It's a GOOD day!

Waves aced her spelling list. Shells is catching on with her math facts. And, eldest dd learned that white panty hose with sneakers never looks good!:7
Debra - Thank the Lord, XDH isn't living in the house. When my gf discovered her now XDH cheating on her, she stopped doing his laundry and picking up after him. She relished in the fact that he suddenly realized that little elves didn't arrive in the middle of the night with clean undies for him anymore.}( Now, if you were like me or the Crazy Asian, those clothes would be on fire right now!!! Don't think WWWD!!!}( You don't need a visit from the local fire marshall. Don't ask me how I would know.

Yep, I totally understand it's not about the sex. It's about the deception of it all. HUGS!!!!
Jeanette - What's the Gauntlet and do I have that? I'll have to go see. I have the IMAX on C&W and the original IMAX. Men being the weaker sex... Is that why you are just surrounded by them ALL the time! LOL Men at the golf course, men at the bike club, men in your garage? Does the Captain know about this?}( How nice of the group to give you your ball back. I remember when I was real young, going to the golf course with a neighbor kid. We looked for lost balls to sell back to the golfers. Ha-Ha.
Traci - Hun, this present shopping for strangers

is really affecting you. HUGS! Okay, think of it this way... Consider giving the spoiled brats-- Um. "little darlings related to the man you love"-- gifts they don't deserve. Since it's Christmas and we're celebrating Christ and all, think of it as symbolic to Christ giving everlasting life to those who didn't deserve it. OMW! I just realized the absurdity of giving a plastic toy is to everlasting life. I just crack myself up!..... Well. If that doesn't suit your sensibilities, I can just email Wendell in a few weeks.:7 :7
Laurie - I forget. Where are you? Snow! I'm hoping I escape before it falls here!!! Debra is telling me Dreya's cellulite is on L&B. I think it is around the 40 minute mark!!! You know, I heard that people will pay us money to cut down HUGE Black Walnut trees. I wonder if that's really true.
Nicole - Hi. Be careful of the birds in the air as you fly by!
Lea - Yep! That's what I thought too after magical hips! Did you notice the RED thong with WHITE Lululemon pants too? Nasty! I think the lady wearing those was Eoin's X-finance. I wonder if it had to do with showing the world her intimate apparel? You can join us for any holiday. I love having tons of people around to put to work!:7 You can be in charge of appetizers (carrots, celery, ???).:+
Sandra - Since you already did my workout for the day, I guess there's no need for me to do it too.

Blue white snowflakes look much more appropriate than hand-me-up dancing ninjas. LOLOLOL I wouldn't say our conversations are engrossing since I'm the one doing all the talking. :7 It's part of the reason why I married Phil, he does a great job pretending to be interested in what I have to say. Is there any way for you to get a hold of them? Are you the only child out of the loop? Could you call your siblings and ask them, "Do you know where your parents are!!!" Yep, you got the gist of what I think about grades. Unfortunately, colleges have a habit of requiring them with entrance applications. So, I'll have to start handing out grades in 9th grade.
Well, it's time for me to get busy. I've only got an hour and half before we leave for Bible Club. Were does my time go? Yes, here! I know!
Hi to Tracy, Amy, Amy-X, TG, Tess and Cheryl. Hope you ladies are having a GOOD day!!!!
Ballistic Hugs to ALL