun! And this comes from an inherently lazy person. As far as spelling is concerned...that is why every computer has a spell check function!

.....Lea...Gotta love Eoin! Isn't he the man??

....Nicole...Your meez is cracking me up!

....Traci...Sweet, sweet woman....Thank you for all your kind words...I know that you are right. XDH and I always had problems because I did not desire to have "relations" as frequently as he did...It was always a bone of contention in our relationship. Thanks for helping me put this all into perspective. I think I am going to pout today and then put it behind me. Thanks for the compliments on DD...She is a funny thing! Sounds like you are enjoying your workouts right now. Let us know how SloMo goes...One more week of Cathe's rotation (loosely, of course!) and I will add in the SloMo. Luckily, I only have to get Xmas presents for DD and a few close friends...and my mom of course. I gather stuff throughout the year for all of those occasions (bdays, etc). I have a stack for each of my friends that I use whenever I need a little gift. Some of my stacks got misplaced during the move though...Really need to make an effort to find them since BFF's bday is coming up soon. And just for the record...I don't think there is any way you could have offended anyone during your epic post. And I only counted 3 soap boxes! And yes, you and Wendy ARE the smartest of all ladies!!!

Okay...enough for now...I am going to pout for a while and then I will have some fun with Eoin. And that might just be all I do today!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Good morning,
Today was The Gauntlet or most of it. Fun to do parts of Imax2 again. I hit most of the body parts. Short golf class after work tonite.

Tracy, great workout for you yesterday. I'll have to check out the hi-lo dome workout. Can you use a step for that instead of a dome? I have problems lifting the barbell off of my shoulders now with my bum elbow. I have to go easy on that.

Debra, sorry you are feeling cranky. I say that you've received good insights from Traci and Wendy. Men, they really are the weaker sex. I say don't do the BC workout if you don't feel like it. We have way too many other ones to use. Don't think the after work bike rides on the road can happen anymore due to limited daylight. Also, it'll be getting colder in the evenings. Right now we are enjoying 60 plus degree days. The garage boys want me to ride with them, but I have to get a new trainer as they can't even hear the TV over my noisy old wind trainer. I'll have to think whether I want to invest in a fluid trainer for the sake of riding in the garage with them.

Traci, I think you are right on with your summation of the male creature. Thanks for verbalizing for Debra. You do it so well! Sounds like your client load is just right. Let us know how the Slo Mo goes. I think you are absolutely right about the marathon cardio sessions. I sometimes think about all they accomplish would be to enable a person to have lots of endurance to run a long race. Pretty soon it gets to be where you have to work longer and longer to get the same calorie burn. I'm too lazy, yep, it's true. I can hardly go over 60 minutes for a workout, unless of course it's a day off from work.

Wendy, the priest finally DID find his balls :+. He tends to look around and look around a lot for them, when I would have given up and thrown another ball down so as not to slow up the play so much. I thought I hit my orange ball in the water, but the group that came afterwards found it on the edge and returned it to me.

Swifty, hope everyone is fine in your family. Hope the bad foot incident is behind everyone now.

Hi to Anointed, Sandra, Nicole, Amy, Carol, Lea.

Back to just give all a BIG {{{{{huggers}}}} - Thanks for not making feel like a lunatic today! I am procrastinating on my w/o but I promise it shall get done today.

Wendy X: :+ thats how your posts make me feel... You just hit my funny bone! I shall print your advice on the Xmas tradition and leave for DH... Maybe if I mail anonymously to his work he wont know...better yet- YOU mail from Asia!!!! YEP that will freak him out!:7 Your tradition on the other hand sounds so cool. I think the main difference is that Wendell & I arent close with our families so most of what occurs is out of obligation vs love.... I can tell ya that is no way to live. It feels foreign to me to do things this way...

Debra X :eek: I looked up but all I say was ceiling!:p i think you have found the PERFECT way to handle...dump XDH things...cry/rant for 24-48 hours...get up and see bright wonderful future ahead! Next year this time we'll all be saying...REMEMBER WHEN.... You'll be amazed! Your life is so good and getting better- adventures ahead for you, DD & Polly + all critters! xxooxoxoxo ~

Jeanette X !:+ ! Found his balls!:+ ! On cardio- I know runners that complete marathons (literally) in 2.5 hours but none of them are dumb enough to do it every day! LOL- See you arent lazy at all just smart. fit & wonderful! ~ Lets talk Garage Boys...Isnt that something you really look forward to each year? You seemed to really love it last winter...If you do I say have Santa bring you a noiseless thingie that you need! I hear that YOUR Santa happens to be so in love that he'll do ANYTHING his good girl wants! ;-) Please let me know how else I can help you spend that wonderful new raise each month!

OK gals- time to do a little work... not w/o but actual work work! Have a great day
Morning Xers,

Rotation: LGI8 Week7 / Day 6
Workout: CTX Back, Biceps, Shoulders / Cardio Coach #2 Revised

We had snow last night, but it didn't stick around to long because the ground is still warm enough for it to melt. This morning was a bit chilly for my morning walk with the dog. Cami seems to love this cold weather, and gets impatient when I have to bundle myself up for our walk. :D And of all things I saw last night I think the people playing kickball in the park was the best. Ok it was cold, but kickball!!!!! While it’s snowing!!!!

Tracy, I had been hesitant to get the Slo-Mo, and now I’m rethinking my decision. It might be a good workout to incorporate to change things up. From what I have been reading she has different moves than what you normally find in a strength workout.

Debra, Oh go ahead and be cranky today, you have a right to do so. I have to say that what Traci wrote about men I think is very true. And of course Wendy is very wise also. Those women are only wanting to get the he$$ out of Russia. Loved the pics of your DD in her costume. She made great facial expressions. You have an actress in the making there.

Traci, I don’t think that you where ranting at all. I have to agree with what you consider rants (which really are not). Especially the one about how advanced people are in their fitness when they can do cardio upon cardio. I have been reducing my cardio to only 30-60 min. per session. It has been working for me. I have to say buying presents for that many children would be what I would have to do if we didn’t start picking names. I have 15 nieces and nephews. Out of all those I only have to buy for 2 of them. This enables me to get them something a little nicer, because I can spend a bit more on them. Don’t be tempting me with another X round!!! I’m not listening…….

Jeanette, Ok I had to LOL about the threesome and then you tack on the prison priest. You did that one on purpose, because you knew someone would catch it. Or is my mind always in the gutter!! Oh wait I see I’m not the only one with a dirty mind today. But everyone else found the priest looking for his balls funnier!

Nicole, Leaner Legs is a great workout because all of it is standing (the only form of leg work I like). This workout is attached to the CTX series. She does the leg work in rounds, you end each round with deadlifts and calf raises. It also has a great set of sit-n-stands, these always make my legs cook. Oh 70 degrees would feel like I was next to a furnace. We are not suppose to top the low 40’s today. Will get down into the 20’s tonight. Have I made you want to come stay in WI?

Lea, I’m going to get that DVD!!! You all are having such a great time with Eion, I want to join the party too. I’m all for nectar!!

Wendy, Oh yes Dreya’s cellulite. That is in CS. Ok so she isn’t perfect. Our black walnut is a HUGE tree also. And I love it (but hate picking up the walnuts). The squirrels have been busy this fall gathering up all the walnuts. Our front lawn has walnut husks all over the place. I commented to DH that by the mess they are making one would think that we are going to have a lot of snow.

Sandra, Your post from yesterday made me LOL this morning. You have such a good way with words. The SJP #3 premix is all the step and the Hi/Lo from SJP. It is about a 45 min workout. The amount of Hi/Lo in this one is about all I can stand. I think I envy you having a DD that likes to read. My oldest just started to like reading, and my youngest still hasn’t found what she likes to read. I must say that I was a late bloomer as far as reading goes also. I didn’t like to read until I was a Freshman in HS. Now I love to read. I think everyone has to find something that catches them and makes them want to read. For my oldest brother is was car maintenance manuals.

TG, Hope your day at the polls goes by quickly.

Have a great day!

Ok, I couldn't help myself. I just HAD to do Eion today. And boy are my hips magical this morning. After getting that ice cream licked off.....yum. Thank you Traci for the recommendation.

I will do Shiva either tomorrow or Thursday. I might do arms and abs tomorrow. Maybe UBP. We will see. BBL for personals. Traci big (((Huggers)) for you this morning.

Off to take the boys to school but I wanted to say HI first!!

{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Debra:* I totally agree with both Traci and Wendy on this. I know you feel better in the end but for now we are all here to support you and listen.



Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

Hi. I am home with the boys today. Oldest DS is having problems with a runney nose and a cough, so he is staying home. Fun.....

Tracy! - You're pressing 40lbs. now? Very impressive. Yes, I do have Fluid Power. I can't wait to do that now that I know about the core. YAY!! I had no idea that Seane was coming out with a new dvd. I am going to have to check that one out.

Debra - (((HUGS))). You have every right to be upset and bitter. Listen to the wise women on this board. Do some Eion today. That man will definately make you smile. Good luck on the office today.

Traci - ((HUGS)) to you too. You are definately right. 90 minutes is waaaaay to long. I don't know what I was thinking. I will just listen to my body from now on and not my brain that has been on vacation for a long time now. I hope that you feel better soon. So you starting another round of X soon? Good luck to ya!

Wendy - You are right! I love Magic Hips. I had no idea that I had muscles in those places. Your Christmas's sound wonderful. Can I pretend to be an extra kid at your house:+? BTW, yes, still eating that darn raw food. When I go off the raw food and start eating normally, I feel awful. So it looks like raw food for life for me(with an occasional helping of the cooked food).

Jeanette - LOL on the priest and his balls. Have fun golfing today.

Laurie - Get Eion. It's great!! And the nectar...yummy. Have fun when you get it. I can't believe it is snowing where you live. Ahhh...sounds nice.

Nicole - Have fun dropping off the boys.

Hi to everyone I missed.

Good morning,

4DS Kickbox is done, legs and core included. I enjoyed that.

I just sneezed twice. How come sneezes never come in singles?

Tracy - Have you ever done Christi Taylor's hi/lo? It's completely different from Cathe's. The choreography is much more complex, she moves fast, and while there's impact, it isn't the get-me-a-bladder-pad kind. Shiva's new dvd comes out this month, doesn't it?

Debra - Oh (((((((hugs))))))) I'm sorry you're having a tough time right now. Yes, I think I understand what you're saying about being angry about his new girlfriend. Do you think maybe he's hoping to make you jealous and want to reconcile? Do you think he knows about Boy Toy? Yes, DD's friend is a boy. They've known each other since they were infants, and are so sweet together. He was her first sleepover ;) He also is happy to play with her Polly Pockets, and likes to hold her hand. He's a charmer, all right. Oh I forgot to mention yesterday that on the days I drive DD up the street to the bus stop, I usually do so in my pjs. It's not usually an issue, until the day the bus didn't come and I had to get out of the car and have a discussion with the other parents about how we were going to get the kids to school. I didn't see any other parent with big white snowflakes all over their navy blue flannel pants, peaking out underneath their coats. Good idea to avoid the bureaucracy today. Your 2nd PY4H disc broke?? Oh my, tell Eoin and I'm sure he'll send you another one. Tell him you aren't feeling the love and able to spread the joy. I'm overlooking your statement that Traci and Wendy are the smartest of all ladies. Ho Hum. Not like this is a list full of ladies or something. But it's okay. Really.

Traci - You're feeling the love in every muscle are you? Nice! I was feeling my calves from the LIS calf segment for an entire week. Ooooh, curling up and having a coffee? I can do that. Be right back.....You didn't understand my post yesterday? Oh dear. Maybe I'm just in my mania phase. It made perfect sense to me. I hope you understood my workout yesterday - the cardio was only 43 mins. By "full routine", I meant that 6min bonus cardio she put on for the premixes. I didn't do the whole 30+ min step routine 2x! That would be stoooooopid. Yes, I certainly do get doms. Actually, it's more like domStiffness. I get some soreness in places, but usually just feel stiff. This morning it was my lower back and hips. Ooh, good news, though, when I flexed in front of my mirror this morning, I could definitely see some good results of the heavier lifting I've been doing. Things are bulging and popping in all the right places. Are you doing Round 2 as written, or subbing? Maybe your friend can make use of the new P90X+ workouts to help truncate the workouts? I absolutely, completely would dread and resent buying gifts for 16 children, too, especially since you don't have children of your own who are recipients of this madness. I'd make them each a small treat bag, with a personalized cookie inside each one, and say Happy Holidays! Cathe's mentioned a few times that her cardio for a week is a few sessions of 30-40 mins. I've wondered, too, why she puts out these long cardios (HCExtreme, Terminator, Cardio Fusion), if she doesn't have a place for them in her rotations. Then I figure that Cathe is not trying to lose weight, and I do firmly believe that long cardio is necessary, sporadically, to help people drop pounds. Mind you, by "long", I mean 70 mins at most. That's my 2....Hey! When did they remove the "cent" key from the keyboard?!

Wendy - Your conversations with your husband are so engrossing that you passed up your workout? I'm jealous. The Parents flew to Thailand yesterday and now I'm all worried about them. Why haven't they CALLED, for heaven's sake, to let me know they got there okay? What if they didn't actually get there okay?! Oh lordy....Oh, but you have bigger things to worry about. I too would be absolutely dreading the day when my child's teeth need to be pulled. Poor sweetie. ROFL over your conversation with DD. I hope her spelling test goes well today. I can imagine you don't believe in grades at this age, that's why I did it! (nah nah). I also completely understand your assessment process. I personally don't believe there are "smart" or "stupid" people, and grading doesn't do anything except indicate the statistical validity and reliability of test questions.

Jeanette - Let me be an enabler: buy the fluid trainer. Don't be too impressed with the bread. I've been making it once a week since last May, so it's become part of the routine now. I like it so much more than store bought, that I refuse to eat store bought any more. Be sure to let me know when you make the bread. It sounds like a wonderful day you have planned. I can smell it already. I'm with you on the trip to Italy. Except that while you ride, I'll be sitting in a restaurant indulging in the good food. Oh, so FF is still around, then. I haven't seen her post a new rotation lately, so I guess that's why I was thinking she'd left. DH was looking at the '08 Tour route, and apparently they've made big changes this year. There will be no prologue, and I can't remember what else. Yup, we'll have snow from now until the start of April, most likely. I agree with you: after a week or so it just looks dirty and sad. Once they start dropping sand on the roads to provide traction, it all just gets mucked up together. Oh well, it is what it is.

Laurie - Welcome to snowy-ville. What's the difference between kickball and soccer? What cardio did you do with CC#2(r)? LMAO: car maintenance manuals are what made him want to read?! Oh, that's funny. Your girls are so physically active, though, and I really envy that. Yes, Jeanette's having fun teasing us with the prison priest, isn't she? I love this forum. Oh, it was the SJP all-cardio premix, was it? That's a good one. And I agree: that's all the hi/lo one should have to do.

Lea - Welcome to the land of Eoin Enthusiasts. Did you cast your Ghandi lazer, lift the corners of your mouth upwards into a "smile", and make it sweet? If you want more of that Eoin porn, just watch the credits roll. You can tell that the twangy music is about to start, and down-dog is going to take on a whole new meaning.

Nicole - Where did Meez's chair go? I saw it briefly yesterday, but now she's standing. I love the room, btw. That's how I want my living room to look. All warm and cozy. Ah, don't feel lazy. I have no doubt if you listed all you do in a day, you'd put me to shame. Unlike you, I have no compulsion to make my husband think I've been productive all day. I make bread because I enjoy it. I do laundry because it's easy. I whine and b*&tch my way through the real work: cleaning bathrooms, washing walls, etc. And I make sure DH is around to hear me. I taped Oprah last night, and will watch some time today.

Hello to everyone who hasn't posted yet. Have a GREAT day, and make it sweet!

Sandra - Ooooooohhhh:eek: ...I didn't even watch the credits. I have to check that one out. I had to laugh last night when I heard "Now turn the corners of your mouth up. That's called a smile". Among other things that I heard last night and this morning. Anyway, thank you for the suggestion on the credits. I will be one happy woman today.

Okay...after eating nachos and an hour nap I think I will head up and get a dose of Eoin....

Sandra...I was just repeating what Traci said...I didn't want her to get on a soapbox if I contradicted her! I apologize for leaving the rest of you lovely, bright, smart, intelligent, brilliant, clever, sophisticated, witty, understanding ladies out!

Lea...I ALWAYS smile when Eoin says that!!!

bbl for more in depth personals...


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

My my, everyone is chatty today. I have just a minute because the whole building is eating lunch and I'm avoiding chili, and salad, and whatever.

Traci - I had to laugh at your comment about ranting. I bet if we had copies of our posts over a long period of time that the "tone" of the comments would form some sort of pattern. I know mine would, and I try to monitor my comments, although sometimes I slip. Sometimes most of us have moments of added feisty-ness. Jeanette and Laurie seem to be pretty even tempered. Others of us just fade away or lay low until the moment passes. Please don't anyone be offended, it is just an observation; I firmly believe hormones play nasty tricks on women.

I do agree on mens' attitudes towards sex. DH's is totally different than mine, and surely in line with Wendells on perspective and probably Debra's XDH on frequency. It's made for a lot of unhappy moments for DH. Suits me just fine though.

Lea - You must explore Fluid Power. Once you get the flows down, they are so great and innovative. I'm hoping the new dvd will be just as good.

Sandra - You are chatty today. Glad the muscles are popping (yeap I was able to spell that correctly!)

I guess I'd better get back to work. There is no admin here today, so I have a little freedom on the computer, plus no kids either. The weather has cleared up, so I will probably run and then yoga and then maybe Costco. If not tonight, then tomorrow for sure.


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